Raúl is an unemployed cattleman that lives in an isolated house on the fields. The landscape of pastures is being superimposed by huge soy plantations. Devastated by poverty, he joins a gang of other peasants that steals cattle during the darkness of the nights on the pastures.
Obsessed with questions about his past, a bankrupt, white Brazilian filmmaker undertakes an epic journey from Brazil to Mozambique and Portugal. This melancholic fable mixes animation, live-action, voice-overs, genres, and continents to explore Brazil's colonial past.
Obsessed with questions about his past, a bankrupt, white Brazilian filmmaker undertakes an epic journey from Brazil to Mozambique and Portugal. This melancholic fable mixes animation, live-action, voice-overs, genres, and continents to explore Brazil's colonial past.
브라질 무토지농촌노동자운동(MST)가들은 공장의 유휴지를 점거한다. 그곳에서 농민과 노동자들은 기업의 이익을 위해 화학비료로 길러진 사탕수수가 아닌, 직접 제작한 유기농 약품을 이용해 농작물을 재배한다. 이를 빈곤한 상황에 놓인 지역주민들에게 나눠주며 토지를 둘러싼 문제를 알린다. 이들은 석유와 곡식을 운반하는 철로를 막고, 토지소유자이자 기업식 농업 생산자인 의원 집 앞까지 찾아간다. 그리고 이들을 공격하는 자본과 공권력의 감시에 맞서기 위해 점거한 땅에 망루를 손수 짓는다. 비어있던 땅은 사람의 손을 타며 사람이 살 수 있는 곳으로 변해간다. (2020년 제24회 서울인권영화제) 브라질은 1%의 대지주들이 45% 이상의 토지를 소유하고 있다. 토지가 필요한 농민들은 브라질 전체 인구의 37%나 되지만 농민이 소유하고 있는 토지는 1% 미만이다. 이는 1965년 군정의 군사쿠데타 통치로 인해 생겨난 토지법 때문이었다. 토지법은 비어있는 땅에 ‘합법’의 이름으로 주인을 붙였다. 이미 그 땅에서 살고 있던 사람들은 쫓겨났고, ‘합법’적인 토지소유자들은 그곳에 대규모 농업을 벌이기 시작했다. 이 과정에서 토지가 ‘없는’ 농민들은 소작농의 형태로 농장에서 일당을 받으며 일하거나 파종, 추수와 같은 막대한 노동력이 필요할 때에만 일할 수 있었다. 농민들이 기업에 속해 생산한 농작물 대다수는 설탕의 원재료인 사탕수수다. 사탕수수 최다 수출국 브라질은 이름을 떨치지만, 기아와 빈곤으로 시달리는 농민과 노동자는 가려진다. 이러한 상황에서 MST(무토지농촌노동자운동)는 1984년부터 농지개혁을 위한 투쟁을 벌였다. 이에 정치인들은 농지개혁을 약속하지만 단 한 번도 제대로 이행하지 않는다. 오히려 정치인들이 지주이자 자본가인 가운데, 현 정권에서는 토지와 주거에 대한 시위를 테러로 규정한다. 국가와 공권력은 법의 이름으로 이들을 삶터 바깥으로 내모는 일에 더 집중했다. 노동자와 농민들에겐 단 몇 초 만에 광활한 밭에 약품을 뿌리는 기계, 투기 목적으로 땅을
브라질 무토지농촌노동자운동(MST)가들은 공장의 유휴지를 점거한다. 그곳에서 농민과 노동자들은 기업의 이익을 위해 화학비료로 길러진 사탕수수가 아닌, 직접 제작한 유기농 약품을 이용해 농작물을 재배한다. 이를 빈곤한 상황에 놓인 지역주민들에게 나눠주며 토지를 둘러싼 문제를 알린다. 이들은 석유와 곡식을 운반하는 철로를 막고, 토지소유자이자 기업식 농업 생산자인 의원 집 앞까지 찾아간다. 그리고 이들을 공격하는 자본과 공권력의 감시에 맞서기 위해 점거한 땅에 망루를 손수 짓는다. 비어있던 땅은 사람의 손을 타며 사람이 살 수 있는 곳으로 변해간다. (2020년 제24회 서울인권영화제) 브라질은 1%의 대지주들이 45% 이상의 토지를 소유하고 있다. 토지가 필요한 농민들은 브라질 전체 인구의 37%나 되지만 농민이 소유하고 있는 토지는 1% 미만이다. 이는 1965년 군정의 군사쿠데타 통치로 인해 생겨난 토지법 때문이었다. 토지법은 비어있는 땅에 ‘합법’의 이름으로 주인을 붙였다. 이미 그 땅에서 살고 있던 사람들은 쫓겨났고, ‘합법’적인 토지소유자들은 그곳에 대규모 농업을 벌이기 시작했다. 이 과정에서 토지가 ‘없는’ 농민들은 소작농의 형태로 농장에서 일당을 받으며 일하거나 파종, 추수와 같은 막대한 노동력이 필요할 때에만 일할 수 있었다. 농민들이 기업에 속해 생산한 농작물 대다수는 설탕의 원재료인 사탕수수다. 사탕수수 최다 수출국 브라질은 이름을 떨치지만, 기아와 빈곤으로 시달리는 농민과 노동자는 가려진다. 이러한 상황에서 MST(무토지농촌노동자운동)는 1984년부터 농지개혁을 위한 투쟁을 벌였다. 이에 정치인들은 농지개혁을 약속하지만 단 한 번도 제대로 이행하지 않는다. 오히려 정치인들이 지주이자 자본가인 가운데, 현 정권에서는 토지와 주거에 대한 시위를 테러로 규정한다. 국가와 공권력은 법의 이름으로 이들을 삶터 바깥으로 내모는 일에 더 집중했다. 노동자와 농민들에겐 단 몇 초 만에 광활한 밭에 약품을 뿌리는 기계, 투기 목적으로 땅을
A group of scientists digs on land within the Amazon in search of fertile black earth, used for agricultural purposes. As they approach the site of the Kawa Indians, they notice that the land acquires energetic and sensory powers.
