Executive Producer
Follows members of the Zulu Club, New Orleans’ first Black Mardi Gras, as they work to bring the Zulu parade back to the streets for Mardi Gras Day 2022, in the face of a global pandemic, hurricane Ida and the loss of members due to COVID and gun violence.
Executive Producer
With his signature gospel sound on the Hammond B3, Billy Preston doublehandedly elevated the greatest artists of his time – from the Beatles to the Rolling Stones, from Aretha Franklin to Eric Clapton, from Ray Charles to Barbra Streisand to Sly and the Family Stone. In our film, we explore Billy's career and influence on generations of musicians, as he scored several number one hits of his own and became one of the most sought-after musicians in the world. He did all of this as a soul divided -- by his deep roots in the church, in constant conflict with his identity as a gay Black man, searching for a family of his own that would accept him for who he was.
Executive Producer
The Amazon Labor Union (ALU) — a group of current and former Amazon workers in New York City’s Staten Island — takes on one of the world’s largest and most powerful companies in the fight to unionize.
Executive Producer
With unprecedented access to Taiwan’s sitting head of state, director Vanessa Hope investigates the election and tenure of Tsai Ing-wen, the first female president of Taiwan. Thorough, incisive and bristling with tension, Invisible Nation is a living account of Tsai’s tightrope walk as she balances the hopes and dreams of her nation between the colossal geopolitical forces of the U.S. and China. Hope’s restrained observational style captures Tsai at work in her country’s vibrant democracy at home, while seeking full international recognition of Taiwan’s right to exist. At a time when Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has demonstrated the ever-present threat of authoritarian aggression, Invisible Nation brings punctual focus to the struggle of Taiwan as it fights for autonomy and freedom from fear.
Executive Producer
Unique access to Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and other key figures in the administration who are fighting to save their country against Russia’s invasion by combatting disinformation.
Executive Producer
Tells the astounding unknown story of what might be the aha scientific breakthrough moment of our generation: ibogaine.
Executive Producer
A college student searches for justice after she discovers deepfake pornography of herself circulating online.
Executive Producer
The Right to Read shares the stories of an activist, a teacher, and two American families who fight to provide our youngest generation with the most foundational indicator of life-long success: the ability to read.
Co-Executive Producer
America’s policy of producing cheap food at all costs has long hobbled small independent farmers, ranchers, and chefs. Worried for their survival, trailblazing food writer Ruth Reichl reaches out across political and social divides to uncover the country’s broken food system and the innovators risking it all to transform it.
Executive Producer
In the competitive world of high school mariachi, the musicians from the South Texas borderlands reign supreme. Under the guidance of coach Abel Acuña, the teenage captains of Edinburg North High School’s acclaimed team must turn a shoestring budget and diverse crew of inexperienced musicians into state champions.
Co-Executive Producer
Hidden camera footage augments this perilous high-stakes journey as we embed with families attempting to escape oppression, ultimately revealing a world most of us have never seen.
Executive Producer
An intimate look into the lives of one of the most iconic folk-rock bands in America - the Indigo Girls. With never-before-seen archival and intimate vérité the film dives into the songwriting and storytelling of the music that transformed a generation.
Executive Producer
The world is in crisis as it misses target after target to stop climate change. The Green New Deal has captured the imagination of millions with its visionary promise for systemic economic and environmental change that will build a better and more just world. In this moment of political upheaval with clashes in the streets and the halls of Congress, climate policy is taking center stage for the first time in American history, and the fight is on.
Executive Producer
Driven by extensive archive material and interviews with those who know her, this is the astonishing story of how a triple outsider – a woman, a scientist, and an East German – became the de facto leader of the “Free World”, told for the first time for an international audience.
Executive Producer
Two sisters are abruptly separated, the eldest, Hasna, struggles to find her identity and place in the world.
Executive Producer
Trailblazing, hell-raising country music legend Tanya Tucker defied the standards of how a woman in country music was supposed to behave. Decades after Tanya slipped from the spotlight, rising Americana music star Brandi Carlile takes it upon herself to write an entire album for her hero based on Tanya’s extraordinary life, spurring the greatest comeback in country music history. Taking stock of the past while remaining vitally alive in the present and keeping an eye on the future, The Return of Tanya Tucker is a rousing exploration of an unexpected friendship built on the joy of a perfectly timed creative collaboration.
Executive Producer
Part thriller, part thoughtful domestic drama, Amy Redford’s new film looks at troubles that arise between a mother and her teen daughter after the latter is seduced online by a 28-year-old man.
Executive Producer
An investigative journalist uncovers the money, influence, and alarming rationale behind covert land grabs by some of the world’s most powerful countries.
