Louisa Briccetti

참여 작품

The Metropolitan Opera: Rigoletto
One of opera’s grimmest tragedies received a powerful new production during the 2021–22 season when director Bartlett Sher unveiled his Weimar-era staging of Verdi’s Rigoletto. In this performance, recorded as part of the company’s Live in HD series of cinema transmissions, commanding American baritone Quinn Kelsey gives a searing portrayal of the title character, a deformed court jester determined to protect the virtue of his daughter, Gilda, sung by radiant soprano Rosa Feola. His debauched employer, the Duke of Mantua, is tenor Piotr Beczała, with dynamic young maestro Daniele Rustioni on the podium to lead a cast that also features bass Andrea Mastroni as the assassin Sparafucile and mezzo-soprano Varduhi Abrahamyan as Maddalena.
The Metropolitan Opera: Agrippina
As the imperious title empress, mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato leads the Met premiere of Handel’s tale of deception and deceit. Harry Bicket conducts Sir David McVicar’s wry new production, which gives this Baroque black comedy a politically charged, modern updating.
포기와 베스
장애를 지닌 걸인 포기와 마약에 중독된 베스의 사랑을 그렸다. 포기 역은 에릭 오웬스, 베스 역은 엔젤 블루가 맡았다. 잔인한 폭력배 크라운 역을 알프레드 워커, 마약판매상 스포팅라이프 역을 프레데릭 밸런타인, 어부 제이크 역을 도노반 싱글터리, 그의 아내 클라라 역을 골다 슐츠, 남편을 잃은 강인한 여성 세레나 역을 라토니아 무어, 마리아 역을 데니스 그레이브스가 맡은 이 최고의 캐스팅을 데이비드 로버트슨이 지휘했다. 시대를 초월한 불후의 명곡 ‘서머타임’, ‘베스, 당신은 이제 내 사람’ 등을 들을 수 있는 이 새 프로덕션은 메트, 잉글리시 내셔널 오페라, 더치 내셔널 오페라의 공동제작 프로덕션이다.
약자를 괴롭히는 사악한 사회에 희생당하는 병사 보체크가 주인공인 이 오페라는 알반 베르크가 1차 대전 중에 스스로의 체험을 반영해 작곡한 작품이다. 금방이라도 무너질 듯한 계단, 경사로, 버려진 가구들, 쓰레기 더미로 이루어진 무대에 켄트리지의 트레이드마크인 목탄화 애니메이션, 프로젝션, 영화 클립 등으로 거꾸러진 전투기, 서치라이트, 가스마스크, 전쟁터 등의 이미지를 조합한 연출이 대단히 생생하고 인상적이다. 돈 조반니 역으로 유명한 바리톤 페터 마테이가 보체크 역에 처음으로 도전하며, 엘자 반 덴 히버가 보체크의 아내 마리 역을 열연한다. 보체크를 괴롭히는 군악대장 역은 바그너 전문 테너 크리스토퍼 벤트리스가, 희극적인 연기가 탁월한 테너 게르하르트 지겔이 대위 역, 크리스티안 반 호른이 의사 역을 맡았다. 앤드류 스테이플스는 보체크의 동료 안드레스 역으로 메트에 데뷔한다.
필립 글래스의 오페라 "사티아그라하" 프로덕션으로 엄청난 성공을 기록한 연출가 펠림 맥더모트가 글래스의 새 프로덕션 "아크나텐"으로 메트에 돌아왔다. 지휘자 카렌 카멘세크는 이번 작품으로 메트에 데뷔했다. 타이틀 롤인 이집트의 파라오 아크나텐 역은 앤서니 로트 코스탄초가 맡았다. 그는 오래 된 신들에 대한 숭배를 그만두고 새로운 종교를 믿으라고 백성들을 부추긴다. 아크나텐의 아내가 되는 네페르티티 역은 즈나이 브리지스가 노래하며, 디젤라 라루스도티르는 아크나텐의 어머니 치에 역을 맡았다. 간디니 저글링 컴퍼니가 음악과 완벽하게 일치하는 신체 움직임으로 관객에게 대단한 시각적 즐거움을 제공한다. 이 "아크나텐"의 프로덕션은 원래 LA오페라에서 제작한 것으로, 잉글리시 내셔널 오페라에서 초연되어 2017년에 올리비에 어워드의 ‘베스트 뉴 오페라 프로덕션 상’을 수상했다.
마담 버터플라이
소프라노 헤 휘가 미 해군 장교 핑커튼에게 모든 것을 바치는 헌신적인 게이샤로 등장한다. 핑커튼 역은 테너 안드레아 카레가 맡았고, 메조소프라노 엘리자베스 드숑이 버터플라이를 위해 헌신하는 하녀 스즈키 역을 불렀다. 토니상을 수상한 뮤지컬 배우이자 바리톤 가수인 파울로 스조트가 메트에서 처음으로 샤플레스 역을 노래했다. 피에르 조르조 모란디가 앤서니 밍겔라의 아름답고 분위기 있는 이 프로덕션을 지휘했다.
중국 베이징의 전설 시대, 극은 북경 성벽 앞 광장에서 한 관리가 등장해 율령을 반포하며 시작한다. 투란도트 공주와 혼인하려면 수수께끼를 풀어야하고, 실패하면 참수된다는 내용의 이 울령으로 말미암아 많은 남자들이 수수께끼에 도전하게 되는데...
