William A. Calihan Jr.
출생 : 1910-11-18, Rochester, New York, USA
사망 : 1992-04-04
Production Manager
선천적으로 면역력 없이 태어난 소년. 바깥 공기를 막아주는 플라스틱 버블만이 그의 안전한 둥지다. 하지만 이후 좋아하는 여자애가 생기면서 그의 세상인 버블은 걸림돌이 되고 만다.
영화는 원작 에서 들려주던 음악을 일부 그대로 사용하면서 소재까지 전편들의 테마와 거의 유사하다. 여인들만 남은 마을을 지키기 위해 멕시코 갱들과의 총격전을 이끌면서 세명만이 살아남는 결말까지 거의 답습하고 있다. 전편들과 차이라면 악을 응징하는 떠돌이 총잡이였던 크리스가 법집행관으로 변신하여 가정을 꾸리고 정착한 인물로 등장한다는 정도일 것이다. 하지만, 주인공 크리스 캐릭터 만큼은 완전히 다르다. 전편들에서 시가를 물고있던 크리스와 달리 파이프 담배를 물고 납치되어 살해된 아내의 복수까지 가미한 그 중심에는 리 반 클리프가 있다. 귀공자 같은 율 브린너(1편,2편)와 악당 같은 캐릭터를 주로 연기한 조지 케네디(3편)가 선한 인물로 등장하던 전편들과 달리 악인인지 선인인지 분간할 수 없는 이미지의 리 반 클리프는 자비와 연민, 동정을 찾아 볼 수 없는 총잡이역과 잘 어울린다고 하겠다. 기존의 일곱명과 완전히 다른 성격의 새로운 캐릭터의 일곱명이 등장하여 기존 시리즈에서 볼 수
없었던 복수까지 가미하여 대미를 장식하고 있음에도 뻔한 줄거리로 흐르면서 신선함은 떨어진다.
게다가 사회에서 버림받은 죄수들을 사면을 조건으로 꼬드겨 죽음이 도사리고 있는 멕시코 갱단과의 싸움에 나서는 이야기는 걸작 전쟁영화 의 죄수 특공대를 떠올리게 하는 식상한 면을 엿볼 수 있다. 캐나다에서 TV드라마를 연출하며 경력을 쌓은 조지 맥코원이 연출을 맡았다. 캐나다 출신인 그는
1967년 헐리우드로 이주하여 그대로 미국에 눌러앉아 역시 TV물을 주로 연출했다. 생전에 60여편의 작품을 연출했음에도 극장용 영화는 8편에 불과한 그의 네번째 장편영화 연출작이었다. 시리즈 네편의 영화음악을 모두 작곡한 명작곡가 엘머 번스타인이 영화음악을 담당했다.
Production Manager
장벽이 세워지기 직전의 서베를린. 코카콜라 지사장인 맥나마라는 사장의 딸 스칼렛을 돌볼 책임을 맡게 된다. 하지만 철없는 스칼렛은 동독의 공산주의자 오토와 비밀결혼을 한 상태다. 오토를 동독으로 쫓아 보내고 회심의 미소를 짓는 맥나마라는 스칼렛이 임신했다는 소식을 듣고 이번에는 그를 빼내오기 위해 고심한다. 게다가 사장 부부까지 베를린에 오겠다고 하자, 오토를 대자본가의 아들로 위장시키기 위해 온갖 수단을 동원하게 된다. 독일을 떠난 지 30년 가까이 됐던 와일더가 베를린 현지에서 촬영하여 동서 왕래가 자유롭던 당시 베를린의 모습을 생생하게 전한다. 정치와 사회에 대한 풍자의 극치를 보여주는 이 작품은 줄곧 카리스마 넘치는 악당으로 활약했던 제임스 캐그니의 마지막 출연작으로 그의 코믹 연기를 감상할 수 있다.
Production Manager
An unhappily married woman engages in an affair with her husband's law partner.
Assistant Director
World War II GIs adopt an Italian war orphan.
Assistant Director
In this western, a young man tries to walk the straight and narrow, but he is impeded by his past. The trouble begins when the young fellow flees his family's Texas dirt farm and becomes an outlaw. He is advised by one of the desperadoes to return home. The boy does, and with hard work, makes the farm successful. Harvest time rolls around. He is just about to celebrate when the outlaws ride up and force him to help them pull a local bank job. He refuses and kills the gang leader and his brother. Meanwhile, the boy's past is revealed to the town banker. Seeing that he truly has gone straight, the banker forgives him. The boy marries and lives with his lovely bride upon his land.
Production Manager
An assortment of American types come together in the Italian campaign of 1944.
World War II film set in German occupied Italy. A US fighter pilot is shot down in enemy territory during a raid against a German supply depot. He receives from Italian partisans in laying the groundwork for a new attack by his squadron.
Assistant Director
Sach discovers that he is heir to a farm in rural hillbilly country. He and the boys go to the farm to check it out, and find themselves mixed up with feuding hillbillies and a gang of bank robbers.
Assistant Director
Bomba the jungle boy swings into action when an elephant herd is threatened by ivory hunters.
Assistant Director
The boys get mixed up with a race horse & crooked gamblers
Producer's Assistant
The Bowery Boys join the Navy to catch some crooks who are posing as sailors.
Assistant Director
The Bowery Boys join the Navy to catch some crooks who are posing as sailors.