Executive Producer
This is not a documentary about the making of Midnight Cowboy. It is about a dark and difficult masterpiece and the deeply gifted and flawed people who made it. It is about New York in a troubled era of cultural ferment and social change. It is about an era that made a movie and a movie that made an era. The 1969 movie tells the story of two homeless loners who join forces out of desperation and struggle to survive.
Executive Producer
Doris Muñoz is a young, ambitious music manager whose undocumented family depends on her ability to launch pop stars. When she loses her biggest client, Doris hustles to discover new talent and finds Jacks, another daughter of immigrants for whom "making it" isn't just a dream: it's a necessity.
Executive Producer
An exploration of the remarkable friendship between Archbishop Desmond Tutu and His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Executive Producer
This riveting documentary chronicles the monumental task of curing cancer, as seen through the harrowing experiences of one young girl, her family, and a doctor on a mission.
Executive Producer
A rousing portrait of feminist writer Andrea Dworkin, one of the most controversial and misunderstood figures of the 20th century, who fought passionately for justice and equality for women.
Executive Producer
Dewayne Johnson, a Bay Area groundskeeper, suffered from rashes in 2014 and wondered if they were caused by the herbicide he'd been using for the past couple years. As his health deteriorated, Johnson became the face of a David-and-Goliath legal battle to hold a multi-national agrochemical corporation accountable for a product with allegedly misleading labelling.
Executive Producer
An inside look at the historic, multi-national race to research, develop, regulate, and roll out COVID-19 vaccines in the war against the coronavirus pandemic.
Executive Producer
When the highest grossing comedy, 9 to 5, starring Jane Fonda, Dolly Parton, Dabney Coleman and Lily Tomlin, exploded on the cinema screens in 1980, the laughs hid a serious message about women in the office. Still Working 9 to 5 explores why workplace inequality 40 years later is no longer a laughing matter.
Executive Producer
A documentary about Michael Brody Jr., a 21-year-old hippie millionaire who in 1970 promised to give away his $25M inheritance in an effort to usher in a new era of world peace.
Executive Producer
An alarmingly disproportionate number of Black women are failed every year by the U.S. maternal health system. Shamony Gibson and Amber Rose Isaac were vibrant, excited mothers-to-be whose deaths due to childbirth complications were preventable. Now, their partners and families are determined to sound a rallying cry around this chilling yet largely ignored crisis.
Executive Producer
Bright Spark: The Reconciliation of Trevor Southey follows the journey of artist Trevor Southey, a convert to the LDS Church from British Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) who dreamed of being a Latter-day Michelangelo and transforming Temple Square into a place where people came from around the world to look at the art. He immigrated to Utah in the mid-1960s and soon found a gang of like-minded artists at BYU. These artists formed a loose art colony in Alpine, Utah to pursue their dreams. It all came crashing down when Trevor's homosexuality was exposed and he was excommunicated from the Church. Thirty years later, as his adult daughter suffers a major health crisis, the Church steps in to help and he finds himself in the strange position of being fellowshipped and invited to rejoin the Church that rejected him. "Bright Spark" explores conflicts of personal freedom, religious belonging, and artistic expression with honesty and compassion.
Executive Producer
Follows the life and career of Arthur Ashe.
Executive Producer
샌프란시스코의 가장 학구열이 높은 공립학교 Lowell 고등학교의 고학년생들은 어마어마한 스트레스를 받는 중이다. 이들은 스탠포드 대학교나 하버드 대학교 같은 최고상류 학교로 진학하기 위해 공부에만 매진하고 있다. 멋진 아이들과 특출난 학생들 사이에서 같이 공부해 좋은 성적을 얻기란 쉽지가 않다. 감독 Debbie Lum은 재치넘치는 유머와 따뜻한 시선으로 미국 대학입시계의 현실을 들여다본 이후 미국 교육현 내에서의 인종 문제, 계급 문제까지 고찰하게 한다. 이 영화는 현 미국 10대 세대의 가장 보편적이면서도 다채로운 청소년들의 초상화와도 같은 다큐멘터리다.
Executive Producer
유년 시절 가톨릭 성직자들에게 성적 학대를 당한 여섯 남자. 이들이 단편 영화를 만들며 자신의 트라우마를 들여다본다. 치유를 향해 나아가기 위하여.
Co-Executive Producer
할 일 없이 술, 마약, 총을 일반적인 오락거리로 삼으며 여름을 보내고 있는 텍사스 십대 세 명의 생활을 기록한 다큐멘터리.
Executive Producer
A documentary following JR's artwork giving a global voice to everyday people.
