Gordon Begg

출생 : 1868-01-14, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK

사망 : 1954-02-04

참여 작품

스페이드의 여왕
General Volcholnikov
An elderly countess strikes a bargain with the devil and exchanges her soul for the ability to always win at cards. An army officer, who is also a fanatic about cards, murders her for the secret, then finds himself haunted by the woman's spirit.
위대한 유산
Night Porter
핍(Young Pip: 안소니 와거 분)은 누나와 매형과 함께 살고 있는 소년이다. 매형은 대장장이이며 억척같은 누나는 핍을 구박하고 멸시한다. 그러던 어느 날 핍은 부모님 무덤가에서 한 죄수를 만나게 되고 그에게 음식과 철끈을 가져다준다. 죄수는 결국 잡히게 되지만 그 죄수는 아이에 대한 고마운 마음을 간직하게 된다. 그러던 어느 날 핍은 해비쉠(Miss Havisham: 마리타 헌트 분)이라는 유복하지만 늙은 노처녀의 집으로 초대를 받는다. 함께 놀아주는 대가로 일종의 보수를 받게 된 것이다. 여기서 핍은 아름다운 소녀 에스텔라(Young Estella: 진 시몬스 분)를 만나고 그녀를 사모하게 된다.
They Knew Mr. Knight
After a chance train encounter with Laurence Knight, Tom Blake's family's fortunes prosper on the beneficence of the great financier. A developing friendship leads to the Knights selling their home to the Blakes when they move back to London. All looks rosy for the Blakes as share prices in Mr Knight's new business venture soar, but is their confidence misplaced?
Strawberry Roan
Shepherd (uncredited)
Farmer Chris Lowe meets and falls in love with Molly , a chorus-girl. Despite the fact that she is a city girl through and through, she accepts his proposal of marriage and after the wedding goes to live on the farm. Chris realises that the transition for Molly will be difficult, and in an attempt to ease her into farm life, buys her a strawberry roan calf to look after. Unfortunately Molly finds the adjustment to rural life extremely difficult and does not settle down. She fails to integrate into the local community and starts to feel she has made a big mistake.
Medal for the General
Old Steward (uncredited)
A retired general helps out by sheltering some evacuees during WWII.
English Without Tears
Grandfather Gilbey
While Lady Christabel Beauclark, a bird fancier, is scurrying about demanding certain territorial rights for British birds from other countries, Her Ladyship's niece is falling in love with the family butler, Tom Gilbey. The birds are forgotten when war breaks out, and Gilbey now finds himself in love with the niece whose love was previously unrequited. Written by Les Adams
The Lamp Still Burns
Old Carter (uncredited)
A tribute to the important work of female nurses during World War II.
Sons of the Sea
The head of Dartmouth Training College has been murdered, and his successor, Captain Hyde, suspects that he himself may have been the intended target. He enlists the help of his own son Philip, a reluctant cadet at the college, to help him confirm his suspicions about planned enemy action... but meanwhile, there is a Secret Service agent staying at the college observatory, the foreign-born professor of astronomy is behaving strangely, and Naval Intelligence disclaim any knowledge of what is going on...
Sword of Honour
Grandpa Brown
A recruit at Sandhurst initially makes a poor impression, but goes on to prove himself by riding in the Grand National.
Where There's a Will
Aldrich, the Butler
Will Hay plays the pennyless, bungling solicitor Benjamin Stubbins, who arrives at his office to find his insolent office boy (Graham Moffatt) with his feet up on the desk, reading a wild west magazine, which Hay confiscates so that he can read it later. Stubbins later takes a job from a group of Americans who claim they want him to track down some ancestors of theirs in Scotland. In reality however they want to use his office so they can rob a safe in the room immediately below his office. Stubbins takes the job (which is designed to keep him out of the office). In the end Stubbins realises his mistake and at a Christmas Eve fancy dress party he informs a group of carol singing policeman about the Americans nefarious activities
The Marriage of Corbal
The film hinges on the love triangle between a young aristocratic lady on the run (Cleonie, played by Hazel Terry), the murderous Varennes, Citizen-Deputy of the Revolution who saves her by disguising her as his nephew (Nils Asther) and finally the Marquis of Corbal of the film's title, played by Hugh Sinclair.
The Night of the Party
A major newspaper publisher dies in suspicious circumstances during a parlour game at a dinner party. The publishers secretary is the obvious suspect, but the inspector isn't so sure ...
Dangerous Ground
Two insurance detectives work with the police to identify and bring down a crime kingpin. One is murdered, but his partner and his daughter continue.
This Week of Grace
Grace Milroy loses her job working at a factory. However, through a strange set of circumstances, she is taken on as housekeeper at the nearby Swinford Castle the home of the eccentric Duchess of Swinford.
The Shadow
A group of people in an old dark house are terrorized by a mysterious hooded figure dressed in black who proceeds to kill them off one by one.
Strictly Business
The daughter of an American leather magnate is sent on a series of sightseeing tours in London with her father's business associate, but finds herself targeted by an opportunistic blackmailer.
Out of the Blue
Impoverished aristocrat's daughter Tommy Tucker is in love with radio announcer Bill Coverdale, but he is engaged to her more glamorous sister Angela, who he does not love. Seeking escape from this hopeless situation, and her life of genteel poverty, Tommy flees abroad to Biarritz to become a nightclub singer.
The Sleeping Cardinal
Marston, the butler
A card cheat is threatened with exposure into joining a criminal enterprise that Sherlock Holmes believes is controlled by Professor Moriarity.
Elstree Calling
A series of 19 musical and comedy "vaudeville" sketches presented in the form of a live television broadcast hosted by Tommy Handley (as himself).
The Celestial City
A British silent crime film directed by J. O. C. Orton
발레타인 윌모트(제임스 토머스)는 번화한 나이트클럽이자 레스토랑인 피카딜리 서커스의 소유자이다. 피카딜리의 스타는 윌모트가 키운 아름다운 댄서 메이블(질다 그레이)과 빅터라는 댄서 커플이다. 잘 나가던 빅터가 윌모트와의 불화로 클럽을 떠나자 메이블의 인기가 떨어지면서 클럽은 경영난을 겪게 된다. 손님의 불만으로 해고한 중국인 접시닦이 쇼쇼(아나 메이 웡)의 춤 솜씨를 보게 된 발레타인은 그녀를 댄서로 발탁하고 그녀는 큰 성공을 거두게 된다. 독일 출신 감독인 두폰트가 영국으로 건너가 연출한 이 영화는 독일 표현주의와 영국적 소재가 적절히 섞인 느와르 풍의 무성영화이다. 삼각관계 질투, 그로 인한 살인, 거짓증언, 자살 등 멜로드라마의 전형을 따르고 있다. 중국계 미국배우인 아나 메이 웡은 팜므파탈 쇼쇼로 분해 개봉 당시 큰 반향을 불러 일으켰다. 아나 메이 웡의 마지막 무성영화로 2004년 BFI에서 복원한 디지털 버전으로 상영된다. (2015 한국영상자료원 - 발굴, 복원 그리고 초기영화로의 초대)
Clothes Make the Woman
A young Russian peasant feels pity for the Princess Anastasia and saves her life by accidentally wounding her in the massacre of the Romanovs during the Russian Revolution.
A Sinless Sinner
Dr. Norton
A forger's arrest shocks his pregnant wife, causing their daughter to suffer strange trances.
The Vengeance of Nana
'A spurned Indian woman seeks revenge on the man who promised to marry her.' (British Film Institute)