Chris Robinson
출생 : 1938-11-05, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
A making of documentary on the cult classic STANLEY.
Savage! Sadistic! Thrill hungry! When it came to independent filmmaking in the sunshine state, William Grefé was the wildest of the wild! During the 1960s and '70s, the Miami-based producer/director transformed the darkest corners of the Florida swamps into his own personal backlot. From rampaging crocodiles possessed by an ancient Seminole witch doctor (DEATH CURSE OF TARTU) to a slithering serpent named STANLEY, William Grefé would grind out low-budget exploitation films for drive-ins and hardtops around the world. Now, without the benefit of cages or other protective devices, the untold story of Florida's most daring moviemaker comes to the screen...IN PSYCHEDELIC COLOR!
Agent Sibley
A Native American Veteran, burdened by survivor's guilt after a disastrous military tour, is forced to search for his missing grandfather after his ancestral land is mysteriously taken over by an unknown federal organization.
A descent into the maelstrom of anguish that tormented Arthur Lipsett, a famed Canadian experimental filmmaker who died at 49. A diary transmuted into a clash of images and sounds charting a prodigious frenzy of creation, a tableau depicting an artist’s dizzying descent into depression and madness: with LIPSETT DIARIES, Theodore Ushev renews his filmmaking aesthetic and explores what happens when genius is on a first-name basis with madness.
Set on and around the poorest place in the USA, Pine Ridge Indian Reservation Rez Bomb is a love story/thriller about a Lakota girl and a white guy who are very much in love but get themselves into trouble with a brutal money lender and its against the clock for them to bail themselves out.
James Macalla
After Laura's husband James is murdered, she decides to find out who did it and why. She finds herself in a fight against an anti-terrorist organization in her desire for revenge.
Richard Driscoll
백만장자로 상원의원에 출마한 리차드 드리스콜(Richard Driscoll: 크리스 로빈슨 분)과 존의 6살 난 딸 사반나(Savannah: 브리짓 앤더슨 분)는 상상력이 풍부하고 영리하지만, 부모의 사랑을 받지 못하고 늘 혼자 있기 때문에 외롭다. 그러던, 어느날 사반나는 몰래 집을 나와 공교롭게도 탈옥수와 전과자가 타고 있는 자동차에 타게 된다. 앨비(Alvie: 마크 밀러 분)와 부츠(Boots: 도노반 스콧 분)는 남의 눈을 피해 돈 한푼 없이 떠돌아 다니는 신세라 사반나가 거추장스럽기만 하다. 하지만 신문을 보고 사반나가 부잣집 아이라는 것을 안 이들은 사바나의 몸값을 받아내려고 한다.
A film by Chris Robinson.
A writer who has failled profesionally and overcoming an emotional crisis makes a drastic decision during a poker game, he bets his life.
Executive Producer
The lust for gold and the reading of a will brings eleven visitors to a remote island retreat, but an unseen, seemingly unstoppable evil follows to stalk them one by one. The bodies don't stop dropping until the final shattering conclusion. Who - or what - is the intruder? One thing is for certain: it will not stop until it kills them all.
The lust for gold and the reading of a will brings eleven visitors to a remote island retreat, but an unseen, seemingly unstoppable evil follows to stalk them one by one. The bodies don't stop dropping until the final shattering conclusion. Who - or what - is the intruder? One thing is for certain: it will not stop until it kills them all.
The lust for gold and the reading of a will brings eleven visitors to a remote island retreat, but an unseen, seemingly unstoppable evil follows to stalk them one by one. The bodies don't stop dropping until the final shattering conclusion. Who - or what - is the intruder? One thing is for certain: it will not stop until it kills them all.
Mr. Reardon
The lust for gold and the reading of a will brings eleven visitors to a remote island retreat, but an unseen, seemingly unstoppable evil follows to stalk them one by one. The bodies don't stop dropping until the final shattering conclusion. Who - or what - is the intruder? One thing is for certain: it will not stop until it kills them all.
Earl Anderson
J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI go after notorious bank robber and kidnapper Alvin Karpis and his gang.
Vick / John
Four women escape from a prison and wind up stranded in a swamp with a lecherous redneck after them. Meanwhile, an federal agent tracks a ring of heroin smugglers through the same swamp.
Four women escape from a prison and wind up stranded in a swamp with a lecherous redneck after them. Meanwhile, an federal agent tracks a ring of heroin smugglers through the same swamp.
Tim Ochopee
Tim Ochopee, a shell-shocked Seminole Indian has just returned from a tour of Vietnam. He lives a peaceful life deep in the Everglades with his pet snake Stanley. Upon his return, he finds out his father has passed away. When he learns how he was killed, Tim lets Stanley and his brood loose on the people who've done him wrong, leading to a thrilling climax.
Two slave brothers, one black, one an albino, discover a treasure map which is taken from them by their foreman. They take it back but are pursued by the foreman. Originally, the foreman seeks the aid of two bounty hunters who pursue the protagonists throughout the film. At the end, both the foreman and the bounty hunters catch up with the two escaped slaves, and the foreman has a change of heart, helping to kill the bounty hunters.
Two slave brothers, one black, one an albino, discover a treasure map which is taken from them by their foreman. They take it back but are pursued by the foreman. Originally, the foreman seeks the aid of two bounty hunters who pursue the protagonists throughout the film. At the end, both the foreman and the bounty hunters catch up with the two escaped slaves, and the foreman has a change of heart, helping to kill the bounty hunters.
