Narrator Hughie Green tells "jokes" over clips of old silent films. Including greats such as Fatty Arbuckle, Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin, the Keystone Cops and more.
Ghetto Extra (uncredited)
세계대전에서 패배한 토매니아국에 힌켈이라는 독재자가 나타나 악명을 떨친다. 한편, 힌켈과 닮은꼴 외모의 이발사 찰리는 국가의 유태인 탄압정책으로 인해 곤경에 처하지만 병사로 참전했던 전쟁에서 우연히 구해줬던 슐츠 장교의 도움을 받아 위기를 모면한다. 독재자 힌켈의 악행은 갈수록 도를 더해가고, 찰리는 유태인 수용소에 끌려가게 되지만 기지를 부려 탈옥에 성공한다. 하지만 이발사와 똑같은 얼굴을 한 힌켈이 탈옥범으로 오해 받아 감옥에 잡혀 들어가게 되는데…
A draftswoman, the sister of an aging, alcoholic pilot, secretly uses her brother's ideas to solve design problems for an experimental military plane in an attempt to save the company and salvage her brother's reputation.
Migrant (uncredited)
톰 조드는 감옥에서 막 출소하여 어머니와 가족이 있는 곳으로 돌아온다. 어쩌다 싸움에 휘말렸다가 실수로 사람을 죽여 4년을 복역한 뒤 가석방된 것이다. 하지만 돌아온 현실은 어둡기만 하다. 지독한 가뭄 그리고 거대 회사와 은행 빚에 쪼들리다 못해 가족은 쫓겨나기 직전이다. 마침내 톰 조드의 가족은 일자리가 넘친다는 낙원의 땅 캘리포니아로 이주를 결정한다. 고물 트럭에 삼대가 모두 타고 길을 떠난다. 한때는 마을의 존경받는 목사였으나 지금은 걸인이 된 케이시도 그들과 함께 간다. 하지만 우여곡절 끝에 도착한 그곳은 듣던 것과 다르다. 여기도 악독한 농장주들이 폭력과 술수를 동원해 배고픈 하층민들을 갈취하고 있다. 톰 조드는 이 모든 과정을 겪으며 사회를 보는 새로운 눈, 사회 개혁 의지를 갖게 된다.
Man in Clinic (uncredited)
On return from Europe Dr. Decker foils glamour girl Georgi from jumping overboard. At Decker's suggestion to keep busy, she assists at his clinic in the slums.
In 1911, minor stage comic, Vernon Castle meets the stage-struck Irene Foote. A few misadventures later, they marry and then abandon comedy to attempt a dancing career together. While they're performing in Paris, an agent sees them rehearse and starts them on their brilliant career as the world's foremost ballroom dancers. However, at the height of their fame, World War I begins.
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
시카모어 가족은 사업가였지만 인생을 즐기는 것에 역점을 두기 시작 한 반더호프 할아버지에 의해 이끌어지는 별난 가족이다. 시카모어 가족 일원은 누구나 자신들이 하고 싶은 것을 하며 산다. 할아버지의 딸인 페니 시카모어는 우연히 집으로 타자기가 배달된 것을 계기로 소설가가 되는가 하면 페니의 남편은 지하실에서 폭죽을 만드는 것에 열을 올리고, 또 그 두 부부의 딸인 에씨는 발레 지도 선생의 평가와는 달리 자신이 최고의 발레리나라고 꿈꾸는가 하면, 에씨의 남편 에드는 일보다는 실로폰을 연주하거나 에씨가 만든 사탕을 하나하나 포장지에 싸서 파는 것으로 시간을 보낸다. 시카모어 가족에서 정상적인 단 한 사람 앨리스 시카모어는 부유한 토니 커비와 사랑에 빠지는데, 고루하고 거만한 커비 일가가 시카모어 가족의 집에 저녁 식사를 하러 오면서 재앙 같은 사건이 벌어진다.
Taxi Driver
A sports announcer and a friend investigate after a pitcher misses a series. When they discover that gangsters are trying to find a hidden fortune, they use the radio show to foil the plan.
