Renato Jaboni

참여 작품

Dr. Jekyll Likes Them Hot
Executive Producer
A lusty young woman decides to use her sexual powers to "tame" the evil and murderous Dr. Jekyll.
Executive Producer
A comedy styled as a documentary about the rise of Adolf Hitler as well as the story of two brothers, one a magician and Nazi, the other an anarchist anti Nazi...
Basta che non si sappia in giro!..
Executive Producer
Three episodes of casual erotic character: a porn scriptwriter and his secretary, a man locked up among homosexuals, and a shy man who decides to hire a prostitute over the phone.
Somewhere Beyond Love
Executive Producer
Two factory workers living in Northern Italy form a romantic connection. The woman, torn between the freedoms of the North and her traditional Sicilian values, slowly allows herself to love...
Don't Torture a Duckling
Executive Producer
A reporter and a promiscuous young woman try to solve a series of child killings in a remote southern Italian town rife with superstition and a distrust of outsiders.
The Migratory Bird
Executive Producer
Andrea Pomeraro, a history teacher, has an affair with a student who then blackmails him. Attempting to retrieve the incriminating photos, he accidentally becomes the head of the student revolt and ends up in jail.
Production Manager
Giuseppe Di Noi, an Italian surveyor living in Switzerland, gets arrested at the border while going back to Italy with his family for a vacation. But can someone tell the man why?
A Lizard in a Woman's Skin
Executive Producer
Carol Hammond, the sexually frustrated wife of a successful London lawyer, is having bizarre, erotic dreams about her uninhibited neighbour, Julia Durer, who presides over noisy, sex and drug filled parties in the house next door. One night, Carol dreams culminate in violent death and she wakes to find her nightmares have become reality - Julia has been murdered and Carol is the main suspect. Was she set up, or did she really do it?
Production Manager
Metello struggles to escape from the poverty that led to the premature death of his parents, and that is the lot of the working class in northern Italy during the second half of the 19th century. Metello fights his way out from his condition through hard work, a determined will to resist oppression inherited from his father, but also by taking advantage of his good looks when dealing with women. Metello progressively assumes an important role in the organization of an emerging workers movement, and attempts to conciliate his risky political activities with his private life.
One on Top of the Other
Line Producer
A San Francisco doctor encounters a prostitute who bears a striking resemblance to his late wife.
A Sky Full of Stars for a Roof
Production Manager
The bandit Pratt, looking for Tim, who is responsible for the death of his two sons, attacks a caravan killing all the passengers. Harry, the vagabond, after having robbed the dead, casually meets Tim and they become friends. Running away together from Pratt, they reach Harry's farm, but their hiding place is soon discovered.
Una ragazza tutta d'oro
A girl with a beautiful voice lives in a little village and dreams of becoming a successful singer. She is discovered by the music maestro Signoretti who tries to have her take part in the music festival of Sanremo, Italy's most famous singing competition.
Our Husbands
Production Manager
Three episodes about Italian husbands and their relationships.
The Two Parachutists
Production Manager
Two penniless Italian buskers want to go to the USA but get on the wrong ship and end up in South America in a concentration camp where they are rescued by American parachutists from. Afterwards they become big shots in the States but their dream comes to an end : they are sent to fight in Vietnam
002 Operation Moon
Production Manager
KGB authorities abduct two criminals (Franco and Ciccio) who look exactly like missing spacemen and pretend they are the returning cosmonauts. They launch them in a rocket, so that they can land in public view, leading the populace to believe it was the original space craft that has returned. The two criminals look so much like the astronauts, they even fool the wives of the astronauts. Later however, the original spacecraft returns to Earth undamaged, and the plan goes all to pieces. In the end, Franco and Ciccio stay in Russia and the real astronauts relocate to Italy.
Two Public Enemies
Line Producer
Two two-bit crooks get in the way of a criminal ring and cause a hold up to fail. The two flee to Paradise avoiding a reprisal and try and steal Saint Peter's halo.
Easy Love
I cuori infranti
Two surreal/satirical comedy episodes.
Roaring Years
Production Manager
In this satire inspired by Nikolai Gogol’s The Government Inspector (aka The Inspector General) and transported to fascist era Italy, the (supposed) incognito visit of a Roman fascist official to a tiny country town shakes deeply the ruling class and their lack of integrity.
