Vijay Kashyap

Vijay Kashyap

프로필 사진

Vijay Kashyap

참여 작품

The story is all about an Iranian singer who had to forcibly quit Iran and migrate to India, where he managed to reach to the peak of his career and save the demanded sum of money as a precondition of marrying a millionaire's daughter, being his only love in life. But the evil conspiracy of the rich man finally results into their untimely tragic end.
Mr. Nair
Three loser friends create a fake university to avoid working for their parents.
Nayee Padosan
Shastri Iyengar
Three young men, who are all of marriageable age, gets their hopes up on marriage, when a beautiful young woman comes to live in their neighborhood. Her name is Pooja Iyengar. All three of them try a hand at romancing her, and only one succeeds, that being Raju. The only problem is that while Raju is Gujerati, Pooja is Madrasi from the Iyengar community, and her dad, Shashtri, will not permit her to marry anyone outside his community, leave alone a Gujerati, and proceeds to get Pooja to get married to Prabhu, a young man from the Iyengar community, with hilarious results.
Kapurchand (College Principal)
Badal (Bobby Deol) is a naive but intelligent young man who comes from a small village to the big city. He is introduced to city life by Damru (Harish Patel) who now calls himself Danny. When Badal attends college, he meets with pretty and percocious, Tina Oberoi (Twinkle Khanna), and after a few misunderstanding and misadventures...
Circa British Rule in India, a man vows to make his only surviving son, Narayan, alias Nani, a Brahmachari to atone for the deaths of five of his children. He takes this child to a remote village in Karnataka, South India, where he leaves his 11 year old son in the care of a learned Archarya, Udup Pandit. Here Nani gets to meet two other disciples of the Archarya, as well as his widowed daughter, Yamuna, and another male by the name of Shrikar Upadhyay, who also teaches the British how to read and write in Hindi. The Archarya goes away for a few days, and when he returns nothing is the same anymore. His daughter is pregnant, the villagers are all set to remove her from the village, they are also angry with him for refusing Yamuna to follow the traditional way of a Hindu widow.
Sandhya and Nikhil have been married for eight years and live a wealthy lifestyle in Bombay, along with a daughter, Rashmi. However, their lives change when Nikhil has an affair with his assistant Vrinda and divorces Sandhya.
Dr. Bhatt
A retired school teacher and his wife come to terms with life after the death of their only son in a mugging incident on the streets of New York.
A party is held in honor of the recipient of a literary prize, which attracts the cultural elite of the town. Missing is Amrit, a writer who left a promising literary career to become an activist among the tribals. His attempt to bridge the chasm between words and deed haunts those at the party. Based on a Marathi play by Mahesh Elkunchwa.
Ardh Satya
Union Leader
A newly appointed police rookie deals with corruption, romance, and brutality.
영국에 유학해 변호사 자격을 딴 간디(벤 킹슬리)는 1893년 남아프리카에 가 소송사건을 맡는다. 간디는 그 곳에서 유색인종에 대한 차별대우를 받게 된다. 이를 계기로 그는 남아프리카의 인도 거류민을 돕기 위한 다양한 활동을 시작한다. 이후 1915년, 간디는 인도로 돌아와 인도독립을 위한 노력을 하게 된다. 그는 비폭력운동을 주도하면서 수차례 투옥되기도 한다. 인도는 마침내 1947년 8월 영국으로부터 독립을 이룬다. 그러나 힌두교와 이슬람교의 종교적 대립으로 인해 인도와 파키스탄으로 나뉘어 독립을 하게 된다. 이후에도 종교분쟁을 해결하기 위해 노력했던 간디는 1948년 1월 과격파 힌두교도가 쏜 총탄에 암살당한다.