칠레 남부의 한 오염된 강에서 수천 마리의 물고기가 떼죽음을 당한 뒤, 오래전에 죽은 막달레나가 사체들 사이에서 모습을 드러낸다. 다시 돌아온 막달레나를 마주친 남편은 쓰러지고, 집을 떠났던 딸 세실리아가 아이들과 함께 돌아온다. 가족들은 막달레나의 존재에 공포와 호기심을 느낀다. 그의 귀환으로 과거가 점차 선명해지면서, 모녀는 미래를 바꿀 기회를 얻는다.
A heartfelt film about sisterhood, desires, jealousy, and youth in the never-ending tropical summer of Panama
Ángel and his brother Franco have been locked up in a juvenile detention centre for a year. Despite the hostility of the place, they form bonds with others inmates and daydream about the future.
16세기의 한 정복자가 현대 멕시코에 발이 묶이게 되고, 499년 전 그와 같은 사람들로 인하여 식민화 된 멕시코에서 보통 사람들의 삶이 어떻게 생각지도 못한 방식으로 바뀌어 버렸는지에 대해 마주하게 된다.
Pablo, a 12-year-old boy, receives a scholarship to attend school in the mysterious and isolated Colonia Dignidad established in Chile by German settlers. It seems to be quite a privilege for a kid like him, and he quickly becomes the favourite of the leader of the colony, Uncle Paul. Over time, Pablo witnesses some kind of strange things which happen there and make him act differently than the other students.
When British aid worker Hana returns to Luxor, a sleepy city on the banks of the Nile, she comes across Sultan, a talented archeologist and former lover. As she wanders, haunted by the familiar place, she struggles to reconcile the choices of the past with the uncertainty of the present.
평생을 함께 산 아나와 마리아. 말기 암 진단을 받은 마리아를 위해 숲속 나무집으로 이사한 이들은 그곳에서 자연스럽게 죽음이 다가오길 기다린다. 틀에 박힌 일과에 묻혀 지내던 커플은 자신들에게 찾아온 고통의 순간을 함께 이겨내며 다시금 사랑을 확인한다.
Editorial Consultant
On October 18 2019, a student uprising was triggered in Santiago over the Chilean government’s increase in metro fare. As the country awakens to the unrelenting abuse of power enacted by a neoliberalist government, and a mistrust in the political class intensifies, we follow Angy and Felipe—two parents who embrace their new roles as activists and enlist in the expanding movement that is fighting for a new Constitution and a just society.
A Mexican-American teenage farmworker dreams of graduating high school, when ICE raids in her community threaten to separate her family and force her to become her family’s breadwinner.
In 2010, 81 inmates died in a huge fire at San Miguel prison in Chile’s capital city Santiago. Inside, they were trapped behind bars like rats; outside, dozens of family members waiting for visiting hours to begin looked on helplessly as their loved ones shouted for help. The doors remained locked. This reconstruction sheds light on the utter failure of the prison’s administration, which was housing twice as many prisoners as permitted.
Yun is grounded by her father for spending three days away from home for breaking family traditions. In her stoic nocturnal journey through the streets, malls and service centers, Yun experiences an accelerated maturity, of which she only realizes when she returns and faces her father.
A young Haitian immigrant living in Santiago de Chile, will see his life balance shaken after a series of unexpected events that will fuel a deep racist reactions in his environment.
Editorial Consultant
Rosario is a wandering teenager who believes that her mother, does not really love her and she's apparently right. The young woman has found refuge in the dance and in her friend Jonathan, a young street vendor who helps raise money for the wedding of his sister Jenny: Rosario's silent and platonic love. On the day of the party the revelry and excesses revealing Rosario can't leaver her family's fate behind.
고교 시절부터 가장 친한 친구 사이인 크리스티나와 수잔나는 어느덧 삼십 대에 접어들어 인생의 전환점을 앞두고 있다. 하지만 남편과 별거를 택한 크리스티나는 아직 홀로 설 준비가 되지 않았고, 수잔나는 또다시 엄마의 집으로 들어가야 할 처지다. 민감한 상황 탓일까. 두 사람은 크게 싸운 뒤 연락을 끊고 각자의 위치에서 주변에 있는 이기적이고 자기중심적이며 독선적인 남자들을 상대해야만 한다.
