Rubén Rojo
출생 : 1922-12-16, Madrid, Madrid, Spain
사망 : 1993-03-30
A battle between Jalisco mobsters & federal agents.
Archbishop Chavez
1977년 엘 살바도르(El Salvador)의 대통령 선거 전야. 정치에 관심 없는 학구파 오스카 로메로 신부(Archbishop Oscar Romero: 라울 줄리아 분)는 엠베르토 장군(General Humberto: 해롤드 캐논 분)이 대통령이 되려고 하는 선거에 많은 사람들이 자유를 외치며, 반대하는 것을 목격하게 된다. 예상밖으로 주교로 임명된 로메로는 성당내의 동료들로부터 무능력한 주교가 될 것이라는 일부 신부들로부터 눈총을 받는 가운데 독재자인 엠베르토 대통령의 당선과 함께 주교로 취임되던 날 자유를 외치던 군중들이 무차별 총격에 의해 사살당한다. 어느날 시골길을 달리던 그란테 신부(Father Rutilio Grande: 리차드 조단 분)가 저격을 당하고, 그란테 신부의 성당에 간 로메로 주교는 성당을 검거하고 있던 군인들에 의해 수모와 생명의 위협을 당하지만 미사를 거행하게 된다. 주민을 살상한 군인들에 대치하여 오수나 신부(Father Alfonzo Osuna: 아레얀드로 브라초 분)와 주민들이 성당내에서 대치하는 사태가 발생하고, 무기를 버리고 나오면 용서해 줄 것을 약속받은 로메로 신부는 그들을 설득하여 성당을 나오게 하지만 오수나 신부와 함께 로메로 주교 마져도 군인들에 의해 잡혀가 고문과 수모를 당한다. 자유를 염원하는 민중의 염원에 반하여 점점 탄압을 강화해오는 군사 정권은 마침내 로메로 주교를 암살할 것을 지령한다. 주교 회의에서 로메로 주교가 로마로 돌아가던지, 정치에 참여하지 않는 다른 주교가 대신할 것을 토론하지만 로메로 주교는 자신의 죽음을 예견하면서도 억압받는 사람들을 대신하는 고난의 길을 가기로 결심한다. 로메로 주교가 성찬식을 거행하는 성당에 사복으로 위장한 군인이 들어와 저격을 한다
Sr. Rivera
Vicente and Carmen, are spouses, he works in a factory, although he is a womanizer and irresponsible; she sells cosmetics or fayuca. Both dream of owning a home. Vincent did not want to leave their neighborhood but after several discussions they decide to buy a land...
Carlos Solórzano
Vlad II also known as Vlad Dracul or Vlad the Dragon (before 1395 – November 1447), was ..... Vlad's eldest sons, Mircea and Vlad Dracula, were first mentioned in a charter of Vlad on 20 January 1437. Mircea was born in about 1428, Vlad …
Zorro-type horseman with occult powers faces off against all metaphysical evils.
Widow with teenaged children faces hostility from her dead husband's mother, who seems to know a family secret she wants to use against her.
Tarek loves his cousin Zubaida and travels to Spain to work in bullfighting under a pseudonym. Zubaida comes to Spain in search of her lover, but despite his pleas for her to return to Morocco, she continues to follow him.
Diego de Peñalva
Pvt. O'Brien
The war in Europe is ending, but the American troops have to find a scientist on the run who is also chased by some surviving SS forces.
A blind sculptor works on his magnum opus unaware that the skeletons he has been using for armatures are the remains of the victims of his evil wife and that he is the next target.
Al Monks / Domenico Lomonaco
A US Secret Service agent must go to Hong Kong because of the disappearance of some important documents that carried her former partner in the Korean War. These documents, if they fell into enemy hands, could be very dangerous and cause many more deaths.
Sgt. Schultz
The film looks through the eyes of the German offense during World War II, specifically a German tank crew who, after losing a battle, struggle to get home.
Omar and his friend, Ali, returning to Moorish Granada after several years in the Middle East, discover that an evil usurper is now in power. With the help of a female genie, Omar sets about restoring freedom and justice.
Tom Leader
Returning home, Ross Logan immediately gets into conflict with the Carranza gang, which had just crossed the Mexican border and has occupied a nearby Hacienda. After his brother is killed he plans a cold blooded revenge for which he separates the gang's most dangerous members by using their individual weak points and the general discordance amongst them. The time for the final confrontation is set by the astronomically interested Logan amidst an eclipse.
Jason Clark
Hud's parents were murdered, their land stolen and now Hud will dish out justice to the guilty - the three Clark brothers know they are in danger but they don't know from where the blow will come.
