Rubén Ochandiano

Rubén Ochandiano

프로필 사진

Rubén Ochandiano

참여 작품

Lobo Feroz
A detective on trail of a suspected child killer, was arrested for the crime, but was allowed to walk free after a clerical error. The detective enlists the mother of the murdered child to exact a justice the legal system can't provide.
Can't Live Without You
A gay gym teacher wants to be a father and when his boyfriend's sister, a former addict, comes back on the scene there is now a possible solution.
Everyone Will Burn
In a small village in Leon, Spain, María José prepares to end her life after failing to get over the suicide of her bullied son years before. Everything changes when she receives a visit from Lucía, a strange little girl who could be connected to a local legend about stopping an impending apocalypse. With the enigmatic girl by her side, María José faces the corrupt community, overloaded with sadistic secrets and immoral lies.
A Dead Man Cannot Live
Tano works for Manuel, a businessman who’s made his fortune in the construction sector and who has a tight network of friends in local government who help him carry out his business safely, in exchange for making sure that the drugs enter and leave the city without causing any violence or making any noise. Tano knows that the golden era is long gone. Now, he’s 54 and struggling to make ends meet. His mission is to keep the drug-trafficking business from Morocco under control and to make sure the money keeps flowing, but someone has brought some samples of a new drug into the city and its effects are devastating, causing the local junkies to go completely crazy. Angel, Manuel’s son and heir to his business empire, is convinced that if they start dealing this new drug, they could go back to making the millions they were before the economic crash.
트윈 머더스: 살인 코드
20년 전, 남녀 신생아를 시작으로 5살, 10살, 15살의 부유층 자녀들을 살해한 연쇄 살인마의 출소가 얼마 남지 않은 도시. 20살 남녀의 시체가 나란히 발견되면서 살인이 다시 시작된다. 이미 범인을 검거했다고 믿어왔던 경찰과 시민들은 일대 혼란에 빠지고, 새로 부임한 부국장 ‘알바’와 베테랑 형사 ‘우나이’가 범인을 추적해간다. 희생자들을 죽이는 기괴한 살인 방법을 미루어 볼 때, 범인은 분명 식물학, 역사학, 해부학에 해박한 자. 계속되는 의문의 살인 속에 그들은 진실을 찾아낼 수 있을까?
Born a King
Al Thunayyan
A coming-of-age story set in 1919 about 14 year old Faisal, an Arab prince who is dispatched from the deserts of Arabia to London by his warrior father, Prince Abd Al-Aziz, on a high stakes diplomatic mission to secure the formation of his country.
인필트레이터: 잠입자들
Gonzalo Mora Jr.
은퇴를 앞두고 거대한 마약 범죄 조직의 사건을 맡게 되는 특수요원 ‘밥 마주르’(브라이언 크랜스톤) 조직의 핵심인물을 체포하기 위해 성공한 사업가 ‘로버트 무셀라’로 위장하고 지하의 돈을 세탁해주며 그들의 신뢰를 얻는다 단 한번의 실수도 용납하지 않는 무자비한 조직 안에서 무셀라는 최대 규모의 마약 유통을 담당하는 ‘로베르토 알케이노’(벤자민 브랫)와 둘도 없는 형제가 되지만 세계적인 은행 BCCI까지 조직에 깊게 연루되면서 순조롭던 잠입수사에 위기가 닥치는데…
The last train travel of the year from Barcelona to Madrid, suddenly stops by a voltage drop in the middle of nowhere during a fierce snowstorm. Because of the peculiarity of its passengers, will begin to emerge hilarious conflicts between them.
Cuento de verano
After four years of living together, Léa dumps Mario. He is going to have to spend the loneliest summer of his life locked up in his Madrid apartment, with multiple broken bones. But this summer promises to be a journey in search of happiness, without leaving the downtown district. This trip will change the life of Mario, Chica, a mysterious young woman who appears on his doorstep, and Olmo the young and sassy neighbor, in love with Mario.
Cuento de verano
