Anton Mehringer
Volkmar Stenzel
Franz Hübner
During the Christmas holidays, Hubert and Staller investigate the demise of an elderly pensioner who died suspiciously but unnoticed a year earlier.
Oliver Wackernagel
Heiner Witt
A woman goes through a weekend full of ups and downs after a shocking diagnose, according to which she has less than a year left to live.
Karl Holzer
Uwe Ochsenknecht and Herbert Knaup play the leading roles in the buddy comedy "2 Sturköpfe im Dreivierteltakt". From the old rivals Joachim Schiller and Hans Rückert are pretty best friends, as they finally realize that an ex-wife has always been a double game with them. The comedy by Thomas Kronthaler conveys the joy of life and makes you want to dance. The breakdance scene star Jawad Rajpoot, also known as Bboy Rajpoot, provides spectacular performances as a junior partner. He finds his destiny through the dance school and there the first great love.
Narrator (voice)
Plum out of luck, Swabian farmer Huber’s farm goes under. Then his girlfriend Birgit takes over her father’s newly-acquired firm – in former East Germany. That's reason enough for Huber to bail on his debts and head out on a road trip through southwest Germany.
von Kamphausen
Harry Dumont
"Cooking is war" - that is the motto of the ingenious, but self-centered celebrity chef and women's hero Michi Griesebach, who has been in trouble for years with the autocratic restaurant critic Harry Dumont. Now the showdown is due to the opening of his noble restaurant: Dumont, whose column will decide on well-being and woe, has already announced a devastating tearing. By chance Michi gets to know Dumont's daughter and starts a covert operation.
Lorenz Hoffmann
Five years ago, the highly paid marketing chief Hartmut Sprenger was fired from his job by the new personnel manager Lorenz Hoffmann - without a word of notice, anonymously, without a personal conversation. But today - Hartmut is a casual jobber and embittered, Lorenz in the middle of the mid-life crisis and just before the burnout - fate brings the two men together and sends them on a turbulent ride through Germany.
Moritz Hollstein
Based on explosive investigations, the thriller "Meister des Todes" ("Master of Death") tells of a German arms manufacturer and their questionable weapon exports to Mexiko.
Hans Scholz
A man who has lost his wife and daughter finds a baby in a garbage. He decides to save her.
Sigi Hermann
The story of former Bayern Munich president Kurt Landauer, a Bavarian jew ousted by the National Socialists and brought to the concentration camp of Dachau, where he survived to come back and start to rebuild his old club after World War II.
Georg Trautmann
Daniel and Thomas are two friends who are trying to catch girls in various therapy groups.
Heiko Hartung
Peter Philips
Uhrmachermeister Zifferle
오래된 성에 살고 있는 꼬마 유령의 소원은 단 한 번만이라도 낮 세상을 구경하는 것. 그런데 어느 날 기적처럼 꼬마 유령의 소원이 이루어진다! 하지만 기쁜 것도 잠시, 환한 햇빛에 닿은 꼬마 유령의 몸은 새까맣게 변해버렸다! 마을은 정체불명 새까만 꼬마 유령의 등장에 공포에 휩싸이고, 꼬마 유령은 온 마을 사람들에게 쫓기는 신세가 되어버린다.. 그런 꼬마 유령을 도와줄 사람은 꼬마 유령의 본 모습을 아는 마을의 개구쟁이 삼총사뿐! 과연, 꼬마 유령은 원래의 모습을 되찾을 수 있을까?
Ferdinand Meissner
Five years have passed since Anaesthesiologist Susanne Meissner divorced her self-centered husband, the successful surgeon Ferdinand. Although the two wanted to share the education of the three children together, Susanne cares almost alone about the pubescent offspring Toni, Valerie and Ludwig - a task that requires a lot of strength and patience for all the love. Your own needs are often too short.
