Toshiharu Sakurai

Toshiharu Sakurai

출생 : 1964-07-03, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan


Toshiharu Sakurai is a Japanese voice actor affiliated with 81Produce.

프로필 사진

Toshiharu Sakurai
Toshiharu Sakurai

참여 작품

진 겟타로보 VS 네오 겟타로보
Gai Daidou (voice)
겟타로보원작의 스토리 마지막 부분에서 무사시는 겟타를 타고 공룡제국에 맞서 싸우고 하야토와 사오토메 박사는 진겟타를 가동하려하지만 실패하게 된다. 그 순간 무사시는 겟타선을 발동시키게 되고 거기에 맞추어 진겟타 역시 겟타선을 방출함으로써 공룡제국을 쓰러뜨리게 되지만 무사시는 전사하게된다. 시간이 흐르고 하야토는 공룡제국의 재침입을 예상하고 시키시마 박사가 만든 플라즈마 에너지로 구동하는 네오겟타의 파일럿을 모으게 되고 쇼, 가이에 이은 이치모지 고를 영입하게 된다. 네오겟타로 적들을 물리치지만 공룡제국이 탈취한 프로토겟타들과 메카자우르스에게 네오겟타는 엉망이 되게 되고 이치몬지는 진겟타를 발동시켜서 적을 물리친다. 남극의 지하에서 미지의 UFO를 얻어 거대한 힘을 얻은 공룡제국의 고르제왕에 맞서 진겟타가 싸우지만 역부족, 위기에 처하자 진겟타는 파일럿들의 의지에 의해 새로운 형태로 변하여 고르를 물리치게 되는데....
Minky Momo: Station of Your Memories
Traveller 3 (voice)
Magical Princess Minky Momo is waiting for a train to take her to her final destination when she encounters an old man who is waiting for a reunion. When she discovers he has left his passport behind in the station, she embarks on the train to try to find him -- in the process running into her previous self.
Katsu (voice)
As the nations of the world begin to merge, world peace is threatened by the private armies of individual corporations. The Kuryu Group has just discovered a weapon that will tip world power in their favor. The Genocyber: a nightmarish combination of cybernetics and psychic potential. Many desire to control this monstrosity, but can its hatred be contained... Battle erupts, and the cyberpunk world of the future is about to explode with violence.
Hanappe Bazooka
Bully (voice)
Lecherous high school boy Hanappe is visited by two demons who step from his TV and immediately fall in lust with his mother and sister. The demons turn Hanappe's home into a meeting ground for their demonic friends and grant Hanappe the power of the Hanappe Bazooka. Now his index finger is capable of both a deadly blast and the ability to drive women in a lustful frenzy, but Hanappe isn't very good at controlling it and winds up in serious trouble.
Iron Virgin Jun
Golden Cherry Boy D (voice)
Jun's 18th birthday has been selected by family tradition to be the day that her husband is chosen. Many high-class families have come to try to marry into the physically and economically powerful Asuka dynasty, but Jun is not interested. With her servant Kratta in tow, she runs away from the groom-choosing party.
Pedro (voice)
Based on the novel Tottòi by Gianni Padoan. Sardinia is abundant in beautiful beaches and mysterious caves which are known as the habitat of a peculiar kind of seal on the verge of extinction. After moving to this island, Tottoi, fascinated by nature, visits different beaches and caves everyday. When he finds a seal cub and its mother in an isolated cave, he is surprised by the humorous movements and innocence of the cub and the dignity of its mother. Tottoi soon becomes attached to the seals, but his secret is revealed to heartless adults. In the name of preservation, a plan is developed to capture them for an aquarium. Now the dignity and pride of the wild seal are in danger. No matter how painful for Tottoi to be separated from his small friends, he must fight for the welfare of the wild mammals and let them go free into the sea.
Otaku no Video
Sueo Tanaka (voice)
A hilarious mockumentary featuring an animated tale of an average person who slowly becomes an otaku (obsessive fanatic) and eventually becomes the "Otaking"! Between story segments, live action interviews with fictional die-hard otakus take place.
신비한 바다의 나디아: 극장판
Hanson / King (voice)
쟝은 어느날 해변에서 정신을 잃은 소녀를 발견하게 된다. 자신의 이름만 겨우 기억해내던 소녀는 쟝의 도움으로 건강을 회복해 가고 소녀의 기억도 조금씩 돌아오기 시작한다. 하지만 세계 각국의 수뇌부들이 증발하는 사건이 발생되면서 소녀와 그 사건이 연관이 있음을 알게 되는데...
Dorami-chan: Wow, The Kid Gang of Bandits
A Doraemon anime film. It premiered in theatres on March 9, 1991 on a bill with Doraemon: Nobita in Dorabian Nights. The movie's original plot was written by Hiroshi Fujimoto and Motoo Abiko.
Ajin Senshi
Toruma (voice)
In the year 2200 an interstellar war is held where the weapons most frequently used are the psychic capacities. The hero, Zero, son of an earthling and an extraterrestrial, the prince and last survivor of a clan of magicians. He will fight against the army of the Manjidara empire, whose forces are such as its head ambition to control the whole universe.
Angel Cop
Delta One (voice)
In the late twentieth century, the Secret Security Force was formed to stop the actions of the communist terrorist group known as the Red May. Angel, a beautiful, yet cold woman, has recently joined the small anti-terrorist group. But her first mission will be a true test of skill, for members of the Red May are being found dead, murdered by gruesome methods. Who is causing these murders? And why? Written by Chuck "Dark-Side" Williamson
루팡 3세 풍마 일족의 음모
Fuma Ninja C (voice)
풍마 일족 대대로 전해져 내려오던 항아리에 담긴 보물의 비밀을 캐내려던 악당 일행은 고에몬과 풍마족의 족장 손녀의 결혼식에 침입하여 항아리를 탈취해 간다. 이에 고에몬의 동료인 루팡과 지겐 그리고 후지코는 항아리와 족장의 손녀를 되찾기 위해 악당의 뒤를 쫓는다. 한편 항아리의 비밀을 알아낸 악당 일행은 보물이 숨겨져 있는 산속 동굴로 향하고 루팡 일행이 그들의 뒤를 쫓는다. 하지만 보물이 숨겨져있는 동굴 안에는 갖가지 비밀 장치들이 숨겨져 있어 외부인의 침입을 쉽게 허락하지 않는다. 결국 족장은 동굴을 파괴하기로 결심하고 수천년간 이어져 온 풍마 일족의 비밀은 묻히게 된다.
데드 히트
마코토는 하위권 D클래스에서 경쟁하는 래그 태그 포뮬러 X 레이싱 팀의 드라이버로, 언젠가 A클래스에 진출할 것이라는 포부를 가지고 있다. 신비로운 후원자가 그 안에서 잠재력을 발견하고 그는 오픈컵에서 경쟁할 수 있도록 그의 엔지니어링 서비스와 빛나는 새 엔진을 제공한다