After four years of living together, Léa dumps Mario. He is going to have to spend the loneliest summer of his life locked up in his Madrid apartment, with multiple broken bones. But this summer promises to be a journey in search of happiness, without leaving the downtown district. This trip will change the life of Mario, Chica, a mysterious young woman who appears on his doorstep, and Olmo the young and sassy neighbor, in love with Mario.
In the mid-1980s, the GAL, a Spanish paramilitary group, pursues and assassinates members of the terrorist gang ETA who have taken refuge in the sanctuary they have created in the south of France. Grégoire Fortin, advisor to the French Minister of Justice, and Domingo 'Txomin' Iturbe, leader of ETA, are forced to negotiate in order to find a solution to the violence that plagues the region.
Don't Be Afraid
Silvia is a young girl marked by a dark childhood. When she is barely twenty-five, she decides to start over and to face the people, feelings and emotions that keep her bound to the past. In her fight against adversity and against herself, she will learn to control her fears and become an adult, responsible for her own actions.
나는 마약을 사고 팔고 밀입국자들을 짝퉁가방 공장에 알선하는 인력브로커다. 고질병 때문에 찾아간 병원에서 암이란다. 남은 시간 3개월… 엄마의 우울증 때문에 못난 아빠와 함께 사는 나의 착한 두 아이는, 아직 어리다. 죽은 자와 대화할 수 있는 나의 특별한 능력은… 불행히도 나의 죽음을 보게 한다. 너무나 많은 이들에게 끔찍한 죄를 저질렀다. 마지막 순간, 실패한 인생이라 불릴 것이다. 하지만 내가 태어나기도 전에 죽은 얼굴도 모르는 아버지를 여전히 그리워하는 것처럼, 험한 세상에 남겨질 나의 아이들에게는 좋은 기억을, ‘아름다운’ 세상을 선물하고 싶다. 3개월 한달 하루 한 시간 일분… 나의 아이들아, 미안하다… 그럼에도 불구하고.. 살아야 한다.
셀 211
교도관으로 첫 출근을 앞두고 있는 후안은 임신 중인 사랑스런 아내와 함께 살고 있다. 첫 출근 전 교도소에 들러 업무와 근무수칙 등을 선배 교도관에게 듣던 중 건물 천장 벽돌이 무너져 내려 후안을 덮치는 사고가 발생한다. 이로 인해 후안은 머리를 다쳐 기절하게 된다. 이에 당황한 선배 교도관들은 후안을 비어 있는 독방 침대에 눕히고 의료진을 부르려 하지만 갑작스레 발생한 죄수들의 폭동으로 인해 선배 교도관들은 후안만을 독방에 남겨둔 채 황급히 그 곳을 도망쳐 나오게 된다. 게다가 죄수들의 폭동은 유혈사태로 이어져 쉽게 진압할 수 없는 상황에 이르게 되고, 죄수들의 지도자를 자처하는 말라마드레를 중심으로 죄수들이 더욱 단결하게 되면서 사태는 점점 심각한 분위기로 흐른다. 이 때, 머리 부상으로 잠시 정신을 잃었던 후안이 깨어나게 되고 자신이 감옥에 갇힌 사실을 알게 되자 자신의 신분을 숨긴 채 새로 들어온 죄수처럼 행동하며 그 곳을 탈출할 방법을 모색하는데...
브로큰 임브레이스
Ray X
어려운 가정 형편 때문에 백만장자 어니스토의 정부로 살고 있지만 여배우가 되고 싶은 꿈을 버리지 않는 레나(페넬로페 크루즈)는 실력있는 감독 마테오를 만나 오디션을 본다. 레나의 신선한 매력을 눈 여겨 본 마테오는 그녀를 여주인공으로 캐스팅하고, 레나는 뛸듯이 기뻐하지만 그녀의 연인인 어니스토는 그녀가 다른 사람들과 어울리는 것이 신경 쓰인다. 촬영이 진행될수록 자신이 꿈꾸던 세계를 만난 레나와 그녀의 매력에 사로잡힌 마테오는 서로의 진정한 모습을 발견하고 어니스토의 눈을 피해 사랑을 나눈다. 레나의 변화를 직감한 어니스토는 그녀를 감시하지만, 어니스토의 집착이 심해질수록 레나와 마테오의 격정적인 사랑은 더욱 더 깊어진다. 서로에게 운명 같은 진실한 사랑을 확인하게 된 레나는 어니스토에게 결별을 통보하고 마테오과 몰래 떠나기로 결심하지만, 어니스토는 그녀를 쉽게 놔주지 않는데…
My Prison Yard
In Madrid, a petty thief who cannot adjust to life outside of jail puts together a theater troupe her friends -- a prostitute, a gypsy, and a Colombian immigrant -- in an attempt to make a go at a relatively straight life.
체 게바라: 2부 게릴라
Rolando (Eliseo Reyes Rodriguez)
혁명의 성공으로 쿠바에서의 모든 일이 끝났다고 판단한 체 게바라는 편지 한 장만을 남긴 채 홀연히 사라진다. 그 후 그는 볼리비아 혁명군의 리더로 게릴라 전을 펼치지만 부족한 자원과 외국인을 불신하는 국민들로 인해 일생일대의 위기와 마주하는데…
Tuya siempre
Lola and Alfredo survive on the fringes of crime. Their business comes to an abrupt end when Alfredo is arrested. Lola gets the chance of working in a jazz club where the couple meet some very different characters, who open up new worlds and possibilities, but, along with this, the opportunity to change and choose.
The film centers on a Spanish tapas bar and the love lives of the loosely interconnected people in the neighborhood surrounding the bar. The pairs of lovers include a middle aged woman and a young man; an elderly, drug dealing woman and her terminally ill husband in poor health; the tapas bar owner and his estranged wife; and two Chinese immigrants.
