José María Sacristán
출생 : 1957-04-03, Madrid, Spain
Director instituto
교사 모디스토는 귀신을 보는 능력을 가졌다. 그 특별한 능력과 소심한 성격 탓에 학교에선 해고 당하고 인생은 꼬여만 간다. 새로 옮긴 학교에서 새출발을 결심한 모디스토! 그러던 중 학교에서 수상한 학생들을 만나게 되면서 안 그래도 꼬인 그의 인생이 더욱더 스펙타클 해진다. 정체불명 수상한 학생들은 학교를 폐교 직전까지 몰아가고 그들을 학교에서 내보내기 위해 모디스토는 20년째 학교에 있는 학생들을 졸업시키기 위한 계획을 세우는데…
Inspector Policía Nacional
또랑뜨는 경찰의 운명을 좌우할 커다란 작전에 투입되지만 실패를 하게 되고, 마지막 기회를 부여 받는다. 교도소에 위장 투옥되어 교도소의 비밀을 파헤치는 것. 또랑뜨는 곧 작업을 시작하게 되고 그를 도울 동료들을 모은다. 하지만 작전 중 그는 다른 부정 경찰의 음모로 이 작전에 투입되었음을 알게 되지만 이미 그는 누명까지 쓴 상태였다. 그는 탈출 계획을 세우게 되고 교도소 보안 직원과 수용자 사이의 축구 경기를 연다. 축구 경기가 열리는 동안 탈출에 성공한 그는 자신을 위기에 빠뜨린 부정 경찰들에 대한 복수를 계획하는데…
Jewelry Shop Owner
연애하고는 담을 쌓은 삭막한 삶을 살아온 조지아. 고향인 그리스로 돌아와 여유로운 생활을 꿈꾸지만, 여행 가이드 첫날부터 제멋대로의 여행객들을 상대하느라 녹초가 되어버린다. 한 성격하는 조지아는 사사건건 고집불통 여행객들과 부딪히게 되고, 심지어 ‘hello’조차 모르는 줄 알았던 관광버스 운전기사 ‘포르코피’에게 자신의 연애 치부마저 들키게 되고, 인생 최대의 고비를 맞이하게 되는데… 뭐만 할라치면 꼬여버리는 조지아에게 과연 ‘연애운’은 돌아올 것인가?
Churchman 2
궁중화가 고야의 아름다운 모델이자 영원한 뮤즈 이네스는 부당한 누명을 쓰고 종교재판소에 갇히게 된다. 이네스의 아버지인 부유한 상인 토마스는 딸을 구하기 위해 성당 재건 비용 기부 등 백방으로 노력한다. 이를 구실로 고야와 로렌조 신부를 집에 초대한다. 이네스가 부당한 심문에 자백 한 사실을 듣게 되고, 토마스는 어이없는 강변을 늘어놓는 로렌조를 심문한다. 로렌조에게 종교재판소를 모독하는 강제 고백의 고해문서를 받아낸 그는 심문의 고통은 이성을 마비시키고 허위고백을 할 수 있다는 것을 증명하려 한다.
Pelayo is leaving to work for his uncle Lorenzo and to find a nice girl to settle down with. Pelayo arrives to find out that Lorenzo's "business" is in fact a male strip show and Lorenzo's dancers are a laughing stock. Lorenzo has all his money tied up in his wedding with ex-prostitute Palmira. With Pelayo arriving life turns upside down. Can Lorenzo keep his infidelities a secret and his crew off the streets? Can Pelayo keep from falling for a prostitute on his way to finding a wife?
Encargado gasolinera
Fernando (Fernando Tejero) is a loser. A gray type, without ambition, that works like bookcases distributor in a supermarket of the quarter. In his free short whiles, he is a substitute keeper of a football team, a third regional one. In all the season he has not played a single minute. But the last Sunday of the league the referee indicates penalty and the regular keeper injures itself. Fernando must occupy the goal for the first time. If penalty scores, the team of the district will proclaim champion. If no, all the effort of a year will not have been worth for anything. When the penalty is just about to be kicked, a group of indignant fans with the referee invades the field and prevents the kick. The competition committee decides that the penalty must play the following Sunday, in the same goal, with same players and the field closed to the public. El Penalti más largo del mundo, (The Longest Penalty Shot in the World) is exactly the history of that week of delay.
