스페인 바스크 지역의 오바바라는 마을에 사는 다비드는 아코디언 연주가인 아버지로부터 아코디언을 배우며 친구 루비스와 즐거운 나날을 보낸다. 하지만 그런 다비드에게 시련이 닥치는데, 프랑코 독재정권에 충성했던 아버지의 과거와 친구인 루비스 집안과의 악연을 알게 되고, 또 다른 친구 호세바와 어울리며 바스크 족 분리주의 조직에 협력하게 된다. 세월이 지나 중병에 걸린 다비드는 과거를 회상하는 책을 쓰게 되고, 그를 찾은 친구 호세바는 자신이 보관해오던 다비드의 아버지가 물려준 아코디언을 돌려주며 젊은 시절의 비밀을 털어놓는다. ‘아버지의 부끄러운 과거’를 상징하는 아코디언을 통해 바스크 사람들의 비극적인 삶을 그린 감동적인 작품이다.
A film crew travels to the Valley of Baztan to make a film about certain events that occurred in the seventeenth century is the history of discrimination suffered by so-called "agotes", people who were forced to live apart from the rest almost to our days.
Axun, a 70 year old woman, is called from the hospital to take care of her daughter's ex-husband, who was seriously injured in a car accident. To her surprise, the woman who takes care of the other patient in the same hospital room turns out to be Maite, her best friend when teenagers. They have not seen each other for more than 50 years. The hospital visits will show that the close relationship they had when teenagers is still alive. Their relationship was very special fifty years ago but nowadays the same feelings flourish. Where is the thin line that separates friendship from desire?
At the end of the Spanish Civil War, the members of a group of vaudeville performers have been stripped of everything: all they have left is hunger and the instinct to survive. Day after day, agonizingly, lost and helpless between the victors and the vanquished, the musician Jorge, the ventriloquist Enrique, the couplet singer Rocío and the orphan Miguel search tirelessly for something to eat and a safe place to live.
Irene, a former member of the terrorist gang ETA recently released from prison in Catalonia, recalls her past during her return trip to the Basque Country.
Basque Country, Spain, 1980s. In Bilbao, a gray city dominated by political corruption and nationalist terrorism, Charli works as a chauffeur for Oliveira, a businessman engaged in shady deals. Alarmed by a series of threats and attacks, Oliveira decides to entrust Charli with the protection of his daughter Marta.