The Metropolitan Opera: Die Walküre
Soprano Christine Goerke plays Brünnhilde, Wotan’s willful warrior daughter, who loses her immortality in opera’s most famous act of filial defiance. In this Live in HD transmission of Die Walküre, the second and most popular installment in the composer’s sweeping tetralogy, Goerke is joined by bass-baritone Greer Grimsley as Brünnhilde godly father, Wotan, and mezzo-soprano Jamie Barton as his unbending wife, Fricka. As the incestuous lovers Siegmund and Sieglinde, soprano Eva-Maria Westbroek and tenor Stuart Skelton—alongside bass Günther Groissböck as Sieglinde’s bloodthirsty husband, Hunding—round out the principal cast. And on the podium, Maestro Philippe Jordan conducts Robert Lepage’s innovative staging, which uses state-of-the-art stage technology to tell Wagner’s mythic tale.
연대의 딸
19세기 초 스위스의 산골 마을. 전쟁 중인 이 마을에는 프랑스 제 21연대가 주둔하고 있다. 주인공 마리는 이 제 21 연대의 마스코트다. 병사들은 마리를 ‘연대의 딸’ 이라고 부르며 무척 사랑한다. 어릴 때 전쟁터에서 발견되어 연대의 보살핌을 받으며 자라난 마리는 얼마 전 벼랑에서 꽃을 따다가 미끄러져 위험에 처했을 때 한 청년이 구해주었다고 말하며, 자꾸 그 사람 생각이 나서 슬퍼한다. 한편, 병영을 엿보는 스파이로 토니오라는 청년이 체포되어 처형당할 위기에 놓인다. 이 때, 토니오를 발견한 마리는 이 청년이 자신을 구해주었다고 말하며 풀어줄 것을 요청하게 되는데...
스페인의 세빌리아 거리의 위병근무를 서고 있는 하사관 돈 호세는 담배 공장에서 동료와 싸워 감옥으로 가게된 집시여인 카르멘을 호송하는 임무를 맡게 된다. 그러나 카르멘의 유혹에 넘어간 호세는 고의로 그녀를 도망치게 하고 결국 그가 대신 감옥에 들어가게 되는데...
라 트라비아타
비올레타의 집에서 파티가 열리고, 그녀를 본 젊은 귀족인 알프레도는 곧 사랑에 빠진다. 그러나 비올레타는 폐병을 앓고 있었고, 그동안 순간적인 향락에 젖어 살았기에, 순수한 그의 구애를 받는 것에 주저한다. 그러나 그의 끈질긴 구애로 둘은 파리 교외에서 동거를 시작한다. 그러나 생활 감각이 없던 알프레도를 대신하여, 비올레타가 생활비를 대고, 곧 자금이 바닥난다. 이를 알게 된 알프레도는 돈을 구하러 잠시 집을 비우고, 그 사이 그의 부친 제르몽이 비올레타를 찾아온다.
서부의 아가씨
더 폴카(The Polka)라는 간판이 붙어 있는 살롱(saloon)에서 작은 금광을 하나 소유한 애시비(Ashby)가 무법자 래머레즈(Ramerrez)를 저쪽 골짜기에서 보았다고 얘기한다. 광부들과 술주정꾼들은 그 말에 별로 신경을 쓰지 않는다. 주점의 한쪽 벽에는 래머레즈의 현상 포스터가 붙어 있다. 이때 처음 보는 수상한 사람이 주점으로 들어오게 되는데...
삼손과 데릴라
가자(Gaza) 지구의 어떤 마을 광장에 히브리 사람들이 모여 여호와에게 블레셋(Philistines)의 억압에서 자유스럽게 해달라고 기도한다. 사사(재판관이자 지도자)인 삼손(Samson)이 나와 믿음이 부족하다고 사람들을 책망한다. 블레셋 장군 아비멜렉(Abimelech)이 히브리 백성들의 유일신 여호와를 부인하자 삼손이 아베멜렉을 죽이는데...
사랑의 묘약
시골의 젊은 농부 네모리노는 지주의 딸 아디나를 짝사랑한다. 그는 자신의 사랑을 이루기 위해 약장수 둘카마라에게 약을 사서 마신다. 하지만 약의 정체는 싸구려 포도주였고 아무런 효력을 발휘하지 못한다. 아디나는 이때 마을을 방문한 군인 벨코레에게 청혼을 받는다. 새로운 묘약을 살 돈을 구하기 위해 입대한 네모리노는 막대한 유산을 상속받아 부자가 되고, 많은 여자들이 관심을 표한다. 이를 모르던 네모리는 묘약의 효력이 드는 것이라 믿고, 후에 자신을 위해 입대까지 한 것을 안 아디나는 감동받아 네모리노와 행복한 결말을 맞는다.
마스네의 매혹적인 오페라가 베르트랑 드 비이의 지휘와 희극오페라 연출의 대가 로랑 펠리의 연출로 메트에서 초연된다. 로랑 펠리는 메트에서 이미 도니체티의 '연대의 딸'과 마스네의 '마농' 연출로 찬사를 받았다. 프랑스어 원제는 ‘샹드리용’이며 여주인공 신데렐라의 이름도 이 오페라 속에서는 ‘샹드리용’으로 불린다. 조이스 디도나토가 이 작품의 타이틀 롤을 맡아 자신의 메트 배역을 또 하나 첨가했다. 이 작품은 로열오페라하우스, 바르셀로나 리세우 대극장, 브뤼셀 왕립극장, 릴 오페라와 메트 오페라가 공동으로 제작했으며, 산타페 오페라에서 첫 공연이 이루어졌다.
Rossini: Semiramide
A rarely performed bel canto gem, Rossini’s Semiramide returned to the Met for the first time in nearly 25 years during the 2017–18 season. Set in ancient Babylon under the reign of the mythic Queen Semiramis, the opera features political scheming, mistaken identity, divine intervention, and bloodthirsty revenge—not to mention one virtuosic vocal display after another. Soprano Angela Meade is the fierce title monarch, whose quest for power comes to a halt with the discovery that the object of her affection, the warrior Arsace—sung by mezzo-soprano Elizabeth DeShong—may actually be her long-lost son. Together, the two square off in a pair of dazzling duets and deliver some of the opera’s most challenging arias. Bel canto specialist Maurizio Benini takes the podium to lead a cast that also stars tenor Javier Camarena as the ardent prince Idreno, bass Ildar Abdrazakov as the scheming Assur, and bass Ryan Speedo Green as the stern high priest Oroe.