"Escuela de seducción" is an acceptable comedy which deals, for the umpteenth time, with the war of the sexes using misunderstandings and fake personalities as dramatic resources. The premise is by no means original, but this is something most films lack nowadays, and therefore the result could have been more than acceptable.
라파엘은 백화점 직원으로 타고난 세일즈맨이며 바람둥이다. 어느 날, 라파엘은 백화점의 ‘플로어 매니저’ 자리를 놓고 경쟁하던 안토니오와 말다툼을 하다가 사고로 안토니오를 죽이게 되고 그만 그 사실을 백화점에서 제일 못 생긴 여직원 로우르데스에게 들키고 만다. 결국 라파엘은 로우르데스의 입을 막기 위해 로우르데스가 시키는 대로 하고, 결혼까지 하지만 도저히 로우르데스를 좋아할 수가 없다. 어떻게든 로우르데스로부터 벗어나기 위해 그녀를 죽이기로 결심한 라파엘, 이번엔 반드시 완전범죄를 해야 하는데 성공할 수 있을까?
Cliente video club
Fali (Oscar Jaenada) has been blessed with an ample gift below the belt. But his extra-large asset ends up getting him into trouble when he agrees to help his friend (Antonio Dechent) get rid of his annoying lover and save his marriage. Fali's romantic entanglements are all the more hilarious considering the only reason he's doing it is so he can get the dream car he's always wanted: a brand-new BMW.
Camionero #1
In an odd destiny coincidence and hospital employee reiceives some important and confident information from a dying old man. He shares it with one friend and both start a crazy and extravangant adventure.
The night of San Juan, Miguel murders his associate. Two elderly people are witness to the crime and predict that all of his dreams will come true thereafter. He will know the price he has to pay when he sees a black cat with a moon shaped mark on its forehead. Twenty-two years later a messenger begins to see all his dreams come true...
Paseante #1
Welcome to another edition of the legendary 150 meter race of Callao.
In Madrid, Azu's husband Filipe is smug and boorish, but it's his money she slips to family members constantly in need of cash and that she uses to buy gifts for her lover, Pablo. Things start to fall apart when Pablo wants to leave her and when Filipe wants to evict Azu's cousin from a butcher shop he rents. Azu hatches a plan that relies on her sister, her cousin the butcher, and his mentally-challenged delivery man. When things start to go wrong, can Azu make them right?
An honest and humble gypsy lives in a poor neighborhood with his family until something unexpected changes his life forever.
Sr. Morientes
The adventures of a group of secondary school . Juan, one of the group, falls in love with Sara, the new girl.
Bar customer 2
부동산 소개소에서 임시직을 하는 중년 여성 홀리아(카르멘 미우라 분)는 우연히 노인이 죽어있는 빈 아파트에서 300만 달러를 손에 쥐게 된다. 돈을 갖고 떠날 준비를 하던 홀리아. 그러나 예상지 못했던 방해 세력을 만나게 되는데, 그들은 바로 그 아파트 주민들. 그들 역시, 그 돈을 나눠갖기 위해 목이 빠지게 노인의 죽음을 기다리고 있었던 것. 혼자 돈을 갖고 도망가려는 홀리아와 이 돈가방을 뺏으려는 이웃 사람들간의 목숨을 건 쟁탈전, 그 잔인하고 황당하지만, 웃지 않고는 못 배길 쫓고 쫓기는 난투극이 벌어지는데. 과연 돈가방의 주인은 누가 될 것인가?
Beldar and Sonja, a couple of thieves belonging to the legendary world of sword and sorcery, steal a precious stone shaped like a human heart in the gloomy crypt of the Order of the Thousand Eyes, an evil sect of powerful wizards. To flee the scene realize that the gem is cursed and sent them his spell. After losing consciousness, Beldar awakens in another world, metamorphosed into the body of a teenager of sixteen Madrid eaten by acne.
Padre de Lisa
Since he began to work, Domingo lives against the trend: he sleeps during the day, care for her younger sister in the afternoon and at night vacuums in a department store.
