Ricky Tognazzi

Ricky Tognazzi

출생 : 1955-05-01, Milano, Italy

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Ricky Tognazzi

참여 작품

La voglia matta di vivere
La voglia matta di vivere
La voglia matta di vivere
Noi siamo cinema
An Italian documentary about Italian cinema.
Other Fathers
Giulio, a skilled salesman, father and caring husband, suddenly finds himself homeless, without money, and without a family, when his wife Annalisa asks for a divorce, forcibly removing him from his children with false accusations of violence and drugs.
Pertini: Il combattente
Hochzeit in Rom
On business trip in Milan, Bavarian architect Max Hauser falls in love with strong-willed waitress Bianca, who is fired for speaking up to his rude colleagues. When he proposes, she runs, but he traces her to Rome, where he finds she's actually the multi-titled rebellious daughter of impoverished prince and count Vibaldo D'Arcadia and his snobbish silver spoon wife Gioia, who inhabit a stunning but slowly derelict renaissance palace. When Max asks for her hand, she hastily accepts, and after getting the matriarchal blessing of the countess-mother Donna Costanza, Max invites his parents, egalitarian dentist Walter Hauser and wine merchant Eva and Zahnarzt to attend his socialite wedding. Max is not amused to find his father cornered by his mistress, flight attendant Xenia who demands Waleter's divorce, a secret they will painfully fail to keep under control, yet the parents refuse to spoil their son's wedding, but the palatial maid gets wind of half the story and confides into the ...
Boris Giuliano: Un poliziotto a Palermo
Boris Giuliano: Un poliziotto a Palermo
Through five stories, the film talks about the problems related to social networks and its use especially by young people.
On Air - Storia di un successo
Pietro Mennea - La freccia del sud
Pietro Mennea - La freccia del sud
Pietro Mennea - La freccia del sud
Esterno sera
Zio Antonio
See You Tomorrow
Gabriele Camicioli
2013 Italian comedy
Il caso Enzo Tortora - Dove eravamo rimasti?
Il caso Enzo Tortora - Dove eravamo rimasti?
Enzo Tortora
Il caso Enzo Tortora - Dove eravamo rimasti?
Tutta colpa della musica
Tutta colpa della musica
Portrait Of My Father
A labor of love documentary, in which a daughter, with the help of various talking heads, looks back on the life work of her father.
Vittorio racconta Gassman: Una vita da mattatore
The Father and the Foreigner
The Father and the Foreigner
희대의 매력남이자, 천재 영화 감독인 ‘귀도’는 자신의 아홉 번째 작품을 준비하던 중 머리를 식히기 위해 홀로 휴양지를 찾는다. 한숨 돌리며 작품을 구상하려 했지만, 아름다운 여배우 ‘클라우디아’와 유일한 안식처인 아내 ‘루이사’, 그리고 치명적인 매력의 요염한 정부 ‘칼라’를 비롯한 일곱 여인들의 아찔한 유혹에 빠지게 된다. 그러나 그녀들로부터 점점 작품에 대한 특별한 영감을 얻게 되고, ‘귀도’는 창작의 욕구가 되살아 나기 시작하는데…
L'ultimo Crodino
Ambientato in Val di Susa e tratto da un fatto di cronaca realmente accaduto, il film narra le vicende di due onesti lavoratori che, assillati dai debiti e dall'ansia per il futuro, decidono di provare il colpo della vita. I due organizzano dunque un rapimento, ma non avendo il coraggio di rapire una persona viva, decidono di rapire un morto, ma uno importante, per poter chiedere il riscatto. Ed è così che un operaio, soprannominato Pes (Enzo Iacchetti) e un piccolo imprenditore, soprannominato Crodino (Ricky Tognazzi) si trovano a trafugare la salma di Enrico Cuccia, noto finanziere. Pur nella loro ingenuità e totale inesperienza, i due riescono, senza neanche rendersene conto, a tenere in scacco per giorni le forze dell'ordine e a scomodare perfino i servizi segreti.
