Tom Braidwood

Tom Braidwood

출생 : 1948-09-27, British Columbia, Canada

프로필 사진

Tom Braidwood
Tom Braidwood

참여 작품

아마존 폴스
Amazon Falls tells the story of a faded B-movie actress JANA who refuses to let go of her dream of being a star. Famous for her roles in Amazon movies where she portrayed a variety of pre-Xena warrior-princesses, she desperately tries to keep her leg in the B-movie game, and pursues her career with a zealous fervor.
에일리언 트레스패스
Ed Sanders
우주에 대한 동경이 최고조에 달했던 1950년대의 B급 SF영화를 대놓고 모방한 작품. 영화 첫머리에 주연배우와 영화사 사장의 갈등으로 개봉을 못 했으나 이제야 공개된다는 식의 설정을 넣기도 했는데, 패러디와 오마쥬(?)적인 영화라고 할 수 있다.
Sam Penzer
This version of "El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote De La Mancha" brings the ancient tale to modern day but all the old familiar names are there. As in Cervantes's tale, Don Quixote is persistent in his belief in chivalry and honor. He clings to the old ways and is reluctant to give way to modern behaviors. He sees things in a different way, the smoke stack of a factory is a beast to be conquered, his bicycle is his trusty steed and the hapless man stranded by a transit strike who tries to help suddenly finds himself to be the sidekick to the deluded Quixote.
엑스 파일: 미래와의 전쟁
달라스의 한 빌딩에서 이상한 폭발 사고가 발생한다. FBI의 특수 요원 멀더(데이빗 듀코브니 분)와 스컬리(질리안 앤더슨 분)는 폭발 사고를 조사하던 중 이해 할 수 없는 여러 의문점과 함께 알 수 없는 어떤 거대한 세력이 폭발 사고에 연류되어 있다는 사실을 감지하게 된다. 한편 텍사스 평원에서 한 아이가 땅속 구덩이 속으로 떨어지는 사고가 발생하는데 사고 후 아이의 생사와 존재에 대해서는 일체 알려지지 않았고, 사고 지점은 외부 세력으로부터 일반인에게서 격리된 채 무언가 알 수 없는 연구가 진행된다. 그러나 두 사람의 육감적인 느낌은 사건의 실마리를 얻게 되고 집요한 추적 끝에 은밀한 곳에서 외계인의 실체와 그들에게 감염된 사람들을 치료하기 위해 백신을 연구하는 시설을 발견하게 된다. 보이지 않는 세력에게 쫓기면서도 서로에게 의지하며 사건을 파헤치던 멀더와 스컬리는 점점 파트너 이상의 감정을 느끼게 되는데, 이때 거대한 벌떼의 습격으로 정신을 잃게된 스컬리는 정체 모를 집단에게 납치당한다. 이제부터 멀더는 스컬리의 생명을 구하고 정부의 감추어진 음모를 밝혀내야 하는 상황 속에서 멀더는 더 큰 음모와 위험한 모험 속으로 빠져들고 있음을 느낀다.
My American Cousin
My American Cousin is a Canadian drama film, released in 1985. Written and directed by Sandy Wilson based on her own childhood, the film stars Margaret Langrick as Sandy Wilcox, a pre-teen girl growing up on a ranch in rural Penticton, British Columbia in the late 1950s. Sandy's longing to be treated as an adult is roused even further when her older American cousin Butch Walker (John Wildman) comes for a visit. The cast also includes Richard Donat, Jane Mortifee, Babz Chula and Camille Henderson.
Harry Tracy, Desperado
Aspen Storekeeper
By the turn of the 20th century, Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid, Billy the Kid and virtually all of the West's legendary outlaws are either dead or in jail pending execution. Well, all, except train robber and escape artist extraordinaire, Harry Tracy. As the last survivor of the Wild Bunch, Tracy pulls off a series of profitable robberies before making his way west to Portland, Oregon, in search of Catherine Tuttle -- a judge's daughter who has captured his heart. But on the way, Tracy is betrayed, arrested, and imprisoned. However, no jail can hold him for long and after making his escape, Tracy becomes the target of the largest manhunt in the history of North America.
Limited Engagement
Limited Engagement (1976) sums up Braidwood's concerns for "media conditioning" and both artist's and public's responsibility for the discourse of images. This film situates the viewer as respondent in its presentation of coded (connotative) media language construction and deconstruction. Limited Engagement utilizes a "psycho-sexual" narrative that revolves around two shots which are (as in Backbone) looped and played off a manipulated sound track. Braidwood's primary concern is to generate a violent and provoking film text that contrasts "the giving of life" with "the taking of life."
Backbone is an essay on structures and metaphors of war, mechanization, dehumanization. It reveals not a paralysis of "guilt" but a reaction (against horror) that asserts itself through command of language. The premise that Braidwood employs is related to the leftist strategy "which asserts that what people believe, and thus the way they will behave, can be changed by the very form of the way in which they are represented," a formalism expressed in the Soviet publication of the twenties, Novy Lef Lef.