Marcos Pedroso

Marcos Pedroso

출생 : , Maringá, Paraná, Brazil

프로필 사진

Marcos Pedroso

참여 작품

Three Summers
Production Design
Over a trio of summers, a caretaker for luxury condominiums relies on her resourcefulness and her eye for opportunity to take advantage of whatever comes her way.
Art Direction
Brazil, 18th century. The colony of Portugal endures a decline in gold production. A Portuguese minority rules over a corrupt and autocratic society. Joaquim is an efficient soldier, famous for capturing gold smugglers. While waiting for his promotion to Lieutenant, he leaves for a risky mission in search of new gold mines - the only way to buy the freedom of Blackie, a slave he is in love with. Inspired by the true story of Tiradentes, the first leader of the Brazilian revolutionary movement.
Art Direction
Luzimar cycles each day to and from work at the local cotton mill in his hometown of Cataguases, Minas Gerais, Brazil. He is a hard-working man, trying to make the most of what he has. One day, his childhood friend Gildo reappears, driving a fancy car and boasting of his successful life in São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo. As the two sit down for a beer, memories, regrets and old resentments slowly resurface.
Production Design
Luzimar cycles each day to and from work at the local cotton mill in his hometown of Cataguases, Minas Gerais, Brazil. He is a hard-working man, trying to make the most of what he has. One day, his childhood friend Gildo reappears, driving a fancy car and boasting of his successful life in São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo. As the two sit down for a beer, memories, regrets and old resentments slowly resurface.
세컨드 마더
Art Direction
부유한 가정에서 일하며 그 집 아들을 애지중지 키워 왔지만 정작 자신의 딸인 제시카와는 13년 째 떨어져 지내고 있는 ‘특별한 엄마’이자 완벽한 하우스메이드, ‘발’(헤지나 카제). 대학 입시를 위해 엄마가 일하는 곳으로 와 13년 만에 함께 살게 된 당차고 자유분방한 딸 ‘제시카’(카밀라 마르질라)는 꽉 막힌 엄마와 시종일관 부딪히는데... 반가운 듯 반갑지 않은 모녀의 특.별.한. 동거! ‘제시카’의 등장으로 그동안 ‘발’이 지켜왔던 평온한 삶은 흔들리고 서로를 이해할 수 없는 모녀의 갈등은 쌓여만 간다. 올 가을, 엄마와 딸 각자의 가슴 한 켠에 담아둔 이야기가 공개됩니다.
Art Direction
아버지가 떠나 버린 후, 소년과 남자의 기로에 서 있는 세르지뉴의 일상은 힙겹기만 하다. 세르지뉴는 마켓에서 일하며 우울한 어머니와 어린 남동생을 돌보아야 한다. 사랑이 필요한 세르지뉴에게 친구 무디뇨와 실비냐와 보내는 시간들은 즐겁다. 세르지뉴는 특별히 개인교습을 해 주는 선생님 네이의 집에서 가장 많은 시간을 보낸다. 사랑인지 동경인지 알 수 없는 복잡한 감정을 느끼는 세르지뉴. 갑자기 어른이 되어야만 하는 세르지뉴의 일상과 감정의 흐름이 17살 배우 마테우스 파군데스의 섬세한 연기로 펼쳐진다. [제 17회 서울국제청소년영화제]
Production Design
아버지가 떠나 버린 후, 소년과 남자의 기로에 서 있는 세르지뉴의 일상은 힙겹기만 하다. 세르지뉴는 마켓에서 일하며 우울한 어머니와 어린 남동생을 돌보아야 한다. 사랑이 필요한 세르지뉴에게 친구 무디뇨와 실비냐와 보내는 시간들은 즐겁다. 세르지뉴는 특별히 개인교습을 해 주는 선생님 네이의 집에서 가장 많은 시간을 보낸다. 사랑인지 동경인지 알 수 없는 복잡한 감정을 느끼는 세르지뉴. 갑자기 어른이 되어야만 하는 세르지뉴의 일상과 감정의 흐름이 17살 배우 마테우스 파군데스의 섬세한 연기로 펼쳐진다. [제 17회 서울국제청소년영화제]
푸투루 해변
Art Direction
브라질의 인명 구조원 도나토는 물에 빠진 관광객을 구해내지 못한 후 현실도피에 빠지고, 그를 동경해온 남동생은 이에 절망한다.(넷플릭스)
푸투루 해변
Production Design
브라질의 인명 구조원 도나토는 물에 빠진 관광객을 구해내지 못한 후 현실도피에 빠지고, 그를 동경해온 남동생은 이에 절망한다.(넷플릭스)
울프 앳 더 도어
Art Direction
리우데자네이루 인근 마을에서 어린 여자아이가 유괴당하는 사건이 발생했다. 아이를 데려간 것은 의문의 여성. 갑작스런 아이의 실종에 부모는 깊은 충격에 빠지고, 가장 유력한 용의자는 아이의 아빠인 ‘베르나르도’의 젊고 매력적인 내연녀 ‘로사’. 경찰서에 불려 온 ‘로사’는 유괴 혐의를 부인하지만, 곧 ‘로사’가 ‘베르나르도’ 몰래 그의 집을 찾아가 이름을 속이고 그의 아내와 아이와 친밀하게 지내왔다는 사실이 밝혀진다. ‘로사’는 자신은 아이를 데리고 나왔을 뿐 이 모든 걸 계획한 주범은 따로 있다고 말한다. 경찰의 심문이 계속됨에 따라 숨겨졌던 사실이 하나씩 드러나면서 진실 게임은 점점 더 나락을 향해 가는데… 한 겹 한 겹 드러나는 끔찍한 진실의 실체… 경악을 금치 못할 충격적인 피날레가 다가온다!
Between Valleys