Appuntamento a ora insolita
Tutte le donne della mia vita
Tutte le donne della mia vita
In questo mondo di ladri
Fate come noi
Io no
Padre di Flavio e Francesco
Io no
Alla fine della notte
The Good Pope
Angelo Roncalli, born in Sotto Il Monte in 1881, is known for his profound spirituality as well as his extraordinary goodness from the young years of his life. When he feels a need to serve God, Angelo goes to study theology in Bergamo, and in Apollinare School (Rome) and becomes a priest. During his studies, he gets to know his two dearest friends, Mattia and Nicola. Very soon, most people see marvelous talents in him, including his wide knowledge and a constant readiness for sacrifice. The Holy See makes him go further to bishop and cardinal, and the Holy Father sends him to various places as a representative of the Church. When Pius XII dies on October, the 9th, 1958, 77 year-old Angelo goes to Rome, to conclave to choose a new pope. However, this time, it is him who hears gentle words of Jesus "Tu es Petrus!" ("You are Peter!") and from October, the 28th leads the church as pope John XXIII
The Best Day of My Life
Sandro Berardi
The lively goings-on of a modern family seen trough the eyes of a young girl just about to receive her first Communion.
The Days of Rage: Cefalonia
Apostle Thomas questions the resurrection of Jesus and sets forth to investigate.
When Jesus is taken off the cross at Golgotha, THOMAS arrives there. Like most of the other disciples, he had worriedly taken refuge with friends in Jerusalem after Jesus's arrest. After Jesus's burial, the disciples decide to leave Jerusalem quickly, but Thomas refuses to leave Jesus' body behind, as he fears that the tomb may be desecrated.
Sexy Comedy
The children leave for the school trip and dad and mom board a nice girl who turns out to be the lover of their best friend. Which is then the husband of their best friend ...
Making Love
Costanza is drinking a beer in a Prague pub, a summer night in 1968, while a violinist enters and starts playing a "canone inverso" for her. It is not a case, that music and that violin have a story behind that could concern her. It is the love story between Jeno Varga and the music, between Jeno and Sophie.
Making Love
Baron Blau
Costanza is drinking a beer in a Prague pub, a summer night in 1968, while a violinist enters and starts playing a "canone inverso" for her. It is not a case, that music and that violin have a story behind that could concern her. It is the love story between Jeno Varga and the music, between Jeno and Sophie.
Excellent Cadavers
Prison Director
Palermo, Sicily, 1984. Examining magistrate Giovanni Falcone allies with Tomasso Buscetta, a former mobster, to defeat the clan of Corleone, the ruthless Mafia faction that rules Cosa Nostra with an iron hand, cruelly eliminating all those who dare to oppose its immense power: other criminals, policemen, judges, even innocent civilians. One of them wants revenge, the other wants justice. But only one can survive such an unequal fight.
Excellent Cadavers
Palermo, Sicily, 1984. Examining magistrate Giovanni Falcone allies with Tomasso Buscetta, a former mobster, to defeat the clan of Corleone, the ruthless Mafia faction that rules Cosa Nostra with an iron hand, cruelly eliminating all those who dare to oppose its immense power: other criminals, policemen, judges, even innocent civilians. One of them wants revenge, the other wants justice. But only one can survive such an unequal fight.
Il cielo in una stanza
Paolo da adulto
Camere da letto
Strangled Lives
Francesco is an entrepreneur in the building industry. His company is near to collapse if it doesn't win a deal to build a new school complex. It needs at least 60 million liras to participate to the deal, but all the banks refuse to lend the money. A corrupt bank employee introduces him to Claudio, apparently an assistant of Sergio, Francesco's old school friend. Sergio is an accountant available to lend Francesco the money he needs. Francesco wins the deal, but soon he discovers that Claudio is not what he says.
Strangled Lives
Francesco is an entrepreneur in the building industry. His company is near to collapse if it doesn't win a deal to build a new school complex. It needs at least 60 million liras to participate to the deal, but all the banks refuse to lend the money. A corrupt bank employee introduces him to Claudio, apparently an assistant of Sergio, Francesco's old school friend. Sergio is an accountant available to lend Francesco the money he needs. Francesco wins the deal, but soon he discovers that Claudio is not what he says.
Un eroe borghese
Dott. Sarcinelli
An intriguing look at a sinister web of power,linking politics and the mafia in modern day Italy.
