Bárbara Sarasola-Day

참여 작품

Marcelo, 50 years old, has dedicated his life to teaching philosophy at the Public University and suddenly his mentor and boss, Professor Caselli, dies. Disoriented in this new landscape, Marcelo assumes that he will inherit the position left vacant by his mentor. What he doesn't expect is that Rafael Sujarchuk, a charismatic and pedantic philosopher trained in the best European universities, also covets the position. Between his multiple jobs as a philosophy professor in the local slums, at the university and privately with an 80-year-old millionaire, he must also prepare to run for office against this strong opponent who seems to have everyone on his side. Marcelo's clumsy efforts don't seem to be enough to get the job, but is that really what he wants?
A Mother
Alejandro, the youngest of his recently deceased father's two sons, is brimming with anger, upset that his father and older brother have for so long committed his mother to a rural Colombian mental asylum. He's convinced that the place for his schizophrenic mother is at home with her loved ones, not in an institution. While on an unannounced visit, he kidnaps his mother to take her home with him once and for all – but Alejandro is soon overwhelmed by his mother's mental incapacities as they embark on a journey of love and commitment, of emotional and physical extremes.
Executive Producer
사라와 유모 자리사는 계급과 인종을 초월한 유사 모녀 관계에 있다. 어느 날 발생한 사고로 두 사람의 친밀감은 시험대에 오르고, 평생 함께할 것이라는 환상은 깨어진다.
Poison Dew
Sara discovers that agrochemicals sprayed by her neighbor for soy cultivation poisoned her daughter. The treatment compels them to travel to Buenos Aires. To get money for it, Sara devotes herself to drug trafficking. This becomes a threat to her freedom and the safety of her children.
1970년대 중반, 한 이방인이 조용한 시골 마을에 도착한다. 그는 레스토랑에 앉아 뚜렷한 이유도 없이 유명 변호사 클라우디오를 비방한다. 마을 사람들은 클라우디오를 옹호하며 이방인에게 모욕을 준 뒤 그를 쫓아내기에 이른다. 같은 날 늦은 저녁, 이방인은 끔찍한 복수를 결심하고 클라우디오와 그의 아내 수사나의 앞길을 가로막는다.
화이트 블러드
Martina and Manuel cross the border from Bolivia as «mules». Manuel dies with the cocaine capsules inside his body. Martina turns to her father, who she never met before, for help.
화이트 블러드
Martina and Manuel cross the border from Bolivia as «mules». Manuel dies with the cocaine capsules inside his body. Martina turns to her father, who she never met before, for help.
Two pensioners, a video camera and an indecent proposal.
Executive Producer
After a long period of absence, Rina returns to her island deep in the Tigre river Delta. There she spent a large part of her life and raised her son. Now she wants to recover her home and return there with Facundo, who also left the island. Both, mother and son, will learn that nothing is like it was. Machines on the river are about to destroy everything. A girl is lost in the forest. The water is rising.
Helena and Ernesto's marriage is in problems when Helena's cousin arrives to complete his rehab at his isolated mountain home. His arrival releases repressed emotions and desires and puts them in contact with each other.
Helena and Ernesto's marriage is in problems when Helena's cousin arrives to complete his rehab at his isolated mountain home. His arrival releases repressed emotions and desires and puts them in contact with each other.
Assistant Director
Set in the north of Argentina. Yolanda, a young girl of Wichi origin, tells in her native language (Wichi Lhämtes), the story of how, as a family maid in a "criollo" home, she has her hair unjustly cut: this is her most particular trait, her beauty. This event jeopardizes her cultural ties with the "criollo" world and defines her destiny.