A brother and his young sister come to a small town to find out a local gang terrorizes the population.
During World War II, hard-luck farmer Colvis Nevels leaves his rural Kentucky home to take a factory job in bustling Detroit. Reluctantly accompanying Colvis is his long-suffering wife, Gertie, a talented woodcarver set in her traditional ways. When the perils of city life and Colvis' reckless squandering of money send the Nevels into precarious financial straits, Gertie starts a business making hand-carved dolls in order to provide for her family.
자동차 경주 중 사고를 당한 후 경기장을 떠났던 브루스터는 2년만에 재기를 하려고 경주차를 끌고 경기장으로 가던 중, 차부속을 도둑맞는다. 도둑을 잡고보니, 고아가 된 어린 6남매이다. 부모님이 돌아가신 후 생활의 방면으로 차부속을 훔치게 된 그들은 보안관에게 들키게 되고 보안관이 이들을 전문 차 부속 도둑으로 키운 것이다. 브루스터가 그 사실을 알게되자 보안관은 브루스터를 유치장에 가두지만 6남매의 도움으로 빠져 나온다. 부루스터를 구해줌으로써 보안관과 등지게 된 여섯 남매는 오갈데가 없게 되자 브루스터에게 기대려 한다. 그러나 부르스터는 그들을 부담스러워하며 헤어지려고 한다. 하지만 6남매는 뛰어난 자동차 정비 실력으로 브루스터는 경주에서 우수한 성적을 거둔다. 그러는 중에 브루스터는 6남매에게 사랑을 느끼기 시작한다. 여러 지방 경기에서 우승을 휩쓸고 마침내 전국 경기에 참가한 브루스터 우승을 눈앞에 두었으나 보안관이 6남매를 잡아간다는 소식을 듣고 경기를 포기하고 달려가 6남매를 구해내 진정한 한 가족이 된다.
An elderly widow must find meaning and activity in her life when her son suggests she is no longer capable of handling her own affairs.
뉴욕시 브롱크스에서 두 명의 경관이 피살도는 사건이 발생한다. 신임서장 코널리는 속수무책인 부하경관들을 독려하여 용의자 체포령을 내린다. 반골기질이 유독 강한 18년 순찰 경관 머피는 서장의 조치에 뼈있는 불만을 토로했다가 호통을 들은 후, 파트너 앤디와 함께 경범자들을 버스로 한차 가득 잡아들인다. 반경 운동을 펴는 단체 사무실을 조사하러 갔던 형사반장 데이시도 푸에르토리코계 주민들의 거센 반발에 부딪치고 급기야 브롱크스 거리는 경찰의 무차별 연행에 항의하는 주민들의 시위물결로 가득찬다.
The story of a woman who survives the car accident which kills her husband, but discovers that she has the power to heal other people. She becomes an unwitting celebrity, the hope of those in desperate need of healing, and a lightning rod for religious beliefs and skeptics.
An abusive sexual relationship between a white spinster schoolteacher and a young black janitor in 1956 Kansas complicates her struggle to come to grips with her sexuality and emotions.
Ruthless patriarch Loren hires racecar driver Angelo to build a more efficient vehicle against the wishes of his grandson. But things get even messier when Angelo romances two women in Loren's life -- his great-granddaughter and his mistress.
A wealthy socialite is accused of killing her husband. She claims self-defense as a battered wife, and the district attorney plans to go along with that. However, an assistant district attorney files capital murder charges against her, as he believes she's not quite the innocent, abused wife she portrays herself to be. This was a pilot film for a proposed series that did not get picked up.
An over-the-hill movie producer marries a wealthy, spiteful woman and closeted lesbian just to please his spoiled daughter who then, in an attempt to spite him, seduces both a wealthy playboy and a local screenwriter.
An uncle's (Jack Warden) memories give strength to a New England family with four sons fighting in World War II.
A homesteading family in 1867 Wyoming faces a crisis when the husband is killed and the wife must decide whether to remain or take her son and daughter back East.
A young couple searches for the cure for the girl's terminal cancer.
A small-time hood is murdered just as he is about to blow the whistle on an organized crime ring.
A young girl whose mother had sold her soul to Satan when she was born is told by Satan that she must marry a fellow demon.
A boarding-school girl asks the boy next door for help getting an abortion.
In Alexandria, in 1938, Darley, a young British schoolmaster and poet, makes friends through Pursewarden, the British consular officer, with Justine, the beautiful and mysterious wife of a Coptic banker. He observes the affairs of her heart and incidentally discovers that she is involved in a plot against the British, meant to arm the Jewish underground in Palestine. The plot finally fails, Justine is sent to jail and Darley decides to return to England.
A group of thieves attempt a daring robbery of a football stadium.
Band singer/race driver Mike McCoy must choose between marrying a beautiful rich girl and driving her father's car in a prestigious race.
빌보드 차트 1위곡 'Dominique'을 불러 '노래하는 수녀(The Singing Nun)'로 알려져 있는 벨기에 출신의 수녀 자닌 데케르(Jeanine Deckers)의 이야기를 담은 작품.
어느날 흑인 신사 고든은 공원에서 맹인 백인여성을 만난다. 불의의 사고로 5살때 맹인이 되어버린 셀리나는 차츰 그의 도움을 받아 바깥 세상을 맛보게 되며 그에게 깊은 우정과 사랑을 느낀다. 그러나 둘을 갈라 놓으려는 그녀의 어머니로 인해서 둘은 고통을 받게 되는데...
A Chicago mobster hires a rock and roll singer and his band to keep an eye on his daughter during Spring Break in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
A man left at the alter goes on his honeymoon trip anyway, taking his best man along instead.
A Puerto Rican immigrant anxiously awaits his wedding day, but his fiancé's racist landlord intervenes.
A film-within-the-film scenario involving a cameraman who's given a week to photograph the aerial highlights of Holland for a travelogue.
Chronicle of a Leiden student’s role in the student resistance, from the German invasion of 1940 to Winston Churchill receiving his honorary doctorate from Leiden University in 1946. This short feature was commissioned by the World Student Service Fund, an organization that aided students from occupied countries during the war.
Mobilization on the brink of the Second World War divides a husband and wife. When lawyer Frans van Loon is called up to join the mine clearance service he doesn't want to worry his wife and keeps it from her. His secretiveness leads her to believe he doesn't love her anymore. She subsequently falls for the charms of an actor. When Frans finds out, a violent quarrel ensues.
Twelve year old 'Boefje' spends most of his time in the alleys, on rooftops and in the harbor of Rotterdam. A local clergyman takes pity on him and attempts to teach him good manners.