French Announcer (voice)
브라질의 축구 선수를 넘어 20세기 최고의 천재 축구 선수 펠레. 브라질의 조그만 마을에서 태어나 어릴때부터 아이들과 축구를 하며 자라던 펠레는 산토스 축구팀에 입단하면서 세계 무대로 입성하게 된다. 짜여진 축구의 기술보다 브라질의 감성을 담은 축구를 하고 싶었던 펠레는 그만의 기술로 한발짝씩 성장해 가는데…… 7월, 월드컵의 함성과 함께 축구의 감동을 느껴 보자
Angry Man (voice)
넘치는 유머, 감쪽 같은 위장술, 똑소리 나는 브레인! 날 때부터 남달랐던 악동 펭귄 스키퍼, 코왈스키, 리코, 프라이빗! 어느 날 그들 앞에 복수심에 불타는 문어박사 옥토브레인이 나타나고, 그의 거대한 음모를 알게 된 펭귄 4총사는 비밀 조직 ‘노스윈드’와 함께 세상을 구할 사상 최대의 작전을 펼치는데…!
While lying in bed, a mysterious couple confronts their undeniable emotional and physical connection, but when their violent past collides with their peaceful present they come face to face with a dangerous future.
Fellow Officer
Caught in the middle of a bank robbery, a slacker and a bank employee become the ones who arbitrate the intense situation.
German Thug 2
Farce about the casting of a gay actor in a gay role on a television series which had previously been played by a straight man. When the original star of a fictional gay-themed action series called "Espionage" unexpectedly dies, network executives go looking for a new actor. They cast Kerry Mitchell (Scott Victor Nelson), unknown, but also openly gay. They spin the idea of an openly gay actor playing a gay role is something new and refreshing. As Kerry gets prepared for the media onslaught, he is also hiding something which could ruin everything! Also starring Matthew Jett Schaefer and Gabrielle Docktor in this independent "mocumentary" style film co-written and co-directed by Mike Heim and Christopher Long.
Liv Swedin is a Swedish actress in Hollywood. It's her 30th birthday when she meets Christopher (a guy from Sweden as well) in her favourite coffee shop.