In a research lab, a scientist's pet chimpanzee mixes up an invisibility formula. A young woman accidentally drinks the solution and becomes invisible.
In this send-up of the Humphrey Bogart detective films of the 1940s, a man idolizes Bogart so much that he has his features altered to look exactly like him and then opens up a detective agency under the name Sam Marlow.
위대한 산티니라는 닉네임을 달고 있는 해병대 중령 불 미첨은 2차 대전에서 큰 활약을 해 많은 사람에게 인정을 받은 영웅이다. 어느 날 불은 미국의 312대 비행대로 전입을 하게 되고 오랜만에 가족들과 상봉을 하게 된다. 그러나 오랜만에 찾아온 기쁨도 잠시 가족 전체를 자신이 근무해야 할 곳으로 함께 데리고 떠나야 하는 불은 가족들의 불만을 사게 된다. 한편 자신의 아들인 베니가 해병대 조종사가 되길 바라는 불은 매번 강요를 하지만 베니는 이에 수긍하지 않는다. 베니가 소속된 학교 농구팀의 경기가 있던 날 응원을 하러 온 불은 열심히 응원을 하지만 상대편 선수의 반칙으로 인해 제대로 된 경기가 되지 않는다. 베니는 반칙을 일삼는 선수를 저지하려다 상대방을 다치게 하는 실수를 저지르게 되고 이에 가책을 느껴 농구를 그만 둔다. 한편 베니는 자신의 집에서 가정부로 일하는 애라벨의 아들인 투머가 자신을 괴롭히던 불량배 레드를 혼내주고 보복을 당했다는 소식을 듣게 되는데...
When two boys are killed and two girls are blinded for life in a tragic accident, Buford Pusser, the town sheriff, is determined to get revenge. Though he must bend the law, Pusser is resolved to get the bootleg booze and dope king of the county who provided the poisoned moonshine that caused the accident. Based on a Real-Life Story (i.e. another version of Walking Tall (1973)).
A victim of circumstance, country and western musician Paul Ramsey finds himself on a Southern chain gang.
This is the story of Buford Pusser's final days; not only of his life, but also as Sheriff. It seems that times are changing, and the once adoring people of Pusser's town now fear him and feel like it's time to make a change. There are also some officials who feel the same way and are using every means to get rid of Pusser.
A gang of thieves plan a daring bank robbery, making their escape across the rooftops of Los Angeles. The police are quickly called in, however, and only one of the robbers, Murdock, makes a clean getaway. Unfortunately, in order to do so, he is forced to dump the stolen cash into a mailbox, which he then finds is locked until midnight, forcing him to wait until the mailman makes his late night pickup. As he waits, he discovers that his hiding place has been observed by several other people, all of whom want a share of the loot.
Post Production Supervisor
A gunfighter who survives his own hanging helps a young widow who is trying to keep a ruthless land baron from taking her ranch.
Post Production Supervisor
Terrifying wax figures of renowned personalities, such as Attila the Hun and Jack the Ripper, surround the sale of a London museum.
Post Production Supervisor
Ex-wrestler and Tennessee Sheriff Buford Pusser walks tall and carries a big stick as he tussles with county-wide corruption and moonshining thugs.
Gen. Mann's Aide (as Housely Stevenson Jr.)
1950년대 초엽의 미국. 거대한 운석이 미국의 한 숲에 떨어진다. 그러나 그 운석은 화성인이 쏘아올린 우주선이었던 것이다. 운석에서는 길다란 백조 목을 한 화성인들이 우주선에서 기어 나와 지구인들을 학살하기 시작한다. 지구인들은 그들이 가진 모든 방법들을 동원해 화성인을 퇴치하려 하지만 아무 소용이 없다. 심지어 그들이 마지막 무기로 내세운 핵 폭탄 마저도….
해결책은 과연 무엇일까?....
Although the son of a skilled golfer and an outstanding player in his own right, Harvey Miller is too nervous to play in front of a gallery, so he acts as coach and caddy for Joe Anthony, his girlfriend's brother.
'Greg' Gregson
Spies hold the son of a nuclear physicist (Gene Barry) hostage in exchange for the Los Alamos bomb formula.
Ken Grayson
Dr. Charles Greyson is a famous and wealthy former surgeon. His nephews have taken him to court to challenge his competency, due to his recent inexplicable gifts of large amounts of cash to the church, and, apparently, to some nefarious scam artists. The film is portrayed as a courtroom drama first painting "Dr. Charlie" as incompetent and easily swindled, then telling his side of events and putting them into context. In the courtroom, and by use of flashback, we hear of Dr. Charlies' move away from impersonal contribution on an institutional level, and preferring to express Christian stewardship directly to people who need it, and by helping spread the word of God by donating to Mission fronts who fight fear, anxiety and destitution around the world. We even find the scam artists having turned a new leaf, and creating new lives for themselves. Message being that all that we are we owe to God, and the profits gained from our God-given abilities require care and thought before sharing.