Yvon Chouinard
Yvon Chouinard (born November 9, 1938) is an American rock climber, environmentalist, and outdoor industry billionaire businessman. His company, Patagonia, is known for its environmental focus.
Chouinard is also a surfer, kayaker, falconer, and is particularly fond of tenkara fly-fishing. He has written about climbing issues and ethics and on mixing environmentalism and business.
From Oscar-winning filmmakers Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin, "Wild Life" follows conservationist Kris Tompkins on an epic, decades-spanning love story as wild as the landscapes she dedicated her life to protecting. After falling in love in mid-life, Kris and the outdoorsman and entrepreneur Doug Tompkins left behind the world of the massively successful outdoor brands they'd helped pioneer like Patagonia, The North Face, and Esprit, and turned their attention to a visionary effort to create National Parks throughout Chile and Argentina. "Wild Life" chronicles the highs and lows of their journey to effect the largest private land donation in history.
Executive Producer
There are 640 million acres of public land in the United States. But there are powerful forces, both in government and in corporate America, eager to plunder this bounty. David Garrett Byars’s eye-opening documentary travels to Alaska, into the red rock canyons of southern Utah, and to Minnesota’s Boundary Waters, and exposes a land war going on under our very noses.
Newly into addiction recovery, an urgent threat emerges to spur filmmaker, Mark Titus back to the Alaskan wilderness - where the people of Bristol Bay and the world's last intact wild salmon runs face devastation if a massive copper mine is constructed.
The legend of Hamish MacInnes began early. At 16 he climbed the Matterhorn. At 17 he built his first motor car – from scratch. He attempted Everest in 1953 with his friend Johnny Cunningham, and almost stole the peak before Hillary and Tenzing. As an explorer, expedition leader and engineer he achieved world fame. As inventor of the all metal ice axe, author of the International Mountain Rescue Handbook and founder of Glencoe Mountain Rescue he has been responsible for saving hundreds of lives, if not thousands. But at the age of 84, his accomplishments could not save him from being institutionalised against his will, suffering from delirium. After a spell in psychogeriatric detainment in a hospital in the Highlands of Scotland, during which he made many escape attempts – he emerged to find his memory gone. This film tells the story of his life by mirroring his greatest challenge: to recover his memories and rescue himself.
They called themselves Fun Hogs. In 1968, five friends took a road trip to climb Cerro Fitz Roy, and documented the whole thing on a 16mm Bolex. Along the way they surfed undiscovered breaks, skied on sand and snow, spent 31-days in a snow cave and made a first ascent on the mountain. Fifty years later this film, which defined a lifestyle and became an underground classic, is in its first wide release.
The story of four groups that are pioneers in the fields of regenerative agriculture, regenerative grazing, diversified crop development and restorative fishing, explaining the critical role that food will play in the next frontier of humanity's mission to solve the environmental crisis.
THE SEARCH FOR FREEDOM is the story of a cultural revolution fueled by the human desire to live in the moment and do what makes you feel the most alive. We discover how an electrifying new world came about through pure energy and imagination and the infinite possibilities of self-expression available to anyone willing to drop in. This documentary, written and directed by Jon Long (IMAX® Extreme), is a visceral, visual experience told through the eyes some of the brightest pioneers, legends, visionaries and champions of surfing, snowboarding, skiing, skateboarding, mountain biking and more.
캘리포니아주에 위치한 요세미티 산맥은 한 해 300만 명이 넘는 관광객이 찾는 미국의 대표적인 국립공원이다. 하지만 세계에서 가장 큰 암석인 앨카피탄과 3,000미터가 넘는 암벽이 즐비한 이곳은 동시에 미국 등반가들의 성지이기도 하다. 1950년대부터 지금까지 무허가로 암벽을 오르는 등반가들은 한가로이 자연 경관을 바라보며 느긋한 휴가를 즐기려는 중산층 시민들과 경찰당국에겐 늘 눈엣가시였으며 아직도 그렇다. 50년대에 처음 이곳에 둥지를 튼 최초의 등반가들은 소비주의에 매몰된 사회에 반항하는 비트족이자 등반을 통해 대항문화공동체를 이뤄나간 반체제주의자들이었으며, 이런 전통은 아직도 후배 등반가들을 통해 지속되고 있다. 아카이브 영상을 발랄하고 자유자재로 편집한 장면들은 시종일관 웃음을 자아낸다. 최근 요세미티에서 베이스점프 중 사망해 많은 등반가들의 안타까움을 자아낸 전설적 등반가 딘 포터의 모습을 볼 수 있는 마지막 영화이기도 하다. [2016년 울주세계산악영화제]
소위 ‘뉴딜 정책’이라고 불렸던 1930년대 미국의 대규모 토목사업들. 당시 건설된 거대한 댐들은 기술에 대한 경이로움까지 더해지며 미국인들의 자부심이 되었다. 하지만 강이 인간의 삶과 건강에 치명적 영향을 끼친다는 인식이 확산되면서, 댐의 철거를 둘러싼 미국인들의 생각에도 변화가 일어난다. 은 댐이 사라진 이후 되살아난 강의 생명력을 웅장하게 담아낸 작품이다. 루스벨트 대통령의 연설문으로 시작되는 영화는 이후 과거의 뉴스릴 등을 통해 댐의 역사를 좇는다. 또한 댐으로 파괴된 강과 철거 후 복원된 강의 모습을 보여주며, 자연이란 정복의 대상이 아니라 오히려 우리가 그 일부로 존재할 수밖에 없음을 깨닫게 한다.
(2014년 제11회 서울환경영화제)
제프존스는 자신의 영웅인 이본 취나드, 더그 톰킨스의 1968년도 여정을 되짚어 보고자 동료들과 모험을 떠난다. 항해도중 난파되어 라파누이로 항로를 변경하는 등, 어려움을 겪으면서도 그는 코르코바도를 등반할 준비를 멈추지 않는다. 등반과 서핑, 모험을 사랑한 제프존스의 인생은 비오는 오두막에서 이본 취나그와 더그 톰킨스를 만나면서 완전히 변하게 되는데...