The Policeman on Horseback
Production Manager
A soldier has his horse stolen on his wedding day and spends the first day of his honeymoon looking for it.
Carthage in Flames
Unit Manager
Historical drama depicting the last of the Punic Wars between the Roman Republic and Carthage.
I baccanali di Tiberio
Unit Manager
Cassio, a tourist guide, and Primo, his bus driver, are taking a bus load of tourists to visit villa Jovis, at Capri island. Then they have an accident, and they knock their heads hard, losing conscience. They come awake in the times of the Roman Empire in Tiberius' villa.
Piece of the Sky
Unit Manager
During a fair, a charlatan is able to sell to a group of retired persons a piece of sky that would give them a quiet place to live well after death. The old men buy the story and decide to commit suicide to get to the corner of heaven that belongs to them.
마돈나 거리에서 한탕
Production Secretary
한 밤에 자동차를 훔치다 현장에서 검거된 코지모는 구치소에 수감되었다가 그곳에 수감된 다른 죄수로부터 마돈나 거리에 있는 전당포를 털 수 있는 방법을 알게 된다. 한탕에 대한 욕심으로 안달이 난 코지모는 자신 대신 죄를 뒤집어쓰고 형을 살아줄 사람으로 삼류 복서인 페페를 매수하는데 이들의 공모를 눈치 챈 경찰은 코지모와 페페를 교도소에 수감한다. 집행유예를 선고받은 페페는 3년형을 선고받은 것처럼 꾸며 코지모에게 동정심을 유발시켜 그로부터 마돈나 거리에서 한탕에 대한 상세한 비밀을 듣게 되고, 출소하여 좀도둑 마리오, 사진사 티베리오, 시칠리 출신의 미켈레, 그리고 나이 먹고 주책없는 늙은 남자와 코지모의 정부, 페페까지 여섯 명이 모여 전당포를 털 계획을 세우던 중 코지모가 출소를 하게 되는데...
Production Secretary
한가로이 한밤의 거리를 거닐던 수줍음 많은 청년 마리오는 다리 위에서 누군가를 기다리고 있던 여인 나탈리아를 만나게 된다. 마리오는 그녀의 미모와 매혹적인 분위기에 빠져들고, 용기를 내 나탈리아에게 다가선다. 해가 지지 않는 백야가 계속되던 며칠 동안, 마리오는 꿈속을 헤매듯 나탈리아에게 이끌린다. 한편, 나탈리아는 돌아오지 않던 애인에게 편지를 전해달라는 부탁을 하고, 편지를 받아 든 마리오는 고민에 빠진다. ---- 순수한 사랑의 본질과 이중성을 서정적으로 담아낸, 러시아의 대문호 도스토예프스키의 작품을 영화화했다. 비스콘티는 네오리얼리즘적 시각에서 다소 벗어나, 사랑과 절망을 백일몽과 같은 환상 속에서 아름답게 그려냈다. 전세계에서 사랑 받은 이탈리아의 국민배우이자 페데리코 펠리니의 영화적 동반자이기도 했던 마르첼로 마스트로얀니가 처음으로 주연을 맡은 작품이기도 하다. (시네마테크부산 - 2011년 루키노 비스콘티 특별전)
It Happened in Rome
Production Secretary
Three girls are on a hitchhiking trip through northern Italy, the riviera, Venice, Pisa and Rome.
Kean: Genius or Scoundrel
Production Secretary
England, first half of the 19th century. Edmund Kean is a celebrated theatre actor, notorious for his tumultuous private life. He is in love with the beautiful countess Koefeld, wife of the Danish ambassador, to the consternation of his friend, the Prince of Wales. He is also hounded by Anna Damby, who wants to become an actress to escape a marriage to Lord Mewill.
토토 더블 오어 낫띵?
Production Secretary
빈털터리인 듀크는 500만 리라를 얻기 위해 TV 퀴즈쇼인 "라시아 오 라도피아"에 출연하기로 결정한다. 하지만 두 갱단이 그의 성공에 자신들의 돈을 걸고 듀크를 납치한다.