Minor Role (uncredited)
버몬트 주의 작은 마을에서 축하 카드에 시를 쓰는 일을 하는 롱펠로우 디즈(Longfellow Deeds: 게리 쿠퍼 분)가 얼굴 한 번 본 적 없는 삼촌에게서 막대한 유산 을 물려받고 하룻밤 사이에 벼락부자가 된다. 마을 사람들의 환송을 받으며 뉴욕으로 향하는 디즈, 작은 마을의 시인이자 마을 악단의 튜바 연주가였던 그는 이제 뉴욕에 있는 으리으리한 맨션에서 삼촌의 사업을 돌보게 됐다. 하지만 정작 그가 할 일은 변호사들에게 사업을 맡기고 얼굴 마담만 하면 되는 것. 한편, 냉소적인 신문사 편집장인 맥 웨이드(Editor Mac Wade: 죠지 밴그로프트 분)는 디즈의 순진하고 정직한 이미지에 의심을 품고 베이브 베넷(Babe Bennett: 진 아서 분)이라는 현실적인 여기자를 보내 디즈에 대해 몰래 취재하도록 한다. 한 달간의 유급 휴가를 걸고 디즈에게 접근하는 베이브. 디즈의 집 앞에서 기절한 척한 후 자신을 실업자라고 속여 디즈의 동정과 관심을 산다. 마음 여린 디즈는 아무 것도 모른 채 그녀를 극진히 돌봐주고 다음 날 아침 베이브가 일하는 신문의 1면에 '신데렐라 맨'이라는 제목 아래 디즈를 장난거리로 만든 기사가 실린다. 낯선 환경에, 이런 사건까지 생기자 디즈는 더더욱 베이브에게 의존하고 디즈와 베이브는 뉴욕의 구석구석을 돌아다니며 함께 시간을 보내며 점점 가까워진다. 그러다 디즈는 베이브에게 청혼을 하게 되고 양심의 가책을 느끼는 베이브는 디즈를 떠나려 한다. 그런 와중에 디즈는 베이브의 실체를 알게 되면서 실망한 그는 상속받은 돈을 가난한 이들에게 나눠주려고 한다. 하지만 디즈의 변호사들과 삼촌의 유산을 노리는 친척이 디즈의 유산을 가로채려고 서로 협심해 디즈를 정신병자로 취급하는 사건이 생긴다. 디즈의 정신 상태에 대한 재판이 있는 날. 사람들에게 실망한 디즈는 모든 권리 행사를 포기하고 침묵을 지키고 베이브는 디즈에게 정당하게 싸울 것을 호소하는데....
Two bumbling detectives help a stage actress who has been receiving threatening letters.
Bob Halsey is a first-rate pilot who's in love with stewardess Judy Wagner. He's ordered to deliver a secret formula to Washington, D.C., but a spy hears about the assignment and sabotages it by murdering Bob's fellow flyers and making off with the liquid. While the government conducts a vast search for the formula, the spies entangle Judy in their web of deceit, causing Bob to set off on his own in an effort to save his sweetheart and retrieve the missing mixture.
Fight Reporter
Harold Hobbs doesn't much like that his lazy, sponging and unemployed brother-in-law Claude and his mother-in-law live with him and his wife, Hortense, especially as the in-laws seem to rule the roost ever since they moved in. To get his in-laws out of the house, Harold has regularly left a bottle of booze for Claude to be able to entertain prospective employers. When Harold learns that on all the other occasions the employers have not showed (he assumes there probably were no prospective employers) leaving Claude to consume the booze on his own, he decides to show Claude a lesson by spiking the bottle with castor oil. Complications ensue when Joe, Harold's friend, encourages him to skip work to attend the prize fight. What Joe doesn't tell Harold is that he tells his boss that Harold needs the day off to attend to the sudden death of his brother-in-law.
Benford's Caddy
An unconventional dentist deals with patients in slapstick fashion.
Joe, Gangster (uncredited)
A vicious crime lord decides that he has had enough and much to the shock of his colleagues decides to give the business to his second in command and retire to Florida after marrying his moll. Unfortunately, he has no idea that she and the man are lovers.
Dance Hall Customer (uncredited)
Bill is a hot shot dancer who partners with Jazzbo, until he sees Molly at the dance. He enters the Waltz with Molly and wins first prize - and they wind up being married that same night. Now they are free of their parents nagging and their own bosses. 24 hours - no dancing as in-laws are visiting. 24 days - the Apartment is finished so off to the Hoffman's Parisian Dance Palace. Molly can only dance the Waltz and not the hot new jazz dance so she leaves and Bill follows. They are both unhappy, Bill has two left feet when it comes to romance.
Rin-Tin-Tin leaves his usual far north and ranch settings for Africa.
Captain Black and his motley crew of pirates are shipwrecked on a South Sea island, where they hold several shanghaied sailors captive. Black observes the ship commanded by Hurricane Martin approaching and conspires to get his men aboard the vessel and seize the cargo.
Two Marine pilots in love with the same girl are assigned a mission to find a notorious bandit in Nicaragua. This early talkie from director Frank Capra, released in 1929, stars Jack Holt, Ralph Graves and Lila Lee.
