Sattar Oraki

Sattar Oraki

프로필 사진

Sattar Oraki

참여 작품

Killing a Traitor
In coincidence with the Nationalization of Iranian Oil Industry, when the Iranian government faces budget deficits due to the fact that the entire world stops acquiring oil from the country, Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh asks the people for support. So a group of university students decide to rob the National Bank of Iran for good, but simultaneously some robbers enter the bank and steal the money. It seems that the destiny would be marked in the confrontation of the student activists and the opportunist thieves…
About The Salesman
The Salesman is Asghar Farhadi's seventh film that won two trophies for the Best Actor and Best Screenplay at Cannes Film Festival in 2016 and the academy award for the best Foreign Language Film in 2017. About The Salesman is a documentary about Farhadi's method of filmmaking: development, pre-production, production, and post-production, with interviews with Asghar Farhadi and the analysis of the renowned Iranian and international film critics about The Salesman and Farhadi's cinema.
Original Music Composer
Nava tries to convince her sister to get back with her husband, while her own fiance is cheating on her.
The Skier
A mountain goat that has taken shelter in a small village is to be sacrificed for the occasion of a traditional ceremony. However, a small boy named Jolie decides to save his new pet goat using prize money from winning his ski race in the afternoon.
The Last Hero
A review of the artistic and personal life of Masoud Kimiai and the analysis of five decades of filmmaking.
A couple who want to marry, but face the disapproval by the girl's father.
Original Music Composer
연극 ‘세일즈맨의 죽음’을 준비 중인 젊은 부부 ‘라나’와 ‘에마드’. 살고 있던 건물이 붕괴될 위기에 처하자 이전 세입자의 물건들이 남아 있는 기이한 느낌의 아파트로 이사를 간다. 하지만 남편 '에마드'가 집을 비운 어느 날, 그들의 삶이 송두리째 바뀌는 사건이 일어나는데...
3 Maahi
Elham goes to the doctor because of strange headaches she has recently. But finds that she has a tumor in her brain and she may be gets amnesia if has a surgery. Now she has to do a difficult choice.
A 5 Star
A story about a poor girl working in a 5 star hotel in tehran and the workers of the hotel when somthing priceless will stolen...
Self Hitting
After being released from jail, Kianoosh seeks his ex-wife and child.
From Iran, a Separation
In March 2012, Iranian movie "A Separation" by Asghar Farhadi, won the Oscar Award for the Best Foreign Language Film. For the Iranian people this was more than a cinematic award. When sanctions and threats of war with Iran covered the world headlines, Farhadi talked about Iran's love for peace and the rich culture of the Iranians on the stage when receiving his award. This time the Iranians voice was heard through someone other than the government officials. This documentary shows the reaction of the Iranians to this Oscar award and has a general view on Iran's society of today.
씨민과 나데르의 별거
Original Music Composer
씨민과 나데르 부부는 별거 중이다. 아내 씨민은 딸의 교육을 위해 이민을 떠나고 싶어 한다. 그러나 치매인 아버지를 두고 떠날 수 없었던 나데르는 친정으로 떠난 아내를 대신하여 아버지를 돌봐줄 가정부를 고용한다. 임신 중임에도 가난에 떠밀려 남편까지 속이고 가정부 일을 시작했던 소마예는 어느 날, 나데르의 아버지를 침대에 묶어두고 잠시 외출을 한다. 그 사이 아버지가 위독했음을 알게 된 나데르는 격분하여 소마예를 해고하고 그 과정에서 소마예는 유산을 하고 만다. 이윽고 소마예 부부는 나데르를 살인죄로 고소하고 법정에서 만난 두 가족의 변명과 거짓말이 이어진다.
Whatever God Wants
Vandad is notice about his father's death so he comes to Kish. In the same time Parmida is noticed about her mother death so she comes to Kish, too. But they understand that they are in the same boat.
'Ungrateful' is a romantic drama that takes place at the time of Moses and charts the stories, alliances and feuds between a number of Jewish tribes. Among other stories and subplots, it tells the story of two Jewish cousins, Ameel and Ashel, who both want to marry Anael, the beautiful girl of the tribe. But a murder disturbs the peace of their Jewish tribes. This film is inspired by the famous story of Moses' sacrificial cow.
Don't Put Your Feet on the Ground
The story of a rich powerful man who an accident cause his life to change forever.
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Jahan is released from prison after 2 years and is searching for his fiance. At first, his friends don't tell him about what Mohsen has done to her, but Jahan eventually becomes aware and decides to get revenge.