Costume Design
In the fourth of the highly successful Frankie and Annette beach party movies, a motorcycle gang led by Eric Von Zipper kidnaps singing star Sugar Kane managed by Bullets, who hires sky-diving surfers Steve and Bonnie from Big Drop for a publicity stunt. With the usual gang of kids and a mermaid named Lorelei.
Costume Designer
A Martian teenager sent to prepare for an invasion falls in love with an Earth girl.
Costume Design
'비치 파티'의 10대 무리들은 어느날 영국 팝스타 포테이토 버그의 방문을 받는다. 그는 귀여운 소녀 디디에게 반하고, 그녀를 계속 쫓아다닌다. 하지만 그녀에게는 남자친구인 프랭키가 있다. 한편, 개발업자 하비 헌팅턴 허니왜건은 그들의 해변을 사들여 성인들의 위락 휴양지로 만들려고 한다. 비키니 해변을 무대로 서핑을 즐기는 이 10대 애들이 반대하는 것은 당연하다. 결국 팝스타 포테이토 버그까지 합세하여 그곳을 휴양지로 만들려는 계획을 무산시킨다.
Costume Design
Local beach-goers find that their beach has been taken over by a businessman training a stable of body builders.
Costume Design
술고래에다 아내에게 포악하기까지 한 장의사 왈도는 상도덕도 없어 장례식이 끝나면 시신을 아무렇게나 묻어 버리고는 관을 다시 쓰기 위해 도로 가져간다. 장례식 의뢰는 점점 줄어드는데,집주인 블랙이 찾아와 밀린 집세를 내지 않으면 내쫓을 거라 경고하자 왈도는 궁지에 몰린다. 생각 끝에 왈도는 조수 펠릭스와 함께 직접 나서서 고객을 만들기로 하고, 한밤중에 젊은 아내와 사는 부유한 노인의 저택에 숨어든다. 블랙 유머가 가미된 코믹 호러. 사악한 목소리와 표정으로 공포 영화의 아이콘이 된 빈센트 프라이스, 독특한 표정 연기로 누아르 등 장르 영화를 주름잡은 피터 로어와 같은 주연 배우들의 천연덕스러운 연기가 연신 웃음을 유발한다.
Costume Designer
3 horror stories based on the writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne. In the 1st story titled "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment", Heidegger attempts to restore the youth of three elderly friends. In "Rappaccini's Daughter", a demented father is innoculating his daughter with poison so she may never leave her garden of poisonous plants. In the final story "The House of the Seven Gables", The Pyncheon family suffers from a hundred year old curse and while in the midst of arguing over inheritance, a stranger arrives.
Costume Design
Anthropology Professor Robert Orwell Sutwell and his secretary Marianne are studying the sex habits of teenagers. The surfing teens led by Frankie and Dee Dee don't have much sex but they sing, battle the motorcycle rats and mice led by Eric Von Zipper and dance to Dick Dale and the Del Tones.
Costume Design
충격적인 눈알 장면으로 오프닝을 여는 영화는 투시력을 갖게 된 의학자의 파국을 다룬다. 자비어 박사는 과도한 X레이 실험을 펼치다가 모든 물질을 투시하는 능력을 갖게 된다. 동료 의사들은 그 능력을 획기적인 수술 방법에 활용하라고 하지만 자비어는 자신의 욕망에 집착하게 되고 급기야 이성을 잃는 지경에 이른다. (2011년 할리우드 저예산 B급영화 기획전)
Costume Design
19세기 초, 프랑스 군인 앙드레 뒤발리에가 부대에서 낙오되는데, 해변에서 눈을 뜬 앙드레 앞에 아름다운 여인이 나타난다. 자신을 헬레인이라 밝힌 여인은 돌연 사라졌다 나타나 바다로 걸어 들어가고, 그녀를 쫓던 앙드레는 정신을 잃는다. 한 노파의 보살핌을 받으며 눈을 뜬 앙드레는 헬레인을 찾지만, 노파는 헬레인은 새일 뿐이라고 말한다. 깊은 밤, 앙드레는 헬레인을 찾아 나선다. 로저 코만의 호러 영화로, 그 제작 과정이 더 유명하다. 여러 이유로 로저 코만을 대신해 몬티 헬만, 프랜시스 포드 코폴라, 그리고 심지어 잭 니콜슨까지 메가폰을 잡았다.
