Audine Leith

참여 작품

Alexandra's Project
Steve is a man who has it all, a successful career, wonderful children, beautiful home and a loving wife. However, returning to his home after work on his birthday, he finds his house deserted and darkened with almost all the lightbulbs missing, all easy access outside cut off and a videotape waiting for him. Playing that tape, he watches a bizarre and grueling recording in which his wife explains her grievance with him, her reasons for disappearing with the children and her revenge for how he treated her in a way he would never forget.
키스 올 킬
Jules in the Gym
니키(Nikki: 프란체스 오코너 분)는 남자 친구인 알란과 작당해서 부유한 남자들을 호텔 방으로 유인해 약을 먹이고 돈을 훔치는 절도범. 어느 날 약물과용으로 죽어버린 폴이란 변호사와 그의 가방에 든 유명한 축구선수 지퍼의 정사장면을 담은 포로노테이프 때문에 졸지에 두 사람은 쫓기는 신세가 되고 경찰은 이들에게 지명수배를 내리고 뒤쫓기 시작한다. 니키와 알란은 도주 중에 머무는 호텔과 집마다 연쇄적으로 이상한 살인사건이 벌어지고 니키는 어릴 때 어머니가 방화범에게 살해 당하는 현장이 보이고 몽유병 증상을 보인다. 연쇄 살인사건을 수사하던 형사들은 원주민 해리의 도움으로 지퍼가 진범이라는 사실을 알게된다. 지퍼가 니키 일행을 쫓아 테이프를 회수하고 니키의 머리에 총을 겨누고 지시하던 중 니키는 발작 증세를 보이며 차를 몰고 마구 달리는데.
Alien Visitor
In this sci-fi adventure a gorgeous alien woman is sent to Earth by mistake from the planet Epsilon. Landing in the Australian outback she meets a surveyor and they cross the continent together. However, she spends the trip haranguing him for the ecological recklessness and avarice of the human race.
The Battlers
Fairly sensitive melodrama about life on the back-roads in Australia at the height of the Great Depression. Centring on the developing romance between two drifters this presents a commendable level of period detail. Based on the novel by Kylie Tennant.
배드 보이 버비
Fondled Salvo
Bad Boy Bubby is just that: a bad boy. So bad, in fact, that his mother has kept him locked in their house for his entire thirty years, convincing him that the air outside is poisonous. After a visit from his estranged father, circumstances force Bubby into the waiting world, a place which is just as unusual to him as he is to the world.
Run Chrissie Run!
Dialogue Coach
The action moves along quickly, jumping over holes in the script, in this made-for-television drama about Eve, an ex-terrorist from Germany who is forced to escape to Australia with her teenage daughter Chrissie when she is sought by Riley, a lover from 17 years in the past. In turn, the IRA has sent two members after Riley because he shot an IRA soldier and must pay the consequences. The two IRA operatives looking for Riley come across a really nasty biker who wants vengeance on Eve for setting his car on fire -- and the three men finally track her and Chrissie to the wine-growing country of Barossa Valley. The final denouement is about to explode, as Riley also arrives on the scene. With under-par acting and a patchy plot, this film was never released theatrically.
Run Chrissie Run!
The action moves along quickly, jumping over holes in the script, in this made-for-television drama about Eve, an ex-terrorist from Germany who is forced to escape to Australia with her teenage daughter Chrissie when she is sought by Riley, a lover from 17 years in the past. In turn, the IRA has sent two members after Riley because he shot an IRA soldier and must pay the consequences. The two IRA operatives looking for Riley come across a really nasty biker who wants vengeance on Eve for setting his car on fire -- and the three men finally track her and Chrissie to the wine-growing country of Barossa Valley. The final denouement is about to explode, as Riley also arrives on the scene. With under-par acting and a patchy plot, this film was never released theatrically.
The Survivor
When a 747 crashes shortly after take-off, the sole survivor is the pilot. Virtually unhurt, he and the investigators look for the answers to the disaster. Meanwhile mysterious deaths occur in the community and only a psychic, in touch with the supernatural, can help the pilot unravel the mystery surrounding the doomed plane.
Pacific Banana
Lady Blandings
The story of a pair of Australian pilots working for a small South Pacific airline. Paul, a wildly successful womanizer, leaving conquests at every port and Martin, sad and lonely in his search for a true love. Together, they... well, they don't do much of anything besides chase girls on various Polynesian islands.
Dawn! is a 1979 Australian sports biopic about the three-time Olympic gold medallist swimmer Dawn Fraser.
Who Killed Jenny Langby?
Hospital Social Worker
Traces the events leading up to the suicide of an Adelaide mother of five children.