Bruno Bergonzini

참여 작품

성공한 광고회사 직원 라몬은 회사와 집에서는 사랑과 존경을 받아오지만 홀아비인 장인어른이 자신의 집으로 이사온 이후 성격 차이로 늘 티격태격 이다. 그러던 어느 날 갑자기 온 몸이 마비되는 다발성 경화증이라는 진단을 받은 라몬은 30대 중반의 나이에 생을 포기해야 할지, 아니면 병마와 싸워 이겨낼지 선택의 기로에 서지만 자신의 가족과 다발성 경화증 환자들의 완치를 위해 가장 힘든 철인 3종 경기인 ‘아이언 맨’에 도전하기로 결정하는데…
The story revolves around a love story between an older woman and a young man struggling to change a future that not excited.
Soldiers of Salamina
Young Daniel Angelats
Professor Lola Sánchez investigates the truth behind the events experienced by Rafael Sánchez Mazas, one of the founders of the Falange Española party, during the Spanish Civil War.
Mi dulce
Laura is a fifteen-year-old teenager who receives a letter from her mother, of which she had no news a decade ago. Laura decides to try to go to Holland to meet her, in need of answers and alternatives to the hostile environment that surrounds her. For that, he will have to face Angela, his older sister, a young policewoman who, as a child, was forced to take the reins of the family when she was orphaned. Angela will try, by all means, to keep Laura with her and not be alone. Little by little the violence that surrounds him will make him lose control.
Mi hijo Arturo
Arturo is obsessed with cleanliness and order. This trait interferes with his normal life and raises problems with those around him, specially with his mother and bride. A doctor suggests he should make a treatment with gamma rays, in his private practice.
The Sea
Childhood friends reunite later in life in Spanish tuberculosis sanitorium. Pressures of death all around combine with dark secrets of their past.
Un amor claroscuro