라 보엠
가난하지만 예술을 사랑하는 젊은 보헤미안들의 이야기. 화가 마르첼로와 시인 로돌포가 사는 다락방에 철학자 콜리네와 음악가 쇼나르가 찾아온다. 이들은 가난하지만 즐겁게 살아간다. 어느 크리스마스 이브, 로돌포는 촛불을 빌리러 온 이웃집 미미와 우연히 만나 한눈에 사랑에 빠진다. 그러나 얼마 지나지 않아 미미는 자신이 폐병으로 죽어가고 있다는 사실을 알게 되고 병세는 점점 심각해진다.
화가인 카바라도시는 쫓기고 있는 옛 친구 안젤로티를 숨겨주다 곤경에 빠진다. 그의 애인인 토스카는 카바라도시를 살리기 위해 자신에게 몸을 바치라는 경감 스카르피아의 협박을 받다 그를 찔러 죽이고 만다. 결국 그녀가 스카르피아를 죽인 사실이 발각되고 토스카는 애인을 따라 성벽아래로 몸을 던진다.
죽음의 천사
“왜 나갈 수 없다는 거죠? 이해가 안 돼요. 무엇이 방에서 그들을 붙들고 있는 거죠?” 한정된 공간에 갇힌 사람들이 생사가 오가는 과정에서 인간의 본능을 표출한다. 협력과 반목이 나타나고 하고 싶은 것을 하지 못하는 인간의 내면 발견한다. 점점 보이지 않는 세계에 대한 상상과 탐구 속으로 빠져들어 가는데...
로마 제국 시절 갈리아 민족의 여제 노르마는 로마 총독과 몰래 사통하여 아이를 낳아 기른다. 로마 총독은 젊은 여사제 아달지아와 바람이 나고, 이를 알게 된 노르마는 자식까지 죽이려 한다. 결국 모든 잘못은 자신에게 있다고 생각한 노르마는 스스로 목숨을 청하는데...
The Metropolitan Opera: Idomeneo
Mozart’s early masterpiece returned to the Met for the first time in more than a decade with Music Director Emeritus James Levine, who led the work’s company premiere in 1982, again on the podium. Tenor Matthew Polenzani brings both steely resolve and compassionate warmth to the title king of Crete, who is faced with an impossible decision. With her rich mezzo-soprano, Alice Coote sings the trouser role of Idomeneo’s son Idamante, who loves the Trojan princess Ilia, sung with delicate lyricism by Nadine Sierra. Elza van den Heever gives a thrillingly unhinged portrayal of the jealous Elettra. Jean Pierre-Ponnelle’s timeless production blends the grandeur of ancient myth with the elegance of Enlightenment ideals.
The Metropolitan Opera: La Traviata
La Traviata’s sumptuous melodies and timeless depiction of doomed love have made the work a favorite of generations of operagoers. In his approach to this classic drama, director Willy Decker sets the action on a nearly bare stage, focusing the audience’s full attention on the three main characters. As Violetta, the ailing courtesan desperate to escape her past, soprano Sonya Yoncheva offers a fearless and sympathetic performance from beginning to end. American tenor Michael Fabiano sings with ardent longing as her devoted lover Alfredo, delivering emotionally wrought phrases and ringing top notes. Thomas Hampson brings a burnished baritone to Germont, Alfredo’s protective father whose stern demands spell disaster for the young couple. On the podium, maestro Nicola Luisotti leads an electric performance of Verdi’s unforgettable score.
Met Opera Live: Rusalka
Kristine Opolais “gives a vocally lustrous and achingly vulnerable performance” (New York Times) in the role that helped launch her international career, the mythical Rusalka, who sings the haunting “Song to the Moon.” Director Mary Zimmerman brings her wondrous theatrical imagination to Dvořák’s fairytale of love and longing, rejection and redemption, giving the work “an inspired staging” (Huffington Post). Brandon Jovanovich, Jamie Barton, Katarina Dalayman, and Eric Owens complete “a matchless cast” (New York Times), and Sir Mark Elder conducts “a magnificent rendering of the composer’s lush score (Huffington Post).
The Metropolitan Opera: Don Giovanni
Simon Keenlyside smolders dangerously in the title role of Mozart’s version of the legend of Don Juan, creating a vivid portrait of a man who is a law unto himself, and all the more dangerous for his eternally seductive allure. Adam Plachetka is his occasionally unruly servant Leporello. It’s when Giovanni tangles with Donna Anna (Hibla Gerzmava) that things start to unravel, aided by the reappearance of Donna Elvira (Malin Byström), who is determined not to let her seducer go. With Paul Appleby as Don Ottavio, Donna Anna’s eternally steadfast fiancé. Principal Conductor Fabio Luisi leads the Met Orchestra and Chorus.
The Metropolitan Opera - Puccini: Manon Lescaut
Kristine Opolais is the young woman whose conflicting desires for love and luxury lead to her tragic end, and Roberto Alagna plays the man who falls for her in Puccini’s early hit. Richard Eyre’s elegant production, which sets the action in 1940s occupied France, was one of the highlights of the Met’s 2015–16 season. Massimo Cavalletti as Manon’s brother and Brindley Sherratt as her aging admirer co-star, and Principal Conductor Fabio Luisi is on the podium.