Maniaci Sentimentali
Maniaci Sentimentali
The Escort
The film shows the difficulties of an honest, imperiled judge and his bodyguard of four men, trying to clean up a Sicilian town. Corrupt local politicians, working hand-in-hand with the Mafia, will stop at nothing to prevent exposure of their rackets.
In camera mia
il notaio
A Season of Giants
Niccolò Machiavelli
A Simple Story
Brigadiere Lepri
After many years, a retired diplomat returns to his native Sicily to visit an abandoned property and delve into family correspondence. But is it worth bringing up the past? A difficult Sicilian history against the backdrop of the mafia and drugs.
The "Brigatte Veneno" is a fan group from the soccer club "AS Roma". The next match is against "Juventus Turin", the classic prestige duel. Principe, the former leader of the group, has been dismissed from jail a few days before. He has to realize that his best friend Red has not only taken over control of the group, but also has started an affair with his girlfriend. The rivalry between the hot-blooded Principe and the sensible Red causes an anxious mood within the group. When Smilzo, a member of the group, dies during a street fight with another fan group, Red knows that Principe is to be blamed for this catastrophe.
The "Brigatte Veneno" is a fan group from the soccer club "AS Roma". The next match is against "Juventus Turin", the classic prestige duel. Principe, the former leader of the group, has been dismissed from jail a few days before. He has to realize that his best friend Red has not only taken over control of the group, but also has started an affair with his girlfriend. The rivalry between the hot-blooded Principe and the sensible Red causes an anxious mood within the group. When Smilzo, a member of the group, dies during a street fight with another fan group, Red knows that Principe is to be blamed for this catastrophe.
Mais qui arrêtera la pluie?
Time to Kill
1936, Italian army is invading Ethiopia. Lieutenant Silvestri suffering toothache decides to reach the nearest camp hospital. But the lorry has an accident and stop near a rock, so Silvestri continues by walk. On his way he meets and rapes a wonderful young Ethiopian. He also wound her when he shot to a wild animal, and later kills her to avoid further pain. When he finally reaches the hospital, he realizes he gets probably leprosy. Trying to escape from Ethiopia Silvestri will kill again. But surprises aren't still over.
Piccoli equivoci
Caruso Pascoski (di padre polacco)
Edoardo Mariotti
Psychiatrist Caruso is arguably as nutty as his patients. He can remember at two years old being completely besotted by the charms of a naked girl. Even today, he can think of little else besides sex, sex, sex.
Arrivederci e grazie
Secondo Ponzio Pilato
Secondo Legionario
The story of salvation is told from the perspective of the Roman governor in Judea, Pontius Pilate.
The Family
Paolino as a middle-aged man
"The Family," an album with a velvet cover, is meant to touch the extended family of man. Formal portraits, bookends in this 80-year saga, enclose the central story, which opens with the baptism of Carlo, a baby in his grandfather's lap, and ends with Carlo as a grandfather with a baby in his arms. And never once do we get out of the house, whose rooms provide the film's structure. Comfort or passion? Carlo couldn't really decide until it was too late.
Blood Ties
An innocent American engineer is blackmailed by gangsters into a plot to assassinate his cousin, who is a judge in Sicily fighting the Mafia.
Daniele Traversi
In the barracks of the "Settecamini" fire brigade in Rome, the shabby Squadra 17 tackles missions with resounding failures, waiting in vain for a chance for redemption.
Colpo di fulmine
A single mother is trying to trace previous partners in order to help her fund a life changing operation for her blind son.