The Weakness of the Bolshevik
After getting into a minor traffic accident, Pablo attempts to make light of the situation by asking the driver of the other car, Sonsoles, out on a date. When she refuses and instead files an injury report, Pablo snaps and begins stalking her. He soon discovers that Sonsoles has a beautiful teenage sister, Maria, with whom Pablo is immediately infatuated -- a lust that soon turns dark. Can Pablo control his obsession, or will it consume him?
Chill Out!
Just Santos, cabaret actor with a talent for imitation, receives the offer of a role in a movie that could change his life and his family.
Sergeant Rubio
유고내전으로 분쟁이 끊이지 않았던 발칸반도에 세르비아인들을 주축으로 한 유고연방이 출범되지만, 코소보 주는 알바니아계가 인구의 대부분이다. 코소보 주에서 이 두 무리가 대립하게 된다. 한편, 세르비아 국경 마을을 복구하기 위해 파견된 스페인 군대의 군인들은 들어가서는 안되는 금지구역에 들어갔다가 알바니아 군과 마주쳐 총격전을 벌이게 되는데...
In the Spanish island of Ibiza, porn filmmaker Sandro and Angelino, the manager of a beachside watering hole, find their very different lives overlapping. Meanwhile, the island police chief, who is currently at odds with his rebellious son Jorge, is investigating the death of a drug dealer (which was accidentally brought on by Angelino). Jorge's plans to move to America have so far been thwarted by his father, but when he finds out about the affair his dad had been having with a male nightclub dancer, he uses it as blackmail fodder.
Broken Silence
Winter, 1944. Lucía at 21 returns to her small village in the mountains. She again meets Manuel, a young iron-smith who helps "those in the mountain", the "maquis", the anti-Franco resistance. Lucía is attracted to Manual, because of his smile and the bravery of those men who continue fighting for their ideas, even at the cost of their own lives. When Manuel is pursued (by Franco's Civil Guard) he flees to the mountain and Lucía discovers the reality of political repression, the silence, the horror and fear.
San Bernardo
Three young and desperate inhabitants of Madrid attempt to rise above their circumstances by any means available to them in that sun-drenched city. This tight-knit trio must scramble when their hasty plans become derailed by a demanding matriarch, an abusive older brother, and the entire corrupt underclass with which they deal.
Heart of the Warrior
Beldar and Sonja, a couple of thieves belonging to the legendary world of sword and sorcery, steal a precious stone shaped like a human heart in the gloomy crypt of the Order of the Thousand Eyes, an evil sect of powerful wizards. To flee the scene realize that the gem is cursed and sent them his spell. After losing consciousness, Beldar awakens in another world, metamorphosed into the body of a teenager of sixteen Madrid eaten by acne.
Shacky Carmine
Flowers From Another World
Patricia, a woman from Dominican Republic, needs a home and an economic security that her illegal status in Madrid does not provide her. Milady, twenty, born in Havana and dying to travel the world. Marirosi has a job, a home, and the most complete solitude... just like Alfonso, Damián and Carmelo, men from the St. Eulalia, a village lacking both marrying women and future. A bachelors' party forces the encounter between them and the beginning of this bittersweet story of sharing a living.