Federal agent infiltrates smuggling gang in seaport.
Neutron, a wrestler/superhero, investigates a series of murders at a sanitarium.
Bank robbers face obstacles when they try to retrieve stolen money that one of their gang buried.
Ricardo Carbajal
El Santo, the masked Mexican wrestler, investigates a series of kidnappings. He discovers that the mysterious Doctor Caroll is using the victims as part of his experiments to develop an army of monsters. Naturally, El Santo is able to overcome them all - with wrestling!
The Argumedo cousins have their clothes stolen while taking a shower, and they must find it at all costs, because there's a winning lottery ticket in their pockets.
로마의 침략으로 압제에 시달리던 유다인들의 유일한 희망은 성서의 예언대로 하나님이 구세주를 보내리라는 것이었다. 구세주가 나타나면 로마를 몰아내고 이스라엘 백성을 해방시켜 줄 것으로 굳게 믿고 있었다. 예수(제프리 헌터 분)가 가는 곳마다 병자를 고쳐주고, 죽은 사람을 살리는 기적을 일으키자, 그들은 예수가 하나님이 보낸 구세주라고 믿고 따른다. 그러나 그는 평화와 사랑과 화해에 대해서만 말할 뿐, 로마인들을 친다거나 하는 폭력과는 전혀 동떨어진 사람이다. 그가 세우려는 왕국은 세속의 왕국이 아니라, 하나님 나라의 왕국이라고 말한다. 바라바를 지도자로 로마의 압제에서 해방을 꿈꾸는 혁명당원들은 지하 동굴에서 무기를 만들며 기회를 노린다. 그들 중 하나인 유다는 바라바에게 예수와 손잡을 것을 제의한다. 그러나 바라바는 예수와 같이 일할 수 없음을 안다. 그리고 폭동을 일으키나 실패하고 체포되어 옥에 갇힌다. 한편 백성의 원로들과 바리세인파는 예수가 자신들을 위선자라고 책하는 등, 그들의 권위를 떨어뜨리고 민중의 인기를 모으는 것을 시기하여 예수를 어떻게 죽일까를 모의한다. 마침 유다에 로마에서 새로 파견된 본티오 빌라도 총독은 신이나 기적같은 것을 믿지 않는 사람으로, 예수의 설교를 들으러 많은 군중이 모이는 것을 보고 혹시라도 로마의 지배에 저항하는 폭동이 일어날 것을 우려한다. 그와 같은 상황 속에서, 예수의 체포에 결정적인 역할을 한 것은 유다. 그는 예수가 손끝 하나로도 천상 군대를 불러 로마군을 몰아낼 수 있을 기적의 능력을 가졌다는 것을 믿고, 그를 궁지에 몰아넣으면 틀림없이 그 능력을 발휘할 것으로 생각한 나머지 그를 바라바와 한 통속이라고 모함해 고발한다. 예수는 곧 체포되어 십자가형에 처해지지만, 그의 왕국은 세속의 왕국이 아니었으므로 끝내 무력하다. 그러나 그는 사흘 뒤에 부활해서 제자들에게 양들을 잘 보살피라고 부탁한다.
Roberto Proietti
Suave jewelry-thieves caper comedy overlaid with howling family-melodrama coincidences.
Capitán Pierre
Dedicated, saintly nurse has a twin sister who is a Bad Girl.
This film tells several short stories that end up lapsing in the emergency room of a hospital, because it is dedicated to nurses. Cantinflas appears at the end of the film playing the role of Luis, a man who has five daughters and looks forward to a boy, but fate plays a trick and the child dies at birth, but history gives a nice twist and a message of hope.
Pablo Beltrán
Principe Carlos
Love at First Sight is an Italian movie directed by Franco Rossi.
Flavius Metellus
Sold as slaves to a wealthy Roman, Lea and Esther, two Carthaginian sisters, are offered as gifts to the ambitious daughter of a proconsul and end up involved in spite of themselves in a dangerous game of power.
Teniente Luis Durán
Spanish right-wingers equally devoted to Catholic religion and Franco dictatorship, go soldiering as volunteers with the Germans when these started hostilities against Russia (1943), then under the Soviet regime. They lose, mostly are imprisoned, and will suffer eleven years in captivity - keeping their faith and their dignity. Written by Artemis-9
Philotas (as Ruben Rojo)
위대한 정복자로 불리는 알렉산더 대왕의 이야기.
A small Spanish town is divided between the upper and lower parts. In the wealthy upper part, all the women are barren. Juan from the poor lower part falls in love with Luz, a pretty girl from the upper side: a girl who must of course be barren.
