Gladys Gambie

Gladys Gambie

프로필 사진

Gladys Gambie

참여 작품

내 마음을 읽어 봐
청각장애인 비서 칼라는 감옥에서 갓 나온 폴을 우연히 만난다. 폴은 아무것도 할 수 없는 무능력하지만 술수에 능한 사람이고, 반면에 칼라는 정직하게 자신의 일에 최선을 다하는 성실한 사람. 바텐더로 일하게 된 폴은 어느 날 마피아 조직의 음모를 눈치채게 되고, 칼라에게 멀리서 망원경을 통해 무슨 이야기가 오고 가는지를 살펴보기를 부탁한다. 그러면서 폴과 칼라는 서로에게 빠져들게 되고, 사건의 소용돌이 속으로 걷잡을 수 없이 빨려 들게 된다.
The Diary of Lady M
She's a beautiful gifted performer, but her work is not the sort that invites popular acclaim. Despite the fact that she is unlikely to become famous, she enjoys her life as a performer who lives just outside the mainstream. Awaiting her backstage one evening is a Spanish painter who has seen her show and wants to make her acquaintance. They walk around Paris getting to know one another, and then the painter returns to Spain. Something about the man has moved Lady M to passion: she flies to meet him in Barcelona and he shows her his beloved Catalonia. This time, however, their relationship is as much about passionate lovemaking as it is about compatibility. So smitten is Lady M with her new man that when she discovers that the painter has a black wife and child, she is only a little bit taken aback and she invites his whole family to join her in Paris. Surprisingly, they do, and the number of people sharing their love and sexual appetites changes from two to three.