ADR Editor
전투기 80여 대를 격추하며 연합군 조종사들의 간담을 서늘케 했던 독일 공군의 전설적인 영웅 붉은 남작(Red Baron) Manfred Von Richthofen의 실화를 다룬 영화. 1916년 1차 세계 대전이 한창인 프랑스 북부 연합군 지역의 한 장례식에 4대의 독일 전투기들이 날아들어 추모의 꽃다발을 떨어뜨리고 사라진다. 전략 결혼으로 얽히고 설킨 유럽 왕족과 귀족 사회에서 적이자 친구인 독일 조종사들이 전사한 영국 장교를 조문하려고 왔던 것. 문제의 4인 중 하나인 맨프레드 폰 리히트호펜 남작은 1차 대전 양 진영을 통틀어 가장 많은 격추 실력을 보였던 전설의 비행사였다. 그에게 있어 공중전은 영광스럽고 품위 있는 신사적인 스포츠 이벤트와 다름없었다. 그러나 우연히 만난 야전 간호사 케이트와 사랑에 빠지면서 전쟁의 잔혹성과 민중의 비참한 운명에 눈 뜬 그는 프로이센 제국에 의해 전쟁 선전 도구로 이용당하고 있는 자신에게 환멸을 느끼게 되고...
In this surrealist film director Picasso can awaken from the dead. He steals a paintings painted by himself of a couple of wealthy psychiatrists. When Picasso meets Takla Bash, a patient of the psychiatrists, Picasso falls in love. Although it is his own daughter, he remembers an incredible love affair, in which a film with a blue cow plays a role. In the majority of the paintings shown in the film are works of Herbert Achternbusch.
Hick's Last Stand.
Comedy shot without a script on Super-8mm as a silent film, with intertitles later inserted between scenes. What unfolds is a familiar Achternbusch tale in which the protagonist (here his alter-ego, Hick) is driven by a mad longing and becomes irretrievably lost. Unable to meet the demands of the workaday world, Hick wanders alone through the city and, as in many of Achternbusch's films, enters an intermediate realm in which the dead interact with the living: he encounters and falls in love with a mummy, searches for an Egyptian queen, and stalks the inner regions of the hereafter, which lie in the middle of Munich.
Stalingrad, 1942: just as he is complaining about the "blockheads" who are in control, a German named Herbert gets hit. Fast forward forty years after the war to Munich's Hofgarten, where in front of the patched-up ruins of the Army Museum Herbert reappears, mistakenly believing he is still in Stalingrad, which the victorious Germans have destroyed and rebuilt in the image of Munich
Jesus (played by the director) returns to present-day Bavaria, walks around Munich in a somewhat dazed manner and strikes up an affair with a nun, arguing that they are married anyway. Therefore, he refers to himself as "Ober" (waiter), obviously the male form of "Oberin" (Mother Superior). He occasionally transforms into a snake when being afraid and is finally carried up into the sky by the nun, who transforms into a bird of prey. (IMDB review)