Socorro Avelar

Socorro Avelar

출생 : , Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico

사망 : 2003-02-11

프로필 사진

Socorro Avelar

참여 작품

La milpa
Older Angela
A sensual and painful memory of the Mexican Revolution.
Powder Keg
Contra Grandmother
The Driver is drafted by the UN to rescue a wounded war photographer named Harvey Jacobs from out of hostile territory. While they are leaving Jacobs tells the Driver about the horrors he saw as a photographer, but he regrets his inability to help war victims. Jacobs answers the driver curiosity about why he is a photographer by saying how his mother taught him to see. He gives the Driver the film needed for a New York Times story and also his dog tags to give to his mother. When they reach the border, they are confronted by a guard who begins to draw arms as Jacobs begins taking pictures, trying to get himself killed. The Driver drives through a hail of gunfire to the border, but finds Jacobs killed by a bullet through the seat. The Driver arrives in America to visit Jacobs' mother and share the news of him winning the Pulitzer prize and hand over the dog tags, only to discover that she is blind.
Katuwira, donde nacen y mueren los sueños
Sofia meets a stranger man who hacks the computer system where she works before she has an accident. After the accident, she is the only one that remember seeing this man, so she decides to search for him.
20억 달러의 국방 예산이 투입된 사이보그 인간 병기 솔로(Solo: 마리오 반 피블스 분)는 사고할 수 있도록 설계되어 로봇임에도 이성을 갖고 스스로 삶의 가치를 깨닫기 시작한다. 미국의 우방국에서 혼란을 야기하려는 반국의 책동을 분쇄하기 위하여 투입된 솔로는 민간인이 다칠 수 있는 상황이 되자 반군분쇄작전을 취소한다. 본부가 발칵 뒤집힌 것은 물론이다. 클라이드 장군(General Clyde Haynes: 베리 코빈 분)은 솔로를 만든 과학자인 빌 박사(Bill Stewart: 에드리언 브로디 분)에게 솔로의 재프로그램을 명령하지만 솔로는 기지를 탈출하여 반군 주둔지로 침투한다. 이곳에서 솔로는 마을 주민을 괴롭히던 반군을 격퇴한다. 마을 사람들과 솔로는 점점 결속이 두터워진다. 솔로 프로젝트의 책임자인 클라이드 장군은 매든 대령과 휘하의 특공대를 급파하여 솔로를 체포하려 하지만 솔로의 막강한 능력을 당해낼 제간이 없다. 이때 더욱 발전된 두 번째 사이보그인 매인 II가 투입되는데.
The Queen of the Night
Pulque Saleswoman
The legendary life of Mexican singer Lucha Reyes is the basis of this fictionalized biography ( or as director Arturo Ripstein puts it "an imaginary biography"). Lucha Reyes was an unconventional, and sexually liberated woman, most famous for her "cancion ranchera" style singing. Her story begins in 1939, where at 33 she still lived at home with her mother, Dona Victora, the madame of a renowned Mexico City whorehouse. Lucha marries the liberal Pedro Calderon and then buys a beggar's daughter. She becomes the mother to this child, Luzma. Lucha craves lasting love like junkies crave heroin. But for her loyal daughter, she never finds it and in the end no one can help her.
Goitia: A God for Himself
Doña Marce
Contrabando y muerte
A young man gets involved in the drug trade and is murdered. His father sets out to find the killers.
The Realm of Fortune
Madre de Dionisio
Poor Dionisio finds himself as recipient of the good fortune, but soon he forgets that everything that goes up also has to go down, and that in the depressing nothingness of his town it is easy to die.
Mundo mágico
Anthology movie that presents 3 stories about romance.
Pedro Páramo, el hombre de la Media Luna
Justina Díaz
Juan Preciado, son of Pedro Páramo, goes to Comala to claim his inheritance; but when he arrives he finds an abandoned and sinister town, inhabited by mysterious voices and whispers…
Volver, volver, volver
Good son vs bad son melodrama complicates life on the hacienda.
Caminando pasos... caminando
Directed by Federico Weingartshofer
El ministro y yo
Lupita (uncredited)
Mateo Melgarejo is a notary public and scribe for the illiterate people of Santo Domingo, a neighborhood north of Mexico City's Zócalo. A squatter friend asks for his help in negotiating with the land census bureau to regularize a land title. After a great deal of frustration with the government bureaucracy, he writes a letter to the cabinet minister, earning an audience with him. The minister hires Melgarejo to reform the bureau, and the appointee proceeds to lecture the officials on their duties in a democratic society. At the end, he gives up the post, returning to Santo Domingo to help its poor residents.
Mexico, Mexico, ra, ra, ra!
Librado, an unemployed man, lives in a crowded small house with numerous children and relatives, is beaten for stealing a car antenna. His godmother and her children try to settle in his place. She then is arrested at a supermarket for stealing, however, she offers herself and volunteers a friend of hers for sex to the policemen so she can be released. She is a maid of an employee who acts subservient to his boss, a mid-level government employee at once servile who delivers speeches on sexuality in educational texts and then discusses the matter with his brother, a corrupt inspector.
Novios y amantes
Isbet, la Bruja
Rich man who owns an island sanctuary is involved in some shady business. Meanwhile, his daughter... and also meanwhile, the tribe of hippies that are racing around on dune buggies...
Los Caifanes
Cabaret Worker
A couple on the verge of getting married gets mixed up with a gang of thugs in this routine crime drama that underscores the Socio-economic disparity in the Mexican culture. The upper-class couple rides along with outsiders who go club-hopping and resort to petty thievery. After their adventure, the couple questions whether or not they are right for each other.
Zodiac Signs
A group of young people makes a plan to escape from the problems of their neighborhood.
El tejedor de milagros
Arnulfo is a man weaving baskets. Remedios has given birth in front of the house of a woman and her aid, but the village is spread the word that the child born as a child God and an atheist would think exploit to their advantage the "miracle ".
Vecina de Josefa (uncredited)
브뉘엘의 또 다른 영화 "트리스티나"의 원저자이자, 톨스토이, 발작, 졸라, 디킨스와 비유되는 위대한 스페인 작가인 베니토 페레스 갈도스의 원작 소설을 각색한 작품. 브뉘엘은 19세기 스페인을 배경으로 한 원작과는 달리 "나자린"의 배경을 독재 정권이 지배하던 19세기말의 멕시코로 옮겨 그리스도의 계율에 따라 엄격하게 살고자 하는 성직자의 퇴락의 과정을 심오하게 그리고 있다. 이 영화에서 브뉘엘은 성직자 또한 인간임을 보여준다. 그런 점에서 옥타비오 파스는 이 작품이 '인간의 조건을 드러냄과 동시에 그것을 넘어서는 방법을 보여준다. 나자리오는 신을 잃어버렸지만 사랑과 형제애를 발견한다'라고 평했다. 이 영화에 담긴 그리스도에 대한 헌신, 신앙, 희망, 고통과 인간에 대한 사랑과 형제애에 대한 모호성 때문에 성직자들은 이 영화를 종교적인 영화로 받아들였고, 무신론자들은 이 영화를 신성모독을 보여주는 대표작으로 손꼽고 있다.