Dinas Vater
Eleven moving dates, eight friends: Philipp, Wiebke, Jessica, Maria, Swantje, Michael, Thomas, Dina – all in their twenties and mutually lonesome. And always searching: For a new city, a new job, an own apartment, a new, or even an old love. The search is never-ending, and so they repeatedly find themselves at a ritual gathering: someone moving. Boxes are shifted from one side of Berlin to the other, or the length and breadth of Germany, from one abode to the next as one life is exchanged for another. In 3 ZIMMER/KÜCHE/BAD, director Dietrich Brüggemann portrays existences in which relationships, social networks and backdrops are in a constant state of flux; where best friends are the only, and therefore the most valuable constant. Humorous sketches of the self-conception of a generation for whom moving has become the symbol of a life on the go.
18-year-old Stella lives with her mother Clarissa on a picturesque lodge in the South African bush. When Clarissa one day died in a tragic car accident, the young woman makes a surprising discovery: Obviously, her mother was not a South African, but the daughter of a rich industrial family from Austria. But why did she leave her homeland, change her name and even lied to her daughter over the years? To find out the truth, Stella travels to Styria.
Henri Brietner
친구가 총에 맞아 죽어가는 범죄 현장을 목격하게 된 15살 어린 목격자 ‘니나’. 가해자인 정치적기업가 토마스 배커는 자신의 죄를 은폐하고 정당방위를 주장하기 위해 어린 목격자를 처리하려 한다. 이 사건을 맡은 변호사는 어린 목격자를 보호하기 위해 은퇴한 군인 ‘막스’를 고용하고, ‘막스’는 ‘니나’를 지키기 위해 위험한 동행을 함께 하게 되는데 …
Oliver Seifert
Having trouble coping with school and their teachers, five students are sent to after school detention by principal Seifert. To avoid expulsion they must take extra hours in ethics. It is their last chance. Stressed out with her own exams, the new trainee teacher Mechthild Bremer is not enthusiastic about being assigned to teach this class. Accordingly, the first couple of hours do not run smoothly. The five give her a hard time.
August Staudenmeyer returns after thirty years absence as a wealthy man in his hometown Gerbersau. First, the successful businessman is received with open arms. But when he stands up for the outlawed widow Katharina Entriss, he gets sidelined. August realizes that the narrow-mindedness of the Gerbersauer has by no means changed. Richer for an experience and a love, he leaves home a second time.
Kommisar Kluftinger
Jens Kurzhals
Berlin sometime in the near future: Due to the demographic change, more and more old people are walking confused through the city. In order to avoid accidents and to protect the elderly, there are special task forces that pick up the pensioners and bring them back to the homes. The entrepreneur Sebastian von Werding recognized the potential of customers and developed a new business model.
7년이나 남자를 만나지 않은 안토니아. 그녀에겐 아들 토니가 있다. 그러던 어느날 토니는 프랑스로 아빠를 만나러 떠나고, 그녀는 갑자기 삶에 회의가 든다. 게다가 그날따라 직장인 호텔에서 매번 사고를 친다. 주눅이 들어서일까. 그녀는 자신이 전혀 아름답지 않다고 한다. 애가 딸린 여자는 남자들을 장님으로 만들 뿐이라고, 울면서 이야기한다. 그러나 그것은 틀린 말이다. 그녀는 남자들의 눈길을 받는, 충분히 아름다운 여자이다. 그리고 여자인 친구에게서도 묘한 감정이 담긴 키스로 위로를 받는, 매력적인 인간이다. 오히려 룸서비스를 하러 들어간 방에 가득 찬 모델들보다 아름다운 그녀는, 공간에 생기를 불어넣고 빛을 가득히 비추는 사람인 것이다. 하지만 자신이 그 매력을 알지 못하면 무슨 소용이 있겠는가. 여전히 그녀 자신이, 자기와 같은 과부에게는 어떤 남자도 반하지 않을거라 생각하는데... 그렇지만 그 생각은 오묘하게 틀어진다. 룸서비스를 하러 들어간 방에서 손님과 마주치게 되는데, 그 손님은 앞을 보지 못한다. 그가 장님이라는 것이 그녀의 여성으로서의 자신감을 북돋워준 탓일까? 혹은 그녀 말대로, 장님인 그는 그녀의 처지 따위는 보지 못하기 때문에 순수 그녀의 매력에 이끌린 것일까? 안토니아는 그와 사랑을 나눴고, 아들 때문에 끊었던 담배를 피우다가 아들의 예고대로 "비"를 맞는다.
