Gaetano Valle

참여 작품

I Am an ESP
Camera Operator
Roberto Razzi, skeptical and convinced atheist, is the conductor of the Futuro program, in which he unmasks the most common tricks and deceptions that make the miracle cry out to everyone.
The 2 Lives of Mattia Pascal
Camera Operator
Based on 'Il fu Mattia Pascal', one of Pirandello's many stories concerning the transitory nature of the intangibles "truth" and "identity". Mattia Pascal is a downtrodden average man, treated like trash by his fiancée, scorned by his associates, and cheated out of his inheritance by contemptuous relatives. The dispirited Pascal heads to Monte Carlo, accruing a fortune and also assuming the identity of a less fortunate gambler who killed himself. The "new" Pascal is treated with a dignity and respect that overwhelms him--and nearly kills him.
Sing Sing
Camera Operator
Eduardo accidentally discovers that he is adopted. His real father is dying, but before his death he said that his mother was the "Queen of England", failing to clarify that this is the nickname of Italian prostitute. But Eduardo is already rushing to the capital of England...
Go for It
Camera Operator
After Doug picks up hitchhiking Rosco with his truck, they are mistaken for two bank robbers by the traffic police. They manage to escape only to be confused for two secret agents while trying to take a flight at the airport.
My Friends Act II
Camera Operator
The four old friends meet on the grave of the fifth of them, Perozzi, who died at the end of the first episode. Time has passed but they are still up for adventures and cruel jokes, and while they recall the one they created together with the late friend, new ones are on their way, starting right there at the cemetery.
Camera Operator
엘리트 특공대
Camera Operator
1944년 프랑스 전선. 미군 범죄자를 태운 군용 트럭이 나치군 기습을 받고 수감병을 총알받이로 쓰던 미군 장교를 쇠사슬로 목졸라 죽인 예거(보 스벤슨) 중위와 흑인 병사인 프레드 캔필드(프레드 윌리엄슨)등 모두 7명만 살아남는다. 이들은 군사 재판을 받고 죽든지 수십여년 형을 받든지 할 형편이었는데, 이렇게 자유의 몸이 되었으나 갈 곳이 없어 뭉쳐 가면서 아군인 미군을 돕기도 하던 중에, 영어를 할줄 아는 독일군 탈영병을 우연히 발견한다. 탈영병이라 이제 아군에게도 죽을 팔자라던 그는 일행을 따라오게 된다. 그리고 어느 지역에서 갑자기 튀어나온 나치 독일군 소대를 보고 그 탈영병을 시켜 말을 걸게 했는데, 그가 갑자기 그 소대랑 이야기하던 도중 아메리카! 아메리카![1] 라고 일행 쪽을 바라보며 웃으며 말하는 거 아닌가? 탈영병은 즉각 그 독일군 소대에게 사살당하고, 숨어 있던 이 7명은 튀어나가 그 소대를 전멸시킨다. 당시에는 '그저, 우릴 일러바친건가?' 라고 생각하며 지나쳤는데...
Three Tigers Against Three Tigers
Camera Operator
Don Cimbolano - a priest in a small town. Oscar - a offender escaped from prison. Philip - attorney loser. They don't lose heart and find ways out of the most incredible situations.
Nazi Love Camp 27
Camera Operator
When World War II breaks out, two German lovers are cruelly separated. While he is sent to fight at the front, she, a Jewish girl, is sent to a concentration camp where humiliation and death have been elevated to a sinister art.
스팅 3
Camera Operator
Belle Duke, in order to get revenge on her former lover Philip Bang, organize his jail break. But instead of Philip is the Italian Felice Brianza, AKAS Felix, to escape. Now Felix is obliged to help Philip to escape. He will succeeded and from that moment on the two will join to defraud Belle. The swindle plot become more complicate when Felix falls in love for Philip's daughter.
La mafia mi fa un baffo
Camera Operator
A two bit actor is a dead ringer for a mafia boss who has been killed by a rival gang. He's hired by the dead man's gang to take his place in public.
What Am I Doing in the Middle of the Revolution?
Camera Operator
In the beginning of the 20th. century Italian actor Guido Guidi, more enthusiastic than talented, and his ensemble tour Texas. The mysterious and obviously rich Peppino Garibaldi gives them an offer, they can’t deny: For a large amount of dough they should play “Richard III.” in the Mexican town Vera Cruz. But Peppino is not really interested in cultural affairs: He supports “La Revolución” and “General” Carasco, who utilizes the feastful premiere of “Richard III.” to raid Vera Cruz for Comandante Zapata. But shortly after the Mexican Army shows up with some canons in tow to sort things out. Guidi and Padre Albino, Italian like him, succeed to flee and save Carasco accidentially from the firing squad. Whereas the latter coninues his revolutionary fight, Guidi and Albino start an odyssey through the struggling Mexico, which lets them fall one time in the hands of Carasco the other time in those of Herrera or even in the clutches of “hand-taking” bandidos.
