This is the story of an extraordinary boy born into an ordinary family in an unremarkable English town and how a childhood passion threatened to take over his life, his home and his mind.
Executive Producer
Rappers Krept and Konan explore Englishness as they create a football anthem for the England team ahead of the European Football Championships, seeking advice from England players, manager Gareth Southgate and fellow rap artists.
Rapper Rodney P. presents the story of Britain's second wave of pirate radio DJs. In the 1980s a new generation of pirate radio stations appeared broadcasting from London tower blocks.
A 90-minute documentary with dramatic reconstructions of the police shooting of Mark Duggan in Tottenham in August 2011.
The Antics Roadshow is a celebration of the pranksters, hoaxers, jokers, activists and stunt merchants who use public space for their own unauthorised ends. This film brings together a wide range of individuals with all sorts of motivations, who have all hijacked the public arena to make a noise, be it for comedic, artistic or political ends, and have all done so using a variety of illicit and eccentric methods, which the audience should probably not try at home.
The Antics Roadshow is a celebration of the pranksters, hoaxers, jokers, activists and stunt merchants who use public space for their own unauthorised ends. This film brings together a wide range of individuals with all sorts of motivations, who have all hijacked the public arena to make a noise, be it for comedic, artistic or political ends, and have all done so using a variety of illicit and eccentric methods, which the audience should probably not try at home.
루브르와 대영박물관에 자신의 작품을 게릴라 전시, 이스라엘이 쌓은 거대한 장벽에 평화의 염원을 담은 벽화를 그리는 등 저항적인 작품 활동을 펼치는 세계적인 그래피티 아티스트 뱅크시. 자신의 신분을 철저히 숨기는 것으로 유명한 그가 거리미술 다큐 감독을 꿈꾸는 괴짜 티에리의 카메라에 포착된다. 위험하지만 짜릿한 쾌감이 있는 거리미술 세계에 매혹된 티에리는 그의 일련의 작업 과정을 집요하게 따라다닌다. 작가의 의도와는 상관없이 상품화 되어가는 미술계의 세태를 지켜보던 뱅크시의 제안으로, 티에리는 거리미술의 본질을 보여줄 다큐멘터리 편집에 돌입하는데...
This mini documentary features a rare interview with infamous graffiti artist Banksy, delving into how he started out as a graffiti writer up to his shift to gallery art, installations, CDs, and more. Til this day only a hand full of people know his real identity, such as friends appearing here: 3D of Massive Attack, Damien Hirst, and others.