Evžen lives a bohemian life in Prague. An unexpected trip back to his homeland Switzerland confronts him with the smuggled crocodile Karlchen, his father’s sustained delusion and the grotesque charm of the bourgeoisie.
Isabell can't get over her dog's death. Unable to overcome her grief and surrounded by happy dog owners, she decides that no one else should have a dog.
은퇴를 선언한 세계적 지휘자 ‘프레드 밸린저’가 휴가를 위해 스위스의 고급 호텔을 찾는다. 그의 오랜 친구이자 노장 감독인 ‘믹’은 젊은 스탭들과 새 영화의 각본 작업에 매진하지만 의욕을 잃은 ‘프레드’는 산책과 마사지, 건강체크 등으로 무료한 시간을 보낸다. 이때 영국 여왕으로부터 그의 대표곡인 ‘심플 송’을 연주해 달라는 특별 요청이 전해지지만 ‘프레드’는 더 이상 무대에 서지 않겠다고 거절하는데…
When Hans looks back, he must say: That was a good life! He saw the world, loved his wife Martha and yes, two, three things went wrong. But that doesn't need to be talked about. And now? Two years ago Martha died, Hans can barely manage his daily routine anymore, and after a visit to the vet his beloved dog Miller doesn't return home. Hans is tired. Basically he can't be bothered anymore. He wants to die. But one doesn't talk about this. At best maybe with Willi, his friend. He trusts in him, he considers him as his ally, who should help him implement his plan...
Farmer Marie is in arrears with the loan payments to her bank. At first she does not care that much. But then the attractive banker Philipp should check the profitability of the farm. He has already promised the country to a solvent client. But as befits a true-to-life romantic comedy, after all, everything is different than expected.
Emil, Bruno, Fritz and Dieter-Thomas are four fit pensioners and old friends. They want to refresh their friendship with a cozy golf weekend in the mountains. Having just arrived at the hotel, Emil confronts his friends with serious news: he is terminally ill and has decided to put an end to his life with a deadly pill here and now with his friends. Now he asks the men for nothing less than to support him. The responses to this request could not be more different.
Centers around four older ladies from the Emmental region. When four older women decide to turn the local corner shop into a chic lingerie store, the whole community is thrown into disarray.