The Metropolitan Opera: Lulu
William Kentridge’s multi-layered production of Berg’s masterpiece stars charismatic soprano Marlis Petersen in the title role—the enigmatic and alluring woman who is equal parts femme fatale, innocent girl, and abused victim. The men around her, whose lives she forever alters, are Johan Reuter as newspaper publisher Dr. Schön; Daniel Brenna as his composer son, Alwa; Paul Groves as the Painter; and Franz Grundheber as Schigolch. Susan Graham sings Countess Geschwitz, and Lothar Koenigs conducts Berg’s landmark score.
Verdi: Otello
Tony Award winner Bartlett Sher’s bold new production probes the psychological underpinnings of Verdi’s dynamic setting of Shakespeare’s great tragedy. At the helm of this performance is riveting conductor Yannick Nézet-Séguin, who brings out all the cascading emotions in Verdi’s turbulent score. Aleksandrs Antonenko is the Moor Otello, the triumphant general of the Venetian army who is ultimately brought down by the sly insinuations of his friend Iago (Željko Lučić). Sonya Yoncheva continues to win fans as Desdemona, Otello’s faithful and long-suffering wife. With Günther Groissböck as Lodovico and Dimitri Pittas as Cassio.
The Met — Il Trovatore
Soprano Anna Netrebko appears in her highly anticipated Met role debut as Leonora, the tortured heroine who sacrifices her own life for the love of the Gypsy troubadour. Dmitri Hvorostovsky sings Count di Luna, Yonghoon Lee is Manrico in his Met role debut as the title character, Dolora Zajick sings her signature role of the gypsy Azucena, and Štefan Kocán is Ferrando. Marco Armiliato conducts Sir David McVicar’s Goya-inspired production.
Rossini: La Donna del Lago
An all-star cast assembled for the Met’s first-ever performances of Rossini’s romantic retelling of Sir Walter Scott’s epic poem The Lady of the Lake. Joyce DiDonato is Elena, the title heroine, who is being pursued by not one, but two tenors—setting off sensational vocal fireworks. Juan Diego Flórez is King James V of Scotland, disguised as the humble Uberto, and John Osborn sings his political enemy, and rival in love, Rodrigo Di Dhu. Complicating matters is the fact that Elena herself loves Malcolm, a trouser role sung by mezzo-soprano Daniela Barcellona, and that she is the daughter of Duglas (Oren Gradus), another of the king’s political adversaries. Paul Curran’s atmospheric production is conducted by Michele Mariotti.
Tchaikovsky: Iolanta / Bartók: Bluebeard's Castle
Valery Gergiev conducts Mariusz Trelinski’s thrilling new production of these rarely heard one-act operas. Anna Netrebko stars as the blind princess of the title in Tchaikovsky’s lyrical work, opposite Piotr Beczala as Vaudémont, the man who wins her love—and wakes her desire to be able to see. Nadja Michael and Mikhail Petrenko are Judith and Bluebeard in Bartók’s gripping psychological thriller about a woman discovering her new husband’s murderous past.
The Metropolitan Opera: The Tales of Hoffmann
New tenor star Vittorio Grigolo takes on the title role in Offenbach’s fantastical opera, giving a tour-de-force performance as the tortured poet unlucky in love. He is joined by a trio of leading ladies: Erin Morley sings the mechanical doll Olympia, Hibla Gerzmava is the fragile Antonia, and Christine Rice sings Giulietta, the Venetian courtesan. Bartlett Sher’s colorful production, seen here in its second Live in HD presentation, also stars Thomas Hampson as the sinister Four Villains and Kate Lindsey as Niklausse, Hoffmann’s friend and muse. Yves Abel conducts.
Rossini: Il Barbiere di Siviglia
A youthful cast brings Rossini’s immortal comedy to sparkling life, led by Christopher Maltman as Figaro, the resourceful barber and man-about-town of the title. The lovely Isabel Leonard is Rosina, the clever young woman at the center of the story, and Lawrence Brownlee sings Count Almaviva, the man who loves her and—with Figaro’s help—rescues her from the house of her elderly and smitten guardian, Bartolo, played by Maurizio Muraro. Paata Burchuladze is the bumbling music master Basilio, and rising conductor and bel canto specialist Michele Mariotti leads the Met’s musical forces in Bartlett Sher’s lively production.
Bizet: Carmen
Georgian mezzo-soprano Anita Rachvelishvili gives a dynamic performance as Bizet’s iconic gypsy, the woman who lives by her own rules. Aleksandrs Antonenko is Don José, the soldier who falls under her spell, and Ildar Abdrazakov plays Escamillo, the swaggering bullfighter who takes Carmen away from Don José—an action that seals Carmen’s tragic fate. Anita Hartig is Micaëla, and Pablo Heras-Casado conducts Richard Eyre’s hit production, set in 1930s Spain.
The Metropolitan Opera: Così Fan Tutte
Met Music director James Levine conducts a cast of youthful stars in Mozart’s sophisticated comedy about testing the ties of love. Susanna Phillips and Isabel Leonard are the sisters Fiordiligi and Dorabella, who are led to believe their fiancés have gone off to war. Matthew Polenzani and Rodion Pogossov are Ferrando and Guglielmo, the lovers who return in disguise to test their girls' fidelity. Danielle de Niese sings the scheming maid Despina and Maurizio Muraro is Don Alfonso, the philosopher and mastermind pulling the strings.
The Metropolitan Opera: Werther
Star tenor Jonas Kaufmann brings aching intensity and vocal charisma to the tortured title hero of Massenet’s Goethe adaptation. Sophie Koch, in her Met debut, is an appealing and elegant Charlotte, the object of Werther’s passionate affection that will lead to tragedy. Lisette Oropesa as Sophie, David Bižić as Albert, and Jonathan Summers as Le Bailli co-star. Richard Eyre’s atmospheric production is conducted by rising maestro Alain Altinoglu.
