
The Stratton Story (1949)

James Stewart - June Allyson, In The True Romance of The Year

장르 : 드라마, 로맨스

상영시간 : 1시간 46분

연출 : Sam Wood
각본 : Douglas Morrow, Guy Trosper


Star major league pitcher Monty Stratton loses a leg in a hunting accident, but becomes determined to leave the game on his own terms.


James Stewart
James Stewart
Monty Stratton
June Allyson
June Allyson
Frank Morgan
Frank Morgan
Barney Wile
Agnes Moorehead
Agnes Moorehead
Ma Stratton
Bill Williams
Bill Williams
Eddie Dibson
Bruce Cowling
Bruce Cowling
Ted Lyons
Cliff Clark
Cliff Clark
Josh Higgins
Mary Lawrence
Mary Lawrence
Dean White
Dean White
Luke Appling
Robert Gist
Robert Gist
Gene Bearden
Gene Bearden
Gene Bearden
Bill Dickey
Bill Dickey
Bill Dickey
Jimmy Dykes
Jimmy Dykes
Jimmy Dykes
Mervyn Shea
Mervyn Shea
Mervyn Shea
Gino Corrado
Gino Corrado
Restaurant Chef
Pat Flaherty
Pat Flaherty
Western Manager
Frank O'Connor
Frank O'Connor
Baseball Fan
Bert Stevens
Bert Stevens
Movie House Patron
Brick Sullivan
Brick Sullivan
Charles Sullivan
Charles Sullivan


Sam Wood
Sam Wood
Douglas Morrow
Douglas Morrow
Guy Trosper
Guy Trosper
Jack Cummings
Jack Cummings
Adolph Deutsch
Adolph Deutsch
Original Music Composer
Harold Rosson
Harold Rosson
Director of Photography
Ben Lewis
Ben Lewis
Cedric Gibbons
Cedric Gibbons
Art Direction
Paul Groesse
Paul Groesse
Art Direction
Edwin B. Willis
Edwin B. Willis
Set Decoration
Earl McEvoy
Earl McEvoy
Assistant Director
Sid Sidman
Sid Sidman
Assistant Director
Douglas Morrow
Douglas Morrow
Charles E. Wallace
Charles E. Wallace
Douglas Shearer
Douglas Shearer
Recording Supervision
Jack Dawn
Jack Dawn
Makeup Designer
Sydney Guilaroff
Sydney Guilaroff
Ralph S. Hurst
Ralph S. Hurst
Assistant Set Decoration
A. Arnold Gillespie
A. Arnold Gillespie
Special Effects
Warren Newcombe
Warren Newcombe
Special Effects
Helen Rose
Helen Rose
Costume Designer
Adolph Deutsch
Adolph Deutsch
Music Director

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