Executive Producer
DNA 검사 후 서로가 친척이었다는 놀라운 사실을 알게 된 세 소녀. 각기 다른 미국 가정으로 입양돼 지금까지 다른 삶을 살았던 소녀들은 친부모를 만나길 희망하며 중국으로 떠난다.
Executive Producer
An astonishing record of the hereditary nature of trauma, Jacinta follows the lives of three generations of women struggling to find stability amid years of dependency. Jacinta leaves the Maine Correctional Center, leaving her mother behind to complete her own sentence, and attempts to rebuild her relationship with Caylynn, her preternaturally wise pre-teen daughter who craves time and attention from the mother she adores. But as the pressures of shaping a life in a world she has hardly known sober proves increasingly challenging, she brings the viewer into her emotional, day-to-day battle to find peace with herself and earn the trust of her family.
Executive Producer
The story of the iconic singer's fascinating six-decade career in both music and Black and LGBTQ activism.
Executive Producer
An investigation into our landscape's hidden fire stories and on-the-ground experiences of firefighters and residents struggling through deadly fires.
Executive Producer
미국 현대무용의 선구자 중 한 명인 흑인 안무가 앨빈 에일리. 영화는 힙합 안무가 레니 해리스가 앨빈 에일리에 대한 새로운 무용극을 준비하는 과정과 알빈 에일리의 작품세계를 촘촘히 엮으며 그가 오늘날 미국 무용계와 사회 전반에 남긴 유산을 기록한다. 1931년 짐크로우법 시대에 텍사스 시골에서 태어난 앨빈 에일리는 아프리카계 미국인들의 정체성과 역사에서 영감을 받은 새로운 움직임을 미국 현대 무용에 도입하고, 58년 앨빈 에일리 어메리칸 댄스 시어터를 창립한다. 개척자였던 그는 늘 외로웠지만, 그가 뿌린 씨앗은 오늘날 미국 현대무용의 풍요로운 기반이 되었다. (2021년 제17회 제천국제음악영화제 / 김소혜)
Co-Executive Producer
A group of pioneering nuns bravely stand up to the Catholic Church patriarchy, fighting for their livelihoods, convictions and equality against an all-powerful Cardinal. From marching in Selma in 1965 to the Women’s March in 2018, these women have reshaped our society with their bold acts of defiance.
Executive Producer
A Crime on the Bayou is the story of Gary Duncan, a Black teenager from Plaquemines Parish, a swampy strip of land south of New Orleans. In 1966, Duncan tries to break up an argument between white and Black teenagers outside a newly integrated school. He gently lays his hand on a white boy’s arm. The boy recoils like a snake. That night, police burst into Duncan’s trailer and arrest him for assault on a minor. A young Jewish attorney, Richard Sobol, leaves his prestigious D.C. firm to volunteer in New Orleans. With his help, Duncan bravely stands up to a racist legal system powered by a white supremacist boss to challenge his unfair arrest. Their fight goes all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, and their lifelong friendship is forged.
Co-Executive Producer
동성애를 정신병의 일종이라고 믿고 동성애자들을 기독교의 교리로 이성애자로 전환시킬 수 있다는 미국내 기독교 단체가 끼친 문제점을 고발한 다큐멘터리
Executive Producer
In Milwaukee, a 15-year-old attempted to carjack law student Claude Motley and shot him in the face. Through multiple surgeries and catastrophic health care bills, the effects of gun violence upends Claude’s life. Yet he still finds himself torn between punishment for the young man and the injustice of mass incarceration for Black men and boys. Can he find mercy in his heart for his attacker?
Executive Producer
소피아 로렌은 얼마나 근사한가. 그녀의 영화를 보며 살아갈 힘을 얻는다. 이탈리아계 미국인 할머니의 기쁨. 소피아 로렌은 어떻게 생각할까? 기분 좋은 단편 다큐멘터리.
Executive Producer
맛과 진귀함 때문에 ‘땅 속의 다이아몬드’로 불리는 식재료, 화이트 알바 트러플. 우리에게 산삼을 찾는 심마니들이 있다면, 유럽의 산자락엔 개를 앞세워 버섯을 찾는 사람들이 있다. 이 작품은 북부 이탈리아의 트러플 채취자 4인을 좇는 유머 넘치는 다큐멘터리로, 등장인물들은 각기 개성적이지만, 공통적으로 남다른 소명의식을 가지고 있다. 그들은 모두 ‘탐욕’을 경계하며, 고락을 함께 하는 개들과 동반자적 자세를 견지한다. 엄청난 가격으로 거래되는 트러플 산업의 일면을 엿보는 동시에, 스러져버릴지도 모르는 전통과 자연의 가치를 알려주는 작품.