Rio de Janeiro, 2016: the city simmers in anticipation of the Olympic Games. Lawyer Ana defends the interests of residents of homes to be replaced by stadiums, roads and luxury hotels. Is the heat affecting her perception or is the struggle becoming visible on her skin?
Rio de Janeiro, 2016: the city simmers in anticipation of the Olympic Games. Lawyer Ana defends the interests of residents of homes to be replaced by stadiums, roads and luxury hotels. Is the heat affecting her perception or is the struggle becoming visible on her skin?
Executive Producer
The border between Brazil and Paraguay: living on opposite sides of a big river, Brazilian boy Joca falls in love with indigenous-Paraguayan girl Basano. A magical tale of impossible love and adventure in this land full of memories of colonial wars and indigenous genocide.
The border between Brazil and Paraguay: living on opposite sides of a big river, Brazilian boy Joca falls in love with indigenous-Paraguayan girl Basano. A magical tale of impossible love and adventure in this land full of memories of colonial wars and indigenous genocide.
The trajectory of a romantic couple of contemporary artists reveals how the limits, contradictions and obsessions of a romantic relationship are reflected in each of their artistic endeavors.
In 2008, a corpse identified by the police with the birth certificate of the writer João Paulo Cuenca was found in an occupied building in Lapa. Inspired by this fact, the movie investigates the theft of the author´s identity in a ghostly Rio de Janeiro and in deep transformation. If in fiction and in crime sections of newspapers it’s common to read about people who steal the identity of someone dead to start a new life, what we have here is the opposite case: someone who steals the identity of a living man to die in his place.
'Olmo and the Seagull' is a poetic and existential dive into an actress's mind during the nine months of her pregnancy as she must confront her most fiery inner demons while trying to rewrite a new philosophy of life, identity and love. Underlying this hybrid film is mounting tension over what is real and what is enacted when one is performing one's own life.
Each citizen of Jotuomba plays an integral role in village life. Madalena is responsible for baking bread; each morning she stacks her rolls as Antonio prepares the coffee. The two share a morning ritual of arguments and insults, followed by an amicable cup of coffee on the bench outside Antonio's shop. At midday the church bells ring, summoning the villagers to mass. In the early evening, they all share a meal together. And so life proceeds in Jotuomba, the days languidly drifting into one another; the only variations seem to be in the weather. But, one day Rita arrives looking for a place to stay.
Bastu's grandchildren and friends help her pick up the strands of her life after her husband dies.
An experimental collective film lasting little more than an hour, compiled from 10 episodes by a total of 14 different young Brazilian filmmakers. The project was an initiative of the directing duo Felipe Bragança and Marina Meliande, who sent a ‘letter of concern’ to inspire the participants. In it, a 16-year-old girl wrote about her dreams, which have been translated by the directors into films about love, youth and the possibilities of cinema.
Conceptual Design
An experimental collective film lasting little more than an hour, compiled from 10 episodes by a total of 14 different young Brazilian filmmakers. The project was an initiative of the directing duo Felipe Bragança and Marina Meliande, who sent a ‘letter of concern’ to inspire the participants. In it, a 16-year-old girl wrote about her dreams, which have been translated by the directors into films about love, youth and the possibilities of cinema.
An experimental collective film lasting little more than an hour, compiled from 10 episodes by a total of 14 different young Brazilian filmmakers. The project was an initiative of the directing duo Felipe Bragança and Marina Meliande, who sent a ‘letter of concern’ to inspire the participants. In it, a 16-year-old girl wrote about her dreams, which have been translated by the directors into films about love, youth and the possibilities of cinema.