일류 배우인 트레비 드루가는 자신이 사랑하는 리오날이 다른 여자와 결혼한다는 사실을 듣고 홧김에 자신의 열성팬인 엘머와 결혼을 하지만 알고보니 엘머는 세탁소 직원이었다. 트레비가 결혼을 한 사실을 알고 리오날은 다시 트레비에게 사랑을 고백한다. 하지만 정작 배를 타고 여행을 하다가 생명이 위험해지자 리오날은 트레비를 버리고 떠나지만 그녀를 사랑하던 엘머가 그녀를 구하고 트레비와 엘머는 진정한 사랑을 찾는다.
Soap-opera about a social-climbing Jewish man and his old-world parents who are heartbroken by his rejection of them. Young Morris Goldfish follows his immigrant father into business. His ruthless business practices cause him to become a big success, and he moves the family to Park Avenue. They go, but were happier back on the East Side. Morris is ashamed of this parents and his humble origins, but learns in the end that there is more to life than money.
Newspaper Employee
The naive newspaper cub Clem lands a scoop when he's sent out to cover a murder. In his enthusiasm he writes that the main suspect is Jane. When she confronts Clem, she convinces him to help her prove her innocence.
Auditoning Actor (uncredited)
The famous matinee idol and blackface comedian, Don Wilson, heads out of town to escape adulation. There, calling himself Harry Mann, he accidentally joins a traveling acting troupe, and falls in love with Ginger Bolivar, who runs the troupe and stars in their Civil War melodrama. Don's producer sees the play, and thinks it's a comic masterpiece, and just what Don's Broadway show needs. But when Ginger finds out she's been played for a fool, will she forgive Don?
Livery Handler at Auction
The transition from horses to automobiles at the turn of the century causes problems between a father and son.
Yacht Handler
"Spanking Breezes" is a short Mack Sennett comedy.
Timothy and Max are partners in the junk business. They take poor young Mary in as a boarder. Mary gets a job in Nathan's office and falls in love with him, but his mother feels she is beneath Nathan. Nathan faces disaster unless he can corner a particular stock, with which Timothy and Max's room happens to be entirely papered.
Cowboy Henchman (uncredited)
When a gang of outlaws put Andy Clyde's ranch house under siege, daughter Alice Day recruits college heart throb Ralph Graves to save daddy.
A young cowboy takes a job at a ranch owned by two aging spinsters, unaware that both are completely in love with him.
Roscoe's wife, tired of his endless drunkenness, reads of an operation that cures alcoholism and has him admitted to No Hope Sanitarium to get the surgery. Roscoe, wanting out, eventually disguises himself as a nurse to effect his escape.
(as Joe Bordeau)
A feud between the Owens and the Gillettes ends when the last remaining Gillette is killed, but new trouble erupts for the mountain folk with the arrival of a U.S. revenue agent and his assistant.
Unknown character
Short King Bee Studios slapstick comedy featuring Billy West and Oliver Hardy
After a luckless prospecting trip, Billy starts homeward across the desert, mounted on his little burro with his pick, shovel and pack strapped up behind him. Finally he comes in sight of Red Dog Gulch and, hungry and thirsty, he pushes on toward the city. Susie is the daughter of the town drunkard. She starts out on her horse for a little ride, and a little way from town is attacked by Pedro and Little Casino, two Mexicans, who try to steal her horse. Billy happens along, runs the Mexicans off and takes Susie back to town.
Sledgehammer Man / Cop
Arbuckle escapes the watch of his domineering wife and heads for Coney Island. Keaton arrives that same day with his attractive, and rather easy, girlfriend, who is immediately stolen from him by St. John.
Hotel ex-employee
The film opens in the lobby of a small hotel, where the desk clerk/owner (Budd Ross) is addressing three members of staff: the cook, the waiter and the bellboy. It is obvious from their reactions, particularly the cook (Leo White) that whatever was said did not go down too well. His animated arms knock down the man standing behind him repeatedly until all three servants simultaneously quit. They storm off into the adjoining kitchen where a slavery maid (Blanche White) is on the floor scrubbing the floor. The men all trip over her, moan briefly and then leave.
Customers and clerks frolic in a general store. Roscoe walks out of the freezer wearing a fur coat, then does some clever cleaver tossing. In Buster's film debut he buys a pail of molasses.
The Cashier's Brother
Fatty and Al are competing to take the same girl to the Waiters' Ball, but the formal dress requirement presents a problem: Fatty owns a tuxedo, but Al does not.
The Waiter
Roscoe begins work on his new job as janitor of the Shortacre Building in New York. While performing his duties he enters the offices of a broker, I. Steele. The broker is out, but his wife, who knows that her husband expects a rich customer in with a check for $10,000 to close an option, mistakes Roscoe for this Mr. R.U. Stout of Showme, Missouri. Thinking to be of assistance to her husband in his business, Mrs. Steele is very affable and finally invites the supposed Mr. Stout to go to luncheon with her. Steele returns with the necessary papers and is told by his office boy that his wife has gone to a gay café with the new janitor.