Executive Producer
An archive-based feature documentary viewing the dramatic climax of the Cold War through the lens of the ABC network, as it narrowly succeeds in producing the most watched, most controversial made-for-TV movie, THE DAY AFTER (1983). With irreverent humor and sobering apocalyptic vision, this film reveals how a commercial broadcaster seized a moment of unprecedented television viewership, made an emotional connection with an audience of over 100 million and forced an urgent conversation with the US President on how to collectively confront and resolve the most pressing issue of the time - nuclear proliferation.
Executive Producer
Seven months after helping her terminally ill mother during the end of her life in home-hospice, filmmaker Judith Helfand becomes a "new old" single mother at 50. Overnight, she's pushed to deal with her stuff: 63 boxes of her parent's heirlooms overwhelming her office-turned-future-baby's room, the weight her mother had begged her to lose, and the reality of being a half century older than her daughter.
Executive Producer
이탈리아 바닷가 마을. 홀로코스트 생존자인 그녀는 놀이방을 운영하며 살아간다. 그러던 어느 날 맞닥뜨린 12살 소년. 자신에게 강도질까지 했던 아이지만 그녀는 소년을 맞아들이기로 한다.
Executive Producer
Francesco takes an unsparing look at the most pressing challenges of the 21st-century, asking deep questions about the human condition. The film is guided by Pope Francis who, with tremendous humility, wisdom, and generosity, offers moving lessons from his life that illuminate what it will take to build a better future. In doing so, he addresses issues such as climate change, immigration, peace and religious tolerance, LGBTQ support, gender and identity justice, and economic equality.
Executive Producer
An exploration of the nexus of art, race, and justice through the story of art collector and philanthropist Agnes Gund who sold Roy Lichtenstein’s painting “Masterpiece” in 2017 for $165 million to start the Art for Justice Fund to end mass incarceration.
Executive Producer
Raw and intimate, this documentary captures the struggles of patients and frontline medical professionals battling the COVID-19 pandemic in Wuhan.
Executive Producer
선수들을 성적으로 학대한 전미 체조 대표 팀 의사 래리 내서. 그 생존자들이 증언을 시작하고, 기자들이 진실을 파헤친다. 용기 있는 이들의 싸움을 기록한 다큐멘터리.
Executive Producer
When a courageous young woman and a radical lawyer discover a pattern of illegal involuntary sterilizations in California’s women’s prison system, they take to the courtroom to wage a near-impossible battle against the Department of Corrections. With a growing team of investigators inside prison working with colleagues on the outside, they uncover a series of statewide crimes - from dangerously inadequate health care to sexual assault to coercive sterilizations - primarily targeting women of color. But no one believes them. This shocking legal drama captured over seven years features extraordinary access and intimate accounts from currently and formerly incarcerated women, demanding our attention to a shameful and ongoing legacy of eugenics and reproductive injustice in the United States.
Executive Producer
하비 와인스타인의 미투 사건이 논쟁을 일으킬 즈음, 음악계에 종사했던 한 여성이 다시 세상 앞으로 나선다. 흑인 액티비즘을 상징하는 힙합과, 힙합 음악을 대표하는 데프잼 레코드를 이끌며 대부로 불린 러셀 시몬스가 놀랍게도 사건 당사자다. 또한 폭력의 희생자는 유명 정치인의 딸이자 음악계에서 실력을 알렸던 드류 딕슨이다.
Executive Producer
Determined to turn unfathomable tragedy into action, the teenage survivors of Parkland, Florida catalyze a powerful, unprecedented youth movement that spreads with lightning speed across the country, as a generation of mobilized youth take back democracy in this powerful coming-of-age story.
Executive Producer
시칠리아 출신인 레티시아 바타글리아는 처참히 살해된 희생자에게 카메라를 들이댄 순간 마피아를 상대로 하는 일생의 전투를 시작했다. 코사 노스트라의 야만적인 통치를 고발하고 그들의 범죄를 낱낱이 밝히는 동시에 당당함과 열정으로 삶을 지속한다.
Executive Producer
필리핀의 20년 부패 독재 정권의 실세 이멜다 마르코스가 돌아왔다. 그녀의 넘치는 사랑이 빚어낸 참혹한 역사가 낱낱이 공개된다.
Executive Producer
버섯에 관련된 다양한 이야기를 담은 다큐멘터리
Executive Producer
Filmmaker Judith Helfand's searing investigation into the politics of “disaster” – by way of the deadly 1995 Chicago heat wave, in which 739 residents perished (mostly Black and living in the city’s poorest neighborhoods).