Juan Antonio
Don Fernando is a senior engineer of Sevilla for years as a partner had a friend working. But his partner died and his son, Albert, wants to take the management of the company and the farm, one of the most important of Seville, whose property also shared. Alberto secretly courting Esperanza, a daughter of Don Fernando. Juan Antonio, the son of the late foreman of the farm, is an honest young man who, in silence, also loves Esperanza. Both will vie for her love.
A young man arrives at Puebla de las Mujeres, a village of Andalusia with the tradition that man that arrives, man that marries there. The foreigner is going to solve some issues of interest of an aunt who lives in the village. Soon as he arrives all women mobilize, captained by the mayor, for electing bride and organize the wedding. The designated Juanita de la Rosa, does not want to participate and he laughs at the arrangements saying that he has a girlfriend in Madrid.
Esteban de la Garza
Mentally-ill woman went over the edge 15 years earlier, as a result of family traumas and the disappearance of her daughter. Now, present day, evil relatives are trying to take control of money she's inherited...
Felipe Rivas
Woman prostitutes herself to the man who murdered her fiance, to get evidence of his guilt and bring him to trial.
Juan Luis / Carlos de Osuna
Juan Luis and Dimas arrive to the "Venta del Catite", a tavern run by Rafael and his goddaughter Reyes. The tavern is frequented by tuna fishermen in the region, but in reality it is a cover for smuggling. Rafael decides to hire a beautiful singer, Raquel, to distract customers and the two new arrivals, so that he can do his business without being disturbed.
Romantic comedy: housemaid and her employer's oldest son.
In the drama, a father, firmly believing that the baby daughter in his arms is not his own, abandons her upon the doorstep of the town drunk. Many years pass, and the man finds himself continually wracked with guilt about deserting her.
Raúl Luque
Saloon singer Aurora is sentenced to two years in prison for a prostitution conviction. When she gets out of prison, she gets romantically involved with Alejandro Luque, the respected judge who tried her case. Aurora and her boyfriend, el Rizos, plan to blackmail the judge. But Aurora gets a change of heart as she comes to know the judge better.
Don Timoteo Rodriguez is an old friendly but scared and outdated, whose office is the pedestal: According to his modest way of life, things are more important to the traditional and the past. Yet., Timothy has a son who's not at all like his name is Luis, a young reckless and vicious, whose bad companions take him away from the law. There will come a moment in which Don Timoteo have to forget about the old days and his son face the reality, but what will be the cost of having evaded?
Roberto Palacios
Singer's-rise-to-stardom plot combined with long-lost-son plot.
Nightclub performer escapes from her abusive manager and starts life over in a new city.
A beautiful cabaret dancer falls in love with a sailor who promises to return and marry her. Trouble ensues.
Mario Cervera
Left alone after her mother runs off with another man and her father kills himself, Elena attempts to make a new life for herself in a new city. Believing he's a friend, Elena goes to dinner with "Pretty Boy" Lucio, but he drugs her champagne and sells her to Rosaura, who runs a brothel out of her nightclub. Elena becomes a sensation as a dancer, but all the while she nurtures plans of revenge against those who have conspired against her.
Javier Arias
Mexican romantic musical.
Two women form The League of Girls invite an interesting repertoire of young ladies to become members and get rid of men and all the evils that come with them.
Buñuel's first "comeback" film since "L'Age d'Or" in 1930 (he made only a few musicals in the interim), "El Gran Calavera" concerns a family's attempts to change the patriarch's somewhat indulgent and hedonistic ways by fooling him into thinking his large fortune is gone. They assume a life of poverty in Mexico in an attempt to teach him a lesson. However, he discovers it's a ruse, but continues to perpetuate the facade of ignorance while sneaking off during the day to conduct his thriving business. Why? To teach his family a lesson - they are all lazy, worthless leeches!
A young woman who was born and grew up on an island prison-colony decides to move to the island and try life in the real world. Romance, bad luck and astonishing coincidences wait in her path.
After his wife dies, the master of the house can... maybe... acknowledge that he had children with the houseekeeper. But will he?
Labor disputes and love triangles among coastal-village fishermen.
Young woman breaks up with her fiance to shack up with her sister's husband.
Soledad, a maid born in Argentina, works at a Mexican farm. The son of her employer will deceive her, pretending to marry her and leaving her pregnant. When she finds out that she has been tricked, she runs away from the farm. During her flight she meets a group of artists that'll change her life.
Heated rivalry over a bar-girl in a dive-y waterfront saloon.
Personal stories of a handful of Air Force recruits.
An endless series of disasters separates a mother from her children. It takes her over twenty years to find her way back to the bosom of her family.