Lensmann i Kåfjord
A mother reports her student daughter Lisa missing, but detective Aslak Eira is getting too little information, and she is found in a lake. The more they investigate, the less they seem to understand. Then Lisa's best friend goes missing too.
Two older German men are headed for Southern Norway in their Trabant in 1990. They're going back to "old haunts", to a beach they left in the days of May 1945. They have one goal for the trip, to find something they once dug down.
왕위를 차지하려는 왕의 사촌 백작은 왕의 유일한 혈족인 공주를 제거하기로 결심을 하고 악덕 마녀와 함께 계획을 세운다. 어느 날 왕비가 위독하자 공주에게 크리스마스 별을 찾아오면 왕비가 회복될 것이라고 속여 공주를 어두운 숲 속으로 유인해서 납치하게 되고 이윽고 왕비는 세상을 떠나게 된다. 망연자실한 왕은 크리스마스 별을 저주하며 공주를 찾기 위해 심혈을 기울이지만 공주의 소식은 들리지 않는다. 그러던 어느 날 도둑의 소굴에서 탈출한 한 소녀가 왕 앞에 나타나고 왕의 이야기를 들은 후 크리스마스 별을 찾기 위해 길을 나서는데…
It's the harshest winter in memory, and the gnomes' very existence is in danger. Eager to help, Queen Fjellrose betrays one of their strictest rules and goes out looking for the Blue Horn, a magical instrument that can alter the weather.
"The stone from the stars" is about widowed Gustav who is almost perished after his wife died.
Princess Bluerose is a small gnome living deep in the Norwegian mountains. A small community of gnomes is responsible for making the transition between daylight and night. This is called the magic hour, and is created by the magic silver which only these gnomes possess. When the silver is stolen, the world is transformed into eternal night. Princess Bluerose sets out on a remarkable journey to retrieve the silver and save the world from eternal darkness. Magic Silver is based on the popular Norwegian television series Jul i Blåfjell (1999) and Jul på Månetoppen (2002). They are considered classic Christmas calender series, and already firmly entrenched in an entire generation's old Christmas memories.
Driving back to Norway, Lina and Martin reach a roadblock where a policeman tells them to take a detour deep into the Swedish forest. But soon one creepy incident after another leaves them stranded in the dark woods and everything seems much too bizarre to be accidental.
Religious and cultural reawakening inspires rebellion in a 19th century Norwegian village.
노르웨이의 어린 소년 하콘(스티안 스메스타드 분)은 선원이었던 아버지가 다리를 다쳐 돌아오면서 빚을 갚지 못해 농장을 뺏길 지경이 되자 선원이 되어 로라호에 승선한다. 하콘은 친절한 젠스(트론드 P. 스텀 조문츠 분)와 인자한 선장 등 여러 선원들의 도움으로 뱃사람의 생활에 익숙해진다. 배가 런던에 도착하자 이전에 숨겨놓은 보물을 찾기위해 해군 중위로 분장한 해적 매릭(가브리엘 바이린 분)과 그의 일당이 배에 승선한다. 하콘은 매릭이 실어놓은 무기를 발견하고 선장에게 이를 알리려 하지만, 말하기 전에 선장은 매릭 일당에 의해 살해되고 만다. 시드니에서의 정박은 취소되고 매릭이 가짜 해군인줄 아무도 모르는 가운데 매릭의 나머지 일당들도 배에 오른다. 또한 메리라는 소녀가 고아원에 가기 싫어 캘커타 삼촌을 만나려고 배에 몰래 타고 하콘은 그녀를 숨겨주고 돌봐준다. 그러나 매릭에게 이 사실을 들키고 마는데....
Tchude Interpreter
Around the year 1000 AD warlike people, the so-called "tjuder", roam in northern Scandinavia. As they brutally kill a family in a remote area, including the parents and their little daughter, the family's teenage son, Aigin, observes the slaughter. He manages to flee from these killers and reaches a camp with other Lapps whose inhabitants are worried if he has been able to hide his track. Afraid of the murderous people, they decide to flee to the coast. The boy stays alone to avenge his family's murder. Unfortunately, they get him before he can do anything and force him to lead them to the other Lapps. He guides them but has a plan to destroy the barbarous people before reaching the camp.
Willy Bügener
Drama about a group of young people in 1933 Berlin in search of an identity find themselves drawn to dangerous movements in society.
Once upon a time a little girl went out to find the Christmas Star.
In the midst of an atomic war on Earth in the near future, a number of colonists are sent to establish an outpost on Mars. Strange events begin to affect the Terran life brought as part of the settlement effort, including the seeded grass sprouting purple, the family cow growing a third horn in the middle of its head, and other anomalies with the vegetable garden. Slowly people begin to show signs of transforming into Martians, as their limbs and bodies elongate and their irises turn to a shimmery gold, along with their skin darkening.