Grischa Huber

Grischa Huber

출생 : 1944-09-18, Wollin, Poland

프로필 사진

Grischa Huber

참여 작품

Mama Told Me Not to Look Into the Sun
Kamilla lives with her mother Gudrun in a remote winery. In addition to the agricultural work of the vineyard, Kamilla takes care of her mother, who is dependent on her help with every movement. When the mysterious Rocco appears, Kamilla hides him from the police and they begin a passionate affair.
The Garden
Frau Fischer
In the summer of 1976, a shared family yard becomes the setting, as the adults bicker over selling the garden and the kids are free to explore the mysterious neighboring lot. Then they hear about a girl that has disappeared...
Knocked Up
Rita Lackner
Kerstin is a successful department head of a tax consulting firm in Berlin. She is respected and feared by her employees. Only one thing is too short in her life: for years she had no sex and no husband by her side. At the company, she wants to show that she can also party properly. The next morning, she wakes up in a hotel bed with two employees next to her: the hated opponent Simon and the "footman" Gregor. With the aid of her assistant Achim, she has lost all the memories of the previous evening. Her employees are forcing her to silence. Four months later, she realizes that she is pregnant and one of her nightmares is the father.
A biography of Hildegard Knef, one of Germany's biggest post-war stars.
Mord in aller Unschuld
Frau Adler
Wenn Liebe doch so einfach wär’
Lili Berger
3° kälter
Elisabeth Engel
Don't Talk About Fate
The State Chancellery
Irmlind Heiser
Die Kolonie
During Pinochet's military dictatorship in Chile, a father strives to free his daughter from the German religious sect, Colonia Dignidad.
Ninguém Duas Vezes
Hanna Brauer
Director Jorge Silva Melo has developed a viable, though highly intellectual mystery story about the world of art and culture and murder in this somewhat theatrical presentation. When German artist Bernd Hoffmann (Michael König) arrives in Lisbon to oversee the installation of his paintings in a joint exhibition with another Berlin artist, Hanna Brauer (Charlotte Schwab), Hanna never shows up. Hoffmann is puzzled because he is certain he saw a video sequence with Hanna at the exhibition, and he begins to look for her. Another Lisbon cultural center, a theater, is also having problems that may or may not be related -- and the mystery deepens when Hanna is found dead, either by her own hand, or murdered.
Two life stories. That of Malou, a French woman, married to a German Jew, a refugee stranded in South America: a picture of the pre-war generation reflected in the unusual destiny of an individual woman. And that of Hannah, an alert, independent, modern woman, seeking after freedom and her own identity, and trying in present-day Berlin to save her shaky marriage.
Winterreise im Olympiastadion
In the winter of 1977 Schaubühne staged texts from Hölderlin's "Hyperion" in the Olympic Stadium in Berlin, associating with historical, political events and terrorism of recent times.
Io sono mia
Vannina and Giacinto are a young married couple who live their relationship in an unequal way; while the girl is submissive to the will of her husband Giacinto, he sees in his bride only the personal object of his sexual satisfaction.
베를린의 밤
1923년 서커스단에서 형 맥스와 함께 공중 곡예사로 있던 아벨은 맥스가 손목을 다치게 되자 서커스를 포기하고 독일의 베를린까지 흘러 들어와 술로 세월을 보내고 있습니다. 그 시절 베를린의 분위기는 극심한 경제난 때문에 아주 음습하고 무거움 그 자체이다. 독일 국민들은 육체적, 정신적으로 피폐해져 있고 마르크화의 가치는 종잇장보다 못했으며 나치즘과 파시즘을 비롯한 여러 공포정치 때문에 아주 어지럽고 복잡한 시절이었다. 그러던 어느 날 맥스가 갑작스럽게 자살을 하자 아벨은 큰 상실감에 빠지게 된다. 더군다나 자신과 아주 조금씩이 나나 관련이 있던 7명의 사람들이 시체로 발견되자 큰 충격과 공포 그리고 의문에 휩싸이게 되는데.. 이에 정신적인 고통에 시달리는 아벨은....
Ulrike von Kleist
The life and struggles of the German writer Heinrich von Kleist.
포석 아래 해변
1974년 어느 날 밤 베를린, 배우인 그리샤와 하인리히는 사고로 리허설 홀에 갇히게 된다. 하룻밤 사이 둘은 서로에 대해 알게 되고 그리샤는 남편을 떠나 하인리히에게 온다. 68운동 이후 시도된 개혁에도 불구하고 그 이상이 지켜지지 않음에 당황한 이들은 새로운 목표를 찾는다. 과거와 현재에 대해 열띤 토론을 마친 후, 둘은 새로운 낙태 법안을 위한 투쟁을 시작하려 하지만 돌연한 임신에 둘의 관계는 더욱 복잡하게 된다.
포석 아래 해변
1974년 어느 날 밤 베를린, 배우인 그리샤와 하인리히는 사고로 리허설 홀에 갇히게 된다. 하룻밤 사이 둘은 서로에 대해 알게 되고 그리샤는 남편을 떠나 하인리히에게 온다. 68운동 이후 시도된 개혁에도 불구하고 그 이상이 지켜지지 않음에 당황한 이들은 새로운 목표를 찾는다. 과거와 현재에 대해 열띤 토론을 마친 후, 둘은 새로운 낙태 법안을 위한 투쟁을 시작하려 하지만 돌연한 임신에 둘의 관계는 더욱 복잡하게 된다.
Two surveyors come under the spell of the beautiful Vampira. Vampira then celebrates occult magic rites with her new companions in her castle with the Alder Queen Belladonna, a sorceress, a hunchback, and a werewolf.
Jaider, the Lonely Hunter