Benno Fischer
Gundula Glöckner is very worried about the salvation of her daughter Lena. Again and again, the young woman gets to the wrong men. To help her child's happiness, the resolute widow shortly sets out on a pilgrimage: in Padua she wants to pray for Lena at the tomb of St. Anthony. However, the illustrious Pilgrims on their way to Italy are struggling with a whole series of mishaps and complications. Especially the brash bus driver Benno brings the God-fearing Gundula again and again to the white heat - until she realizes that hides behind its rough shell a vulnerable core.
Erwin Bockelmann
Bremen, 1891. Udo Jürgens' grandfather Heinrich strolls thoughtfully about the Christmas market. For days, the young man has suffered a momentous decision: should he emigrate to America or seek his fortune in Moscow? The touching performance of a street musician playing a Russian song on his bassoon gives him an unexpected decision-making aid. Henry sets off for Russia - and thus begins a fateful story that spans three generations and two world wars.
Ignacy Chiger
제2차 세계 대전이 한창이던 폴란드의 리버포. 가족의 생계를 위해 빈집 털이와 하수구 수리공으로 생계를 연명하던 소하. 어느 날 그는 온갖 악취와 암흑뿐인 하수구로 잔인한 죽음을 피하기 위해 숨어든 유대인들을 발견하게 되고, 그들은 소하에게 비밀을 지켜달라며 돈을 건넨다. 이들을 신고만 해도 돈을 벌 수 있지만, 소하는 결국 그들의 부탁을 들어주며 칩거생활을 도와주게 된다. 그러던 중 마을에 누군가 유대인을 도와주고 있다는 소문이 돌기 시작하면서 소하는 자신과 가족의 목숨이 위태로워질 수 있다는 불안을 느끼게 되고, 다시 조심스럽게 하수구로 걸음을 옮기는데…
Rainer Berg
Ralf Weiss
Walter Aschauer
Hannes Voss
Kurt Korbach
군대에서 탈영하여 쫓기고 있는 토마스와 연기 전공으로 입학을 앞두고 있는 프랭크, 그리고 순진한 알렉스는 절친한 친구 사이다. 토마스는 알렉스와 서독으로 탈출하기 위한 계획을 짜고, 프랭크는 학교 입학을 위해 남기로 한다. 두 친구를 배웅하던 프랭크는 다시 그들을 만나지 못할 것 같아 작별의 아쉬움에 빠진다. 하지만 갑자기 등장한 비밀경찰들에게 발각된 세 사람. 한편, 평범한 회사원으로 알았던 프랭크의 아버지 커트는 사실 동독 비밀경찰단의 수장이었다. 아들의 결백을 증명하기 위해 상부를 설득하는 커트. 그리고 비밀경찰들의 수사망을 피해 도망간 아이들을 추적하기 시작하는데…
새로운 사랑의 시작이 버거운 그녀 ‘한나’, ‘현재의 사랑이 지겨운 그 ‘다니엘’ 레스토랑의 첫 입사.소믈리에인 그녀를 본 순간 다니엘의 마음은 사랑의 시작을 알렸다. 하지만 자신의 상사의 애인이었던 한나와의 거리는 너무나 멀기만 하다. 그녀도 혹시 나와 같은 맘은 아닐까? 방황하는 남녀, 그 속에서 피어나는 사랑과 이별. 그리고 너무나도 틀린 관점에 서 있는 두 사람의 아슬아슬한 사랑은 이루어 질 수 있을까?
Adolf Eichmann
Adolf Eichmann, one of the Third Reich's worst war criminals escapes to Argentina. With his wife and three sons he lives undiscovered in a German community in Buenos Aires until he his kidnapped by Israelis and tried for his crimes.
Mr. High
Jerry Cotton is the best agent of the FBI and suspected of murder. So he has to find the real killers from gangster boss Serrano.
Herzog Max
The Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph falls in love with the young Elisabeth. It's love at first sight but Franz Joseph's mother Sophie doesn't approve this love.