Costume Design
Simon Cordier, a French magistrate and amateur sculptor comes into contact with a malevolent entity. The invisible - yet corporeal - being, called a "horla" is capable of limited psychokinesis and complete mind control.
Costume Supervisor
A magician who has been turned into a raven turns to a former sorcerer for help.
Costume Design
The twisted Richard III is haunted by the ghosts of those he has murdered in his attempt to become the King of England.
Wardrobe Master
Three stories adapted from the work of Edgar Allen Poe: 1) A man and his daughter are reunited, but the blame for the death of his wife hangs over them, unresolved. 2) A derelict challenges the local wine-tasting champion to a competition, but finds the man's attention to his wife worthy of more dramatic action. 3) A man dying and in great pain agrees to be hypnotized at the moment of death, with unexpected consequences.
Costume Design
An artist grows distant from his new wife as an irrational horror of premature burial consumes him.
Costume Design
A weary sergeant in Korea commands military prisoners on a dangerous mission and is joined by a nun and a group of schoolgirls in enemy territory.
Costume Design
Two couples are on a boating trip when they come across an uncharted island. The four investigate and find themselves in the clutches of Dr. Albert Balleau, whose hobby is hunting both animals and humans… The group tries to escape only to be thwarted by Dr. Balleau and his henchmen.
Costume Design
16세기 스페인, 동생 엘리자베스가 죽었다는 통보를 받은 영국인 신사 프랜시스 바나드는 동생의 남편 니콜라스를 방문한다. 동생의 죽음에 의문을 품고 니콜라스를 추궁하던 바나드는 니콜라스가 죽은 엘리자베스의 환영에 시달리고 있다는 걸 알게 되는데..
Wardrobe Supervisor
A mad genius tries to bomb the world into peace.
Wardrobe Master
석고에 덮여 죽은 고양이가 실수로 조각상으로 오해받는 일이 생기고, 한 식당 종업원이 이 작품의 작가로 호평을 받게 된다. 그의 더 많은 찬사를 받고자 하는 욕망은 점점 더 치명적인 일련의 작품들로 이어지게 되는데...
A 17-year-old high-school senior marries a 20-something law student who works as a waiter. Who said marriage was bliss?
Costume Design
Two escaped convicts are found hiding in a rocketship built by a renegade inventor, who forces them to become the crew for a trip to the Moon. Also on board, as inadvertent stowaways, are his assistant and his secretary; and none of them are aware that the inventor is actually a Lunarian explorer sent to Earth by the dying Lunar civilization and the only remaining male member of that civilization.
Wardrobe Supervisor
Teenagers from a small town and their high school science teacher join forces to battle a giant mutant spider, living in a cave nearby and getting hungry.
Wardrobe Master
A kid who wants to enter his car in the drag races joins a rock band to make enough money to do it.
Costume Design
Roger Corman's post-holocaust quickie about an adolescent tribesman who dares to explore the feared "forbidden zone."
Costume Design
A series of grisly murders plague a small mountain community and the sheriff suspects a local scientist whom he dislikes. Together with a former professor and the professor's pretty daughter, the scientist sets about solving the crimes and discovers the killer is an oversized 16th century conquistador, resurrected by a lightning bolt from his mountain grave.
Wardrobe Designer
An ocean-side nightclub owner loves a singer who only has eyes for a gambler.
Costume Design
A teen girl is thrown into reform school for refusing to squeal on her delinquent boyfriend where she ends up meeting his ex-girlfriend and the jealous tempers fly.
Costume Design
Girl loves hot cars and a rich dragstrip racer. Her parents don't like either one.
Wardrobe Master
Joe and Ella Mae Hamilton, having just moved into a new neighborhood, are confronted by an angry, jeering mob of whites outside their house. Joe thinks back on his life. According to press materials, the film's story was based on an idea "expressed by [United Steelworkers of America Union, distributor of the film] President David J. McDonald in a speech on civil rights given by him" in Los Angeles in September 1956.
Wardrobe Supervisor
Landing on a small island not far from Havana, Cuba, Lt. Cmdr. Ben Staves joins a Navy scientific project engaged in finding an effective shark repellent to help save the lives of WWII military personnel stranded in shark-infested waters. His zeal for completing the project as fast as possible is explained by his having lost a large percentage of his crew to sharks when his ship was sunk by the Japanese. Against the advice of the others on the project, Staves demands that the new repellent be tested on a live subject surrounded by hungry sharks and will allow no one but himself to be the test subject!