Joy is a fable about courage and youth. It tells the story of Luiza, 16 year old girl, who can not stand to hear about the end of the world… On a Christmas night, his cousin John is mysteriously shot in a street in the Lowlands and disappears into the night. Weeks later, while Luiza spends days alone in the apartment where he lives with his mother in Rio de Janeiro, a mysterious visitor comes knocking on your door: John, as a ghost, asking to hide there.
Sound Editor
Joy is a fable about courage and youth. It tells the story of Luiza, 16 year old girl, who can not stand to hear about the end of the world… On a Christmas night, his cousin John is mysteriously shot in a street in the Lowlands and disappears into the night. Weeks later, while Luiza spends days alone in the apartment where he lives with his mother in Rio de Janeiro, a mysterious visitor comes knocking on your door: John, as a ghost, asking to hide there.
Joy is a fable about courage and youth. It tells the story of Luiza, 16 year old girl, who can not stand to hear about the end of the world… On a Christmas night, his cousin John is mysteriously shot in a street in the Lowlands and disappears into the night. Weeks later, while Luiza spends days alone in the apartment where he lives with his mother in Rio de Janeiro, a mysterious visitor comes knocking on your door: John, as a ghost, asking to hide there.
Joy is a fable about courage and youth. It tells the story of Luiza, 16 year old girl, who can not stand to hear about the end of the world… On a Christmas night, his cousin John is mysteriously shot in a street in the Lowlands and disappears into the night. Weeks later, while Luiza spends days alone in the apartment where he lives with his mother in Rio de Janeiro, a mysterious visitor comes knocking on your door: John, as a ghost, asking to hide there.
The mother left Chile 26 years ago, her two children did not see her again. The children have grown up : the brother a film-maker, the daughter a librarian. They will try to fix, to give a body to the telephonic voice of their mother, to finish the spell of the family's phantom limb.
Sound mixer
Two girls star in this musical drama amazing road! A van, a beach, a reed, very homesick, girls in flower perched at gas stations… and a little music.
Sound Designer
Two girls star in this musical drama amazing road! A van, a beach, a reed, very homesick, girls in flower perched at gas stations… and a little music.
Two girls star in this musical drama amazing road! A van, a beach, a reed, very homesick, girls in flower perched at gas stations… and a little music.
Two girls star in this musical drama amazing road! A van, a beach, a reed, very homesick, girls in flower perched at gas stations… and a little music.
Two girls star in this musical drama amazing road! A van, a beach, a reed, very homesick, girls in flower perched at gas stations… and a little music.
They met in the summer, in the rain. A film of carnival and silence. His Name (The Clown) is a surface film – based on newspaper news and daily life in large Brazilian cities, but without any direct link to any real event. Violence, joy and silence are worked on in the film in order to build a space where characters are as real as they are intangible – in a narrative of short marked sequences, in which a whirlwind of events mixes with a stitching of fragments and gaps: He is a quiet man and divides his time between his violent work in downtown Rio de Janeiro and his boarding house in Catumbi. She is the girl who appears in his life, on a rainy afternoon – and soon things start to go by very quickly. A film of carnival and silence, of love and anger – of apathy and will. A chronicle of the conflicts and festivities of a city sewn between hills, forests and cement. A tribute to Rio, perhaps?
Sound Editor
They met in the summer, in the rain. A film of carnival and silence. His Name (The Clown) is a surface film – based on newspaper news and daily life in large Brazilian cities, but without any direct link to any real event. Violence, joy and silence are worked on in the film in order to build a space where characters are as real as they are intangible – in a narrative of short marked sequences, in which a whirlwind of events mixes with a stitching of fragments and gaps: He is a quiet man and divides his time between his violent work in downtown Rio de Janeiro and his boarding house in Catumbi. She is the girl who appears in his life, on a rainy afternoon – and soon things start to go by very quickly. A film of carnival and silence, of love and anger – of apathy and will. A chronicle of the conflicts and festivities of a city sewn between hills, forests and cement. A tribute to Rio, perhaps?
They met in the summer, in the rain. A film of carnival and silence. His Name (The Clown) is a surface film – based on newspaper news and daily life in large Brazilian cities, but without any direct link to any real event. Violence, joy and silence are worked on in the film in order to build a space where characters are as real as they are intangible – in a narrative of short marked sequences, in which a whirlwind of events mixes with a stitching of fragments and gaps: He is a quiet man and divides his time between his violent work in downtown Rio de Janeiro and his boarding house in Catumbi. She is the girl who appears in his life, on a rainy afternoon – and soon things start to go by very quickly. A film of carnival and silence, of love and anger – of apathy and will. A chronicle of the conflicts and festivities of a city sewn between hills, forests and cement. A tribute to Rio, perhaps?
Who was it that caught me inside a drop of water? Mario Quintana