Carel Trichardt

참여 작품

Posbus 1
Ben Botha
Old uncle Ben and his wife received hundreds of Christmas wishes from various hopeful children across the country. But they never opened the letters, as opening one meant opening all - Until now - 30 years later.
The story of Anna, a teacher who through an error in judgement loses everything that matters to her in life. In her heartache she finds a job at a farm school called Uitvlucht in the Eastern Cape. As she is confronted with the choices she made in her life she slowly starts experiencing healing and restoration and learns to forgive herself. She starts accepting her circumstances and the fact that someone will love her again. With the support of the teachers and Dok, a kind hearted and friendly farmer, who visits the school and make friends with Anna, she finds the courage to re-build herself and others around her. Besides her own drama, she must also suddenly deal with the alcohol abuse of school parents, molestation and ruthless people who have no respect for their own lives.
Regter Jacobs
During the Boer War in South Africa, upon hearing that the British are planning a scorched earth policy, a respected Boer officer, who's also a loving father and husband, decides to go home and protect his wife and family instead of participating further in the war. The decision leads to a treason trial for him and his sons.
The beginning of the end of the apartheid era in South Africa is seen through the perspectives of three female friends: Sophie, who is of English descent; Aninka, who is an Afrikaner; and Thoko, who is black.
Lucas Carlyle
방갈로 벽난로에 모여 앉은 팸, 척, 바비는 헬게이트에 관한 전설을 얘기한다. 30여년 전 아름다운 소녀 조시는 ​사과 쥬스를 주문하러 마을 식당에 갔다 폭주족들에게 납치당했는데 결국 죽고 말았다. 그녀의 아버지 루카스는 죽은 생명체를 되살리는 수정을 탄광 인부로부터 얻게 되고 이것으로 조시를 좀비로 부활시켜 외지인을 대상으로 복수를 한다.
Five Star: The Final
Prison Officer
Five star (hotel) is a sarcastic reference to the Pretoria prison which is central to the plot. An inmate Skollie (A nickname meaning delinquent) escapes from jail with one desire, to be united with his son again. Life outside is much different to what Skollie remembers. Still behind bars are inmates Pappa, Priester and Polka, who are doing everything to prevent Skollie from being reunited with his son, even if that means they have to kill. Skollie discovers that Pappa might be responsible for the death of his mother and he vows revenge.
Die Eensame Vlug
Prof. Michal Kellerman
Julie a student busy with her studies falls in love with her boyfriends uncle.He's gest jealus and starts to treat both in a commical and spitful manner.Julie and her new love starts to do free fall together.Her boyfriend is very angry and cuts his uncle's parachute but it turns out to be Julie's......
괴짜 형사
Captain Müller
정신질환을 겪는 해군 사병이 건물 옥상에 올라가 사람들을 향해 마구 총을 쏘아대는 위험한 상황이 벌어진다. 다행히 한 경찰관의 도움으로 사살 되기 일보 직전 제정신으로 돌아온다. 한편 형사 반장은 골치아픈 마피아단을 추적하여 소탕할 것을 경찰관에게 명령한다. 그는 마약 밀매 조직원들을 일일이 추적하여 검거하지만 경찰 조직의 헛점을 잘 아는 조직원들은 증거 불충분으로 풀려난다. 그러던 중 그는 혐의가 있어 보이는 항구에 정박한 배를 넘기려하나 혼자로서는 역부족임을 알고 방법으로 모색한다. 그러다가 우연히 그가 옛날에 도와주었던 해군 사병을 다시 만나게 되어 그와 그의 동료에게 도움을 청한다. 마침내 그는 골치 아픈 범죄자들을 모조리 체포하는 공을 세우는데...