Janine Marmot

참여 작품

The Gold Machine
Inspired by the writings of Iain Sinclair, a father and daughter trace the footsteps of their colonialist ancestor to the Peruvian jungle. Their journeys flip between continents and centuries to produce an original mediation – part documentary, part fiction – on fate, family and the search for Eldorado.
순수 박물관 -오르한 파묵의 박물관과 이스탄불
1975년에서 84년의 이스탄불, 한 남자가 한 여인에 관한 물건들을 모은다. 오르한 파묵의 『순수 박물관』을 원작으로 만든 작품.
Identicals is a highly unconventional romantic thriller: an obsessive love story stripped down and re-arranged into the looping logic of a nightmare.
Looking for Light: Jane Bown
Executive Producer
In the almost six decades that Bown worked for The Observer, she became renowned for insightful, highly individualistic portraits of the famous. Some of these portraits are now regarded as classics of the genre - Samuel Beckett, Queen Elizabeth II, The Beatles, Bertrand Russell, Mick Jagger and Margaret Thatcher. For the first time, she spoke candidly about her career and revealed how her very personal approach to the taking of portraits is informed by a deep sense of loss and abandonment. This private portrait is enhanced by a series of insightful interviews with Jane’s peers, family, colleagues, friends, and of course some of her subjects.
Kelly + Victor
When Kelly meets Victor on the dance floor of a Liverpool nightclub, the attraction is instant. After wandering through the night they find themselves at her flat, making love with a passion and urgency that neither had experienced before. Both Kelly and Victor are struggling to get by as best they can, while the people around them are choosing illegal lifestyles; she is escaping a brutish former lover, while he is being dragged into a world of drugs. It's when they make love that their darker instincts take over.
벤자멘타 연구소
야콥은 종업원 교육을 받기 위해 일곱 명의 다른 학생들과 요한스와 리사 남매가 운영하는 벤자멘타 연구소에 들어온다. 하지만 더 이상 입학생도 오지 않고 일자리를 얻어 나가는 사람도 없다. 요한스는 오만하고 학교 운영에는 별 관심이 없다. 반면 리사는 아름답고 자기 관리에도 철저했지만 이제는 신경쇠약 직전에 있다. 야콥은 리사에게 마음이 끌리게 되고 리사 역시 그런 듯 보이는데.
The Cardinal and the Corpse
‘The Cardinal and the Corpse' marks the beginning of Petit’s loose partnership with writer Iain Sinclair. There’s a nod towards narrative here involving a book-search launched by graphic novelist Alan Moore and a dealer (the dapper but barking Driffield), but it’s little more than an excuse to showcase a number of authors and other miscreants.
New Chinese Cinema
Production Manager
Tony Rayns presents the work of the 'Fifth Generation' and other innovative filmmakers who emerged during the 1980s in China.
Visions Cinema: Film as a Way of Life: Hong Kong Cinema - A Report by Tony Rayns
Production Accountant
Examines the early 1980s Hong Kong filmmaking community. Tony Rayns interviews some of the new generation of filmmakers and figures from the wider film culture.
The Far Mountains
Executive Producer
Ali is a 12-year-old boy living in a small town in Iran whose mother disappeared when he was very young. His father has now married. Troubled, craving his father’s attention, he loses the injured bird he’s been diligently caring for, and sets out to exact revenge, whatever the consequences.