Gabriel Llopart

Gabriel Llopart

출생 : 1928-04-18, Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain

사망 : 1993-03-26

프로필 사진

Gabriel Llopart

참여 작품

Pedro Jarrapellejos is a ladies man who cannot turn the heads of Isabel or her beautiful daughter. When both peasant women are found raped and murdered in a brutal scene, a schoolteacher is falsely accused. Pedro knows his own nephew and his friend participated in the killings, but he uses his considerable influence over the police and courts to intimidate the witnesses into silence.
El Lute II: Tomorrow I'll Be Free
This is the story of a man fighting with all his might for his life and his freedom. Eleuterio (”El Lute”) embarks upon an action-packed future, fuelled by the notions of freedom and dreams of living just as his countrymen, ever-growing in his mind. Nothing and no-one can stop him. After escaping the Puerto de Santa María prison, the reunion with his family is just the beginning of what will become an endless escape.
Juez de instrucción
4,000 tons of oil have been stolen from a Galician deposit. The alleged thieves are defended by the lawyer Ramos, but the witnesses die and suspicions point to Franco's brother.
Romanza final (Gayarre)
Hilarion Eslava
Biography of Julian Gayarre (1844-1890), one of the best tenors of all times. At 19, a professor at the Conservatory of Music in Madrid heard him singing for the first time and offered him a scholarship to continue his studies. His artistic life runs between continued success, becoming the world's greatest tenor. But in 1890, while singing at the Teatro Real in Madrid, a failure in his voice is like a cruel reminder of what would happen a few days later: his death at a young age. The doctors gave a diagnosis, but his friends know that Julian Gayarre died because he could not sing anymore.
El caso de las envenenadas de Valencia
Gobernador Civil
Valencia, 1955. A down-on-her-luck spinster poisons her friend and employers out of envy.
That House in the Outskirts
A young girl's husband rents a lovely home just outside of Madrid so she can spend the last three months of her pregnancy in peace and luxury. Unfortunately, just as they arrive at the home, the girl realizes that it is the place where she had secretly had an illegal abortion some years before. The clinic is long-gone, but this doesn't ease the woman's disquiet. Things get even worse when she learns that her upstairs neighbor is the old abortionist's assistant.
Seven Days in January
Juez (uncredited)
After the death of Franco, the nostalgic fascist regime attempts to preserve the 1936's order.
Girls... The Hall
Padre Rector
La menor
Family Portrait
Luis Sendín
Cecilio Rubes, a businessman engaged in the manufacture of baths and toilets, tries to remain neutral in the imminent Spanish civil war. But the attitude of Cécil, his only child, a spoiled boy who grows without respect their parents, will forced him to face the cruel reality of the facts. Jumping back and forth in time, we are shown his present and his past through his wife Adela and Paulina, the mistress of father and son.
Los caciques
Pepe Ojeda
El concierto de San Ovidio
Nights and Loves of Don Juan
Film inspired on the character from "Don Juan Tenorio".
¿Quién soy yo?
Mario Colomer, prime minister, is burdened by overwork. His problems seem solved when his assistants tell him about Juan Brandel, a possible substitute, just like him physically, but with a funnier and more adventurous personality. At first the plan seems to work and the politician begins to gain popularity. The plot thickens when the 'original' becomes jealous of the 'copy' and the substitute exceeds his functions.
Juicio de faldas
Los chicos con las chicas
The musical group Los Bravos is enjoying a short holidays. It's in a mountain hut, near a girls' school, eager to see and hear.
La cesta
Isidro el labrador
Juan Abad
La chica del gato
Guadalupe is an orphan as a child by Eulalio host and Euphrasia, who incite to steal and commit crimes. She opposes and decides to leave the house to avoid it in the company of a goldfinch and his trusty cat. The girl comes to live independently but failures will accumulate, until he accidentally meets Baby, a lady of good family, and among them emerges a sincere friendship.
El señor de La Salle
The Secret of the Black Widow
Someone is killing people related to a South American expedition. The means of murder are poison darts with rubber spiders attached to them. A writer and some police detectives investigate.
Una tal Dulcinea
A history professor is married with a beautiful woman but she is intellectually not able to follow her husband. Therefore she seeks her own pleasures and amusements without him.
The Carpet of Horror
An evil genius uses poison gas to avenge himself on his enemies.
Cristina, a beautiful woman, lives in love with her husband Manuel, who believes the most handsome, charming and, above all, the best husband in the world. Unexpectedly, Manuel dies and, thereafter, Cristina not live but to idealize her husband, going so far as to pay a reasonable service. Until a jilted suitor puts aware of the true personality of her husband. Cristina's reaction was swift, gets a 'gale' and women becomes more attractive and desired of Sevilla.
Festival en Benidorm
Historia de un hombre
La viudita naviera
Samuel Williams Bellini
Red Cross Girls
Paloma, Isabel, Marion and Julia Madrid are four girls belonging to different social strata, who are preparing to apply for the Red Cross on the flag. The four girls will be sought by many young ...
Catherine of England
The Great Galeoto
Actor en la obra (uncredited)
A young musician and dreamy, called "Ernesto", is forced to live in Madrid to die his father, in the house of executor of the testament, "don Julio Villamil", who is married to actress Teresa Labisbal, of which "Ernesto Acedo" was enamored platonic. Although the conduct of the young is flawless, a third person causes slander which oblige "don Julio" to fight in mourning to death.