Frank Pramann
During the Cold War, Ulrich and Heike Molitor's attempt to escape from the GDR with their children hidden in the car ends in a prison conviction and both kids going to adoption unless they accept to leave daughter Rebecca behind to that fate and choose 'exulsion' with son Klaus. When the kids near adulthood, Klaus is frustrated that his parents only wine about his lost sister. Meanwhile, the time is ripening for the Berlin wall to come down. Rebecca's adoptive pa resists his wife's bitching to leave the Stasi.
Kommissar A. I. Kluftinger
Set in Vietnam and Germany, This Is Love centers on Chris and the nine-year-old Jenjira on the run from the mafia. Together with his friend Holger, Chris bought the young Vietnamese girl's freedom from human traffickers – without actually being able to pay. Meanwhile, the female detective Maggie learns after 16 years why her husband up and left her without a word. These two worlds come together when Chris is accused of murder and Maggie is charged with interrogating him.....
Dr. Franz Reinhard
Thomas 'Tom' Sellier
Matthias Lettenbichler
Ulrich Wegener
The incredible true story of Lufthansa Flight 181, which was hijacked by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in October of 1977, and the noble efforts of stewardess Gabriele Dillmann (Nadja Uhl) to ensure the safety of the terrified passengers throughout the harrowing ordeal. When terrorists sympathetic to the cause of the German Red Army Faction seize control of the flight, German chancellor Helmut Schmidt refuses to negotiate. Meanwhile, terrorist leader "Captain Martyr Mahmud" grows increasingly agitated, and the Yemeni government refuses to let the plane land on their soil. After Captain Schumann (Thomas Kretschmann) makes an emergency landing in the sand, he is brutally executed in front of the passengers by "Captain Martyr Mahmud" (Said Taghmaoui), who then forces the co-pilot to fly the plane to Somolia. Once there, counter terrorism measures quickly get underway as the passengers brace themselves for the worst.
Erzengel Michael
70-year old Brandner Kaspar lives with his granddaughter Nannerl in the mountains at the Schliersee. As he is visited by the Death and wants to take him, Brandner Kaspar tricks him and gets another 20 years of life.
Dr. Heinrich Werhahn
Alexander Kant
Peter Frei
The subject of male prostitution gets a distinctly zany and offbeat twist in Stellungswechsel (AKA Special Escort), Maggie Peren's tale of five male underdogs who promulgate themselves as female escorts in the city of Munich. Of that group, we meet policeman Gy, in hot water with his insurance company and enduring the vicissitudes of an on-again, off-again romance with comely Daphne; twentysomething Lasse, who lives with his mom and is pathetically henpecked by her; Giselher, a chronically unemployed former manager; Frank, a philologist who spends his days as a house husband; and Olli, a deli proprietor whose business is rapidly going under. These five conjure up the wild idea of charging for liaisons with emotionally needy women, but the scheme doesn't exactly go as planned - as none can even begin to anticipate the eccentricities or oddities of the female clients who turn up in response to their offer.
Martin Feldmann
Kurt Wellinek
Master painter Hans Moll and his wife, the television announcer Ms. Wellinek and her husband, and the German-Russian Jew Yevgenia have many things to live on: food, drink, an apartment. What they do not have is work. They all discover the yearning for a chance to start all over again and bring themselves back to life.
Ralf Bischof
Georg Komann
Hell hath no fury like an employee scorned.
Herr Novak
A funny story about bachelor party went wrong...
Ludwig Lewerenz
The story of the German sail-training ship Pamir that sunk in a hurricane.
Friedrich Gelmini
Gregor Hessenstein
1980년대 중반 동독에서는 9만명이 넘는 비밀경찰(슈타지)과 약 17만명의 정보원이 활동했다. 만인에 대한 만인의 밀고로 유지되는 세계에서는 더 끈덕지게 의심하는 자가 유능한 멤버다. 주인공 게르트 비즐러(울리히 뮈헤)는 탁월한 감시 및 심문 실력과 정치적 신념으로 무장한 비밀경찰. 비즐러는 동독 최고의 극작가 드라이만과 그의 애인이자 인기 여배우 크리스타를 감시하는 중대 임무를 맡는다. 그러나 시간이 지날수록 드라이만을 체포할 만한 단서는 찾을 수 없다. 비즐러는 오히려 드라이만과 크리스타의 삶으로 인해 감동받고 사랑을 느끼며 이전의 삶과는 달리 인간적인 모습으로 변화하기 시작하는데...
