Silverio Palacios

Silverio Palacios

출생 : 1967-01-01, Colima, Mexico

프로필 사진

Silverio Palacios

참여 작품

Welcome al Norte
Polito is the manager of a courier and parcel branch in Yucatán, who seeks to fulfill his dream of receiving a promotion and having a place in Cancun to move in with his wife Teo and son. Pressured by his wife, he will be willing to do anything to get it and he plans a strategy where he will achieve his transfer but a little further north: Tijuana.
Los (casi) ídolos de Bahía Colorada
A colorful Mexican town. Two half brothers. Romeo and Preciado meet again to honor their dad's memory in a car rally full of adrenaline and banda music.
Amores Incompletos
Matando Cabos 2: La Máscara del Máscara
Tony el Caníbal
Faced with the unexpected death of his estranged father -El Máscara- and the subsequent theft of his precious mask, Rubén -Mascarita- will find himself confronted with his past. Alongside his invincible bodyguard Tony "The Cannibal" and, an unexpected ally, he will have only one day to recover it and make amends with the memory of his father.
Mexico City, or "Chilangolandia," is a chaotic metropolis where millions of stories take place every day. Some of them are part of this fun comedy full of familiar characters and others that defy stereotypes. Ramiro is a taxi driver who hopes his problems will end when his nephew "El Chulo" becomes a national soccer star. On the other hand, Carmen and Miguel are couple who unexpectedly receive a suitcase with a large sum of money, just what they need to get out of their financial situation. But when the true owners of the cash realize that it fell into the wrong hands, endless adventures and misunderstandings break out within this complex city.
블루 미라클
거센 폭풍이 휩쓸고 지나갔다. 오마르는 보육원을 지키기 위해 아이들과 낚시 대회에 나간다. 한물간 선장과 함께. 혹시 기적이 일어난다면 거액의 상금을 안겨줄 청새치를 잡을 수 있을지도.
AM (Ante Meridiem)
A bullet stuck in the throat, a lost radio, a grandfather whose memory evaporates; and Hector, the grandson who must recover something larger than Troy.
Emma, an 8-year-old girl, gets hit on the head by a ball and has a revelation. In her search for meaning, she meets Andrés, a boy who loves soccer and isn’t happy at his new school. Through soccer, they will learn a lesson that will last a lifetime.
Don't Jump, Magdalena
A woman decides to jump down from a rooftop. This is her third suicidal attempt, however, she has not been able to end her life.
The bodies of two young men are found in a small town in Northern Mexico, along with a AR15 weapon, which as we will follow back in time will see where it came from, the USA.
They All Mine
Gaso Melchocho and Snot are two big buddies that start an internet café business, sharing all their joys and sorrows but, above all else, their dreams. To help them achieve success they will require the help of doctor Carmen Rosas, a woman that steals the breath away of more than one man.
메 구스타, 페로 메 아수스타
Martín Menchaca
Brayan Rodriguez is an innocent heir to a criminal Sinaloa family sent to Mexico City to expand the business, and where he meets Claudia, and their worlds collide. Love and fun are everywhere.
White Dust
After being hit by her husband and discovered by her friend, a woman decides to leave for good, hoping no one will uncover her secret.
Ana and Bruno
Ana, a nine year old girl, arrives with her mother to an isolated beach with the intention to rest and to know the sea. There, she discovers that they are under a terrible threat, therefore she is obligated to look for help with her father in order to save her mother.
On his 57th birthday, a man decides to do what is necessary to redeem a lifetime of hunger.
I'm Not A Rebel
José Alfredo Jiménez
Mexico 1968: students are the public enemy. Mitch, a wealthy student of Monterrey, hijacks a plane to retrieve Beatrice, who has been kidnapped by the secret police six months ago. Armed with a gun, which he doesn't know how to use, and helped by his two friends as allies, Mitch will face the most bloodthirsty General and force him to release the love of his life.