Two slave brothers, one black, one an albino, discover a treasure map which is taken from them by their foreman. They take it back but are pursued by the foreman. Originally, the foreman seeks the aid of two bounty hunters who pursue the protagonists throughout the film. At the end, both the foreman and the bounty hunters catch up with the two escaped slaves, and the foreman has a change of heart, helping to kill the bounty hunters.
Two slave brothers, one black, one an albino, discover a treasure map which is taken from them by their foreman. They take it back but are pursued by the foreman. Originally, the foreman seeks the aid of two bounty hunters who pursue the protagonists throughout the film. At the end, both the foreman and the bounty hunters catch up with the two escaped slaves, and the foreman has a change of heart, helping to kill the bounty hunters.
Sand devises a scheme to murder his former business partner and maintains his innocence throughout the trial, as he is prosecuted by District Attorney Travis Logan.
Ross Archer
Chris Robinson plays an eyepatched Vietnam vet named Ross Archer, who comes home to find that his wife had left him and become involved with some shady business dealings.
A scientist and his team of underwater explorers search for the culprit who has stolen the world's supply of nerve gas and hidden it somewhere in the ocean.
Dr. Whipple Jr.
A wanderer returns home only to find political turmoil, disease and romantic difficulties.
The leader of a biker gang takes exception to an artist sketching them, so he makes plans to crush the artist's hands.
The story of a small-town football star, who defies society, morals and his God and gets into so much trouble that he is expelled from school. Told in flashbacks, usually in confession to the priest, Chris sets the tone early in the opening scene where he screams oaths before the altar and smashes a religious statue in a blind rage. Whether this is before or after a 14-year-old sexpot, Joan Meyers, corners him in the church choir-loft or when the parents of a pleasure-seeking rich girl, Tury by name, catch him in bed with Tury.
Logue (uncredited)
장기수나 흉악범들을 수용한 알카트라즈 감옥에서 복역하면서, 날아드는 새들을 상대로 연구하여 조류 전문가가 되었던 로버트 스트라우드(Robert Stroud)의 실화를 영화화한 작품.
Lee Barbee
A man has his eyes set on controlling the Big Sag territory in Montana and hopes to achieve his goal by forcing a newly-arrived family from Texas from their land. Hoping to convince the local saloonkeeper to help him, the man sends his daughter into town with instructions for his potential partner. A storm waylays the daughter during her trip to town and she is forced to stay at the home of her father's intended victims, leading to an interesting turn or two.
Everett Bush
Walt Sherill is attacked and beat down by a group of juvenile delinquents on his way home from work one night. The boys who attacked him are not previously known by the police and are therefore hard to track down. As Sherill starts getting impatient he begins his own investigation. Meanwhile, Detective Sergeant Koleski does his best to track down the culprits.
Pretty Boy Savarese
A district attorney investigates the racially charged case of three teenagers accused of the murder of a blind Puerto Rican boy.
Reb Gilroy
A judge in a murder trial, believing the defendant is innocent, sets out to find the real killer.
Director Paul Wendkos' 1960 film adaptation of the controversial novel "Harrison High", about an idealistic young high-school teacher dealing with over-sexed and troubled teenagers, is notable for its casting of newcomer Dick Clark in the starring role. Others in the cast include Tuesday Weld, Michael Callan, Victoria Shaw, Roberta Shore, Warren Berlinger, Doug McClure, Linda Watkins, Rudy Bond, Philip Coolidge, Stephen Talbot, Kathryn Card, James Darren, Duane Eddy, The Rebels and Bess Flowers.
Creature Design
금광 마을에 온 알렉산더와 마티 일행은 스키 강사 길을 고용해 깊은 산속으로 스키 여행을 떠나기로 한다. 그러나 이들은 사실 은행에서 금괴를 훔칠 계획이며, 스키는 도피 수단일 뿐이다. 거사 전날 밤, 금괴를 훔치는 동안 주의를 돌리기 위해 마티는 광산에 시한폭탄을 설치한다. 그런데 그곳에서 마티는 뜻밖의 괴생물체와 마주하고, 사력을 다해 도망친 마티는 자신이 본 것을 스스로도 믿을 수가 없다. 헬만의 감독 데뷔작으로, 13일 만에 촬영을 마친 저예산 호러 영화. B급 영화의 제왕 로저 코만이 제작했으며, 두 사람의 깊은 인연이 본격적으로 시작된 작품이기도 하다. ((재)영화의전당)
The Beast / A Bartender
금광 마을에 온 알렉산더와 마티 일행은 스키 강사 길을 고용해 깊은 산속으로 스키 여행을 떠나기로 한다. 그러나 이들은 사실 은행에서 금괴를 훔칠 계획이며, 스키는 도피 수단일 뿐이다. 거사 전날 밤, 금괴를 훔치는 동안 주의를 돌리기 위해 마티는 광산에 시한폭탄을 설치한다. 그런데 그곳에서 마티는 뜻밖의 괴생물체와 마주하고, 사력을 다해 도망친 마티는 자신이 본 것을 스스로도 믿을 수가 없다. 헬만의 감독 데뷔작으로, 13일 만에 촬영을 마친 저예산 호러 영화. B급 영화의 제왕 로저 코만이 제작했으며, 두 사람의 깊은 인연이 본격적으로 시작된 작품이기도 하다. ((재)영화의전당)
A 17-year-old high-school senior marries a 20-something law student who works as a waiter. Who said marriage was bliss?