Executive Producer
This film is a true-crime thriller that goes behind the headlines to uncover the deep-seated and social media-fueled “boys will be boys” culture at the root of high school sexual assault in America. Like many small towns across the country, Steubenville, nestled in a valley in eastern Ohio, lives and dies by its high school football team. So when a teenage girl was sexually assaulted at a pre-season football party in 2012, no one came forward with information. True-crime blogger Alex Goddard set out to uncover the truth, piecing together the details of the crime through cell phone footage and photos that made their way to YouTube, as well as a nearly minute-by-minute account of events on social media. In the process, she uncovered both the perpetrators and the entire culture of complicity that enabled them. The ensuing trial, which made national headlines, cut to the very heart of nationwide debates about rape culture.
Executive Producer
How does some one with three strikes against her, rise to the highest court in the land, the U. S. Supreme Court?
Executive Producer
Recy Taylor, a 24-year-old black mother and sharecropper, was gang raped by six white boys in 1944 Alabama. Common in Jim Crow South, few women spoke up in fear for their lives. Not Recy Taylor, who bravely identified her rapists. The NAACP sent its chief rape investigator Rosa Parks, who rallied support and triggered an unprecedented outcry for justice. The film exposes a legacy of physical abuse of black women and reveals Rosa Parks’ intimate role in Recy Taylor’s story.
Executive Producer
이 다큐멘터리는 오하이오주 스튜번빌 마을을 휩쓴 악명 높은 2012년 강간 사건의 배후를 쫓는다. 미식축구에 열광하는 마을의 파티에서 10대 여성이 성폭행 당하고, 동시에 10대들의 휴대전화에는 문자와 소셜미디어 게시물, 인기 있는 미식축구 선수가 가담한 동영상이 폭발적으로 쏟아진다. 아마추어 범죄 블로거인 알렉스 고더드가 이 충격적인 증거를 공개하면서, 방관자들의 공모에 의문을 던진다.
(2019년 13회 여성인권영화제)
2016년 대선 이후, 거대한 스캔들이 미국을 강타한다. 시민의 일거수일투족을 수집한 데이터 분석 회사. 그들은 누구를 위해, 누구와 함께 일했을까. 그 전말을 확인하라.
Executive Producer
Alexis Bloom charts the rise and fall of the late Republican Party booster and controversial Fox News mogul who went down in flames amid multiple sexual harassment allegations.
Executive Producer
멜라 B. 그린이 연출하고 조디 포스터가 내레이션을 맡은 '알리스 기-블라쉐 이야기'는 영화사를 다시 쓴 장편 다큐멘터리다. 처음으로 영화 최초의 여성 감독, 시나리오 작가, 프로듀서, 스튜디오 주인 알리스 기-블라쉐의 인생과 작품의 전모를 공개한다.
Executive Producer
After a routine partial hip replacement operation leaves his mother in a coma with permanent brain damage, what starts as a son's video diary becomes a citizen's investigation into the future of American health care.
Executive Producer
Two guys serendipitously meet at a time when they both find themselves at personal crossroads and decide to embark on an unplanned road trip across the American Southwest.
Executive Producer
총기 난사로 어린 목숨이 스러진 비극의 현장, 스코틀랜드 던블레인과 미국 샌디훅. 두 지역의 신부가 16년의 세월과 바다를 건너 만난다. 그리고 치유의 여정을 시작한다.
Executive Producer
Unable to understand why parenting seems like a constant uphill battle, an emotionally exhausted mother who can’t connect with her two young sons courageously confronts the events of her own traumatic childhood.
Executive Producer
내전이 휩쓸고 간 콩고. 성폭력의 현장에서 생존한 여성들을 위한 보금자리가 설립된다. 서로를 보듬으며 트라우마를 극복하는 여성들, 그들이 변화와 희망을 노래한다!
Executive Producer
정확히 100년 전, 오래된 탄광촌 비스비 지역의 가장 암울하고 비극적인 날 1,200명의 이민자 광부들이 국외로 추방당하는 잊을 수 없는 사건이 발생했다. 지역 주민들은 논란이 많은 과거를 재조명하기 위해 힘을 모은다.
Executive Producer
역사상 가장 부유한 사회를 만들어낸 병리 현상에 대한 다큐멘터리. 감독의 책과 전시회에 대한 일종의 안내서이기도 한 이 작품은 감독의 발자취를 보여줄 뿐 아니라, 실험 대상자들이 어떻게 돈의 영향을 받게 되는지 추적한다. [제19회 전주국제영화제]
Executive Producer
어린이 프로그램 ‘미스터 로저스의 이웃 Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood’의 사회자인 프레드 로저스의 일대기. 폭력적인 TV 프로그램이 넘쳐나는 시대에 프레드 로저스는 형형색색의 꼭두각시 인형들을 사용하여 창의적인 방법으로 공감과 수용의 메세지를 30년 넘게 전달했다. 아카이브 영상들과 더불어, 로저스와 함께 공연했던 동료들이 평생을 미디어 선교사로 살아온 그의 업적을 돌아본다.