El peluquero
The hairdresser faces the magical powers of the witch Tomasa, who only wants to do him good. Along with his friends Yeyo and Don Cirilo, the three go in search of true love and luck. The funny characters arrive at the altar and find their better half thanks to Tomasa's magic.
El peluquero
The hairdresser faces the magical powers of the witch Tomasa, who only wants to do him good. Along with his friends Yeyo and Don Cirilo, the three go in search of true love and luck. The funny characters arrive at the altar and find their better half thanks to Tomasa's magic.
The Hotel
A single mother named Maria unespectedly inherits an hotel from her deceased father, where she will find the truth about her past while she tries get the business going.
봄방학을 맞아 푸에르토 바야르타로 떠난 남고생 로건과 블레이크. 로건이 아버지의 롤렉스 시계를 현지 여성에게 도난당하면서 시계를 되찾기 위한 발버둥이 시작된다!
24° 51′ North Latitude
After eleven years of absence Ernesto returns to his hometown and reencounters his most intimate childhood friends. To have fun they steal an abandoned boat. In the middle of local anecdotes and blurred memories from the past, Ernesto finds himself bound to a place and a past that he though he had forgotten.
The Last One and then We Go
Don Artemio
A group of mariachis receives a letter to be part of the National Mariachi Contest in Mexico City. In order to be able to win they will need to travel together and solve their differences since their prime was 30 years ago.
The Thin Yellow Line
Five men are hired to paint the yellow line the road between two villages in Mexico forgotten. Aboard an old pickup truck, initiated the work of more than two hundred kilometers of asphalt and yellow paint to be completed in less than a fortnight
멕시코의 에이젠슈타인
<전함 포템킨>의 성공 이후 세르게이 에이젠슈타인은 새로운 영화를 찍으러 멕시코의 과나후아토로 간다. 할리우드로부터 버림받은 그는 멕시코에서 동성애에 눈을 뜬다. 최고의 천재였던 에이젠슈타인의 한 시절을 극화한 작품. (2015년 제16회 전주국제영화제) <멕시코의 에이젠슈타인>은 <영국식 정원 살인 사건> 등 다양한 영화로 예술성과 신선한 연출력을 인정받아 전세계적인 명성과 팬을 확보한 '피터 그리너웨이' 감독이 매가폰을 잡았다. 영화의 아버지라고 할 수 있고 특히 몽타쥬 영화의 선구자인 구 소련 감독인 '세르게이 에이젠슈타인'이 스탈린의 박해를 피해 멕시코에서 영화촬영을 하던 시기를 상상력을 더해서 각색된 작품이다. '에이젠슈타인' 감독은 소련을 떠나 미국 할리우드로 건너갔지만 미국에서조차 탄압을 받게되자 영화촬영을 하기 위해 멕시코로 건너간다. 하지만 그는 뜻하지 않게 멕시코 현지 가이드를 통해 자신의 성정체성을 재발견하게 되는데.. (2015년 제15회 서울프라이드영화제)
Elvira I Will Give You My Life But I'm Using It
Don Chuy
Elvira had a fight with her husband, he went to purchase some cigarettes but he never came back, now Elvira is searching for him.
El muerto al pozo y el vivo al gozo
The Walls Talk
El Silver
A tragic and epic love that transcends time and generations unites Maria and Javier forever. During important periods in Mexico (The War of Independence, the Revolution and current times) these souls play out their destiny facing political squabbles, social pressures, family hatred and historical battles, seeking to make a relationship flower which seems fated to die.
Dr. Godinez
Agent Jesus Juarez (aka Chucho) has always played the Devil in his town's Nativity Play. This Christmas, when the new pastor of the church recasts the role, the two men engage in a battle between good and evil.
Así es la Suerte
Ramiro is a theater actor who lives estranged from his father and half brother. One morning, he runs into a suicide, who says he is an evil omen. Despite Ramiro´s efforts, the young man dies before his eyes, which leads him to believe that he has caught his bad luck. From then on, his life turns upside down, at the same time as he gets together with his family to fulfill his father´s last wish: to find the love of his life and say goodbye to her.
The Other Family
Jean Paul and Chema have been together ten years. They have successful careers, a comfortable home and many friends. But that's all turned turned upside down when close friend Ivana rescues Hendrix from his broken home and asks them to care for the boy. Hendrix's mother Nina is a drug addict who suffers at the hands of her abusive partner Patrick. The men begin to consider making Hendrix part of their family. ~ Baseline StudioSystems
