
B movie (2009)

a short film about Banksy

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 14분

연출 : Jaimie D'Cruz


This mini documentary features a rare interview with infamous graffiti artist Banksy, delving into how he started out as a graffiti writer up to his shift to gallery art, installations, CDs, and more. Til this day only a hand full of people know his real identity, such as friends appearing here: 3D of Massive Attack, Damien Hirst, and others.


Damien Hirst
Damien Hirst
Waldemar Januszczak
Waldemar Januszczak
Matthew Collings
Matthew Collings
Dennis Hopper
Dennis Hopper
Greg Foxsmith
Greg Foxsmith


Jaimie D'Cruz
Jaimie D'Cruz

비슷한 영화

선물 가게를 지나야 출구
루브르와 대영박물관에 자신의 작품을 게릴라 전시, 이스라엘이 쌓은 거대한 장벽에 평화의 염원을 담은 벽화를 그리는 등 저항적인 작품 활동을 펼치는 세계적인 그래피티 아티스트 뱅크시. 자신의 신분을 철저히 숨기는 것으로 유명한 그가 거리미술 다큐 감독을 꿈꾸는 괴짜 티에리의 카메라에 포착된다. 위험하지만 짜릿한 쾌감이 있는 거리미술 세계에 매혹된 티에리는 그의 일련의 작업 과정을 집요하게 따라다닌다. 작가의 의도와는 상관없이 상품화 되어가는 미술계의 세태를 지켜보던 뱅크시의 제안으로, 티에리는 거리미술의 본질을 보여줄 다큐멘터리 편집에 돌입하는데...
미켈란젤로를 제치고 영국인이 가장 사랑하는 예술가 1위! 온 세상의 벽을 칠하는 예술계의 안티히어로! 뱅크시에 대한 매우 흥미롭고 강한 통찰!
The Graffiti Artist
Adrift in the lush, nocturnal urban landscape of THE GRAFFITI ARTIST, Nick (Ruben Bansie-Snellman) is a post-modern urban hero asserting his anarchistic agenda on the endless maze of virgin exterior walls that comprise downtown Seattle and Portland. For this iconoclastic young visionary, the vast wall surfaces of deserted alleys and train yards are at once a daunting symbol of capitalist oppression and a texturally rich, seamless tableau ripe for exploitation to amplify his artistic dialectic of anger and rebellion.
낙서주의 화가로 일컬어지는 바스키아의 불꽃 같은 생애를 담았다. 27살로 마감한 그의 생애를 담은 이는 신표현주의를 대표하는 화가 줄리앙 슈나벨 감독. 슈나벨의 데뷔작이다. 영화 곳곳에는 슈나벨 감독의 애정이 진하게 배어 있다. 영화를 보는 것이라기보다는 한장한장의 회화를 이어가는 듯한 착각을 일으킬 정도다.피카소의 [게르니카]를 응시한 채 어머니의 손을 부여잡은 한 소년을 보여주며 영화는 시작된다. 피카소의 작품을 보며 눈물을 흘리던 소년은 어느새 성인이 되어 뉴욕의 거리에서 벽에 그림을 그리며 화가를 꿈꾸는 청년으로 바뀐다. 마약을 대가로 그려준 그림 한장이 미술평론가 르네 리카드의 눈에 들면서 바스키아는 스타 화가로의 길을 다져나간다. 그러나 스타가 된 그의 곁에는 당대 최고의 화가이자 아방가르드였던 앤디 워홀만이 쓸쓸히 자리를 지켜 줄 뿐이다. 그마저 세상을 떠나자 마약에 묻혀 살다가 마침내 생을 마감한다.앤디 워홀 역을 영국의 명뮤지션 데이비드 보위가 맡았다는 사실은 또 하나의 흥밋거리.
Graffiti Wars
A look at the feud between graffiti artists King Robbo and Banksy.
Richard Hambleton was a founder of the street art movement before succumbing to drugs and homelessness. Rediscovered 20 years later, he gets a second chance. But will he take it?
A dark, hip, urban story of a barren and anonymous city where the underclass' sport of choice is ram-raiding. An exciting game in which stolen cars are driven through shop windows to aid large-scale looting before the police arrive. For Tommy, it's a business, but for Billy and Jo, it's a labour of love. As the competition between Tommy and Billy grows more fierce, the stakes become higher and the "shopping" trips increasingly risky.
A Brief History of Graffiti
Dr Richard Clay goes in search of what it is that has made us scribble and scratch mementoes of our lives for more than 30,000 years. From the prehistoric cave paintings of Burgundy in France, through gladiatorial fan worship in Roman Lyons to the messages left on the walls of Germany's Reichstag in 1945 by triumphant Soviet troops, time and again we have wanted to leave a permanent record of our existence for our descendants. And it may be that this is where what today we call art comes from - the humble scratch, graffiti.
Bomb It
Through interviews and guerilla footage of graffiti writers in action on five continents, the documentary tells the story of graffiti from its origins in prehistoric cave paintings thru its notorious explosion in New York City during the 70’s and 80’s, then follows the flames as they paint the globe.
How to Sell a Banksy