The Burglar's Accomplice
A doctor, very much in love with his beautiful wife, comes to suspect that her visiting childhood friend Jack is more than just a friend. Jack's intentions are honorable, but everything he does tends to show his actions in a suspicious light, especially when burglars invade the house and Jack and the wife are caught together in their nightclothes.
Landem's Chauffeur / 2nd Robber
Villains launch Fatty and Mabel's beachfront house into the ocean.
Passerby with Banana
Hubby and wifey are in love, but he's henpecked by her mother. A nip of whiskey gives him Dutch courage, and he storms out, declaring he won't be a domestic slave anymore. He heads for a park bench where a photographer mistakes him for a seated woman's sweetheart. The tintype of the two of them falls into the hands of the woman's husband, whose jealous rage frightens our hero. He abruptly leaves town, telling wifey he'll be away on business. Wifey doesn't need her house while he's away, so, unknown to hubby, she moves in with mom and rents the house to the couple from the park. When our hero returns home sooner than expected, the renter has another attack of jealousy.
Shell Game Accomplice
Four bad men have kidnapped Fatty's girlfriend and plan to kill her. Fatty's dog knows where she is, but Fatty doesn't and he was crying. However the dog came back to get Fatty, and they and the Keystone Cops went to rescue her.
Short Suitor
When a rich 'mothball magnate' checks into a hotel with his family, the mashers come out of the woodwork to woo his daughter (Fatty Arbuckle.) The scene shifts to the beach where the buxom heiress becomes stranded on a rock, where she is sunbathing, when the tide comes in. An hilarious rescue effort ensues.
Cop (uncredited)
Mabel sneaks away from her parents for some mischievous fun at the fairgrounds with a pair of impromptu suitors.
Mabel, in the park with her mother, sees her boyfriend and asks him to join them.
Fatty's Rival - the Girl's True Love
Three men in love with the same woman contend with each other and with her father, until one of them takes her on an airplane in an attempt to elope with her.
Man at the Dance (uncredited)
Fatty and Al are Minta's suitors. After Fatty sics his dog on him, Al marks Fatty for roughing up by two thugs, but the plan backfires.
Husband in Park
Marksman Ambrose accidentally shoots a beer stein his wife has bought for him as a gift, so he tries to replace it.
Organ Grinder's Friend / Crowd Control Cop (uncredited)
When a woman's husband leaves town, she begins to see odd things happening in her house. Afraid that gangsters are after her, she becomes increasingly anxious.
Cop (uncredited)
Fatty gets kicked out of a bar, and then the place gets a bomb threat.
Flirty Guy in Go-Cart (uncredited)
Fatty and Mabel go to the San Diego Exposition.
Cop in Park (uncredited)
When Mabel catches her husband flirting with their maid, it leads to a sharp dispute. As part of making up, the couple decide to take a walk to the park. Nearby, another married couple have just had a similar domestic squabble, and they too go to the park together. But at the park, all parties involved find it difficult to avoid getting themselves into further trouble.
Farm Hand
Fatty is a farm hand at Mabel's father's place. He and Mabel love each other, but dad wants to marry Mabel off to the landowner's son in exchange for tearing up the mortgage. When Mabel and Fatty find out dad's plan, they elope, pursued by dad, the hopeful suitor, and the local constables.
Cop (uncredited)
A henpecked husband's innocent friendship with a married woman leads to chaos.
Stalled Driver (uncredited)
Charlie and his wife are walking in the park when they encounter Ambrose and his wife where they become attracted to each other's wife and start chasing them around the park. A policeman out looking for a masher also becomes involved.
Old Actor
Charlie is in charge of stage "props" and has trouble with actors' luggage and conflicts over who gets the star's dressing room. Once the dressing-room issue is resolved the next issue is getting everyone on stage with the correct backdrop. Backstage Charlie and an old man fight, often disrupting the on-stage performances. The audience also break into a fight, and a hose brought out behind the scenes ends up squirted over them.
Policeman (uncredited)
To show his girl how brave he is, Pug challenges the champion to a fight. Charlie referees, trying to avoid contact with the two monsters.
Dubious Character
Charlie, competing with his rival's race car, offers Mabel a ride on his motorcycle but drops her in a puddle. He also kidnaps his rival before the race. But Mabel decides to take the wheels in his place, thus causing a threat to Charlie. As the race progresses, despite a very late start, Mabel manages to gain a lead of three laps. Charlie with his henchmen, tries to sabotage the race by using oil and bombs on the track. They seem to succeed for a while, but their dirty tricks were not enough to stop the high-spirited Mabel from winning the race.