Silverio Palacios, 40, a failed union worker from Veracruz, decides to turn his life around. Tired of earning his money panhandling in the streets, he decides to follow up on a plan that’s been on his friend and union leader's, Alacrán, mind for the longest time. He transforms his old taxi into a makeshift raft and set sail towards Miami to find success in the United States posing as a Cuban immigrant.
El Infierno
Hermanos Cucaracha
Benjamin Garcia, Benny is deported from the United States. Back home and against a bleak picture, Benny gets involved in the drug business, in which he has for the first time in his life, a spectacular rise surrounded by money, women, violence and fun. But very soon he will discover that criminal life does not always keep its promises.
Chilango Chronicles
Confusion and eccentricity are all part of life in the vast human ocean of Mexico City -- including the three very different personalities portrayed in this urban fable. By the end of the day, their paths are destined to cross. "El Jairo" (Rodrigo Ostap) is a schizophrenic obsessed with UFOs; Claudia (Regina Orozco) is a woman addicted to pornography; and Juvenico (Patricio Castillo) is a retired teacher trying to come to grips with the future.
Conozca la cabeza de Juan Pérez
Juan Perez
Juan Perez is a wizard who begins to remember how he lost his head, after an economic crisis in the Circus where he works, he promises to mount a spectacular act of beheading that it could again return it to its glory years. But without any fifth in the bag and with time running out to build a machine is forced to rob a real guillotine without this weighs a terrible curse.
Teo's Journey
Separated from his father after illegally crossing the Mexico-U.S. border, young Teo and his new friend, Chuy, set off on a dangerous quest across the desert to find his dad in this touching tale of courage, adventure and friendship.
La garganta del diablo
남쪽의 제왕
Leserio Domínguez
멕시코의 4인조 은행강도단 레오, 산체스, 모니카, 레세는 철두철미한 계획 하에 은행을 습격, 1200만 달러를 훔쳐낸다. 아르헨티나로 날아가 돈세탁만 마치면 계획은 모두 성공. 하지만 거래 상대인 텍산의 수하들과 만난 자리에 제 3의 존재가 나타나 돈가방을 가로채간다. 그 과정에서 돈과 아들을 잃은 갱단 두목 텍산은 레오를 살해하고 모니카를 볼모로 잡은 채 산체스와 레세에게 잃어버린 돈가방을 찾아오게 한다. 돈가방을 가로챈 자가 텍산의 라이벌이자 타락한 경찰청장 파블로임을 알아낸 산체스와 레세는 천신만고 끝에 가방을 되찾고, 산체스는 모니카와 가방을 맞바꾸러 텍산의 집으로 향한다. 하지만 운명은 이 세사람을 마지막 순간 절체절명의 갈림길에 세우고 마는데….
The Girl on the Stone
Gabino, a very dedicated and hardworking young high school student, he is infatuated with Maty and tries to make her fall in love with him. After an incident in the school, where Gabino and his two friends are suspended for harassing Maty, she rejects him for the last time causing Gabino to plan a revenge against Maty.
Al final del día
Never On A Sunday
A middle-class Mexican family is forced to hire the services of a funeral home with a dubious reputation, without imagining the danger that the owner of the business will put them through.
A Wonderful World
El Azteca
A fairy tale about the political and socioeconomic realities of Mexico.
The Violin
Comandante Cayetano
In an unnamed Latin American country that closely resembles Mexico, the government fights a rural insurgency with torture, assault, rape, and murder. Soldiers descend on a town, cutting off the rebels from their cache of ammunition hidden in a field. A family of grandfather, son, and grandson are among the rebels in the hills. The grandfather, with his violin over his shoulder, tries to pass the checkpoint, ostensibly to tend his corn crop. The commanding officer lets him pass but insists on a daily music lesson.
Killing Cabos
Tony 'El Canibal'
Two young men get involved with some criminals while trying to free the tycoon they kidnapped.
이 투 마마
Jesús 'Chuy' Carranza
훌리오와 테노치는 그야말로 혈기왕성한 소년들이다. 여자친구와 격렬하게 섹스를 나누는 이들은 늘 성적인 공상에 사로잡혀 있다. 여자친구에게 정절을 약속한 그들이지만, 이를 지키기란 쉬운 일이 아니다. 루이자는 남편 하노가 다른 여자와 잠자리를 가졌다는 얘기를 들은 뒤 여행에 동참해 소년들을 유혹한다. 훌리오와 테노치가 모두 루이자와 섹스를 한 뒤, 이들은 마음 속에 감춰뒀던 비밀을 털어놓는다. 그들이 각각 서로의 여자친구와 성관계를 가졌다는 사실이 드러나자 우정에는 금이 가기 시작한다.