The Metropolitan Opera: Francesca da Rimini
Eva-Maria Westbroek stars in the title role of Zandonai’s sensuous drama, opposite Marcello Giordani as Paolo. Piero Faggioni’s lush production provides the perfect setting for one of the all-time great tales of tragic passion, adapted from an episode in Dante’s Inferno. Mark Delavan co-stars as Giovanni, the husband and brother of the star-crossed lovers, whose jealousy leads him to kill them both. Robert Brubaker is Malatestino and Marco Armiliato conducts.
The Metropolitan Opera: Rigoletto
Michael Mayer’s acclaimed production, first seen in the 2012–13 season, sets the action of Verdi’s masterpiece in 1960 Las Vegas—a neon-lit world ruled by money and ruthless, powerful men. Piotr Beczała is the Duke, a popular entertainer and casino owner who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Željko Lučić sings Rigoletto, his sidekick and comedian, and Diana Damrau is Rigoletto’s innocent daughter, Gilda. When she is seduced by the Duke, Rigoletto sets out on a tragic course of murderous revenge. Štefan Kocán is the assassin Sparafucile and Michele Mariotti conducts.
Berlioz: Les Troyens
Berlioz’s epic masterpiece retells the magnificent saga of the aftermath of the Trojan War and the exploits of Aeneas. Rising tenor Bryan Hymel, in his Met debut, stars as the hero charged by the gods with the founding of the city of Rome. Susan Graham is Dido, Queen of Carthage, who becomes Aeneas’s lover, and Deborah Voigt sings Cassandra, the Trojan princess whose warnings about the impending destruction of Troy go unheeded. Francesca Zambello’s atmospheric production, featuring choreography by Doug Varone, is led by Met Principal Conductor Fabio Luisi.
The Metropolitan Opera: Un Ballo in Maschera
David Alden’s elegant 2012 production moves Verdi’s thrilling drama to a timeless setting inspired by film noir. Marcelo Álvarez is Gustavo III, the Swedish king in love with Amelia (Sondra Radvanovsky), the wife of his best friend and counselor, Count Anckarström (Dmitri Hvorostovsky). When Anckarström joins a conspiracy to murder the king, tragedy ensues. Stephanie Blythe is the fortuneteller Madame Ulrica Arvidsson and Kathleen Kim sings the page Oscar. Met Principal Conductor Fabio Luisi is on the podium.
The Metropolitan Opera: The Tempest
Composer Thomas Adès conducts the Met premiere of his powerful opera based on Shakespeare’s last play, in Robert Lepage’s brilliantly inventive production. Simon Keenlyside is the magician Prospero, who conjures the storm that shipwrecks his enemies and sets in motion the course of events. Rising Met stars Isabel Leonard and Alek Shrader are the young lovers, Miranda and Ferdinand, Alan Oke sings the sinister Caliban, and Audrey Luna gives a memorable performance as the sprite Ariel.
The Metropolitan Opera: L'Elisir d'Amore
Anna Netrebko as the beautiful and wealthy Adina leads the cast in Barlett Sher’s production of Donizetti’s charming comedy, first seen on Opening Night of the Met’s 2012–13 season. Matthew Polenzani is Nemorino, the poor but good-hearted country boy who wins her love—with the help of the magic “elixir” sold by the quack Dulcamara, played by Ambrogio Maestri. Mariusz Kwiecien is the swaggering Sergeant Belcore and Maurizio Benini conducts.
Wagner: Der Ring Des Nibelungen Part 3 - Siegfried
The third of the four music dramas in Richard Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen. The dwarf Mime, who has brought up Siegfried, makes a sword for him, so that he may kill the dragon Fafner and regain the ring, which Mime then plots to recapture. Siegfried learns he is the son of Sieglinde, who died when he was born. Siegfried melts the pieces of the legendary sword Nothung and repairs it. Alberich and Wotan seek to warn the dragon in return for the treasure, but fail. Siegfried is led by Mime to the cave, where he kills the dragon. A forest bird tells Siegfried to beware Mime. Understanding Mime’s murderous thoughts, Siegfried kills him. The bird also sings of the sleeping Brünnhilde. Wotan understands that Siegfried must wake Brünnhilde, who will save the world. Siegfried meets the Wanderer, Wotan, and with his sword breaks the latter's spear and power. He wakens the Brünnhilde, who gives up Valhalla and the gods for the love of the mortal hero, her love putting an end to her knowledge.
Massenet: Manon
Star soprano Anna Netrebko scored a triumph in Laurent Pelly’s acclaimed 2012 production, singing the title heroine for the first time at the Met. Manon’s story—from innocent country girl to celebrated courtesan to destitute prisoner—is one of the great tragic tales in literature and music, and this performance brings out all of its colors, as seen through Massenet’s masterful score, from the comedic beginning to the heart-wrenching finale. Piotr Bezcala is des Grieux, Manon’s lover, who decides to become a priest when she leaves him, but ultimately is reunited with her, only to lose her again. Paulo Szot sings Lescaut, and Fabio Luisi conducts the Met Orchestra and Chorus.
Verdi: Ernani
Rising Met star Angela Meade is Elvira, the young woman caught between three men: her lover, the nobleman-turned-outlaw Ernani (Marcello Giordani); her guardian, the rich, elderly de Silva, who wants her for himself (Ferruccio Furlanetto); and Don Carlo, the King of Spain, who also desires Elvira (Dmitri Hvorostovsky). Verdi’s early drama is full of sweeping melody and rousing rhythms, delivered masterfully by the Met Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Marco Armiliato.
Gounod: Faust
Tenor Jonas Kaufmann is riveting as the title character of Gounod’s popular opera, seen in this Live in HD presentation of Des McAnuff’s thrilling 2011 production that places the mythical and timeless story in an early 20th-century setting. René Pape as Méphistophélès is menacing and elegant in equal measure, and Marina Poplavskaya delivers a searingly intense portrayal of the innocent Marguerite. Russell Braun as her brother, Valentin, shines in his Act II aria. On the podium, Yannick Nézet-Séguin brings out all the lyricism and drama of Gounod’s score.