An emotionally distant father attempts to reconnect with the son he abandoned. After his estranged son (Juan Diego Botto) tries to commit suicide, Argentine expat Martín (Federico Luppi) brings the troubled teen to live with him in Spain. But though Martín tries to reach out to his son, he's unable to bond with anyone in his life -- including his much-younger girlfriend
Barbara, a journalist in the beginning of the 20th century, searches in the border between Portugal and Galicia a bandit called El Argentino. In her travel she meets two men that say that they belong to his gang.
Pablo hates everything. When Lucia comes into his life, he thinks she's the woman he dreams of, and sees the solution to all his problems. But Lucia, who is rather manipulating, is just what will make Pablo explode. Nobody believes in the ideal couple, not even Pablo's friends, who live all in couples, and all with problems: Between Ariel and Lola there is a professional rivalty they don't know how to cope with; Claudio lives on Natalia, and none of them feels good about it; what's wrong with Alejandro and Beatriz is just the big age difference between them two. Nobody is happy with his partenaire, but everyone will let it be, maybe for conformism, maybe for fear, maybe for lazyness, or maybe because Everything is false.
A woman married to a bank director sees how her life is destroyed in a matter of hours when the police discovers that her husband has escaped with money from the bank.
Funcionario 1
1993년 여름. 문화 기획가 그룹이 국제 양심수의 날을 기념하기 위해 발렌시아 감옥을 방문하기로 한다. 초대 손님 중엔 정치인, 문화계와 공연계 인사 그리고 몇몇 스페인 상류층 인사까지 있다. 프랑코 독재 기간 동안 폭력, 고문 그리고 온갖 부당한 일이 벌어졌던 감방에서, 이 사람들이 밤을 보낸다는 기획이다. 베를랑가의 비교적 최근작으로 여전한 유머감각과 날카로운 비판 정신을 유감없이 볼 수 있는 작품. (2003년 한국시네마테크협의회 - 스페인 영화 페스티발)
Ismael Lopez (Elejaldo), a petty criminal, shoots and kills a painting restorer during a bungled burglary, and shoots her daughter as well. Twenty years later, and the daughter Leire (Alvarez) has been left mute and with a mental age of a child, spending most of her time in a mental home. A chance meeting between Leire and Ismael, who now works in a bar, leads Ismael to think that she still ight be able to recognise him, and turn him in to the police. With the help of his girlfriend Maite (Lio), he kidnaps Leire and chains her to the bed in his house. He is unable to kill her, however, and instead asks the mental home for a ransom for her return. Whilst a prisoner, though, Leire and Ismael grow closer and closer through his attempts to make her laugh and their mutual love for chocolate.
Andres de Granada, a forty-benefit trade more clear, believed that the first months of 1993 are the best time to do business. It also has the help of his nephew Fulgencio, who has arrived in Madrid with the idea of learning the trade.
Two brothers plan to steal the precious jewel of Nefertiti's eye in a famous exhibition hall, but they are not the only ones who want it. There is a scuffle in which a policeman dies and one of the robbers falls on the dead man.
12살 때 헤어져 15년 만에 다시 만난 엄마 ‘베키’(마리사 파레데스)처럼 유명한 팝 가수가 되고 싶은 ‘레베카’(빅토리아 아브릴)는 연습에 몰두하지만 부질없는 것임을 깨닫는다. 엄마 ‘베키’에 대한 그리움은 증오심으로 변해 엄마의 옛 애인 ‘마누엘’(페오도르 아킨)과 결혼해 버린다. 하지만 예기치 못하게 ‘마누엘’이 사망하고 형사는 ‘베키’와 ‘레베카’를 용의 선상에 올리는데…
A peculiar family, which owns a nougat factory, decides to set out on a trip to Madrid in order to advertise its products in a Food Fair. Besides the disapproval from the family head and company founder, events are not as expected.
In Spain of the 1960s, a poor family of quinquis - a nomadic ethnic group with a tradition as old as that of the gypsises of Spain but with even more obscure origins - have a nomadic life marked by poverty. The son, Eleuterio Sánchez Rodriguez, nicknamed "El Lute", steals some chickens and is condemned to six months in jail. El Lute moves to the slum outskirts of Madrid with his common law wife, Chelo, starting an itinerant life as a peddler of pots and pans and living in a quinqui shantytown. He gradually embarks upon as life of petty criminality, eventually participating in the theft of a jewelry store during which a bystander is killed.