Beyond the Frontiers of Hate
Director of Photography
A family of pioneers is almost completely destroyed by Indians in search of revenge: little George was left fainted on the ground and his small sister adopted by the Indian chief... Fate will bring them together again.
I due pezzi da 90
Camera Operator
Franco and Ciccio are forced to abandon their sausage factory to reach the godfather of Franco: Nico Cavallaro. The two do not know that this is a smuggler of drugs and that you want to serve them to transport the goods.
I due della F. 1 alla corsa più pazza, pazza del mondo
Camera Operator
Two chaps who earn a living repairing household appliances are hired by a formula one manager who has had his best pilot kidnapped. One of them drives the car which is remote controlled by a device invented by the other.
Vendetta at Dawn
Camera Operator
George Benton returns from school to his brother Jonathan's farm as a doctor and marries his fiancé Lory, but happiness doesn't last long. The Fargas brothers provide a bloodbath at the ranch and are able to divert suspicion from themselves onto a gang of passing outlaws, but one of the family has survived the massacre and knows who the actual killers are.
Kill Django...Kill First
Camera Operator
Johnny fights the banker Burton, who tries to acquire with the help of the strange bandit Martinez, in an unlawful way, all the gold mines in the nearer environment.
The Dove Must Not Fly
Camera Operator
An undercover Nazi in Libya aims to steal fuel and deliver it to a specific location in the desert where an Italian bomber would refuel on its way to Allied target.
분노의 장고
Camera Operator
A Union soldier returns from the dead to take revenge on three officers who betrayed his unit in battle.
Forgotten Pistolero
Camera Operator
One of the most ambitious spaghetti westerns, The Forgotten Pistolero is a retelling of the Greek legend of Orestes, who avenges the murder of his father with the help of his friend and former mentor Pylades and his sister Electra. In Baldi’s movie, Orestes is called Sebastian, a man living on his own. One day a wounded stranger called Rafael/Pylades takes shelter in his house and tells him that he, Sebastian, is the son of a Mexican general who was murdered by his wife and her lover. Sebastian has no recollection of the massacre, but the tolling of the bells announcing the Ave Maria bring back fragmented memories. Finally Sebastian is re-united with his sister Isabella and together they avenge the murder of their father. The film is a bit confusing from time to time, with a storyline that seems over-complicated for a spaghetti western, but patient and attentive viewers are rewarded. The Forgotten Pistolero is also known for Roberto Pregadio’s awesome score.
Song That's Playing In My Head (Zum Zum Zum)
Camera Operator
The sons of a music-loving insurance broker take extreme measures to find happiness for themselves and others, with some help from the power of music.
I due pompieri
Camera Operator
The firefighter student Francesco Perricone and his cousin the brigadier Barrese fall in love both of the beautiful brunette Caramella and the barracks of Rome are transferred to the village of Sicily where the girl lives.
Run, Psycho, Run
Camera Operator
Italy, the early 19th century. A villa is the home of a small English community, all rich and superficial people lounging about in its beautiful surroundings. Claire, George's wife, and Robert, her son, are murdered by a mysterious killer. Thinking the murderer is one of the family, distraught George devises a plan to unmask the culprit. Having met a woman, Ann, who is a dead ringer for Claire, he takes her back to the villa and announces their imminent marriage. Ann is considered an outsider and treated with contempt and hostility, while George fails to find any significant clue to the solution: everybody is to be blamed, at least morally, but the final revelation is more bitter than expected...
비바 장고
Camera Operator
어느 날 장고가 처 루시와 함께 금괴 운반을 하고 있을 때 다비드와 루카스 일당의 습격을 받는다. 장고를 배신한 다비드는 장고와 루시에게 총을 쏴 루시는 죽고 장고는 중상을 입는다. 장고는 얼마 후 교수형 집행관이 되어 처형당할 사람의 생명을 구하여 그들을 부하로 삼는다. 어느 날 장고는 술집에서 루카스를 발견하고 그를 사살한다. 한편 장고가 찾는 다비드는 부하들을 거느리고 장고를 해치우고자 한다. 두 사람은 묘지 근처에서 대결하게 된다. 격렬한 총격전이 전개될 때 데빗드 부하들이 나타나 장고는 잡히며 스스로 자기의 무덤을 파게 된다. 거기에는 관이 나타나고 그 관 속에서는 장고가 숨겨두었던 장고의 유명한 기관총이 들어 있었다. 장고가 기관총을 들고 일어나는 순간 총구에서 불을 뿜는다. 다비드 일당은 하나하나 쓰러진다. 드디어 다비드도 쓰러진다. 장고는 악당들이 탈취한 금괴를 은행에 돌려주기 위해 떠난다.