Banksy’s work now reportedly changes hands for millions. But he puts up his street art for free. Have you ever wondered what would happen if you got your hands on one of these? Does it mean you’ve found a winning lottery ticket or just scraped some worthless crap off a wall? Going up against the Art Establishment, Critics, Auction Houses, Gallery Owners and Authentication Boards in a quest for the elusive meal ticket, two filmmakers unwittingly gatecrash the murky and protective world of Banksy. “HOW TO SELL A BANKSY” raises questions of ownership, authentication and the true value of art itself. Through all the chaos and incompetence comes a modern-day, true-story, crime-theft, comedy-caper.
Urbanbugs is a documentary from Turkey focuses on street art concepts such as Graffiti, Stencil, Wheatpasting. Besides their visual contribution to the urban life, these street arts became a sociological matter due to the their political messages. In this context, this documentary is trying to analyse the sociocultural reflections of street art concept in Turkey.
Hallows Eve
The Hallows Estate is on alert as strange graffiti tags with messages declaring the streets will be taken over on Halloween night begin to appear on walls around the place, along with sightings of strange figures lurking in the shadows. One of the gangs responsible for the serious anti social behavior that give the estate a bad name, decide to take these threats head on and ignore the curfew on Halloween night. But who ever, or what ever, this new threat is, they seem to have the very night on their side as they make good on their promise of claiming the streets by frightening and violent means.
Two male graffiti artists are partners in their work, but they are also having a sexual relationship with each other which they haven't disclosed to others.
Tats Cru: The Mural Kings
Determined to hold on to their moniker of "the Mural Kings," world-renowned artists Tats Cru produce a wall painting for Harlem's Graffiti Hall of Fame in this compelling documentary. Beginning their career as subway graffiti creators in the early 1980s, three Bronx teenagers evolved into talented muralists. Their story is told through archival clips, behind-the-scenes footage of the mural production process and interviews with the artists.
Bomb It 2
Jon Reiss and his crew travel to Asia, Australia, the Middle East and beyond, exploring the local graffiti scenes and artists. Follow-up to the groundbreaking street art documentary "Bomb It".
From Here to Canarsie
From Henry Chalfant, the director genre defining documentary Style Wars, comes a short film featuring original graffiti innovators Blade and Maze painting a mural in 80's New York.
All City
From Henry Chalfant, the director genre defining documentary Style Wars, comes what was intended to be the first installment in a regular television series on New York's bludgeoning hip-hop culture, with a specific focus on graffiti. Funding fell through but the material was just to good be left to languish. Chalfant put together what he had and, like Style Wars, it continues to stand as a document of a culture in blossom.
From the streets of Bristol to the caverns of London and beyond, BanksyDoc finds the truths and explores the impact that the world’s most famous graffiti artist has had on the art world, on the expression of protest and satire, and on the perception of what you can do with a spray can and a stencil. Furthermore, this documentary explores the highly active art collector's world and how the celebrity factor shockingly influences value.
E.N.D. FR8 Project
A musically inspired film, featuring some of the best Nor-Cal's graffiti artists, concentrating on West-Coast freight trains as their traveling canvas. This graffiti experience is a peak within the last few decades of the Wild West's graffiti-art culture on freight trains. "END FR8 PROJECT," showcases inspiring, aesthetically appealing techniques from top writers in their community while featuring END CREW and other top writers from the 90s through the modern era. Enjoy the latest underground DJs, producers and inspired musicians. Exclusive interviews by KrimeTime, featuring: Gigs, Deone, Mynas, Redes, Drone, Sushi and More!
A colorful day in the secret life of a graffiti artist looking to make a mark.