Rafael Ferro

Rafael Ferro

Nascimento : 1965-12-06, Palermo, Burnos Aires, Argentina


Rafael Ferro é um ator argentino.


Rafael Ferro


Navigating the triple border that separates fiction, documentary and essay, in Dueto, writer and filmmaker Edgardo Cozarinsky and actor Rafael Ferro expose, in a confessional manner, the bond they have shared for many years, not only recalling but also retelling a handful of common stories. Some of them have to do with the origin of their relationship, others with its extremes, from the most tense to the most playful. However, all of them converge in a common denominator that keeps them together despite everything. Dueto is the story of two men who, without any shame, allow their friendship to affirm, with conviction, its real name—love. One that is sometimes tender and light, other times possessive and rough, but always ready for a generous indulgence that doesn’t need that of the flesh. The two of them turn Dueto into an oath made of film, in order to honor the pact of that powerful shared feeling.
Navigating the triple border that separates fiction, documentary and essay, in Dueto, writer and filmmaker Edgardo Cozarinsky and actor Rafael Ferro expose, in a confessional manner, the bond they have shared for many years, not only recalling but also retelling a handful of common stories. Some of them have to do with the origin of their relationship, others with its extremes, from the most tense to the most playful. However, all of them converge in a common denominator that keeps them together despite everything. Dueto is the story of two men who, without any shame, allow their friendship to affirm, with conviction, its real name—love. One that is sometimes tender and light, other times possessive and rough, but always ready for a generous indulgence that doesn’t need that of the flesh. The two of them turn Dueto into an oath made of film, in order to honor the pact of that powerful shared feeling.
Navigating the triple border that separates fiction, documentary and essay, in Dueto, writer and filmmaker Edgardo Cozarinsky and actor Rafael Ferro expose, in a confessional manner, the bond they have shared for many years, not only recalling but also retelling a handful of common stories. Some of them have to do with the origin of their relationship, others with its extremes, from the most tense to the most playful. However, all of them converge in a common denominator that keeps them together despite everything. Dueto is the story of two men who, without any shame, allow their friendship to affirm, with conviction, its real name—love. One that is sometimes tender and light, other times possessive and rough, but always ready for a generous indulgence that doesn’t need that of the flesh. The two of them turn Dueto into an oath made of film, in order to honor the pact of that powerful shared feeling.
El método Tangalanga
Franco Giordano
This is not exactly a biopic about the famous comedian, champion of prank calls; is a film about Jorge, a clumsy and shy office worker who stutters when speaking in public and doesn't know how to approach the girl he likes. But Jorge is also, as those who know him well know, a faithful and very funny friend. And when one day, by chance, he ends up being the subject of a hypnosis session, he discovers that he has a new ability: to pick up the phone and become the irreverent Doctor Tangalanga to make those who need him laugh.
Vuelta al perro
Noche americana
Uma série de desventuras une Iván, um jovem músico uruguaio de 24 anos, e uma celebridade 20 anos mais velha que ele. Circunstâncias inesperadas fazem que ambos entrem em um relacionamento através de uma série de eventos que acontecem em um hotel.
Amor bandido
Joan, um jovem de 16 anos, foge com sua professora, uma mulher de 36 anos por quem ele está profundamente apaixonado. No entanto, Joan não sabe que caiu em uma armadilha onde se misturam sexo, dinheiro, política e violência.
Fiscal Roger
Uma policial novata e um detetive investigam o assassinato de uma jovem. A melhor amiga da vítima é a principal suspeita.
O Roubo do Século
Alberto de la Torre "Beto"
Em 2006, um grupo de ladrões realizou o que é considerado um dos assaltos a bancos mais famosos e inteligentes da história da Argentina quando assaltaram a agência do Banco Río em Acassuso.
Ninguém Está Olhando
Nico é um ator argentino de relativo sucesso que foi tentar a sua sorte em Nova York, mas que é “loiro demais para fazer papel de latino, e tem sotaque forte demais para um papel de gringo”. Ele sobrevive com trabalhos ocasionais e é babá do bebê da sua amiga Andrea. Sua vida não é o postal sacrificado do imigrante ilegal, mas vamos descobrindo que ele tem muito pouco – material, social e emocionalmente – e que precisa “atuar” para sustentar esse pouco que tem. Sua relação com o bebê parece ser o único elo autêntico em sua vida, sua âncora afetiva. Quando um velho amor vem visitá-lo, a sua vida de simulação se desmorona e ele é obrigado a encarar os verdadeiros motivos da sua fuga.
White Coffin
Virginia will do the impossible in order to rescue her little daughter who has been abducted. After a terrible accident, she has the chance to live one day more to save her. On her path, she will find out that there are worst thing than death.
Toxic Jungle
A legend of Argentine rock travels to Iquitos to find an old Healer and participate in his Ayahuasca ceremony. You will have to go through the jungle and your own ghosts, on your way to healing.
