Hillman Curtis

참여 작품

The Happy Film
New York designer Stefan Sagmeister lives in the city of his dreams, and creates work for the likes of the Rolling Stones and Jay-Z. Business is good, creative juices are flowing, and yet he suspects there must be more to life. Sagmeister takes on the daunting project of changing his personality by trying to figure out the causes of happiness. On the advice of a trusted psychologist Sagmeister experiments with three different approaches: meditation, therapy, and drugs. The Happy Film follows his pursuit, and all that he encounters along the way: joy, ecstasy, heartbreak, change, love, and death.
The Happy Film
New York designer Stefan Sagmeister lives in the city of his dreams, and creates work for the likes of the Rolling Stones and Jay-Z. Business is good, creative juices are flowing, and yet he suspects there must be more to life. Sagmeister takes on the daunting project of changing his personality by trying to figure out the causes of happiness. On the advice of a trusted psychologist Sagmeister experiments with three different approaches: meditation, therapy, and drugs. The Happy Film follows his pursuit, and all that he encounters along the way: joy, ecstasy, heartbreak, change, love, and death.
스웨덴의 영상 에이전시 House of Radon이 제작한 디지털 혁명이 개인과 예술, 산업에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지에 대한 인터뷰 다큐멘터리. 영화는 하나의 특정한 관점이나 화자를 두지 않고, 80여분에 걸쳐 여러 창작자와 평론가의 이야기를 쉬지 않고 들려준다. 디지털 혁명과 그 시대를 낙관하는 자, 비관하는 자, 그 안에서 활동하는 자까지. 문화적 힘을 가진 자들의 손쉬운 구호 내지는 회고를 넘어서, 말과 말의 사이를 채우는 영상을 통해 그들의 공간, 움직이는 법, 백스테이지, 준비과정, 애니메이션, 인쇄소, 프레스 공장 등 최종적인 결과물 외에는 볼 수 없었던 부분을 관찰할 수 있다.
Ride, Rise, Roar
David Byrne is a visual artist as well as a musician, and ever since his early days as a member of Talking Heads, he's wanted his concerts to be more than just a static performance. In 1984, Byrne and filmmaker Jonathan Demme redefined the boundaries of the concert film with the Talking Heads documentary STOP MAKING SENSE, and more than 25 years later Byrne has teamed up with David Hillman to create RIDE, RISE, ROAR, which documents Byrne's 2008-2009 concert tour, in which he performs new material written in collaboration with Brian Eno as well as favorites from his solo career as well as his tenure in Talking Heads. Using costumes and inventive choreography, Byrne and his musicians and dancers give his music a stage presentation as exciting as the music.