Production Design
This is the story of Vicente, a successful, married, economist with a nine-year-old son. It also tells the story of Antônio, the same man, living as a hugadores—one of the homeless, trash scavengers who live and work in Brazil’s enormous garbage dumps. Vicente seems to have it all, but as we watch his life begins to crumble little by little. Meanwhile, Antônio, already at rock bottom, struggles to rebuild his life.
The Silver Cliff
Production Design
Violeta is a married dentist on a normal working day. While listening to a message left on the cell she enters in despair. The message of her husband, Djalma, says he is leaving her and going to another city.
Alice Especial, Part 2: The Last Night
Art Direction
Alice Especial, Part 1: The First Day of the Rest of My Life
Production Design
Two years after her arrival in São Paulo, Alice continues her relationship with Nicholas and has begun to look for a place where they can live together. She has also launched a business that produces children's shows, and a stable life seems to be taking shape. But as she goes about the apartment search and shares in the loves and uncertainties of old and new friends, what she observes leaves her far less certain of her decisions and her future.
Art Direction
Art Direction
Three metropolitan stories entwine in São Paulo. Would-be actress Marina arrives in the city looking for independence, falls madly in love with Justine, a bisexual rock singer, and is swept up into her wild, edgy lifestyle. Marina shares a flat on Avenida Paulista with Suzana, a mysterious transsexual lawyer who begins a relationship with a male colleague who is unaware of her condition. Jay lives a few floors above them. He is a frustrated writer trying to give a meaning to his life by idealizing a stunningly beautiful prostitute, whom he transforms into a sort of muse. Following the frenetic pace of the city, the three "Paulista" characters will experience the euphoria of passion and its downside.
The Ballroom
Production Design
An evening in an old time dance hall in Sao Paulo introduces us to local characters who reminisce about the past, wonder about the future, have fun, flirt, fight and, of course, dance. Its earthy humour and eternal themes of ageing, loneliness and desire is an antidote to grumpy old men and women everywhere.
Costume Design
Thiago lives with his family on an isolated farm in the arid backlands of Minas Gerais, Brazil. As the story unfolds and Thiago is forced to confront separations and betrayal within the home, Thiago begins, little by little, to see and understand a place that he had never been able to before, thus slowly letting go of his innocence.
Production Design
Thiago lives with his family on an isolated farm in the arid backlands of Minas Gerais, Brazil. As the story unfolds and Thiago is forced to confront separations and betrayal within the home, Thiago begins, little by little, to see and understand a place that he had never been able to before, thus slowly letting go of his innocence.
Love for Sale
Costume Design
In northern Brazil, Hermila patiently waits for her husband. However, he has abandoned her. Sexy, restless and resolute, she raffles off "a night in paradise" with herself. This beautifully-shot portrait doesn't shy away from the burdens of a young scarred woman, but it also celebrates her courage to live according to her own rules.