Terror 5
Palacios (segment "Gritos")
During a terrifying night in Buenos Aires, five urban legends unfold in the most surprising way possible. While a politician is accused of being responsible for an urban tragedy in which fifteen people died, in Buenos Aires various stories based on urban legends intersect.
La vida después
A couple married for 25 years decides to split. Adapting to the new life will be very difficult.
José, a Bolivian retired general, is lying on his deathbed after a heart attack. Tormented by memories of his involvement in Operation Condor and invaded by deep remorse, he decides to tell his only son his biggest secrets in search of redemption.
The Wanted Son
Ana and Álvaro have been trying to become parents for years and that circumstance has broken the relationship and worn down the bond. Ana then begins to travel on the edge of anguish and Álvaro decides to use a resource that he had not imagined before: traveling to the North of Argentina and adopting a child, beyond the law.
Argentinian, 65 years old, single. Marcos makes arranges with the police, with inspectors and works for a textile businessman linked to major brands. His clandestine workshop works perfectly until he hire two illegal immigrants recently arrived from Bolivia.
Memory of the Dead
Forty-nine days after George’s death his wife, Alicia, calls friends who wanted to read over the letter that he left before he died. It is a very affectionate and moving letter, which addresses each of those present, knowing that his death is near. Little do they know that they are part of a ritual prepared by Alicia, with the connivance of Santiago, the closest friend of George, to bring him back to life – and that ritual, full of ghostly apparitions, traumatic and terrifying, will be gaining further life from each of the guests. The surprising twists in the plot will lead up to the most unexpected of endings.
Evil Woman
Rosario is a paid assassin who kills men who mistreat or abuse women. When the police capture her, it's the end of the myth. But Maria, a hysteric invalid, saves Rosario in exchange for a different job.
Medianeras: Buenos Aires da Era do Amor Virtual
Martin e Mariana vivem na mesma rua, em edifícios opostos, mas eles nunca se conheceram. Eles andam pelos mesmos lugares mas nunca notaram um ao outro. Quais são as chances deles se conhecerem em uma cidade de três milhões de habitantes? O que os separa, irá uni-los.
O Dia Em Que Eu Não Nasci
Durante uma passagem por Buenos Aires, Maria reconhece uma canção de ninar e estranhamente se sente familiarizada com a cidade, ao comentar sobre esse sentimento com seu pai ela fará uma descoberta que mudará sua história.
Music on Hold
Ezequiel is a film music composer that can't find the inspiration he needs to compose a new score and Paula is a pregnant woman recently abandoned by her boyfriend whose mother has just came from Spain to meet her husband. Together they will try to solve their problems.
A Antena
Der Erfinder
Uma metrópole dos anos trinta vive sobre o domínio do terrível Sr. TV. Na cidade, todos se comunicam apenas por palavras, exceto uma famosa cantora conhecida como "A Voz", a única pessoa que ainda pode falar. O vilão, porem, pretende agora usar a cantora para roubar as palavras das pessoas, para usá-las como matéria prima de seus produtos que vende por toda a cidade.
Maradona, the Hand of God
Dramatizing of the many shocking highs and lows of Argentine soccer hero Diego Maradona, an extraordinary athlete and arguably the greatest player in the history of the sport.
Thirty four year old Goyo, a former open water swimming champion, has been hiding out in the desert. Wrongly accused of doping in the Santa Fe-Coronda Marathon, a 57 kilometer river swim, he has abandoned his career and his dreams. Eight years later, Goyo returns to Santa Fe where the marathon will be held again to try to re-gain his title and clear his name. However, long buried emotions come back to haunt him. He meets Chino, a stubborn and disciplined pool swimmer, who tries hard to be selected for the national team, but fails. Identifying with Chino, Goyo asks him to be his guide on the boat that follows him during the marathon.
Ronda Noturna
A jornada de um longa noite de em dia: Victor, um traficante de rua nos bairros de Santa Fe e Pueyrredón de Buenos Aires, a partir da noite de 01 de novembro, Dia de Todos os Santos, na madrugada de 2 de Novembro, Dia de Finados. Odisséia de Victor leva-lo a partir de clientes a amigos para um ginásio gay então um quarto de hotel e um café durante toda a noite. Ele joga futebol pick-up com as crianças cujos pais estão passando por lixo ou esperando em parques. Um vendedor lhe dá um crisântemo. Parece que ele está sendo seguido, e nas ruas da noite, a morte é fechar a mão. Pode Victor sobreviver até o amanhecer?
Life on Mars
Haveria vida em Marte, relatam os jornais e as notícias. O furo chega à cidade.
A Bolivian immigrant working illegally as a cook in a small restaurant in Buenos Aires suffers abuse and discrimination from its customers.
Me olvidé de vivir
Julio Iglesias, internationally famous spanish singer, ends his Europe-wide tour in Paris. Before setting off to perform in America, decides to take a brief holiday in the quiet and peaceful Contadora Island in Panama. There, he meets Claudia, a german archaeology tour guide, for whom he'll start falling for, possibly jeopardizing the whole future of his concert tours.
El gran fabulador