Earl McEvoy

참여 작품

The Barefoot Mailman
Sylvanus Hurley is a swindler who's been swindled: he's been given a deed to a large plot of mangrove swamp in the out-of-the-way community. So he decides to con the locals, some of whom are not as honest as he....
The Killer That Stalked New York
In New York, Sheila Bennet and her spouse, Matt Krane, are trying to unload a trove of rare jewels they smuggled into America from Cuba, but the police are hot on the couple's trail. Meanwhile, government officials begin a desperate search for an unknown individual who is infecting the city with smallpox.
Cargo to Capetown
A sailor and his captain fight over a beautiful girl.
Lust for Gold
Assistant Director
A man determined to track down the fabled Arizona gold mine known as The Lost Dutchman has an affair with a married treasure hunter, whose pursuit of the mine has lead her to double-cross her husband.
Lust for Gold
Associate Producer
A man determined to track down the fabled Arizona gold mine known as The Lost Dutchman has an affair with a married treasure hunter, whose pursuit of the mine has lead her to double-cross her husband.
The Stratton Story
Assistant Director
Star major league pitcher Monty Stratton loses a leg in a hunting accident, but becomes determined to leave the game on his own terms.
Associate Producer
제니 마쉬는 살인 혐의로 5년간을 복역한 후에 집행 유예로 풀러난다. 보호감찰관인 그리프 마라트는 그녀에게 자신의 눈먼 어머니를 돌보는 일자리를 준다. 그녀는 법원의 접근 금지명령에도 불구하고 옛 애인 헨리 웨슨과 계속해서 은밀히 만나고 있다. 하지만 그녀는 헌신적인 그리프와 사랑에 빠져 결혼에 이르게 된다. 사뮤엘 풀러의 통속적이지만 힘 있는 각본과 서크의 경제적인 연출이 잘 어우러진 숨겨진 걸작. 영화의 결말은 제작사인 콜럼비아의 강요로 인해 애초의 의도와는 달리 해피엔딩으로 끝낼 수밖에 없었다고 한다.
Without Love
Assistant Director
In World War II Washington DC, scientist Pat Jamieson's assistant, Jamie Rowan, enters a loveless marriage with him. Struggles bring them closer together.