이부(異父)형제 미하엘과 브루노는 전혀 다른 성격의 소유자들이다. 어머니는 할머니에게 아들을 맡기고 섹스와 마약을 탐닉하는 공동체로 떠나버렸고, 둘은 각기 다른 방식으로 그 부재를 견뎌냈다. 분자생물학자가 된 미하엘은 이렇다할 성생활을 갖지 않고 연구에만 몰두한다. 반면, 브루노는 정신병원을 드나들 정도로 성에 탐닉하지만 아직 한 번도 자신을 충족시키는 여자와 만나지 못했다. 하지만 두 사람이 서른에 접어든 어느 날, 인생은 급변한다. 미하엘은 첫사랑 애나벨과 다시 만나게 되고 브루노는 마침내 자신의 성적 강박을 함께 즐길 수 있는 상대 크리스티안과 만나게 된 것이다. 드디어 행복을 거머쥐었다고 생각한 순간, 짓궂은 운명은 두 여자를 병에 걸리게 만들어 버린다. 미하엘과 브루노는 사랑을 위해 함께 고난을 이겨낼 것인지, 고통을 피해 외로움으로 점철된 본래의 삶으로 돌아갈 것인지를 결정해야 할 순간을 맞이하는데….
Vater Steiff
Based on the life of German toymaker Margarete Steiff, the movie shows her long way from a 10-year-old girl, confined to a wheelchair, to one of the first and most successful creators of toy stuffed animals.
Phillip Koch
The towns of Gschaid and Millsdorf are in a constant state of feuding with each other. Nevertheless Gschaid's Sebastian and Millsdorf's Susanne are married. In her husband's town Susanne has to put up with daily harassment by the locals, which also extends to her two children. Finally she moves back to her parents, alone. When the children, who long to find a magical crystal they believe has the power to reunite the family, get lost in a howling blizzard on the exposed mountain after bringing their mother her Christmas presents, both towns set up rescue missions.
Hauptmann Kant
Werner Tschirner
Focuses on three very different siblings, all searching for happiness. Hans-Jörg is a sex addicted librarian, who is interested in young students. Werner is a successful politician with a dysfunctional family. Agnes, a trans woman, works as a table dancer in a night club. The three brothers just have one thing in common: their longing for a happy life.
Professor Müller-LaRousse
누가 죽던 그건 상관 없어, 우린 연구만 하면 돼!근육수축증을 앓고 있는 동생과 홀로 남은 어머니를 뒤로 하고 베를린의 유명 대학병원에 인턴으로 출근하게 된 요는 훌륭한 의사가 되어 동생의 병을 치료하는 것이 꿈이다. 병원에서 새로운 동료들과 함께 하며 새로운 생활에 익숙해질 무렵, 특별한 연구팀을 구성하여 새로운 의료기술 개발연구를 하는 뮐러 라루스 박사와 그의 조수들의 자신만만하고 의욕에 가득찬 모습을 보고 자신도 최고가 되기 위해 그 연구팀에 들어가려고 한다. 마침 축구선수였던 요를 눈여겨 보던 뮐러 박사는 그를 연구팀의 일원으로 받아들이게 되고 그들의 인공근육 연구에 적극적으로 참여할 것을 요구한다. 팀의 모든 구성원들이 자신의 신체 일부분에 인공근육을 삽입한 것을 보고 요 역시 종아리에 인공근육을 이식한다. 근육수축증을 앓고 있는 동생에게는 유일한 치료방법이라고 생각했던 요는 기능이 향상된 다리에 기쁨을 느끼는 것도 잠시, 2단계 실험으로 넘어가자는 교수의 유혹으로 온 몸에 인공 근육을 이식하기로 하는데...하지만 동료 의사들의 알 수 없는 죽음과 연구팀 주변을 맴도는 한 형사에 의해 연구팀 모두가 AAA 즉, 안티히포크라테스 그룹인 것을 알게 된 요는 연구팀의 제안에 의심과 공포를 느끼게 되는데...
