Arizona Territory is in the grip of outlaw terror and killer outlaws, secretly organized by Hulon Champion, who covers his power ambitions with the guise of a respectable firearms merchant. Hoping to eradicate the lawlessness plaguing the newspaperman Fred Gately prints a letter asking the president to visit the area. But Fred's killed by secret gang leader Champion, who also plans to assassinate the president. Undercover officer Rocky Lane teams with his assistant, Nugget, and Fred's spunky daughter to combat Champion's head gunslinger.
The town of Rio Blanco is the center of a fight over the statehood issue and is a perfect setup for Lon Bryson and Chuck Bowers, who organize a couple of phony protection associations. Opposing them is Henry Waterman, publisher of the Rio Blanco Herald. He and his assistant, Andrew Jackson Weems, send for the help of the Territorial Rangers. One of the dispatched Rangers is Jeff Lanning who, unknown to him, has a brother as a member of the gang under an assumed name of Bob Mitchell. Jeff is so shocked at seeing his brother gun down Waterman that he is unable to act in time to prevent it. Unable to explain the cause of is inaction, he is suspended by the governor. Unable to persuade his brother to quit the gang, Jeff, with the aid of Weems and Waterman's daughter Carol, begins his quest to bring the outlaws to justice.
미첼 윌슨의 "그토록 눈 먼 사람이 또 있을까 None So Blind"를 원작으로 한 작품으로, 르누아르의 영원한 주제인 삼각관계를 다룬 작품이다. 맹인 화가 테드와 그의 열정적인 아내 페기, 그리고 페기를 사랑하는 선원 스콧은 고통스러운 사랑의 삼각관계를 이룬다. 하지만 스콧은 테드가 사실은 앞을 볼 수 있고, 자신들의 불륜을 알고 있을 것이라 의심한다. 절벽 위의 외로운 집, 해변에 흩어진 폐선 조각들은 이들의 감정적인 대립을 표현하며 필름누아르적인 분위기를 연출한다.
Dick Tracy investigates the theft of a fortune of fur coats, a possible insurance swindle and several murders, all linked to a huge thug who wears a hook in place of his right hand.