In a country at the world's end, the highest authority of the Catholic Church lands. The Pope comes to bring the word of God, but Chile awaits him with the most important religious crisis in its history.
Teenager Ángela meets her three adult step-sisters for the first time when their father dies. Fearing that Ángela will end up in state custody, the sisters embark on a 900-mile journey across Colombia to leave the young girl with an aunt she doesn't even know. During this journey, Ángela will discover what it means to be a woman.
사랑에 속아 매춘부로 나락한 여자 ‘다나’ 가족을 위해 끔찍한 생활을 견디며 하루하루 살아간다. "그 집에서 어린 여자애를 봤어요. 그 애를 구하고 싶어요" 절망에 빠져 살아가던 그녀 앞에 나타난 여자아이 ‘룰루’ ‘다나’는 자신과 같은 삶을 살게 될 그 아이를 외면하지 못하는데…
세계를 충격으로 몰아넣은 칠레 쿠데타. 그 광포한 현장에서 민중 가수 빅토르 하라가 죽음을 맞는다. 그리고 수십 년이 지난 지금, 진실과 정의를 위한 움직임이 시작된다.
Editorial Consultant
During Chilean dictatorship an exceptional group of women emerges and they will leave a unique legacy in history. It's the "Women for Life" movement. Female figures almost forgotten that in times of military dictatorship, when few dared to go out into the street, they organized by calling thousands of women who courageously manage to make art actions and lightning and unprecedented acts for the time.
Despite living in a conservative society, Daniela, a closeted queer, commits to a young high school girl named Lucía, but a traumatic event threatens their relationship.
Ariel gets involved in a teenager's civil arrest, who is accused of stealing a phone. A mob surrounds the young man and some curse and beat him, some defend him. The police isn't showing up. Ariel has to decide what side he is on.
Marcos, a withdrawn park ranger, sees the fragile balance achieved in his isolation collapse with the arrival of a couple of biologists investigating strange bird deaths. Unfortunately, the desire and envy for normality represented by the couple awaken the monster he has been trying to control. His face, his legs, and his arms don’t belong to him and as the desperation becomes incontrollable, he can only see one way out: mutilation.
Twelve-year-old Tamara lives within a cult that is ruled by the beliefs of its leader Miguel, who becomes obsessively convinced that Tamara is the "chosen one". But when she falls in love with a classmate, Tamara's relationship gets in the way of Miguel's objective, and he will seek her absolute obedience.
Teresa’s life is turned upside down when she is forced to accept a job far away. On her way, she loses her bag, causing her to cross paths with El Gringo, a traveling salesman.
Andrés and his son Pedro live in a working district of Caracas and hardly ever see each other. While Andrés fills his time doing different jobs, Pedro wanders the streets playing with friends and learning from the violent atmosphere around him.
After a head injury makes a dimwit stranger out Barbara's beloved Guille, she ceases to feel desire for him. Nearing 35, and longing for motherhood, she settles with a new partner, while the memory of lost love harrows her.
18살의 헤수스는 엄격하고 다소 애정이 없는 아버지와 칠레 산티아고에서 살고 있다. 헤수스와 그의 친구들은 마약을 하거나, 가벼운 섹스를 하거나, TV를 보면서 무의미하게 시간을 보낼 때도 있지만 케이팝 보이 밴드 공연도 한다. 하지만 그의 일상은 어느 날 저녁 술에 취한 친구들과 젊은 게이를 잔인하게 폭행하고 죽게 내버려 두면서 혼란에 빠진다. 헤수스는 심각한 위기에 빠진다.
권력에 저항한 정치인이자 민중을 대변하는 칠레의 전설적인 시인 ‘네루다’. 공개적으로 정부를 비난한 그를 잡아오라는 대통령의 명령을 받은 비밀경찰 ‘오스카’는 도피를 위해 아내 ‘델리아’와 함께 은둔생활을 하는 ‘네루다’의 흔적을 밤낮 없이 쫓는다. 아이러니하게도 은둔생활이 길어질수록 ‘네루다’는 세계적 영웅이 되어가고, 그를 잡아야만 하는 ‘오스카’조차 그가 남긴 책 속 문장들에 매료되고 마는데…
Looking for extras and locations, a filmmaker settles on Chiloé, the second largest island off the coast of Chile. He does auditions, but mainly listens patiently to the stories of young and old people. As an outsider, he cautiously searches for the soul of the community and its underlying tensions.