Executive Producer
동명의 책을 기반으로 만든 다큐멘터리다. ‘우리가 먹는 달걀, 유제품, 고기는 다 어디서 오는 걸까?’라는 질문에서 시작된다. 영화는 지난 40년간 인간이 식품을 먹는 방식이 어떻게 환경을 오염시키고, 건강을 위협하고 동물들을 가학적으로 대했는지 담아내며, 동물을 먹는다는 것에 대한 질문을 던진다. 그리고 전통적인 농업과 축산업의 방식을 낡고 오래된 것이 아닌, 지속가능한 미래지향적인 방식일 수 있음을 보여준다.
Executive Producer
Documentary examining the 2014 shooting of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald by Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke and the cover-up that ensued.
Executive Producer
Journalist Assia Boundaoui sets out to investigate long-brewing rumors that her quiet, predominantly Arab-American neighborhood was being monitored by the FBI.
Executive Producer
성공한 다큐멘터리 감독 제니퍼는 겉보기엔 괜찮은 삶을 살고 있다. 그러나 그녀가 13살이던 당시 승마 코치들과 맺었던 성적 관계에 관해 쓴 이야기가 발견된 후, 그녀의 삶은 뒤흔들린다. 제니퍼는 자신을 피해자로 규정하길 원치 않지만, 수십 년이 지난 끝에 그 여름의 기억과 이야기 속 진실을 찾으려 시도한다. (2018년 제12회 여성인권영화제)
Executive Producer
The story of Donald Trump's election told entirely through Russian propaganda. By turns horrifying and hilarious, the film is a satirical portrait of Russian meddling in the 2016 election that reveals an empire of fake news and the tactics of modern day information warfare.
Executive Producer
Talal Derki returns to his homeland where he gains the trust of a radical Islamist family, sharing their daily life for over two years. His camera focuses on Osama and his younger brother Ayman, providing an extremely rare insight into what it means to grow up in an Islamic Caliphate.
Executive Producer
미국의 유명 언론인이 통풍구를 통해 손님들의 침실을 훔쳐봤다는 모텔주인을 취재해 책을 출간했으나 진위 논란에 휩싸인다는 내용.
Executive Producer
La Patagonia, southern Argentina. After his mother's death, Nahuel, a violent teenager, meets his biological father, Ernesto, a skillful hunting guide; but their reunion is harsh, since their souls are only ruled by pride and resentment.
Executive Producer
A verité legal drama about Judge Kholoud Al-Faqih, the first woman appointed to a Shari'a court in the Middle East, whose career provides rare insights into both Islamic law and gendered justice.
Executive Producer
The senior year of a girls’ high school step team in inner-city Baltimore is documented, as they try to become the first in their families to attend college. The girls strive to make their dancing a success against the backdrop of social unrest in their troubled city.
Executive Producer
Dying in Vein is a deeply personal exploration of opiate and heroin addiction through a cinéma vérité style that drops you directly into the lives of an addict in recovery, a couple trying to get clean, a family grieving the loss of their son and an Emergency Room Physician trying to save one patient at time.
Executive Producer
한때 행복한 가정을 가지고 있었지만, 지금은 남의 별장을 전전하는 한 사람. 모두들 그를 기행과 버럭거림을 빗대어 버스터(라미 말렉)라 부르기 시작한다. 오늘도 버스터는 어느 한 별장에 숨어 방송국에 그날이 다가오고 있음을 소리친다. 사람들은 반복되는 그의 말에 즐거워하면서도, 아무도 그의 외침에 귀를 기울이지 않는다. 그러면서 밝혀지는 그의 과거들. 버스터가 어떤 삶을 살았고, 그것이 지금의 버스터를 어떻게 한 것인지에 대해 비춰주기 시작한다. 결국엔 경찰의 손에 붙잡힐 위기에 놓인 버스터, 과연 그의 앞 날은 어떻게 될 것인가?
Executive Producer
One woman and her family trek the broken mental health system in an effort to save her brother as he descends into madness. Beginning as a testimony of his sanity, his iPhone video diary ultimately becomes an unfiltered look at the mind of an untreated schizophrenic.