Toni Schweighofer
In WWII Munich, Anna works for a Nazi family as a nanny but secretly steals food and cigarettes and bring those to a Jewish family, who hides from the Nazis. One day, the family is discovered and only by chance can Anna save the family's only daughter, Franziska. Together they escape to Anna's native village where Anna tells everybody that Franziska is her daughter...
Richard Bucher
Sven Maiwald
Martin Lorenz
A great mosaic, a labyrinth of scenes, dialogue splinters, interviews, portraits of people surrounding Hamlet and wanting to be part of his story.
Oskar Roehler's drama Der Alte Affe Angst (Angst) is about the dissolution of a couple. Robert (Andre Hennicke) and Marie (Marie Baumer) have little in common other than their sex life. Since Robert is going through a bout with impotency, they are having a very rocky time. Robert learns that his father, whom he is estranged from, has died. This disturbs Robert so much that he visits a prostitute, and is able to engage in sex with her. Marie discovers the infidelity, and the prostitute has a surprise of her own. Angst was screened at the 2003 Berlin Film Festival.
Lichter is an episodic tale from Hans-Christian Schmid about the life on the border between Germany and Poland. The film sheds light on the everyday stories of escape and desperateness.
Jörg Erdmann
Bernhard Meier
The talk therapist Roland Arnsberg falls from the clouds when his longtime girlfriend Chris gives him the passport. An affair with Regine, as it were in acute relationship needs, helps Roland though from his mood depression. However, when he learns that she is the wife of his most affectionate patient, his world gets completely out of joint. The turbulent game of hide and seek finally opens the eyes, which is the right woman for him. Only Chris needs a little longer, until you dawn: There can only be one.
Volker Harms
Max Feldmann
A widow reminisces on her life after returning to her family home in Greece.
Jan Meinert
In an idyllic town, one bloody crime joins the next: six women fall victim to a ruthless murderer. The alleged perpetrator was arrested at the scene right next to the last victim, but he managed to escape. Policewoman Leah Sanders takes up the persecution. The chase leads into the mountains up to a hut. A sudden accident causes far-reaching consequences. A warning shot from Leah's pistol triggers an avalanche. She spills the policewoman together with the suspect in the hut. But there are already two other people in this weekend home.
Albert Speer
2차대전이 끝난 뒤 미국, 영국, 프랑스, 러시아 4개국은 구서독 남부도시 뉘른베르크에서 나치 전범에 대한 재판을 단행했다. 이 사건은 이후 수차례 영화와 TV 시리즈로 만들어졌다. 트루먼 대통령의 수석 검사로 임명된 잭슨 판사(알렉 볼드윈)는 비서 엘시(질 헤네시)와 함께 뉘른베르크로 가서 22명의 나치 전범을 추려낸다. 그중 1명이 자살하고, 21명에 대한 재판이 단행된다. 잭슨 판사는 히틀러의 오른팔이었던 괴링(브라이언 콕스)을 심문하던 중 그의 교묘한 언변에 참패를 당한다.
Leonard Cass
Rudolf Sieber
Marlene is a 2000 German biopic film directed by Joseph Vilsmaier and starring Katja Flint, Hans Werner Meyer and Herbert Knaup. It follows the life of the German actress Marlene Dietrich and her success in Hollywood.
De Heer
더블린의 도둑 마이클 린치(케빈 스페이시)는 절도 혐의로 재판에 회부되었다가 보석으로 풀려나온다. 다정다감한 가장인 그는 기이하게도 아내(린다 피오렌티노)가 있으면서도 처제와도 종종 잠자리를 갖는다. 유명 보석상과 은행을 털면서 공권력을 교란시키는 마이클 일행에게 북아일랜드 해방군이 협조를 제안하며 접근해온다. 이를 매몰차게 거절한 마이클은 이탈리아 화가 카라바지오의 종교화를 털기 위해 일행과 함께 미술관에 잠입한다.