A photograph of an unknown Mapuche great-grandmother is the starting point of this documentary essay. Through the analysis of said picture, conversations with family members, a trip to southern Chile cities, and an actress who re-enacts the photo, we see the existing prejudice against indigenous people.
Based on true events, involving powerful Catholic priest Fernando Karadima, who committed crimes of child abuse and pedophile between 1980's-2000's. The struggle of his victims, to be able to reveal the truth and look for justice.
After reading in the newspaper that a newborn baby was found in a dumpster, a teacher becomes obsessed with giving it a proper burial.
Editorial Consultant
5명의 노부인들은 고등학교를 졸업한 이래, 60년 넘도록 매달 함께 차 마시는 모임을 계속 이어오고 있다. 각자 성격은 딴판이지만, 오랜 세월을 함께 하면서 서로를 깊이 이해할 수 있는 관계가 된 것이다. 함께 지나간 시절을 추억하고, 최근 일에 대한 이야기를 나눈다. 젊음과 나이 듦, 우정, 그리고 지나간 것들에 대한 솔직하고 유쾌한 수다로 가득한 다큐멘터리.
The fuzzy boundaries between sanity and insanity in an isolated Christian group come to light when one of its members dies in strange circumstances. Since then, a harsh judicial process jeopardizes their fate as a group. A story about faith and social prejudices.
PROPAGANDA is a follow up to the 2013 presidential campaign, in the midst of major social unrest in recent years. A single-car caravan crossing the desert, a protest flag covers the entire Alameda a candidate copuchea surveys on a dressing room. PROPAGANDA proposes a visual journey through the most extraordinary places of election, inviting reflection on the complex relationship between politicians and citizens, through the eyes of several filmmakers in the country.
In this urban comedy, Cristobal, a father and businessman, sees how his wife is awarded a scholarship and moves to Spain, wanting to take him and their children along with her. Humiliated by this, he disappears and wanders throughout Santiago looking for sex. After a pathetic night filled with failures, during which he is unable to forget his conflict, the time to chose shall come: either his family or his ego...
When their parents die, Bianca starts to smoke and Tomas is still a virgin. The orphans explore the dangerous streets of adulthood until Bianca finds Maciste, a retired Mr. Universe, and enters his dark mansion in search of a future.
Iselsa and Cathy decided to be part of a project designed by leaders of social architecture, who will give them their own home and integrate them into a middle class neighborhood. The camera observes for 7 years: the lack of resources, a neighborhood that rejects them, problems in construction and the disaster caused by the rains. The most difficult thing will be to overcome the division of the community.
A teenager visits his mother in search of affection. She lives semi isolated from the world, on a house facing the sea and in the company of a woman. The meeting of both characters will be rather a disagreement that will throw the young man towards other characters that will be moving further away from his mother until he disappears. Only at that moment will she feel the weight of his absence.
1988년 칠레. 피노체트 군부 독재를 8년 더 허용할 것인가의 국민투표를 둘러싸고 ‘찬성’과 ‘반대’ 양측이 대립한 가운데 광고회사에서 일하는 르네가 ‘반대’측에 가담해 TV캠페인을 제작하는 과정을 그리고 있다.
Daniela, raised in the bosom of a strict Evangelical family and recently unmasked as a fornicator by her shocked parents, struggles to find her own path to spiritual harmony.
During one hot summer day, little things happen to the visitors and workers of an old thermal resort in southern Chile. Julieta, Francisco, Isa, Rodrigo, Ignacio, Mariana, Muriel, Gabriela, Eliseo, Norma, Alejandra and Claudio experience the long vacation hours in nature, sleeping in the sun, learning how to drive, cleaning the house, kissing for the first time, swimming at night or just walking and talking, while the day slowly unravels into small fragments of happiness and discovery.