Co-Executive Producer
The Last Animals is a story about an extraordinary group of people who go to incredible lengths to save the planet's last animals. The documentary follows the conservationists, scientists and activists battling poachers and transnational trafficking syndicates to protect elephants and rhinos from extinction. From Africa's front lines to behind the scenes of Asian markets, the film takes an intense look at the global response to this slaughter and the desperate measures to genetically rescue the Northern White rhinos who are on the edge of extinction.
Executive Producer
남편의 소홀한 태도를 견디지 못한 사라는 어린 딸과 단짝 친구, 민디와 함께 무작정 여행을 떠난다. 여행길에서 사라와 민디 사이의 긴장은 더해만 가고, 여러 상황들로 인해 결국 멀어지게 된다. 몇 년 후, 민디의 결혼식을 며칠 앞두고, 사라는 예전의 친밀했던 관계를 회복하고자 한다.
Executive Producer
온라인 신문 광고를 통해 아동 성매매의 노예가 된 미국 소녀들과 그 실화를 무겁게 담은 다큐멘터리.
Executive Producer
인생을 500 단어로 어떻게 집어 넣습니까? 뉴욕 타임즈의 사망 기사 작성자에게 물어보십시오. OBIT는 역사의 최전선에서 죽음 이후의 삶을 기록하기 때문에, Times 기사의 일일 의식, 기쁨 및 실존 적 불안에 대한 첫 번째 엿볼입니다.
Executive Producer
Director Francesco Carrozzini creates an intimate portrait of his mother, Franca Sozzani, the legendary editor-in-chief of Italian Vogue. From the ridiculous to the sublime, her astonishing but often controversial magazine covers have not only broken the rules but also set the high bar for fashion, art and commerce over the past 25 years. From the legendary “Black Issue" and the “Plastic Surgery issue" Sozzani remains deeply committed to exploring subject matter off limits to most in order to shake up the status quo and occasionally redefine the concept of beauty.
Associate Producer
세계 금융 시장을 좌지우지하는 최고의 경제 쇼 머니 몬스터 생방송 스튜디오에 On Air 불이 켜진 그 순간 총성과 함께 괴한이 난입해 진행자 리 게이츠를 상대로 폭탄 테러를 벌인다. 그의 요구는 단 하나, 하룻밤에 8억 달러를 날린 IBIS의 주가 폭락 진실을 밝혀내는 것! 월스트리트를 충격으로 몰아넣은 라이브 쇼가 시작된다!
Executive Producer
Two co-dependent sisters, a recovering sex addict and a lonely lesbian who work as hotel maids in Fresno, go to ludicrous lengths to cover up an accidental crime.
Executive Producer
윌과 그의 여자친구 키라는 윌의 전처, 이든과 그녀의 새 남편이 여는 수상한 파티에 초대받아 간다. 윌은 이든과의 결혼 생활 중 어린 아들이 비극적인 죽음을 맞은 쓰라린 과거를 갖고 있다. 머지않아 윌은 이든과 그녀의 새 남편이 사악한 의도로 파티를 계획했음을 눈치채는데...
Executive Producer
Filmmaker Amy Berg sheds light on the sexual, financial and spiritual abuses heaped upon members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by their former leader, Warren Jeffs.
Executive Producer
Longinotto's documentary is about Brenda Myers-Powell, who fights against sexual exploitation and supports prostitutes in Chicago. Brenda knows what she is talking about: her own story, involving teenage prostitution and a life of violence and abuse, is in stark contrast to her dauntless energy and optimism.
Executive Producer
미국의 여대생 5명 중 1명은 성폭력을 경험한다. 이 중 단 5%만이 성폭력 피해를 신고할 뿐이며, 가해자가 처벌된 경우는 극히 드물다. 영화는 미국 전역의 대학 캠퍼스에 퍼져있는 성폭력과 이를 은폐하려는 대학 사회의 충격적 현실을 고발한다. 가히 '문화'라 할 만한 대학 내 성폭력의 실태는 여지껏 이를 축소, 부인하여 학교의 '명예'를 지키려는 대학 당국에 의해 감춰져 왔다. 범죄 사실을 신고한 생존자들에게 돌아오는 것은 그들을 보호해야 할 학교 측의 불신과 묵인, 비난과 보복일 뿐이다. 그러나 그들은 주저앉지 않는다. 논란을 일으키고, 다른 생존자를 지지하는 움직임을 만든다. 새로운 전략으로 맞서 싸운다. (2015년 제9회 여성인권영화제)
A documentary that resurrects the buried history of the outrageous, often brilliant women who founded the modern women's movement from 1966 to 1971.
