Rafael Ferro
출생 : 1965-12-06, Palermo, Burnos Aires, Argentina
Navigating the triple border that separates fiction, documentary and essay, in Dueto, writer and filmmaker Edgardo Cozarinsky and actor Rafael Ferro expose, in a confessional manner, the bond they have shared for many years, not only recalling but also retelling a handful of common stories. Some of them have to do with the origin of their relationship, others with its extremes, from the most tense to the most playful. However, all of them converge in a common denominator that keeps them together despite everything. Dueto is the story of two men who, without any shame, allow their friendship to affirm, with conviction, its real name—love. One that is sometimes tender and light, other times possessive and rough, but always ready for a generous indulgence that doesn’t need that of the flesh. The two of them turn Dueto into an oath made of film, in order to honor the pact of that powerful shared feeling.
Navigating the triple border that separates fiction, documentary and essay, in Dueto, writer and filmmaker Edgardo Cozarinsky and actor Rafael Ferro expose, in a confessional manner, the bond they have shared for many years, not only recalling but also retelling a handful of common stories. Some of them have to do with the origin of their relationship, others with its extremes, from the most tense to the most playful. However, all of them converge in a common denominator that keeps them together despite everything. Dueto is the story of two men who, without any shame, allow their friendship to affirm, with conviction, its real name—love. One that is sometimes tender and light, other times possessive and rough, but always ready for a generous indulgence that doesn’t need that of the flesh. The two of them turn Dueto into an oath made of film, in order to honor the pact of that powerful shared feeling.
Navigating the triple border that separates fiction, documentary and essay, in Dueto, writer and filmmaker Edgardo Cozarinsky and actor Rafael Ferro expose, in a confessional manner, the bond they have shared for many years, not only recalling but also retelling a handful of common stories. Some of them have to do with the origin of their relationship, others with its extremes, from the most tense to the most playful. However, all of them converge in a common denominator that keeps them together despite everything. Dueto is the story of two men who, without any shame, allow their friendship to affirm, with conviction, its real name—love. One that is sometimes tender and light, other times possessive and rough, but always ready for a generous indulgence that doesn’t need that of the flesh. The two of them turn Dueto into an oath made of film, in order to honor the pact of that powerful shared feeling.
Franco Giordano
This is not exactly a biopic about the famous comedian, champion of prank calls; is a film about Jorge, a clumsy and shy office worker who stutters when speaking in public and doesn't know how to approach the girl he likes. But Jorge is also, as those who know him well know, a faithful and very funny friend. And when one day, by chance, he ends up being the subject of a hypnosis session, he discovers that he has a new ability: to pick up the phone and become the irreverent Doctor Tangalanga to make those who need him laugh.
Iván is an unknown 24-year-old musician who receives the news that his flight from Rome has been cancelled. Once at the hotel, he discovers that an Argentine movie star twenty years older than him is in the same situation. Everything seems like a dream for Iván when she opens the door to an affair, but the tension grows when the actress's husband and daughter arrive.
제자인 조안과 비밀 연애를 즐기던 루시아나는 잘못된 관계를 정리하고자 학교를 떠나려 한다. 하지만 그녀를 따라나선 조안과 함께 인적 드문 시골로 내려간 둘은 행복한 시간에 푹 빠져들고, 누구에게도 방해 받지 않던 둘만의 그곳에 의문의 남자가 찾아오면서 평범하지 않던 사랑도 결국 파국으로 치닫게 되는데....
Fiscal Roger
Police officer Pipa works on her first big case while simultaneously investigating her boss, who is suspected of murder. The prequel to "Perdida".
Alberto de la Torre "Beto"
페르난도는 부에노스 아이레스 북쪽 부촌 아카수소의 은행을 털기로 작정한다. 왕년의 절도범 루이스는 페르난도의 계획에 시큰둥하지만 그의 치밀한 계획에 사로잡혀 인생을 건 마지막 은행강도에 동참한다. 다섯명의 무장강도단은 은행을 습격하고, 곧 경찰 특수부대와 인질협상가가 뛰어들지만 진압은 쉽지가 않다. 그리고 마침내 경찰이 은행에 진입한 순간, 그들을 기다리고 있던 것은 또 다른 반전이었다.
Nico is a famous actor in Argentina, but in New York, nobody takes notice. He needs to juggle bartending, babysitting and odd jobs to keep himself afloat. But when old friends from Buenos Aires come to visit, he needs to juggle the image of his old life with the reality of the struggling actor in New York City.
외진 도로에서 납치된 딸을 구하기 위해 트럭과 추격전을 벌이는 젊은 여성. 어느새 악마의 손아귀에서 목숨이 왔다 갔다 하는 운명이 되어 버렸다.
A legend of Argentine rock travels to Iquitos to find an old Healer and participate in his Ayahuasca ceremony. You will have to go through the jungle and your own ghosts, on your way to healing.
Palacios (segment "Gritos")
예측불허의 끔찍한 재난, 학교를 둘러싼 기이한 괴담, 복수극, 살육, 스너프 필름에 이르는 다섯 가지의 도시 괴담이 현실로 벌어지고 아르헨티나의 수도인 부에노스아이레스는 살아있는 지옥이 된다. 한 정치인은 15명의 시민이 죽는 도시 비극의 책임에 대해서 공분을 사게 되고, 사람들은 각자의 내면에 잠들어 있던 악마성을 하나 둘 씩 꺼내어 보이게 되는데...
A couple married for 25 years decides to split. Adapting to the new life will be very difficult.
