Nisan Takahashi

출생 : 1926-02-03, Gunma Prefecture, Japan

사망 : 2015-05-05

참여 작품

가메라 - 우주 괴수 가메라
거대한 외계인 우주선이 악을 행하기 위해 지구로 향할 때, 세 명의 선량하고 강력한 슈퍼우먼들은 가메라와 특별한 관계가 있는 어린 소년과 친구가 된다. 외계인 자논은 외계인 침략자를 물리치기 위해 궁극적인 희생을 해야 할지도 모르는 가메라를 상대로 발포한다.
Ganbare! Bokura no Hit and Run
Inaba Junior High School's baseball team has been defeated miserably since the senior members left. Because of their poor results, the players are suspended from games and are almost forced to break up. Ironically, however, this hardship makes them band tighter together and intensifies their desire to play. They practice hard in the hope of regaining the respect of the other students and teachers. Soon, their will-power leads them to unbelievable victories. This story portrays the boys' dreams and friendship through baseball.
The Awakening
Gamera vs. Zigra
A moon base is destroyed by a spaceship from Zigra which is looking to take over the planet earth to use its oceans for its ocean-dwelling denizens. Gamera must once again come to the aid of the human race while all of Japan roots him on.
Jû-nana-sai no seijin shiki
Erotic drama.
Live and Learn
Tetsuko (Eiko Yanami), a high school student, one day, forces Tsuneo, (Kei Wakakura), the brightest boy in her school, to make love to her after school is out and they are caught by the old school janitor. Tsuneo's mother, orders Tetsuko to pay for what she did to her son but Tetsuko blackmails her instead, saying that she is ready to inform a news company of what has happened to Tsuneo and receives one million yen hush money. Expelled from school, she comes to Tokyo, intending to take a round-the-world trip. But Sankichi (Yoshihiko Aoyama), a jack-of-all-trades, cheats her. So, she makes up her mind to catch him and get back her money.
The Little Hero
A five year old boy leaves his mother and grandparents to see his father who has gone to work in Osaka.
Gamera vs. Jiger
When a giant stone statue on Wester Island is disturbed, the legendary monster Jiger appears and heads for Japan. Gamera tries to stop this new rival, only to be injured when Jiger lays eggs inside of him. As two boys in a submarine go on a dangerous quest inside of Gamera's body to save him, Jiger threatens the Expo '70 world's fair in Osaka.
Gamera vs. Guiron
Two young boys sneak aboard a spaceship and find themselves whisked away to the mysterious planet Terra. There, they encounter Gamera's old foe Gyaos and two female aliens with a taste for human brains. Gamera must save the children and battle the new monster Guiron, whose entire body is a deadly living weapon.
Green Sex
A film about two boys and two girls, and how they each come to sex, each in his or her own way.
가메라 4 - 가메라 대 우주괴물 비라스
날아다니는 거북이 가메라는 사악한 외계인의 마법에 걸리지만, 두 명의 아이들이 가메라를 풀어주고 가메라는 외계인의 괴물 비라스와 싸우기 위해 돌아온다.
가메라 3 - 가메라 대 가오스
후지화산대가 활발한 활동을 보이던 중, 드디어 후지산이 분화. 그 열에너지에 이끌려 가메라가 나타난다. 동시에, 깊은 잠에 빠져 있던 다른 한마리의 괴수도 출현한다. 그것은 날개로 하늘을 날고 초음파메스를 발산하는 식인괴수 갸오스였다. 산중에서 최초의 전투가 시작된다. 가메라는 초음파 메스에 고전하면서도 갸오스에게 붙잡힌 소년을 구출. 그러나 깊은 상처를 입은 가메라는 그대로 모습을 감춰버리고 만다. 자위대는 빛을 싫어하는 갸오스의 습성을 이용하여, 빛을 쬐어서 둥지에 묶어두는 작전을 시도하지만, 실패. 갸오스는 둥지를 뛰쳐나와서, 나고야 시내를 파괴한다. 그곳에 상처를 치료한 가메라가 출현. 가메라는 갸오스의 다리를 붙들고 일출 때의 햇빛을 받게 하려고 꾀하지만, 갸오스는 자기의 다리를 절단하고 둥지로 도망쳐버린다. 다음으로 제시된 것은 회전작전. 인공혈액으로 갸오스를 꾀어내서, 회전 라운지에 묶어두는 것이다. 그리고 라운지를 고속회전시켜서 정신없게 만든 다음에 햇빛으로 결정타를 가한다는 작전. 그러나 발전소의 오버로드 때문에 이 작전도 실패하고 만다. 마지막으로, 산불작전이 개시된다. 둥지 주변에 미사일을 발사하여 불꽃이 피어오르자, 갸오스는 황색의 소화액을 토해내어 불을 끄려 한다. 그러나 차례로 엄습해 오는 미사일. 바로 그곳에 가메라가 나타난다.
Gammera the Invincible
An atomic explosion awakens Gammera, a giant fire breathing turtle monster from his millions of years of hibernation.
Gamera vs. Barugon
Gamera escapes from his rocket enclosure and makes his way back to Earth as a giant opal from New Guinea is brought back to Japan. The opal is discovered to have been an egg that births a new monster called Barugon. The creature attacks the city of Osaka by emitting a destructive rainbow ray from his back, along with a freezing spray capable of incapacitating Gamera.
대괴수 가메라
1965년 개봉한 일본의 흑백 괴수 영화. 감독은 유아사 노리아키(湯浅憲明), 제작 및 배급은 다이에이(大映). 가메라 시리즈의 첫번째 작품이다.
Loss of innocence
A young journalist is writing an article on what happens to girls who are raped. He uncovers the story of a young girl who committed suicide when recognized by her former fiancee after she had become a prostitute. Other stories are interwoven, and the journalist finally comes to the conclusion, which he publishes, that "keeping your virginity until your wedding day will never be a source of regret for either men or women."
Hot Spring Policeman
Sarariiman monogatari Taiki bansai
Japanese comedy film.
Movie directed by Kunio Matoi
サラリーマン物語 敵は幾万ありとても
Japanese comedy film.
Sarari man donto bushi - Kiraku na kagyô to kita monda
The salaryman is the object of admiration in the world. Because there is no more carefree job than this, this cheerful song comedy is set to the hit melody of Ueki etc. [Selection of Actors and Directors].
The Wind-of-Youth Group Crosses the Mountain Pass
On summer vacation, university student Shintaro gets involved with a magic troupe as they travel from festival to festival.
Tōkyō dodonpa musume
Motomu Ida movie
Japanese comedy film.
Oyae no hatsukoi sensei
1959 Japanese movie
Kawaii Hana
The story of an adorable girl.
Gōdatsu sareta kenjū
1958 Japanese film
Nenneko Shain
A handsome and pure-hearted employee who thought he was single actually has a secret child. His girlfriend, a beautiful secretary, and the high-maintenance female manager suddenly panic, and the whole company is in an uproar.
An uproarious human-interest comedy about the love between a father and daughter of a good-natured sandwich man, set against the backdrop of the glamorous Ginza district!
The Motherless
Japanese drama film.
Ginza no Onna
At Shizumoto, a geisha shop not far from Ginza, a group of geisha are going about their day, putting up a modest resistance to the tragedies of life. The proprietress, Ikuyo, is a ridiculously good-natured woman who gives money to a poor but brilliant young man, Eisaku Yanoguchi, to attend college on the condition that he will take care of her in the future.