Händel: Rodelinda
Renée Fleming stars in the title role of one of Handel’s greatest dramas, seen in Stephen Wadsworth’s 2004 Met premiere production. Rodelinda is faced with an impossible dilemma: With her husband Bertarido believed dead, she either has to marry the despised Grimoaldo (the elegant Joseph Kaiser), who has usurped her husband’s throne, or see him murder her son. But Bertarido (leading countertenor Andreas Scholl) is alive and eventually reclaims both throne and wife—and makes peace with his enemies. Stephanie Blythe is marvelous as Eduige, Bertarido’s sister, who is betrothed to Grimoaldo but turns against him. Baroque authority Harry Bicket conducts.
Philip Glass: Satyagraha
Following the success of his first foray into opera, Einstein on the Beach, revolutionary American composer and musician Philip Glass soon turned to another great figure of the 20th century for inspiration. Set to lines from the Hindu Bhagavad Gita, Satyagraha depicts scenes from the life of Gandhi as he developed his philosophy of non-violent resistance in South Africa between 1896 and 1913. The opera became the second installment of Glass’s Portrait Trilogy, focused on innovators from across history. Satyagraha arrived at the Met during the 2007–08 season, when director Phelim McDermott made his debut with a production that employed everyday materials like newspaper and corrugated tin to create towering puppets and striking tableaus. In 2011, his staging returned, this time recorded live in HD. In this performance, tenor Richard Croft gives a moving performance as Gandhi, leading a remarkable ensemble cast conducted by Dante Anzolini.
The Metropolitan Opera: Siegfried
Robert Lepage’s remarkable Met Opera production of Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen, the 2013 Grammy Award Winner for Best Opera Recording, is now available as individual DVDs. Siegfried features Bryn Terfel, Jay Hunter Morris, and Deborah Voigt, with Fabio Luisi conducting.
The Metropolitan Opera: Don Giovanni
Imbuing the familiar Don Juan myth with a captivating combination of comedy, seductiveness, danger, and damnation, Mozart created an enduring masterpiece that has been a cornerstone of the repertory since its 1787 premiere. The opera offers a rare opportunity for two baritones to star alongside one another as the title Lothario and his faithful yet conflicted servant, Leporello, as well as three memorable female roles—multifaceted women who both suffer the Don’s abuses and plot their revenge.
The Metropolitan Opera: Il Trovatore
Verdi’s IL TROVATORE again storms the Met stage in a star-studded, anvil-wielding cast , including Sondra Radvanovsky, Dolora Zajick and Dmitri Hvorostovsky. Marcelo Álvarez sings Manrico, the troubadour of the title. The story is well-known already: The gypsy Azucena has harbored a grudge for thirty years, but she is about to have revenge at last. Meanwhile, her son Manrico is in love with Leonora, but so is his arch-enemy, the Count Di Luna. A pot-boiler, where every tune is a hit.
The Metropolitan Opera: Lucia di Lammermoor
The tragic tale of "the bride of Lammermoor" has always been a favorite of opera-goers and sopranos alike. Yet with the riveting singing actress Natalie Dessay in the title role, Lucia's plight and descent into madness take on another dimension. Joseph Calleja is an ardent Edgardo, the man she loves but is not allowed to marry. Instead, her brother Enrico forces her into a union with the rich Arturo to save the family fortunes. It proves too much to bear for Lucia.
The Metropolitan Opera: Iphigénie en Tauride
Gluck’s gripping adaptation of the ancient Greek myth is vividly brought to life by a stellar cast in Stephen Wadsworth’s atmospheric production. Oreste is driven by the Furies to atone for killing his mother Clytemnestre. When he and his companion Pylade are shipwrecked on the island of Tauride, the king Thoas demands they be sacrificed. At the center of the drama is Iphigénie, Oreste’s long-lost sister. Forced to live among her enemies, she holds the lives of the captives in her hands—unaware that one of them is her brother. (Iphigénie en Tauride is performed in an adaptation of the 1779 Paris version edited by Gerhard Croll, by arrangement with Bärenreiter.)
John Adams: Nixon in China
John Adams’s groundbreaking work vividly brings to life US President Nixon’s 1972 visit to the People’s Republic of China. Peter Sellars’s Metropolitan Opera production, based on his 1987 world-premiere staging, features choreography by Mark Morris and stars James Maddalena as Nixon, Robert Brubaker as Chairman Mao, Janis Kelly as First Lady Pat Nixon, Russell Braun as Chinese Premier Chou En-lai, and Kathleen Kim as Chiang Ch’ing, Mao’s wife. From the pomp of the public displays to the intimacy of the protagonists most private moments, Adams, Sellars and librettist Alice Goodman reveal the real characters behind the headlines in this landmark American opera.
Puccini: La Fanciulla del West
This excellent Deutsche Grammophon Blu-ray DVD was made during a Metropolitan Opera company performance of “La Fanciulla del West” in December 2010. The performance marked the centenary of the world premiere of the opera at the old Metropolitan Opera in 1910 with Caruso as Ramirrez or Dick Johnson, Emmy Destinn as Minnie, Pasquale Amato as Jack Rance and Arturo Toscanini as the conductor. Puccini helped in the production of the opera and was present in the audience on the night of the premiere.
Rossini: Armida
It is a rare opera indeed that calls for one soprano diva and no fewer than six tenors. Mary Zimmerman’s fanciful production of Rossini’s drama, designed by Richard Hudson and with choreography by Graciela Daniele, provides the perfect setting for superstar Renée Fleming’s captivating performance of the title role. A beautiful but evil sorceress in the times of the Crusades, Armida sets out to regain the love of the Frankish knight Rinaldo (Lawrence Brownlee) by putting her magical spells on him. She at first succeeds to draw him into her web of sorcery, but ultimately divine intervention—and his fellow soldiers—free Rinaldo from his enchantment—much to the vengeful fury of Armida and her demons.
