Under byens tage går livet sin brogede gang. Det veksler med tårer og smil, med lykke og sorg. I kunstner-restauranten "Mona Bar" i indre by fungerer den tidligere model Mona Frank som kunstnernes gudinde. Hun hjælper både med penge og hjertesorger. Mellem de mange kunstnere har Niels Brandemose sit eget ansigt. Han er for nylig kommet til byen for at gå på Akademiet, og hele hans higen og lyst står til at blive maler.
When Pat and Patachon arrive in the small fishing village at the North Sea they are completely unaware of the adventure that lies ahead. The two eccentric travelers quickly become good friends with old Maren and her son Tom, who will soon need their help in more than one respect. (stumfilm.dk)
A talentless artist with a greatly inflated ego, Carlo Morton, has enchanted the naïve Helga with tales from Italy. Yearning to see the world, Helga decides to run away from home, following her pompous friend to warmer climes. Morton suddenly has his hands full trying to hide his Italian mistress away. At the same time, the stalwart train engineer Helder, who also has tender feelings for Helga, has followed her to Italy in order to reveal the true nature of the disagreeable artist and bring Helga home. (stumfilm.dk)
가상의 국가 일리야의 왕녀는 제멋대로 행동하는 것으로 유명하다. 덴마크의 왕자는 도자기 만드는 사람으로 변장해 그녀에게 구혼한다. 원작은 덴마크의 극작가 홀가 드라크만이 쓴 동화인데 드레이어는 이 대본을 코펜하겐의 왕립극장의 무대에 직접 올린바도 있다. 이 영화판도 덴마크에서 대성공을 거두었다. 현재 전해지는 버전은 절반 정도밖에 남지않은 판본이다.
The God-fearing vicar Niels Quist lives with his beloved daughter Mette in the small Jutland town of Vejlby. The newly elected county bailiff and local magistrate, Erik Sørensen, is the lucky fellow who wins Mette’s heart, but their happiness is short-lived: One day, the vicar’s farmhand mysteriously disappears, and all signs suggest that the vicar is the killer. But is Erik Sørensen willing and able to sentence his own true love's father to death?