José, a Bolivian retired general, is lying on his deathbed after a heart attack. Tormented by memories of his involvement in Operation Condor and invaded by deep remorse, he decides to tell his only son his biggest secrets in search of redemption.
Ana and Álvaro have been trying to become parents for years and that circumstance has broken the relationship and worn down the bond. Ana then begins to travel on the edge of anguish and Álvaro decides to use a resource that he had not imagined before: traveling to the North of Argentina and adopting a child, beyond the law.
Argentinian, 65 years old, single. Marcos makes arranges with the police, with inspectors and works for a textile businessman linked to major brands. His clandestine workshop works perfectly until he hire two illegal immigrants recently arrived from Bolivia.
Forty-nine days after George’s death his wife, Alicia, calls friends who wanted to read over the letter that he left before he died. It is a very affectionate and moving letter, which addresses each of those present, knowing that his death is near. Little do they know that they are part of a ritual prepared by Alicia, with the connivance of Santiago, the closest friend of George, to bring him back to life – and that ritual, full of ghostly apparitions, traumatic and terrifying, will be gaining further life from each of the guests. The surprising twists in the plot will lead up to the most unexpected of endings.
Rosario is a paid assassin who kills men who mistreat or abuse women. When the police capture her, it's the end of the myth. But Maria, a hysteric invalid, saves Rosario in exchange for a different job.
산타 페 1105번지4층, H호
외부와의 접촉을 최소화한 채 컴퓨터로 모든 생활을 해결하는 웹 디자이너 마틴.
오늘도 그의 곁을 지키는 건 7년 전 헤어진 여자친구의 강아지 수수 뿐이다.
마틴에게 온라인 채팅은 일상처럼 익숙하지만, 낯선 이와의 데이트는 어색하고 불편하기만 하다. 산타 페 1183번지8층, G호
도시의 쇼윈도를 디자인하는 디스플레이어 마리아나.
힘겨웠던 4년 간의 연애를 끝내고 집에 돌아왔지만 그녀를 반기는 건 묵묵부답의 마네킹 뿐이다.
이별 후의 밤이 유독 힘겨운 마리아나는 오늘도 이 도시 어딘가에 있을 운명의 상대를 상상한다. 갑작스런 정전으로 모든 게 멈춰버린 밤, 집 밖으로 나선 마틴과 마리아나.
가까이 있으면서도 서로의 존재를 모르던 그들은 과연 사랑을 이룰 수 있을까?
During a stopover in Buenos Aires on her way to Chile, 31-year-old Maria recognizes a nursery rhyme. Maria doesn't speak a work of Spanish, but without understanding what she is singing, she remembers the Spanish lyrics. Disturbed and thrown off course, she decides to interrupt her journey and wander through the unfamiliar city.
Ezequiel is a film music composer that can't find the inspiration he needs to compose a new score and Paula is a pregnant woman recently abandoned by her boyfriend whose mother has just came from Spain to meet her husband. Together they will try to solve their problems.
Der Erfinder
가상의 현재. 무정한 도시는 교활한 미스터TV의 저주에 빠져있다. 그는 대중의 목소리를 훔치고 그들의 생활을 낱낱이 감시한다. 한편 그는 텔레비전을 이용, 사람들의 마음을 통제할 수 있는 기계를 개발 중에 있다. 이 계획을 성공시키기 위해 미스터TV는 아직 ‘목소리’를 가진 마지막 사람을 납치해야만 한다. 독일 표현주의 무성영화에 영감을 받은 는 실험성이 돋보이는 작품으로 고전 무성영화 감상의 즐거움을 상기시키는 작품이다. 사진작가 출신으로 평소 이미지를 통한 의사소통에 관심을 가지고 있던 감독은 영화에서 대사를 효과적으로 제거, 우리를 영상에 집중하게 만든다.
Dramatizing of the many shocking highs and lows of Argentine soccer hero Diego Maradona, an extraordinary athlete and arguably the greatest player in the history of the sport.
Thirty four year old Goyo, a former open water swimming champion, has been hiding out in the desert. Wrongly accused of doping in the Santa Fe-Coronda Marathon, a 57 kilometer river swim, he has abandoned his career and his dreams. Eight years later, Goyo returns to Santa Fe where the marathon will be held again to try to re-gain his title and clear his name. However, long buried emotions come back to haunt him. He meets Chino, a stubborn and disciplined pool swimmer, who tries hard to be selected for the national team, but fails. Identifying with Chino, Goyo asks him to be his guide on the boat that follows him during the marathon.
A long night's journey into day: Victor, a street hustler in the Santa Fe and Pueyrredón neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, from the evening of November 1, All Saints Day, to the dawn of November 2, All Souls Day. Victor's odyssey takes him from clients to friends to a gay gym then a hotel room and an all-night café. He plays pick-up soccer with kids whose parents are going through trash or waiting in parks. A vendor gives him a chrysanthemum. It seems he's being followed, and on the night streets, death is close at hand. Can Victor survive until dawn?
While the whole world gets shocked by news on life on Mars, a group of friends lives imprisoned in a mechanical choreography, a farce that can hardly be considered as life.
A Bolivian immigrant working illegally as a cook in a small restaurant in Buenos Aires suffers abuse and discrimination from its customers.
Julio Iglesias, internationally famous spanish singer, ends his Europe-wide tour in Paris. Before setting off to perform in America, decides to take a brief holiday in the quiet and peaceful Contadora Island in Panama. There, he meets Claudia, a german archaeology tour guide, for whom he'll start falling for, possibly jeopardizing the whole future of his concert tours.