The Met — Der Rosenkavalier
This production of Strauss’s most sumptuous work by director Nathaniel Merrill and designer Robert O’Hearn is almost as beloved as the opera itself. It perfectly captures the glittering never-land of rococco Vienna the way the Viennese—and the rest of the world—wish it had been, and it’s the ideal setting for an adult comedy of love and errors. Susan Graham is the aristocratic young Octavian, torn between two women: Renée Fleming as the Marschallin, the mature woman who understands that one day Octavian must leave her; and Christine Schäfer as Sophie, the young girl who unexpectedly captures his heart. Kristinn Sigmundsson is the lecherous Baron Ochs who sets the whirling plot in motion, and Edo de Waart conducts.
Puccini: Turandot
Franco Zeffirelli's magnificient staging of Puccini's final opera - a fairy tale set in a mythical China - is one of the most popular in the Met repertory. In this Live in HD production, Maria Guleghina takes on the title role and Marcello Giordani is Calaf, the unknown prince. Marina Poplavskaya and Samuel Ramey co-star, and Andris Nelsons conducts in his Met debut.
The Met — Tosca
Puccini’s musical thriller of lust, murder, and politics is one of the most dramatically riveting operas in the repertoire. Luc Bondy’s production, with sets by Richard Peduzzi and costumes by Academy Award-winning designer Milena Canonero, opened the Met’s 2009–10 season. Karita Mattila stars as the beautiful and dangerously impulsive singer Floria Tosca. Marcelo Álvarez is her lover, the painter Cavaradossi, a political enemy of the powerful chief of police, Scarpia (George Gagnidze), who wants Tosca for himself.
Rossini: La Cenerentola
"Irresistible" (Opera News) rising-star mezzo Elina Garanca triumphs as Rossini's Cinderella in this delightful Metropolitan Opera production. "As close to pure joy as you will find in a big-time opera house" (New Yorker), conquering audiences and critics alike, "Garanca has a gorgeous voice that she uses with exceptional skill, melting tenderness; but when the part calls for coloratura fireworks, she unleashes a flawless technique and ringing high notes of impressive power" (Associated Press). Filmed in High Definition Widescreen.
La Sonnambula
Just as a young woman is about to marry her sweetheart, she is discovered—by the entire village, to say nothing of her fiancé—asleep in the bedroom of a stranger. It takes the young man two acts to figure out that sleepwalking is to blame, and everything ends happily. Natalie Dessay as Amina and Juan Diego Flórez as Elvino deliver bel canto magic and vocal fireworks in Mary Zimmerman’s 2009 production. The Tony award-winning director transfers Bellini’s bucolic tale to a rehearsal room in contemporary New York, where an opera company rehearses La Sonnambula—and where the singers are truly in love with each other.
Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice
Director and choreographer Mark Morris’s production of Gluck’s masterpiece updates the immortal story from its ancient Greek roots to the timeless present, where, he says, “the union of chorus and dancers feels inevitable and inseparable.” With costumes by Isaac Mizrahi and a set designed by Allen Moyer, this production surrounds the action with the superb Met chorus dressed as a crowd of historic characters who bear witness to the transformative power of love. Orfeo (Stephanie Blythe) is so consumed with grief at the death of his beloved Euridice (Danielle de Niese) that the gods (Heidi Grant Murphy as Amor) allow him to lead her back from the underworld—if he will not look at her on the way. Of course he can’t resist looking, but the gods are truly merciful.
Massenet: Thaïs
When the most voluptuous, sought-after courtesan in the world meets an ascetic monk whose life is devoted to God, you know erotic sparks are going to fly. And when the clash takes place in a glorious, but rarely performed, opera by Massenet, it’s a delight to the ear just as much as to the eye. Renée Fleming is every inch the glamorous Thaïs, swathed in elegant gowns designed by Christian Lacroix. Thomas Hampson is Athanaël, the tortured man of God. This production by John Cox, which premiered in December 2008, brilliantly sets the stage for a confrontation as old as civilization itself.
Berlioz: La Damnation de Faust
Radiant mezzo-soprano Susan Graham and dashing Italian tenor Marcello Giordani are unlucky lovers in La Damnation de Faust, Hector Berlioz’s classic take on dancing with the devil.
Strauss: Salome
It is no wonder that Met audiences have gone wild over Karita Mattila’s sizzling Salome. Indisputably one of the greatest Salomes of our time, Mattila utterly incarnates Oscar Wilde’s petulant, willful, and lust-driven heroine. With Strauss’s groundbreaking music magnifying the degenerate atmosphere and building the erotic tension, this is one opera that is as shocking today as it was at its premiere in 1905.
The Metropolitan Opera – Verdi: Macbeth
Verdi’s admiration for Shakespeare led to such masterpieces as Othello and Falstaff, and if the earlier Macbeth isn’t on their exalted level it’s still a powerfully dramatic opera that hews closely to the original’s story line. The MET’s production retains the dark aura of the opera while updating it to a vaguely post-modern context. So the witches are bag ladies in various stages of decrepitude, with children in tow. The Banquet Scene features lowered chandeliers, a plethora of chairs, and a slew of extras dressed in tuxedos and party gowns. Macbeth sports a leather coat, the soldiers are in drab brown uniforms and seem to have fingers on their triggers even when they’re supposed to be in non-threatening situations. Director Adrian Noble also has Lady Macbeth do an inordinate amount of writhing around and singing from a lying-down position, adding to the feeling that a less interventionist directorial hand might have generated more impact.