Son contento
Il postino
Assistant Director
1940년, 이태리 파시스트 정권이 제2차 세계대전에 참전하려는 때. 은퇴한 전직교수인 니노는 18살 연하인 미모의 젊은 새 아내 테레사, 그리고 파시스트의 청년 조직인 '검은 샤츠' 당원인 딸 리자와 함께 베니스에서 여생을 보낸다. 젊은 시절, 니노를 열광시켰던 학문과 예술, 고상한 인간 영혼에 대한 관심은 이제 늙은 그에게는 모두 허무한 인생의 과거일 뿐이다. 지금은 젊은 아내를 맘껏 사랑하는 것에서 꺼져가는 삶의 의미를 찾으려 한다. 교수의 젊은 아내로서 정숙함과 근면함으로 교육된 테레사는 니노의 집요한 유혹에도 좀처럼 허물어지지 않는다. 아내를 좀더 개방적이고 성적으로 자유로운 여성으로 만들고 싶은 니노는 일기장에 아내에 대한 은밀한 요구를 기록해서 벽장에 감추고, 그 열쇠를 아내가 매일 청소하는 카페트 밑에 숨긴다. 자연스럽게 남편의 일기를 읽게 된 테레사는 남편의 요구에 놀라지만 어느새 남편이 바라는 여자로 변해간다. 남편이 원했던 남편의 제자 라즈로와의 형식적인 밀회가 시간이 지날수록 그녀의 숨겨진 본능을 자극하게 되자 테레사는 갈등과 죄의식으로 고민하고, 자신의 심리적 변화를 남편에게 알리려고 일기를 쓴다. 겉으로는 서로 모른척 하면서도 서로의 내심을 일기를 써서 전달하는 이상한 '부부게임'이 시작되는데..
The Pool Hustlers
Francesco, nicknamed 'Toscano', is a very good pool player but he never wins when he plays for money. He meets Chiara, a saxophone player, on a late night bus by swapping his case containing the cue with her one, containing the sax. The two fall in love, but in the meantime Francesco loses a big amount of money playing versus 'Scuro', the long-time Italian champion. His only chance to pay the debt is to win the Italian Championships.
Michel Pujol
The real story of a French man who was able to control his own farts.
Madonna che silenzio c'è stasera
Don Valerio
바보같은 자의 비극
Giovanni Spaggiari, figlio di Primo
The son of the owner of a large Italian cheese factory is kidnapped, but as the factory is on the verge of bankruptcy the owner hatches a plan to use the ransom money as reinvestment in the factory.
Arrivano i bersaglieri
Urbano, son of Prospero
In the year 1870 Rome, then governed by the Pope, was captured by the Italian General La Marmora's troops. After the armistice, the Italian soldier Alfonso killed a Pope's soldier, the son of Don Prospero. Then he sought refuge in the house of Don Prospero himself. There Costanza and Olimpia, respectively the wife and the daughter of Don Prospero, fall for him. Then Gustavo, who knew that Alfonso had killed Don Prospero's son arrived in the house... Some things are going to happen
I viaggiatori della sera
The Gardener as a Gigolo (uncredited)
Traffic Jam
Assistant Director
A large international cast takes part in this comedy in which the stories of numerous individuals whose cars are stalled in a massive Roman traffic jam are told.
Where Are You Going on Holiday?
amico di Giuliana (episodio "Sarò tutta per te")
In three vignettes, two exes, a tour guide and a married couple struggle to overcome a series of misadventures during their vacations.
Evil Thoughts
Mario Marani is a well-respected lawyer in late 70s Milan, with a wonderful wife and a high social life. But Mario has a problem: every time he sees his wife talking to one of their friends he immediately visualises them in a hot affair. His jealousy spirals out of control, until a young man who hides inside their flat crosses his path.
House of Pleasure for Women
Assistant Director
The United States of America, after the great success of Vietnam, Watergate and so on, have decided to expand their activities in Italy. Mr. Chips has chosen Eddie Mordace to open the Italian branch of the multinational American Love Company. So Eddie opens in Milan a small branch of the Company whose purpose is to comfort women. Eddie hires Simbad, Adone and later, when business starts to go well, Ugolino, a real Count, and Ivanoe, a raper, who becames the attraction of the House.
The Son (segment "Il pollo ruspante")
한 남자가 비행기에서 만난 스튜어디스에게 병적으로 빠져드는데, 정작 여자는 그의 지나친 관심에 거부감을 느낀다. 결국 그녀는 남자를 떼어놓기 위해 스스로의 외양을 정숙해 보이던 것에서 단정치 못하고 방탕한 모습으로 바꾼다. 이에 충격을 받은 남자는 자신이 예전에 촬영한 그녀의 모습을 벽에 영사시켜 놓고 그것을 바라보며 애타게 울부짖는다.