Andy Reid

Andy Reid

프로필 사진

Andy Reid

참여 작품

When a young gay man suspects he has an STI, he goes in for testing and discovers the older man he recently slept with is a doctor at the clinic.
When a young gay man suspects he has an STI, he goes in for testing and discovers the older man he recently slept with is a doctor at the clinic.
Your Mother and I
When his parents announce their divorce, ten-year-old Neil believes he's stuck in a dream and sets out on a mission to wake up.
Your Mother and I
When his parents announce their divorce, ten-year-old Neil believes he's stuck in a dream and sets out on a mission to wake up.
A timid puppeteer working on Mayor Bobby, a popular puppet tv-show for adults, finds out she's been excluded from being apart of the new spin-off series and struggles to cope with the loss of her tv "family".
아이린에겐 말하지 마
한 고등학교에서 가장 몸집이 큰 여학생인 아이린이 정학을 맞았다. 2주간의 정학 기간 동안, 아이린은 실버타운에서 봉사 활동을 해야만 한다. 치어리더가 꿈이던 아이린은 실버타운에 입주해있는 어르신들을 대신해 그들 몰래 TV 오디션 쇼에 참가신청을 한다. 아이린은 어르신들과 함께 정말 ‘끝내주는’ 어떤 존재가 되기 위해 육체적으로 “완벽”할 필요는 없다는 것을 증명하려 노력한다. (2018년 제20회 서울국제여성영화제)
Bruno & Boots: Go Jump in the Pool
Based on The Bestselling MacDonald Hall Book Series by Gordon Korman. Bruno Walton and Melvin "Boots" O'Neal are the most infamous troublemakers at MacDonald Hall - a supposedly prestigious school for boys. Bruno, the brains behind the operation, has managed without fail to convince Boots to tag along on his countless prank operations whether it includes stealing a rival school's mascot, switching the school's flag or invading Miss Scrimmage's Academy for Girls Education and Awakening across the road. Despite their ongoing pranks, Bruno and Boots LOVE their school and are willing to do anything to protect it.
아이 디클레어 워
Summer war games between the neighborhood kids turns deadly serious when jealousy and betrayal enter the mix, in this alternately hilarious and horrifying black comedy that mixes equal parts Lord of the Flies and Roald Dahl.