Executive Producer
미치(얼 린 넬슨)는 최근 별거를 한 절친 콜린(폴 엔훈)을 위해서 아이슬란드행 비행기 티켓 두 장을 끊게 된다. 친구와 함께 노년의 마지막 여행을 하기로 마음 먹은 것. 그리고 대형 자동차까지 빌린 그들은 아이슬란드의 이곳 저곳을 거칠게 여행하기 시작한다. 중간에 조카와 그녀의 친구의 합류. 그리고 떠들석한 나이트 클럽의 밤. 그리고 간헐천과 트래킹까지. 중간에 힘든 순간도 있었지만, 두 명의 노년 친구들은 이제 아이슬란드에서 펼쳐치는 멋진 우정 여행을 펼치려 한다.
Executive Producer
A fearless sea captain, Dr. Rebecca Gomperts, sails a ship through loopholes in international law, providing abortions on the high seas, and leaving in her wake a network of emboldened activists who trust women to handle abortion on their own terms.
Executive Producer
Five million Americans suffer from Alzheimer's disease and dementia—many of them alone in nursing homes. A man with a simple idea discovers that songs embedded deep in memory can ease pain and awaken these fading minds. Joy and life are resuscitated, and our cultural fears over aging are confronted.
Executive Producer
The Crash Reel tells the story of a sport and the risks that athletes face in reaching the pinnacle of their profession. This is Kevin Pearce’s story, a celebrated snowboarder who sustained a brain injury in a trick gone wrong and who now aims, against all the odds, to get back on the snow.
Executive Producer
섹스, 정치, 인종 문제를 배경으로 한 "아니타 힐"은 젊고 명석한 한 아프리칸 미국인 여성의 사건을 다루고 있다. 아니타 힐은 1991년에 사람들의 모든 관심이 쏠렸던 미국 상원 청문회 동안에 대법원장 후보자인 클레런스 토마스가 자신에게 원하지 않은 성적 접근을 했다고 밝혔으며 이는 권력을 두려워 하지 않는 진실된 행동이었다. 20년이 지난 오늘날에도 이 사건은 성희롱, 인종, 권력, 정치학에 대한 정치적 뇌관을 건드리면서 영향력을 미치고 있다. "아니타 힐"은 한 민간인이 ‘권력 앞에서 진실을 이야기하는’ 시민의 역할을 충실히 이행한 결과 어떤 일이 벌어졌는지를 드라마틱하게 그리고 있다.
Executive Producer
Eight Rwandan children leave their families behind to embark on a life-or-death journey seeking high-risk heart surgery in Sudan. Their hearts ravaged by a treatable disease from childhood strep throat, they have only months left to live. Open Heart reveals the intertwined endeavors of Dr. Emmanuel, Rwanda's lone government cardiologist fighting to save the lives of his young patients, and Dr. Gino, the Salam Center's head surgeon, who is fighting to save his hospital, Africa's only link to life-saving free cardiac surgery for the millions who need it.
Executive Producer
'또 다른 전쟁'은 미국이 가장 수치스러워하며 은폐하고자 하는 문제 중의 하나인 군대 내 성폭력 확산에 관한 획기적인 고발 다큐멘터리이다. 오늘날, 이라크와 아프가니스탄에 주둔하는 여군은 적의 총격에 의해 사망하기보다 동료 군인에 의해 강간당하기 더 쉽다. 몇몇 젊은 여성들의 강력한 실제 사례를 바탕으로 영화는 범죄의 구조적 은폐를 드러내는 한편, 삶을 회복하기 위한 그녀들의 투쟁과 정의를 향한 싸움을 추적한다. '또 다른 전쟁'은 고위 군사장교, 의원들과의 직설적인 인터뷰를 통해 군대 내 강간을 지속시키는 완벽한 조건들, 그 은폐의 역사를 폭로하면서 변화를 위해서 무엇이 선행되어야 하는지를 보여준다.
Executive Producer
2003년 8월, 이라크에서 유엔 인권 특사가 바그다드 폭탄 테러로 유명을 달리한다. 그의 이름은 세르지우 비에이라 지 멜루. 브라질 외교관으로 시작해 고결한 인도주의로 세상을 밝히기까지, 그의 아름다운 발자취를 따라가 본다.
Executive Producer
Teacher Wang works as a 'mistress dispeller' in China, hired to break up affairs by any means necessary. Through one of her cases, we explore the ways class, capital, and culture collide to shape romantic relationships in contemporary China.
Executive Producer
After experiencing flashbacks surrounding her years at a behavior modification school in rural Utah, a filmmaker seeks answers from those responsible for her mistreatment only to find that she already possesses the truth.
Executive Producer
A documentary film following the rise of Ebony and Jet and their growth into a brand with a readership base in the millions which has had an undeniable effect on American culture.