Train for Durango
Camera Operator
Two buddy adventurers witness a train-robbery and are then hunting the robbed gold and they also robbed Helen.
Crazy Westerners
Camera Operator
Little Rita has a dream: she dreams of a better world and she believes that all the evil in the world originates from gold. So she has decided to blow up all the gold she can put her hands on. In her mission she is assisted by the Indian Chief Bisonte Seduto and by her friend Francis. Little Rita kills Ringo and Django, but she is taken prisoner by the Mexican bandit Sancho who wants to steal her gold. Black Star rescues her and seems determined to help her, but does he?
매와 참새
Camera Operator
무산 계급에 속한 한 부자가 경작지, 고속도로, 건설 중인 건물의 풍경으로 황량한 도시 주변부 길을 걸으며 성 프란치스코와 마르크스, 채플린에 이르기까지 갖가지 담론을 들려준다.
Camera Operator
멕시코 국경지대. 각각 미국인인 웬체스터 잭과 멕시코인인 H.로드리게스를 우두머리로 한 두 라이벌 갱단은 장고라는 총잡이의 출현에 놀란다. 그는 노마라는 여인을 데리고 막 그곳에 도착했는데 사랑하는 아내의 죽음에 복수를 하기 위해 윈체스터 패거리들을 거의 일망타진한다. 그리고 나선 로드리게스 일당과 총과 금을 두고 결전을 펼친다.
Per un dollaro di gloria
Camera Operator
Because of his difficult character, Colonel Lennox, commanding at Fort Sharp, a remote outpost on the border of the United States is hated by the soldiers of his troop. The situation is even more complicated when the fort is attacked by Indians.
The Relentless Four
Camera Operator
Terrorized townsfolk turn into a lynch mob and target a lawman.
La strada più lunga
Camera Operator
Michele, a bourgeois intellectual, adhered to fascism for years. After fighting abroad, he returns home in 1943, but is now tired and refuses to join the Republic of Salò. His comrades still want him with them, but this Social Republic, imposed by the SS arms, does not convince him. The war continues and the situation does not allow one to remain neutral.
Gli amanti latini
Camera Operator
The film is composed of five episodes which depict Italians' love lives in the 1960s.
Secret Agent Fireball
Camera Operator
An American CIA agent must find the whereabouts of valuable microfilm that was smuggled over by two Russian scientists who had been hoping to defect.
Temple of a Thousand Lights
Camera Operator
The Rajah of Punjab wants to come into possession of a famous gem known as "Mountain of Light". He asks adventurer Allan Foster to steal it for him, but Foster has other plans.
The Demon
Camera Operator
Purificata, a young peasant living in a small village in Southern Italy, is considered a witch by the locals; incurring this way into their wrath — up to a point where she is condemned to a terrible sentence as a punishment to her supposedly evil deeds.
Samson Against the Sheik
Camera Operator
In the late 1500s, forces of the Duke of Malaga topple the Sacred Obelisk in the North African city of Melida before they're defeated by the local Sheik. The Shiek's men then sail to Spain and kidnap the Duke's daughter, Isabella.
Guns of the Black Witch
Camera Operator
In the 17th century, a village was the refuge of several French buccaneers. One day, the Spanish under the command of Guzmán, attacked the village and killed everybody, adults and children ...
Call 22-22 Lieutenant Sheridan
Assistant Camera
Cathrine has been sentenced to the gas chamber but Police Lieutenant Sheridan does not believe she is guilty of the murder she has been accused of. He has twenty-four hours to prove her innocence.
Pirates of the Coast
Assistant Camera
Luis de Monterey is a ship captain who is pitted against a crafty pirates.
Knight of 100 Faces
Assistant Camera
Two knights, the honorful Riccardo and the sinister Fosco, are rivalling for damsel Zuela.
The Black Archer
Assistant Camera
A mysterious archer who dresses in black is out for revenge against the bandits who killed his father.
Melody of Love
Assistant Camera
A comedy with lots of Neapolitan songs and shots of the Bay of Naples finds Maria Morelli unable to marry her singing sailor/lover, Giacomo because her father, Don Salvatdore Morelli objects. She can't elope because her father has an heart ailment and uses it to hold Maria. Giacomo misunderstands and takes off on a global singing tour.