Assistant Director
Captain Hunt of the cavalry is trying to promote good relations with the Indian chief Acoma. But Hunt's superiors in the military insist on pursuing policies that will provoke a conflict, and Chief Acoma is not willing to let himself be insulted.
Assistant Director
Slip, Sach and the gang (Bowery Boys) think an air-raid test is for real and join the Army.
Assistant Director
The Bowery Boys (Bowery Boys) open a nightclub after Sach has his tonsils out and wakes up with a singing voice.
Assistant Director
A blacklisted reporter brings his shady ways to a small-town newspaper after being fired from a big city daily.
Assistant Director
When Sach eats too much sugar, he goes into a trance whereby he's able to predict the future. Slip tries to make some money off of Sach by using him as a fortune teller in a carnival, until a mad scientist kidnaps Sach to use him in an intelligence-switching experiment with a monster.
Assistant Director
Slip and the gang stray from newspaper work to detective work.
Assistant Director
Joe heads for South America to fight the Latin champ. Shipboard, he helps federal agents fight counterfeiters. He also spars with love interest Anne Howe.
Assistant Director
While working in a laundromat, the boys find a baby hidden among the linen. They soon find out that the baby, who is the heir to a fortune, has been abandoned by his mother so that her two evil aunts can't cheat her and the baby out of the inheritance. The boys determine to help the woman claim her baby's rightful inheritance from her aunts, who have hired gangsters to find and eliminate the girl, the baby and anyone who helps them.
Assistant Director
In order to learn the location of a fabled Aztec treasure, a professor kidnaps his colleague, the only man able to read the ancient Aztec script that is supposed to reveal the location of the treasure. Charlie Chan and his #1 and #2 sons journey to the jungles of Mexico to find the victim and bring the kidnapper and his gang to justice.
Production Manager
Slip and Sach are working as cleaners in a high rise building. They enter an office to clean it when a messenger hears them use Slip's given name, Terrance Mahoney. The messenger has a letter for "Terrance Mahonoey, Esq." and mistakenly delivers it to Slip. The letter informs Slip that he has inherited a mansion in Long Island. The boys then make their way to the mansion and find that it is inhabited by diamond smugglers. The real owner of the house shows up and helps save the day and defeat the smugglers and gives the boys the house as a reward.
Production Manager
Joe is scheduled for the big fight as usual. This one has more fight sequences than plot.
Production Manager
The murder of nightclub hostess leads an investigator (Kane Richmond) to seedy nightspots.
Assistant Director
A photographer is choked to death just outside of where a college dance is being held. The body is discovered by Lee Watson, but promptly disappears, as it is being whisked from one point to another on the campus by a night watchman, who is an ex-convict.
Assistant Director
Soon after a Chinese princess comes to the US to buy planes for her people, she is murdered by a poison dart fired by an air rifle.
Production Manager
Love and adventure on the Matterhorn mountain.
Production Manager
Sach just lost his job as an assistant to a private detective, but he wasn't paid. Slip goes with him down to the detective's office to demand payment, but finds the office empty. A woman enters the office and mistakes Slip for the detective and convinces him to take on a case to find her sister after offering a $50 retainer.
Production Manager
When a troupe of showgirls with their impresario and press agent vacation at a Malibu Beach resort, two of them are garroted. Charlie takes on the case assisted by Number Two Son Jimmy and faithful chauffeur Birmingham Brown.
Production Manager
A couple of gamblers pressure the local night club owner to rig things so the local college rowing crew will lose their upcoming race.
Production Manager
Sach is given a post-hypnotic suggestion that turns him into a championship prizefighter.
Assistant Director
A fatally shot female gangleader recounts her sordid life of crime to a police officer just before she dies.
Assistant Director
The life of Al Roberts, a pianist in a New York nightclub, turns into a nightmare when he decides to hitchhike to Los Angeles to visit his girlfriend.
Assistant Director
In this crime drama, a young woman leaves her unhappy life at home to become a sophisticated night club singer. Her first job is nearly fatal when she entangles herself with the mobsters who own the joint and learns too much about their operation. Her boss decides to kill her and make it look like suicide. An intrepid reporter disbelieves the report and exposes the truth to the public.
Assistant Director
A female hitchiker is taken in by a family after a horrible car accident. While she recovers, she begins to unravel a murder mystery involving the woman of the house.
Assistant Director
A feud between rival newspapermen Kruger (Bromberg) and McDonald (Guilfoyle) goes deadly when blackmailing McDonald ends up murdered and his corpse planted in the trunk of Kruger's car. Good guy Kruger attempts to hide McDonald's body, with the help of chauffeur Hogan (Jenks), to keep from being charged with murder. However, zany scenarios occur as the body just won't stay hidden, and keeps on popping up in multiple places where Kruger is located, leading to him hiding the body again and again while Kruger tries to find the real killer.
Assistant Director
Leo, a former convict, is living in seclusion on an island with his step-daughter, the daughter of his late wife. Leo was framed by a group of former business associates, and he also suspects that one of them killed his wife. He has invited the group to his island, tempting them by hinting about a hidden fortune, and he has installed a number of traps and secret passages in his home. He is aided in his efforts by a former cell-mate who holds a grudge against the same persons. When everyone arrives, the atmosphere of mutual suspicion and the thick fog that covers the island promise a tense and hazardous weekend for everyone.