Love for Sale
Production Design
In northern Brazil, Hermila patiently waits for her husband. However, he has abandoned her. Sexy, restless and resolute, she raffles off "a night in paradise" with herself. This beautifully-shot portrait doesn't shy away from the burdens of a young scarred woman, but it also celebrates her courage to live according to her own rules.
Delicate Crime
Art Direction
Antônio Martins, respected theatrical critic, is a very rational man. But a chance meeting with young Inês, a nude painting model, is going to rock him. Inês keeps a relationship with painter José Torres Campana, an older man with a deep influence over her. Antônio gets jealous, and the three become characters of a drama saturated with desire and danger.
Delicate Crime
Art Designer
Antônio Martins, respected theatrical critic, is a very rational man. But a chance meeting with young Inês, a nude painting model, is going to rock him. Inês keeps a relationship with painter José Torres Campana, an older man with a deep influence over her. Antônio gets jealous, and the three become characters of a drama saturated with desire and danger.
Cinema, Aspirins and Vultures
Art Direction
1942, in the middle of Northeastern Brazil, two very different men meet along the road: Johan, an aspirin salesman avoiding the German draft, and Ranulpho, a rural Brazilian seeking escape from the drought.
Cinema, Aspirins and Vultures
Production Design
1942, in the middle of Northeastern Brazil, two very different men meet along the road: Johan, an aspirin salesman avoiding the German draft, and Ranulpho, a rural Brazilian seeking escape from the drought.
Seu Marquinhos
거부할 수 없는 매력의 섹시한 그녀, 까리나 섹시하고 아름다운 외모를 밑천 삼아 스트립쇼를 하며 생활을 이어나가던 까리나는 새로운 인생을 찾기 위해 정든 집과 친구 곁을 떠나기로 결심한다. 잠시 쉬며 차편을 알아볼 겸 들른 바에서 자신이 타야 할 차는 이미 떠나고 없다는 바텐더. 상심하던 까리나에게 날디노와 데코라는 청년이 나타나 자신의 보트를 함께 타고 가자는 제안을 한다. 물론 은밀한 거래와 함께.
Art Direction
거부할 수 없는 매력의 섹시한 그녀, 까리나 섹시하고 아름다운 외모를 밑천 삼아 스트립쇼를 하며 생활을 이어나가던 까리나는 새로운 인생을 찾기 위해 정든 집과 친구 곁을 떠나기로 결심한다. 잠시 쉬며 차편을 알아볼 겸 들른 바에서 자신이 타야 할 차는 이미 떠나고 없다는 바텐더. 상심하던 까리나에게 날디노와 데코라는 청년이 나타나 자신의 보트를 함께 타고 가자는 제안을 한다. 물론 은밀한 거래와 함께.
Madame Satã
Production Design
A story inspired by the life of one of the most remarkable figures in Brazilian popular culture, João Francisco dos Santos (1900-1976). In turn, bandit, transvestite, street fighter, brothel cook, convict and father to seven adopted children, dos Santos – better known as Madame Satã – was also a notorious gay performer who pushed social boundaries in a volatile time.
Art Direction
A trip to the mental institution hell. This odyssey is lived by Neto, a middle class teenager, who lives a normal life until his father sends him to a mental institution after finding drugs on his pocket. The maconha cigarrete is just the final drop that exposes the family tragedy. Send to a mental institution, Neto gets to know a completely absurd, inhumane reality in which the people are devoured by a corrupt and cruel institution system. The documentary type language used by the director give this movie a sensation of realty that increases even more the impact of the emotions Neto goes through. In the mental institution, Neto is forced to mature. The transformations that he goes through change this relations with his father.