Lorenz Kellermann
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The relationship between Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the great German writer, and Christiane Vulpius, a village girl, is one of the instantaneous and fiery passion. They lived together for 28 years, 18 of these living in sin, 10 a married couple. Christiane's rival, Charlotte von Stein, a former favorite of Goethe, begins plotting and scheming against her. Christiane puts up with countless insults and humiliations like having to 'disappear' with their son into the servants' quarters and to stay at home on official occasions. Goethe marries her when she saves his life during an attack by plundering Napoleonic soldiers. Her new social position as Goethe's wife is resented and envied by all. When she is openly attacked by the snooty, jealous people, Goethe is only half-hearted in coming to her defence. But she stays with him for he is her great love, even when she turns to the charms of many youthful admirers...
The married couple Carl and Vera Sylvester live far beyond their means. She is a regular customer at the Dorotheum art auctions, he puts up with Lilli, his lover, and has become addicted to gambling . Carl wants to use the business ruin to make a new start with his wife . He noticesnot that Vera has long since planned an infamous campaign of extermination against him .
Jan Wolf
Lola's Father
오늘 암거래 조직에 연루되어 있는 마니에게 보스 로니로부터 임무가 주어진다. 그러나, 일이 자꾸 꼬여만 간다. 마니는 지하철에서 검표원들의 눈을 무의식중에 피하다가 가방을 두고 내린다. 가방에는 20분 뒤 보스에게 가져다 줄 돈 10만 마르크가 들어있다. 마니는 여자친구인 롤라에게 도움을 청한다. 약속 시간내에 돈을 구하지 못하면 마니는 죽을지도 모른다. 롤라는 20분안에 10만 마르크를 구해야 한다. 마니의 목숨을 구해야 한다. 롤라는 달린다. 마니의 삶을 위해, 그녀의 사랑을 위해. 롤라는 은행간부인 아버지에게 돈을 구하려 하고, 마니는 슈퍼를 터는 것이 유일한 해결책이라 생각한다. 롤라가 마니와의 약속장소에 도착했을땐, 슈퍼는 이미 경찰에 둘러싸이고 뒤이어 총성이 들리는데.
Major Weinrich
Dr. de Winter
Dr. Plath
Bernd Schadewald's thriller based on a screenplay by Burkhard Driest.
German short movie
Jan Loy
A war photographer in different theatres of conflict, Belfast, Beirut, Mogadishu begins to suspect that his uncanny knack for being in the right place at the right time to get the perfect shot is making him an agent of the action that is more causal of the conflict than reactive to it. This takes the argument about whether a war correspondent is a recorder or instigator of drama to an interesting new level.
When a bomb explodes in a British RAF base in Germany, MI5 terrorist specialist Bull (Bill Paterson) is called in to investigate. However, the further he begins to dig into the secrets behind the terrorism, the more he finds himself immersed in dodgy goings-on in the corridors of power of NATO itself.
Alex Ziegler
Horst Antz
Horst, a good-natured manager of a nightclub, falls in love with a guest, the beautiful Jenny. She is high class and spoiled and requires a lot of attention from him.
Cantor Goller
In the beginning of the 19th century, Johannes Elias Alder is born in a small village in the Austrian mountains. While growing up he is considered strange by the other villagers and discovers his love of music, especially rebuilding and playing the organ at the village church. After experiencing an "acoustic wonder", his eye color changes and he can hear even the most subtle sounds.
Karl Simon
Simon, the leader of a police special unit, becomes caught up in a complex scheme involving bribery and money-laundering, as well as an affair with the beautiful wife of a government official investigating organized crime and political corruption. After the official is kidnapped, the chase leads to a dramatic conclusion high in the Bavarian Alps.
Paul Hansen
Christoph Hansen, 16 year old son of a well-to-do Hamburg family is shocked when is father is arrested as a suspect in the murder of a male teen prostitute. Resolved to find the real killer on his own to clear his family name, he starts his investigation in the seedy part of town around the central station, where the street kids hang out - only to find that there's a whole different world that normal people like him don't usually see.
Waller (jung)
For many years the old Waller worked as a railwayman. After Waller is informed that "his" track will be closed down and that he will be retired, he walks the route for one last time and starts to remember his life along the way: Beginning in his childhood in the 1920s, he commemorates the death of his great love as well as he recalls the legal battle with his illegitimate daughter.