Britten: Peter Grimes
Anthony Dean Griffey creates a haunting portrait of the outcast fisherman who struggles under the burden of presumed guilt. This chilling production by Tony Award-winning director John Doyle also features the superb Patricia Racette as the sympathetic Ellen Orford and the Met chorus in a truly hair-raising performance as the oppressively judgmental fishing village.
Manon Lescaut – The Met
One of today’s most compelling singing actresses, Karita Mattila takes on the irresistible role of Manon Lescaut, the headstrong young woman torn between a life of luxury and the call of her true love: the Chevalier des Grieux, played by Marcello Giordani. The young Puccini lavished some of his most sensual music on this early hit, conducted here by the Met’s beloved James Levine.
The Metropolitan Opera: Hansel and Gretel
This deliciously dark take on the beloved Brothers Grimm fairy tale, appealing to audiences of all ages, was part of the Met’s popular English-language holiday series. Alice Coote and Christine Schäfer star as the famous siblings lost in the woods, who battle the ravenous Witch—a zany portrayal by tenor Philip Langridge—while the Met orchestra, under the baton of Vladimir Jurowski, glories in the rich, folk-inspired score.
The Metropolitan Opera HD Live Gounod's Romeo et Juliette
The world’s most famous love story comes to operatic life with superstars Anna Netrebko and Roberto Alagna playing the star-crossed young couple. The abandon and ardor of their performances brought audiences to their feet in both the opera house and in movie theaters. And the unique, up-close-and-personal camerawork takes the viewer onstage to witness some of the production’s most memorable images and sultriest moments as never before.
The Magic Flute
Tamino, a handsome prince, and Papageno, a bird-catcher, are sent by the Queen of Night to rescue her daughter Pamina from captivity under the high priest Sarastro. Julie Taymor's abridged, English-language production of the classic Mozart opera.
Tristan und Isolde
Inspired by Wagner’s own tortured affair with the wife of his patron, this searing masterwork is based on Arthurian legend and tells of an illicit romance between a Breton nobleman and the Irish princess betrothed to his uncle and king. The composer’s larger-than-life sensibilities are on full display throughout the score: Along with intoxicating orchestral music that surges in tandem with the couple’s burgeoning passion and a chord left symbolically unresolved until the last moments of the opera, the opera also features one of the repertory’s most soaring and ecstatic final climaxes, as Isolde surrenders to a love so powerful that she transcends life itself.
Metropolitan Opera Gala James Levine's 25th Anniversary
This tribute to James Levine, first shown on PBS, was only part of that glorious evening. Here we have the whole performance, up to three hours. I could not stop watching these discs. Let me say this much; Levine has done for the Met, making it the premier opera house in the world, what Karajan did with the Berlin, making it one of the finest orchestras ever. So sit back and enjoy.
Verdi’s monumental score is fully the equal of Shakespeare’s famous tragedy—and both demand great actors. This is one performance where both playwright and composer are well served. Plácido Domingo’s Otello is one of the glories of the operatic world, beautifully sung and so commandingly acted that audiences are devastated by the end. Renée Fleming’s ravishingly beautiful Desdemona is deeply moving, and as Iago, James Morris is as beguiling as he is menacing. Under James Levine’s conducting the Met orchestra and chorus are vital characters in the drama.
Giuseppe Verdi: Simon Boccanegra
This evocative production by Giancarlo Del Monaco sumptuously captures the look and feel of 14th century Genoa and is a perfect compliment to Verdi’s setting of this story of searing conflict between public duty and private grief. Plácido Domingo is Gabriele Adorno, sworn enemy of the doge of Genoa, Simon Boccanegra (Vladimir Chernov). Gabriele is in love with the beautiful Amelia (Kiri Te Kanawa at her most affecting) who turns out to be none other than the long-lost daughter the doge. James Levine’s authoritative conducting of the Met orchestra and chorus reveals the dark power of Verdi’s score. Performed January 26th, 1995.
The Otto Schenk production of Richard Strauss's "Elektra", filmed live at the Metropolitan Opera in January, 1994. Hildegard Behrens stars as Elektra, with Deborah Voigt as Chrysothemis, Brigitte Fassbaender as Klytämnestra, Donald McIntyre as Orest, and James King as Aegisth. James Levine conducts.
It is to composer and librettist Arrigo Boito and his constant pestering of the octogenarian Verdi that there remained within him one last great comedy fighting to get out that we owe this absolute miracle of an opera. Produced in 1893 as Verdi turned 80 there is much in this masterpiece that can be identified as a modernist neoclassical work. The use of short motifs instead of long arioso melodic lines, the spry and reduced orchestral textures and the lack of a single 'stand and deliver' dramatic declamatory aria all serve to make this more of a 20th century work than an example of 19th century late-Romanticism.
L'Elisir d'Amore
John Copley’s colorful production, with designs by Beni Montresor, was created around the beloved superstar Luciano Pavarotti. As the simple, good-hearted Nemorino, he enchanted audiences with his larger-than-life personality as well as his golden voice. Enzo Dara as the quack Dr. Dulcamara provides the elixir of the title that helps Nemorino win the heart of Adina, the girl of his dreams, sung with youthful energy by Kathleen Battle.
Die Walküre
Associate Producer
The gorgeous and evocative Otto Schenk/Günther Schneider-Siemssen production continues with this second opera in Wagner’s Ring cycle. Hildegard Behrens brings deep empathy to Brünnhilde, the favorite daughter of the god Wotan (James Morris) who nevertheless defies him. Morris’s portrayal of Wotan is deservedly legendary, as is Christa Ludwig, as Fricka. Jessye Norman and Gary Lakes are Sieglinde and Siegmund, and Kurt Moll is the threatening Hunding. James Levine and the Met orchestra provide astonishing color and drama. (Performed April 8, 1989)