10대 소녀의 성장기 성적 반항을 억누르려는 부유한 이란 출신 가족 이야기 이슬람 문화권의 여성들 을 따라다니는 관습의 굴레와 동성애를 다루는 작품
A portrait of famed Chilean singer and folklorist Violeta Parra filled with her musical work, her memories, her loves and her hopes.
Lucía is a young woman who works as a seamstress in a factory and lives with her father in an old house in Santiago, Chile. The film occurs in December 2006 during the weeks that take place from the ex-dictator Pinochet’s funeral to Christmas Eve. Through the simple observation of Lucía’s daily life, the spectator is allowed access into a hidden and neglected world of a generation of Chileans striving to recover from the military dictatorship.
The filmmaker attempts to learn about his father, who was killed in 1973 in Pinochet's Chile.
In Chile, 1973, during the last days of Salvador Allende's presidency, an employee at a Morgue's recording office falls for a burlesque dancer who mysteriously disappears.
A man is obsessed with John Travolta's disco dancing character from "Saturday Night Fever".
In the city of Santiago, four characters struggle to reach their goals: a psychologist who wants to help other women and save their lives, a hairdresser who wants to buy a car, a musician who wants to play in a philharmonic orchestra, and a young woman who simply survives in the city, but each of them obtains something unexpected and different from what they wanted.
A girl, her brother and their best friend on a long, hot summer's day in Chascomús in Argentina. A love-triangle takes its course.
When Mariel falls into Peter's life, he becomes diverted from his routine of mindless trysts to discover a heretofore, unfelt desire to nest. An urban love fable about finding oneself by losing one's heart.
When enemy members of the two main Chilean soccer teams, Azul and Paloma meet in a fight after a soccer game they fall in love at first sight. They run away through the night in the streets of Santiago, while two groups search for them, when they meet, happens the inevitable.
Leo and Pedro are childhood friends. Rhey work under the orders of "El Jefe", a thug, owner of the neighbourhood and the lives of its inhabitants. One day, Leo receives news that will change his life forever, Gloria, Pedro's sister and the love of his life, returns to the city. Leo and Gloria will walk through their memories, in an attempt to recover their lost love.
When the Chilean officials lift the ban on harvesting the shellfish "el loco" (which purportedly is an aphrodisiac) in the seaside village of Puerto Gala greed and lust take hold. Greed is embodied by Carlos Maldonato, "El Canuto," who attempts to buy all of the shellfish for a Japanese company, and by a traveling band of prostitutes that accompany the influx of fishermen. El Canuto also wrangles to get into good stead with an old flame, Sonia, who is now the proprietor of "La Pincoya," a local restaurant. But "el loco" proves more effective, and more damaging, than anyone could have guessed.
This is a film about the life of a family of marginal thiefs, and how destiny punishes each and every one of its members. A constant contrast between a violent and a domestic world, in which violence, humor and irony, give a new layer to the social and moral conflicts of the characters. A lost house in a forest, an underground bar, a prison, a bus, fields and highways, are the spaces on which thieves, truckers, cooks and hookers collide.
Three vignettes about the lives of young Chileans and their passions and frustrations over one of the century's most important rituals: football.
A female television journalist has a strange affair with a terrorist.
Assistant Editor
A female television journalist has a strange affair with a terrorist.
Javiera and Antonio are a young couple with two daughters and another on the way. But beneath the superficial tranquillity of their marriage hides a passionate relationship between Antonio and his wife's sister, Antonieta. The love triangle begins to lose its delicate balance when Antonieta loses her purse. A mysterious voice on the telephone extorts the lovers, moving them to take unusual actions and to confront one another with blame and doubt, ultimately forcing them to explore the true value of their relationship.
Assistant Editor
After 20 years of exile, Aron returns to Chile to find out who he is. He asks questions, not only of those who stayed behind but also of himself, examining his relationship with his past and his own memory. The people who stayed lived through 20 years of dictatorship. They were either victims or executioners. Amidst this wreckage, Aron wonders what name his brother is using now, where his father is... Can he, in Isol's arms and through her love, find his way again ? What future awaits him? Like Mola the torturer, he has returned from an impossible journey, and Aron knows that each man is his own executioner. Shipwreck and resurrection are the two facets of a complex truth.